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Topics - Ungullible

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Instincto / Anopsology / Wall Street Journal on paleo diet
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:09:05 am »

Nothing new on this celebration of the 30th  anniversary of Konner and Boyd Eaton original article on paleo diet.

But WSJ stands as a reference and some of the comments are worth perusing

Including this video featuring a long time instincto .......

Worth having a look for the quality of videos and photos

 I must reckon : as a former altar boy, I falsely  assumed  my catholic literacy to be good enough to avoid myself the hassle of delving into catholic treatises,  in my hunt for the origin of instinctive dieting. I was wrong.

 I finally found the proof that the historical development of instinctive dieting is part and parcel of the catholic tradition. This is a major discovery.

The text was written by a  french catholic  theologian before the XVIIIth century  ( before the   "Enlightenment")  and includes :

1- an elaborate   defense of our natural senses, and the importance of abiding by them. 

4 - an indictment  of  physicians and spiritual directors

2- a defense of raw meat  " if we don't find any agreable taste in raw meat , it must be due to the fact that our tongue has become insensitive to moderate flavors"    ( I'm rephrasing a bit here :  a mere translation would make the text  unreadable because of the peculiar vocabulary ). Before that paragraph, the theologian had written on the obliteration of  the discerning capacity of our senses  by the consumption of highly prepared meats and sophisticated meals.   

3- an attack on cereals  : "we wouldn't eat too much cereals if we were to grind them  with our own teeth"

The motto of this text is  " Our senses only correspond to  the natural order of things, as established by God "

As far as I'm concerned, this extraordinary text is the earliest text in french  containing  points  1-2-3  in the same "treatise". It certainly must be considered as a founding book on our topic, even though there are a few mistakes  here and there (  we are talking about a book published when le Roi Soleil was the king of France, so pardon me ! ).

The problem of this book is that it does not appear in any bibliography of the history of medicine or hygienism (nor do I remember having seen it in bibliography of the history of anti-medical thought) .  As I wrote before , this is what makes this history extremely difficult to put together : not only you have to delve into all fields of enquiry, but you also have to go back to the original texts ( and not trust secondary litterature... )


A python died after swallowing a porcupine, which, under normal circumstances, he is perfectly able to digest.
Zoologists blame visitors for the induced digestive stress which could have led the snake to try and  regurgitate its prey.
Article is in french , sorry.

Sorry for using french language. No time to translate. Just quoting old stuff found on the Net. Some of you might have heard about this story.

Une colonie de babouins du Kenya a permis de constater qu’il est bien difficile de séparer sélection naturelle à la Darwin et transmission culturelle. Des zoologues ont rapporté en 1996 qu’il régnait dans cette colonie un étonnant climat pacifiste. Les mâles se battent seulement d’égal à égal ; les mâles dominants s’accrochent moins à leurs prérogatives et les femelles sont moins souvent agressées. Ce climat ne peut pas être dû à une spécificité génétique : les mouvements de babouins étant continuels entre les colonies, tous les individus de la troupe sont régulièrement remplacés par de nouveaux venus.

Toujours est-il que ce comportement remonte à 1980, lorsqu’un dépôt d’ordures fut abandonné à proximité d’un campement de touristes de la réserve Masaï. Certains animaux vinrent s’y alimenter. Or ces ordures étaient infectées par le bacille de la tuberculose, et tous les babouins qui s’en nourrirent décédèrent. Cependant, à cause de la compétition que se livrent les animaux pour la quête de nourriture, seuls les babouins les plus agressifs avaient ingéré ces aliments intoxiqués et y ont succombé, tandis ce que les moins belliqueux ont survécu. Les scientifiques n’ont pas encore élucidé comment les babouins déjà installés apprennent aujourd’hui aux nouveaux arrivants à se comporter comme eux, toujours est-il que le trait de comportement pacifiste se transmet désormais au fil des générations.


PS : food remains were not "infected" by tuberculosis :  baboons  became prone to tuberculosis by eating cooked foods.

