I don't eat any vegetables,nuts, fruits or honey, it triggers my IBS hard.
I'm mostly animal based, except some spices here and there.
I'm very suspicious that cheese(/dairy) is the culprit of my eczema.
I can eat some raw eggs but if I do it 3 days in a row I eventually get diarrhea.
I think that mucus in stools is because of egg white.
I also have digestive issues with milk.
I found raw red meat really tasty and I consume it regurlarly.
Regarding fat, my mind(and most people can relate) doesn't consider raw solid suet as food, it's the most unappealing thing ever.
When I slaughter an animal suet is warm and quite melted.
If I just eat raw meat along the fat(suet, marrow, in the muscle,...) my mind doesn't consider it a finished meal, and I feel a lack of salt.
I tried to drink salty water afterwards and it wasn't bad at all, but I don't like to drink if not thirsty, drinking interferes with digestion.
I am considering switching to "cooked" foods. Not cooked in the usual sense but just heating things up.
White meat or fish is okay for me cooked, I feel perfectly good. The same with gently cooked eggs.
Cooked red meat is a no-no, once or twice okay, but if I continue I eventually feel exhausted. I'm not gonna brown any meat, I hate it indeed.
What are your thoughts on melting fat?
That way I can prepare sauces based on animal fat with spices to taste, and warm up the meat in the sauce(without cooking it).
I suppose this will speed up motility, but actually things go really slow whenever I eat a raw meal(meat+fat). Could it trigger diarrhea?
It's really hard to figure out things for me, I have done "fasts" drinking plenty of raw eggs and I felt great. I made the same with eggs and milk at it was great also. But if I mix more things in my diet things get screwed. Actually I got rid of my eczema while drinking exclusively egg and milk. So I feel a little confused...
I think that there's a problem with the food that contains lots of water, and that they make me feel good whenever I'm lacking water but they're not good when I have already lots of water in my sistem.
I'm very familiar with AV, but there are thing that I can't make them work for me.
Your thoughts?
Thanks in advance.