Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Overeating
« on: December 11, 2008, 10:22:44 am »At the moment, I mostly eat muscle-meat, rarely organ meats and only slightly cooked, raw on the inside.
Until recently, I didn't quite understand why I was feeling so lousy on a diet that is supposedly the healthiest for "man". But then, I remembered something Tyler once said, that if he ate too frequently (i.e twice daily), he felt tired. He surmised it was the excess nutrients and strain on the digestive system. Bingo!
I would often eat despite lack of hunger, just because it was "time" to eat or because I was bored. But, if I listened to hunger, I would usually only eat every 24-36 hours. And everytime, I did, I felt a little better. Suddenly, my energy levels would rise.
So, in our quest to regain health and reap the most benefits out of such a diet, we should not forget to also get in touch with our body's signals. This is a nutrient-dense diet and as such, we don't need much. Eat ONLY when hungry and things will be fine. Let your acculturation and emotions dominate your actions and you will pay the price. I certainly did.