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Topics - sorginzorrotz

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Display Your Culinary Creations / Electrolyte mix
« on: March 15, 2022, 08:46:00 pm »
I wanted to share my electrolyte powder, especially for low carb RAFers.
The mix wasn't created by me, there's a commercial brand that makes the same thing, but it's very expensive.

This mix has sodium, potassium and magnesium. All salts are chlorides, all of them found in sea water

You'll need:

An scale
Sodium chloride (fine)
Magnesium chloride (I've only found big crystalls)
Potassium chloride (fine)
Mortar and pestle or a device to ground the magnesium salts
Mason jar

It's quite straightforward, weighing and mixing the salts. To make sure salts are properly mixed go in small amounts.

For 1/2 litre (17oz) water, 1/2 tsp from the mix:

2,5 g NaCl %74
0,35 g KCl %10
0,55 g MgCl  %16

I make 100g following the percentages because weighing small amounts makes big errors. I repeat 10 times to get 1kg. This way I know everything will be mixed evenly.
You can do this with ANY weight units, it doesn't matter. It's about following proportions.

Everyone in the keto/low carb community agrees that this is the best mix, I feel that it's spot on. Adding lemon, spices, mint, etc. it's impossible to get this ratios.

If anyone is interested, this are the actual proportions of the electrolytes :

Na 1000 mg (%80)
K 200 mg (%15)
Mg 60 mg (%5)

General Discussion / Diarrhea, milk and figuring out everything
« on: October 22, 2021, 12:48:52 am »
I don't eat any vegetables,nuts, fruits or honey, it triggers my IBS hard.
I'm mostly animal based, except some spices here and there.
I'm very suspicious that cheese(/dairy) is the culprit of my eczema.
I can eat some raw eggs but if I do it 3 days in a row I eventually get diarrhea.
I think that mucus in stools is because of egg white.
I also have digestive issues with milk.
I found raw red meat really tasty and I consume it regurlarly.
Regarding fat, my mind(and most people can relate) doesn't consider raw solid suet as food, it's the most unappealing thing ever.
When I slaughter an animal suet is warm and quite melted.
If I just eat raw meat along the fat(suet, marrow, in the muscle,...) my mind doesn't consider it a finished meal, and I feel a lack of salt.
I tried to drink salty water afterwards and it wasn't bad at all, but I don't like to drink if not thirsty, drinking interferes with digestion.
I am considering switching to "cooked" foods. Not cooked in the usual sense but just heating things up.
White meat or fish is okay for me cooked, I feel perfectly good. The same with gently cooked eggs.
Cooked red meat is a no-no, once or twice okay, but if I continue I eventually feel exhausted. I'm not gonna brown any meat, I hate it indeed.

What are your thoughts on melting fat?
That way I can prepare sauces based on animal fat with spices to taste, and warm up the meat in the sauce(without cooking it).
I suppose this will speed up motility, but actually things go really slow whenever I eat a raw meal(meat+fat). Could it trigger diarrhea?

It's really hard to figure out things for me, I have done "fasts" drinking plenty of raw eggs and I felt great. I made the same with eggs and milk at it was great also. But if I mix more things in my diet things get screwed. Actually I got rid of my eczema while drinking exclusively egg and milk. So I feel a little confused...

I think that there's a problem with the food that contains lots of water, and that they make me feel good whenever I'm lacking water but they're not good when I have already lots of water in my sistem.

I'm very familiar with AV, but there are thing that I can't make them work for me.

Your thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Easy low-alcohol mead
« on: September 08, 2021, 03:46:54 pm »
I'd like to share my recipe to make some mead.

We need:

-1L bottle, I make mine in 1L bottles because I can finish the bottle soon enough to avoid changes in taste due to contact with new air and bacteria.



-A big bowl to mix

-Raw unheated honey. 50g (alcohol content will be %2 approx.)
50g/l is %2
100g/l is %4
I keep mine at %2 because alcohol is a known toxic compound, and I don't want to get drunk in my daily basis.
All enzymes present in honey are preserved in mead, but fructose is gone(alcoholic fermentation).

-Mineral water. Not chlorinated.

The process:
This mead is wild as it's not inoculated with some isolated strain.

Fill the bottle with water almost full.
Now, put that water in the bowl/container and add the honey.
Mix it thoroughly until totally disolved; by hand, with a processor, or whatever.
The sooner the mixing is completed the faster the fermentation.

Fill the bottle with the mix.
Perforate the baloon with the needle. That will be your valve.
Put the baloon in the bottle, it should be tight, if not attach with a rubber.
The gas created will be expelled slowly, and it will avoid anything to enter the enviroment.

WARNING1: Don't do mead in a closed jar, this is not lacto fermentation, alcoholic fermentation creates much more gas, and thus, pressure, so we need the valve.

My mead is done in ~2 weeks time.
WARNING2: You can sip to try your mead sooner, but be careful and don't drink more because if fermentation is not completed there will be tons of yeast yet that will trigger diarrhea.

I do mine in 3 different flavours. Try different ratios, to taste.
-Plain mead.
-Cinnamon, vaniilla and clove
-Raw fresh apple juice. It is halfway cider/mead, depending of the ratios.

