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Messages - Sully

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Until we see a naked Eskimo from the 1800's. Aboriginal old photos are one of the closest things we have to visually look at.

But of course not the closest thing. And everyone is going to look a bit different. Different genetics etc.

Welcoming Committee / Re: insects anyone?
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:09:56 pm »
I saw a tribe eat honey comb on a video. They ate the comb with larvae and all.

Off Topic / Re: RENAMING accounts
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:07:45 pm »

Off Topic / Re: Deleting accounts
« on: November 02, 2010, 09:59:41 am »
Different strokes for different folks. I live my life in a way that I want and do not apologize for it or care to hide it.
I wouldn't want the job if they would discriminate against me for something that I do/am/support. :)
Same here

Off Topic / Re: Deleting accounts
« on: November 02, 2010, 08:01:27 am »
Most people here are seeking truth and better health.
Call it what you want, but this forum is truly amazing.

Off Topic / Re: Deleting accounts
« on: November 02, 2010, 07:31:21 am »
Eric...once you've can never....ever...leave...

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:45:56 am »
the plan for living in wild is real. i don't understand why it is impossible to live in jungle. here, u all can see in 60 acres  hawaii jungle how they are living. i'm planning to do this on 75+ acres... ;)

Wow, they are pretty complex with it. I like to squat when I poop. I lift up the lid, stand on the rim. Squat and poop.

Edit: That lady in the green dress must be lactating.... :0
Not looking at it sexually. But her breasts were huge.

Off Topic / Re: True or false game
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:39:45 am »
Well, true (ie aamon amarth or manowar or acdc - in other words, only heavy metal where one can understand and properly hear the lyrics.

The person below me is a fan of Hammer Horror films.

Lmao false

The person below me knows what a Charmander is.

Journals / Re: The Wodg Journal
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:29:07 am »
i kinda like winter :) hehe

i want some Inuit boots for the snow here,

you don't like the cold wodgina?

do you get any snow?

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: October 30, 2010, 07:40:44 am »

Would you hunt the boars with a bow? I think I'd want to hunt with a bow or crossbow, a rifle is too modern and I am not a samurai/ninja enough to chase deer with a sword or spear lol...

you could use a modern spear. It's not to difficult with a dog.

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 29, 2010, 01:46:29 pm »

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 29, 2010, 01:41:04 pm »
I used to get food stamps, I still do now. Only throug digital card.
Only mine is on the 5th  ;) couple more days!
Until then, watch out if your a wild animal.....

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 29, 2010, 01:21:57 pm »
i still wish i could be a pokemon trainer

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: October 29, 2010, 01:12:59 pm »
Raw pork is too bland. Raw wild boar meat has an excellent gamey taste. Only trouble is that my local sellers in Austria make sure to get the blood out first before sale.
I bet grain fed pork can be bland, but free rang pork may be a little better. Agreed, gamy taste is better. Wild goose is amazing compared to chicken btw.
There is wild boar here, if you get a small game license you can hunt as many as you want because they are considered a nuisance to farmers and a threat to native animals.

I'd love to hunt me some boar.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 29, 2010, 01:04:09 pm »
haha, this should probably be a pm. fuck it, let the people know that plans are in the works! for real. this will be easy
This is more exciting than hunting geese like a chimpanzee, Haha. Hopefully we will get this thing rolling.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 29, 2010, 10:14:11 am »
i wwoofed in france (near pierefort, auvergne) a couple summers ago for two weeks mainly just gardening and pulling weeds. i also wwoofed two summers ago in oregon at a grassfed beef and lamb farm. mostly herding the animals to new pastures, mending fences, etc. did that for a month and got all the grassfed meat i wanted. i also sold their stuff at the farmer's markets. i wrote about that experience in the 'pacific northwest here i come' journal (pics too). and then recently i've been going out to this wwoof farm near my home whenever i have access to a car. so far it's only been two days but they raise ducks and lots of fruits and veggies. i was mostly bailing and stacking hay though when there.

it's a lot of fun and not too much work. plus you get food and a place to stay. would be really fun with another rpder. we should try and do that. when are you off school sully?
That sounds great, especially the one on the grass fed farm. My first semester will be over I think by the end of November. Or until I finish my online pie for math 95, (I am takeing basic math now just to get it over with).
Is there any possibilty getting a job through the farm, or maybe an apprenticeship?
this is going to be awsome.

Do you have skype

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: October 29, 2010, 02:58:20 am »
I am eating raw wild boar and raw stagmeat currently. May diversify towards raw quail eggs and other such stuff.
that's on thing I def. want to try, wild boar. I never had raw pork. I want to get some boar for my first raw pig meat.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 29, 2010, 02:55:50 am »
Camerman is a pretty cool job. You will probably start with some country TV station and work your way up to maybe even filming documentries and stuff, people I went to school with have done this.

Getting a job really is the way to go, when you get older you'll understand this more.

Yeah, cameraman would be a nice job. I understand the importance of a job in today's world, I'll need a degree to fall back on.
Any who, we should all at least go on a hunting trip or go camping etc. With modern supplies, just to meet and hang out. Or do meet ups  like GS and Yon did.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 11:22:01 am »
wwoofing together would actually be an awesome idea! i can't believe i hadn't thought of that. i've wwoofed multiple times and loved it. would be awesome to team up with another rpder. would make take some of the edge off eating raw in front of the owners too. i'd be down for wwoofing if anyone else is. would be a good start. then we could move on to the wild.
I would do that. What did you do when wwoofing? Where at?

It be cool to try an once a year thing too like Yuli is mentioning.

First testing are wits in summer or warm climate would be wise.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 10:14:34 am »
I would sleep together naked like the INuit and many other people did. I house made by Tee peeing sticks and insulating with animal skinds with fur. Or  a snow den *(depends on where you are, even a cave will do)
 Sleeping on layers animal skins and using them for blankets and being with other naked people will surely keep you warm.

Like I said along these lines before, thinking like the average person will get you killed in the true wild.

Here's some women. Again, mainly Australian Aborigines

Heres a caveman workout for the arms, making spears are making me look ripped

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:48:14 am »
I think you should consider becoming a farmer Sully. Sounds right up your alley.

My personal dream is to pursue my career in filmmaking and live on a ranch and be totally self sufficient, grow my own meat, milk and veg whilst working as a director.
Dude that sounds great, I was thinking to switching my major to filming. It's one of my many passions. I can edit films, good camera man, etc.
I just need a degree.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:43:25 am »
I thought  of renting a place with a fellow raw meat eater.
Or even a few. If you pay only like $150 each a piece.
You could save money fast for some land in the future, and only have to work part time.

Edit: I amsure this only applies to people around my age. lol
Since many of you have solid jobs and prob laugh at that.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:34:39 am »
this is romantic, but not serious.  
I once read something that an explorer wrote I think. He said that the Eskimo/Inuit were one of the happiest people he came across, but they lived in the harshest of climates.

We all know its because of their diet.

People who know that they can survive off of raw meats and fats will definitly fair better as hunter gahterers.
It's not like I will be out there saying, "oh man, I wish I had a cheeseburger."

Although I'll admit, whats one to do if society discovers your tribe?
I guess, this is why having a community farm seems like the best option.
Entertainment? Hunting, gatherering, talking, connecting with the people in front of you. Like you said, singing, dancing, etc. A group of healthy people will ahve stronger minds than someone who eats sad and says, "oh gee, I want to live in the wild"

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