Another reference to the same story found elsewhere :

Et il y a cette histoire d'un chercheur qui travaillait sur des babouins (ce qu'il y a de plus compétitif-hiérarchisé): tous les alphas males et femelles de la tribu qu'il étudiait ont été empoisonnés en faisant les poubelles d'un resto (ce sont les alphas qui se servent les premiers...). Résultat: les survivants, les "inférieurs" sont passés au mode coopératif, non hiérarchisé et non compétitif.
Le plus fort, c'est que ça a perduré entre générations: les babouins jeunes adultes partent se trouver une autre tribu; ceux qui arrivaient dans celle-là essayaient le mode "compétitif", mais comme les autres se contentaient de les éviter ils étaient "rééduqués" en quelques mois et passaient au coopératif.

Unbelievable ? Nothing  is unbelievable when it comes to finding a capitalist solution to the disasters of modern medicine  !

Check for yourself !

The next invention will be an automated cabin which tells you what you should eat and what not, based on a 30 second check up.

It will replace your  food instinct , since it is well know that we don't have any instinct for food  !

At long last,   the  missing link between Clara Davis experiments (1927-1930’s) on the food instinct of newly weaned and the “Stone Age diet” of W Voegtlin  is gradually  coming to light, thanks to the profusion of biographical details which can be nowadays be  found on the web.

The following has been written by a top notch military scientist who ended his career as Head of a  major public university in the US. He was also a  member of a (republican) Defense Cabinet (MOD).    Excerpted from a book for the larger audience , which went into a number of editions, it was published  before the war broke out  between  Germany and the US .

It clearly  demonstrates 
a) that the (rare )  ideational combinations of  instinct + paleolithic diet theory  could be found before WWII.   I was pretty sure that it was the case, but never found a concrete exemple before.
 b) military staff were particularly interested in the subject, as they’ve always been throughout history

   “ Ceux qui sont en faveur du  laissez faire en matière de nutrition , qui prétendent que les papilles gustatives sont les seuls arbitres nécessaires pour déterminer le régime adéquat, auraient eu parfaitement raison 100 000 ans en arrière, mais plus de nos jours, car nos papilles n’ont pas été entrainées de la manière dont il était prévu qu’elles le soient. Elles ont été détournées des choses simples et naturelles et exigent des stimulations artificielles. Il a été suggéré que les premiers hommes se préservaient de morts douloureuses par intoxication grace à un appareil sensitif capable de détecter les matières empoisonnées. Cela a certainement été vrai à une époque mais cela n’est certainement plus vrai de nos jours. Nos poisons se cachent dans l’art culinaire et derrière les épices, et meme lorsque la cuisine n’arrive à plus à les dissimuler,  il est possible que nos papilles émoussées  ne seraient plus capables de les détecter.  Les enfants laissés à eux-mêmes montrent une préférence affligeante  pour les sucres raffinés , les hydrates de carbone et les bonbons : ces aliments agissent sur eux comme le sang agit sur  le tigre. Ils y laissent leur santé et leurs dents. Les enfants des peuplades primitives avaient les memes appétences, mais ils n’avaient pas la possibilité de satisfaire leurs envies avec des aliments industriels. Ils devaient se contenter de fruits murs et de canne à sucre sauvage , ce qui leur permettait d’absorber suffisamment de minéraux et de vitamines avec leur sucre.  Tant que nous maltraiterons nos aliments par les procédés les plus divers, nous serons condamnés à tempérer nos inclinations instinctives et à modérer nos choix alimentaires par le jugement de notre raison. Il y a eu un certain nombre d’expériences consistant à nourrir des enfants en leur laissant le choix. Ces expériences ont souvent été mal interprétées ……etc etc…..»

Personal comments :

In retrospect, and taking into account the fact that hardly anybody  ever since that time,  has heard about an instinctual theory of human nutrition,  there  can be several ways of reading  these past  “admonitions” by a military scientist  :

1)   A naïve  reading  of the above would be   “ Behold, happy citizens ! Science is on the verge of elucidating the mystery of how the food instinct of our species works. You will soon be handed out  the user manual, as soon as we can find a complete version of it  ! ”. May be this is what some military scientists  voluntarily  did,  in the end , in the   1950’s when the understanding  of “paleo diet- within- an- instinctual- framework”  leaked out to the ears of the likes of Roger MacDougall and Burger,  and from there  to the larger audience ?     