It's refreshing, aids digestion and no sugar.
I don't think sugar is bad, but I don't want to eat sugar when I'm being sedentary or do nothing, I prefer to get my sugar when I'm about to workout.
Hope someone likes it.

General Discussion / My concerns
« on: September 07, 2021, 08:04:23 am »
I'll try to summarize all my concerns all in one, in order to avoid spamming.

I have IBS-D, a little eczema, male pattern baldness, parasites and sometimes brain fog.

I was keto 3 years ago, and my baldness reduced greatly, I had perfect poop always and no eczema.
Then I reintroduced carbs, mainly for sport performance, and my digestive problems came back.

All my family has very early baldness and difficulty digesting legumes. We all had subtle gut problems all our lifes.
When I was a kid I had constant mucus, thus, difficulty to breathe and I was overweight.

I read the fat of the land, Nutrition & physical degeneration and both books by Aajonus(read and re-read multiple times)

Lately, I was doing Zerocarb with some rice, sometimes cooked and other times raw. It was not working. My stools were bad all the time.

I am back to keto, and mostly raw, as I find it more appealing.

Regarding IBS, my triggers are: fiber(all raw vegetables), fructose(raw unheated honey is a big trigger, and most of fruits), legumes, and nuts. Nuts makes me depressed for a week, really.

So for now I'm doing  Raw zero carb approach but if I find that I'm craving carbs and my experience shows that they are helping I will do some potatoes or rice(like once a week, 20g of carbs, not a feast)

For me eggs were a big diarrhea trigger because I was used to take 4 in a smoothie. I have realised with time that as babies do, liquid food must be drunk in very small quantities, and with high frequency. And IMO that it's not stressed enough. Now I eat one egg, and I don't get another until I feel that my stomach is "empty" again.
I haven't tried high meat because the only batches that I made were not made with fresh meat, and I think that's really important for the final product. Their smeel was bad(bas as dangerous, not as stinky but tasty cheese)

Then for meat consumption, I think that bleu rare meat is better that raw meat that has not been preserved correctly. Preserving meat correctly in a dry, cold and open-air enviroment is very important. In Europe not all fridges are frost free, most of them they are not, and they make the meat wet and rot.

I used to drink clabbered milk but I dind't digest it properly, so I quit.

I get the idea that a well nourished human has not to fear parasites and bacteria, but I don't think that all of them are beneficial. I had anisakis twice, and yeah, it will die in your body, but you'll be feeling how a tennis ball size ball pass from your chest through your intestines for ~36 hours, not fun., trust me.

I have some parasites that I recently saw in my stools. I would like to get rid of them, but I don't trust doctors, I don't want to take anything that will compromise my health more than evicting those little bastards. My brain fog it's maybe related to them, because when I eat completely raw I don't get that headache, but I don't really know.

I would like to heal my gut, so I'm going to try introducing some high meat.

Now I'm eating:

-Raw meat: liver, heart, , muscle meat

-Mead: %2 alcohol, totally fermented, zero fructose

-Raw eggs

-Raw salted cheese: Cheese is salted worldwide because when whey is drained the sodium goes in the liquid and cheese unlike milk is a very unbalanced food.
AV claimed that constipation was about fats, but it is also about mineral balance, so my experience is that unsalted cheese is even more constipating than salted cheese.

-Chicken stock: It makes me feel good, but Bone broth gives me terrible gut pain.

-Raw frozen fish: I can get top quality fish from the fishing port in my town, but almost all fishes are infested with anisakis. So I freeze it for a week. I've read, that it's not good, but I don't know how I could fix that.
When I catch a fish myself I will try to degut it at the moment and eat it straight without freezing, since woms will have no time to get to the muscle.

-Spices: If I feel like using them.

-Raw fat: The fat surrounding the meat, bone marrow, egg yolks.
I have plenty of suet in the fridge that I used render for cooking, but I hate eating it raw, it's so unappealing!

I find sometimes I'm lacking salt in my food, but using table salt it's so disgusting for me. Maybe, I'm going to try using some seawater to get that saltiness. I think that too much salt or undissolved salt crystals are really harmful. But salt as in cooked food is broken down, so I don't think is harmful at all.

As well as eating high meat, I was considering doing a DIY fecal matter transplant (like Maximilian Kohler, a user here and running a subreddit on this topic) but some people says it's not optimal.
Nevertheless, my concern is that eating rotten meat will give me all the bacteria I need to digest meat, but not for vegetables or nuts. So maybe I should eat the grass in the stomach of the animal? That could repopulate my gut with fiber-feeding bacteria?

Also, I would like to use some carbs to enhance sport performance, and I was thinking if dextrose would be okay, despite not RPD. Because honey it's not an option for me right now.

Regarding food combining, I cannot mix cooked and raw meat in the same meal, but I can eat them in the same day with no problem, isn't it?
Can you combine high meat with other raw meat?
And, if cooked and raw should not be combined, Japanese custom of rice and raw fish is not good?

I used to drink some herbal tea, and green tea, should I avoid them? I don't really no.

To be honest, for me the best indicator is my poop, if my poop is good I'm totally happy.

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