2)   A more realistic reading/interpretation  ? “ You,  morons, do not deserve to be  taught how to become  self reliant with your food instinct . We , Grand Master of Science and Defense Technology  have rediscovered a secret, which we will only partially unveil  in this book  so that we may keep you entirely  in our power…and we will discourage you to pursue   the mastery  of your food instinct,  by pretending that economy and society cannot go  backward …  ”
 In that case , the 1960’s repeated attempts  to bring into the public light  a theory on instinctive paleo diet is  the result of a "Snowden like"   MEAT-Y-LEAK

The distressing thing is that I don't know which one of the above corresponds to  true history.......

New  study reveals that some human beings could be more "adapted"  to a diet rich in cereals.

If some populations have evolved some kind of adaptation to cow's milk, it is  to be expected that similar arrangements occurred  to a certain extent with cereals.

While reading the above article , it came to my mind that what  science is aiming at,  is to find ways to get everyone  more adapted to cereals, or at least as adapted as the most adapted amongst us.
The guy who will  find a pill to increase the amylase content of our saliva, so that everyone  will run less risk of becoming obese, will become a wealthy man.

When this will happen, people will be encouraged to seek  treatment to improve their "adaptative factor" to  cereals.

And those with the lowest level of amylase in their saliva  will find it normal to follow a special medical treatment to cope with their "handicap" ..........


Instincto / Anopsology / Crowdfunding a raw paleo diet experiment ?
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:56:05 am »
A crowdfunding site for researchers looking for individual or corporate sponsors.......

Step 1 : Create a website in french/english/spanish/ portuguese/ malaysian/ indonesian proposing a new research protocol on the therapeutic uses of a 20/30 day dietary experiment based on raw paleo, and offering  the corresponding (crowd) funding
Step 2 : send the link to the medical research community and collect applications from hospital-based  medical teams   
Step 3 :  select the team which  will receive the funding.
Step 4 : promote the experiments  thru various crowdfunding platforms and collect private funds
Step 5 : conduct the experiment   
Step 6 : publish the results of the dietary experiments

Instincto / Anopsology / Instinctive nutrition and the Army
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:29:34 pm »
For those who still think Burger may  claim the paternity of instinctive nutrition,  a  few stunning  photos taken during a Marine Corps survival exercice in the jungle, will  show why this topic has been a constant matter of interest for military scientists .

If the link does not work, type the following in google  images  "marine soldiers cobra survival jungle "

That reminds me that a US navy pilot  shot down behind the lines during the Serbia war  managed to survive during two weeks by using the "taste and spit" technique which is the same as the one detailed  by Burger in his introductory  course.  I'm surprised Burger did  not claim royalties to the US Navy, since he is , presumably,  the one who completely  re-discovered our instinct   ;D

Many physicians who developped the concept of instinctive nutrition, such as TL Cleave,  belonged to the Navy ( be it the french navy, the Royal Navy or the Reichsmarine ) or to the Army in general.

Since obeying to one's  food instinct is nothing but the  hygienic embodiment of the concept of  obedience to the natural order/ natural law,   military staff had  deep rooted cultural reasons  to be interested in the topic, beyond the mastering of survival techniques. 

Instincto / Anopsology / The art of interrupting cereals
« on: December 06, 2013, 07:29:25 pm »
Reproduced from an undated publication in french  ( according to bibliography must be mid 70's) and signed by a foremost scholar and specialist of China History and Chinese thought, in respect of  the art of interrupting cereals in one's diet according to  the Taoist tradition /religion.

" From the earliest date , the abstinence of cereals denounces the Lao Zi disciple"
"The Shi Ji pretends that Zhang Liang, after having largely contributed to install the Han dinasty  on the throne , has abandoned the society of humain beings in order to initiate himself to the art of interrupting cereals and practice daoyin gym."

" The abstinence from cereal products persisted throughout the history of taoïsm. It was never excluded from any current, even the ones most influenced by Buddhism"

" The refusal to ingest cereals, even when it does not translate anymore in any effective practice, will nonetheless remain in the hagiography of the patron saints of the various currents, as the hall mark of entry into Taoism"

But wait, there is even better  ( so much for our  cooked paleodiet  friends  !!)

" By refusing cereals, Lao Zi followers were actually condemning a certain use of cooking"
"The cooking of meat and cereal culture both put an end to raw eating , in the same way as culture is only made possible thru fire"
" The Liji mentions indifferently the tribes who eat food without cooking and those who eat food without cereals" 
" Bu huo  (litteraly "un fired"  ) has the same adverbial value as Bu Li (litteraly "without grain") . The two expressions are equivalent . They both indicate modes of eating raw ".
"Wang Chong compares the greenness of his youth to raw meat and raw fish, while old age evokes cooked or grilled meat, which cannot be brought to its original state. Senescence, like cooking, corrupts the flesh."
" Dried meat is a choice  food  of the Taoist anchorite, and the health of the disciple is displayed in his  carnivorous appetite "   

If you add to this, the fact that buffalo / cow's milk was (and remains for the largest part) entirely  foreign to Chinese culture........

Having researched the history of raw dieting for a  number of years (exclusively in the western part of the world though.....) , I must say I'm quite astonished to realize that the links between taoïsm and the main tenets of raw paleo diets  remain untold or unheard of.

Or is your reading experience any different on this particular topic ?


Instincto / Anopsology / Web site on Clara Davis during WWI
« on: September 21, 2013, 08:06:24 am »
A small web site dedicated to Clara Davis stay in France during WWI  on which I will gradually upload in the coming months  some   elements I  collected over the years on her  presence amongst french civilians and french soldiers,   ten years before she started her experiments on the food instinct of newly weaned infants.

The "about" page has a short section in english, but the web site has been intended first and foremost for the french readers.

I will add maps of her itinerary in France when I have time.

For those  who can read french,  here is a  ( hopefully ) interesting topic on the above subject I wrote for the new  blog of the consumer association I  created to defend propane consumers in France against our  propane gas  cartel.
It 's there :

Some of you might have  realized  that the additive that's being poured into propane to make it stink , is very close to the smell of durian. It belongs to the same chemical class : the thiol class of organic compounds. 

There  are interesting musings as well in my paper as to  why our instinct cannot recognize the deadly carbon monoxyde. Obviously I could not help making reference "en passant" to the food instinct issue. 

Talking about propane distribution and gas cartel, I would be interested to exchange views with anybody from the UK or US who is interested by this issue.

In addition, if any member of this list lives in the State of Mississippi, I would be grateful if he could help me collect information on a propane incident which triggered  a major change  in the regulatory framework in that State in 2011.  I tried to obtain the information directly  from that  State's Fire Marshall, but when the guy  realised I was trying to get information in order to  speak ill of the propane companies, he stopped the email discussion. Thanks 


The  text copied below  is extracted from a volume published in Germany in the 1950's  at about the same time as Cleave's paper on the natural principles of medicine (see elsewhere on this forum). While Cleave was probably unknown in the grand scientific arena, the german scientist who wrote this early advocation of paleo diet had been highly exposed as a top level scientist  during the nazi era. He quickly fell into oblivion after his death.  Cleave's utterance  in favor of  the  natural principles of medicine and this text  clearly show that both the idea of instinct and  the idea of paleo diet have a much older historical background than what the current paleodiet gurus would like us to believe. The difficulty of unearthing  the complete picture  stems from the variety of scientific profiles involved in the making of the complete theory. 

The theme of this dissertation could give the impression that it does not address the classical medical or biological aspects of an in-depth nutritional study. But one must also view dietary issues from a historical and evolutionary perspective, because only then can the truth replace the many errors and misconceptions that exist publically today to do with this topic. There must be no doubt that in many circles of the population, not only amongst the general public but also amongst doctors, that a deep-set discomfort and uncertainty exists regarding questions about the modern diet. This discomfort is doubtlessly partially justified, when one sees how, due to many aspects of modern civilisation and technological developments, all areas of public life including foodstuffs are being subjected to forms of engineered change. Many of the dangers are without a doubt not as serious as often presented, in particular when the press is involved. However, there are many areas in the development of modern nutrition, especially concerning additives in food, which deserve intensive and serious investigation by the scientific community. This aspect is however, not the decisive factor that causes public anxiety, instead, it is the presence of a certain pessimistic attitude that can be found everywhere in the area of nutrition. Nowadays there are many voices, laypeople and doctors that openly express the opinion that our entire modern concept of nutrition has gone astray, that modern civilisation has influenced our nutrition in an entirely negative way and has ‘denatured’ food; this means alienating food from its natural properties and condition. Therefore, the goal of a nutritional study must be to return to the original nutritional models of primitive, simple and unspoiled human beings and to re-embrace their principles as our own. If this idea is expressed often enough, one can count on the fact that such powerful and appealing arguments could gain extensive influence over our population and lead them to accept that our entire modern diet is wrong. After all, one can only counter these arguments, which inspire the imagination of simple, common people, by thinking about and contemplating what is true about them. We should use all modern methods available to address this issue, not just biology but also cultural history, sociology, and archaeology, and reflect whether or not our diet today really is as irrational, degenerated and ‘denatured’ as we are lead to believe. There is no choice but to track the evolution of our diet from a mixed historical-biological standpoint and, when examining a wide and long spanning period of history, filter out and review the processes which distinguish the diet of humanity at the beginnings of history from that of the modern day.  I believe that such an overview can be of great educational value and convince us that many ideas that we possess today about our diet are incorrect and that the classical principles of other nutritional studies - such as those taken from RUBNER or THOMAS – remain valid even today and that one cannot really speak of a ‘degenerated’ food. Nevertheless, I do not want to dictate the outcome and the lessons to be learned, but instead ask you to draw your own conclusions from what cultural history and dietary history – a mix of pure history, biology and sociology – reveals to us. If we are to actually implement these thoughts, we must revert back to the few facts that are known about the earliest history of humanity and attempt to establish what has changed in our diet over the course of history, in particular since the evolution from a primitive to a civilised form of existence.

Humankind, which for the first time entered historical consciousness in the early Pleistocene era, was a society of human beings that led lives as ‘foragers’, hunters and gatheres, and existed as far as we know across the entire world. These humans of the Early and Mid-Pleistocene era fed themselves largely from large game animals. In addition to this, in times when hunted animals where not available, they collected berries and other fruits of the forest. They were wandering tribes with no fixed home, choosing instead to allow the supply of animals that were currently in their vicinity to govern their movements. The location and abundance of these animals fluctuated naturally - particularly due to the effects of hunting – and these early hunter societies of Pleistocene-humans responded by migrating across vast swathes of land accordingly. Depictions of the early hunter customs can be found in the cave paintings of the Dordogne and northern Spain and they reveal to us that the animals hunted were mostly big game animals which humans were equally matched to in confrontation. It was an evenly-matched battle, a battle of life and death, and very often the hunter did not kill the animal, but was killed himself during the hunt. As a result, the early hunters were engaged in a constant struggle for survival in order to stay alive. In addition to this, animals became more timid after their first contact with humans and often moved out of easy reach to avoid them. This explains the cave paintings of Altamira and Les Eyzies, ritually painted on the walls at the time in order to help magically draw in and spellbind the animals, so that they would not leave the area and make themselves available to the hunters. The aggressive tendencies of the hunters and their attitudes towards animals were probably projected onto other humans as well. Evidence exists that suggests that it was not only game animals that were considered prey for humans, and that humans were in fact cannibalistic up and into the Middle or even Late Pleistocene era. Some American academics have come to the conclusion that the Cro-Magnon (early) human beings partially wiped out the Neanderthals in Europe by eating them. In the archaeological discoveries made in Zhoukoudian near Beijing, where Sinathropus pekinensis was discovered, clear signs of cannibalism were also found. It can therefore be said that early human beings not only hunted animals, but in some circumstances also regarded fellow humans as potential prey.

As established in the text above, as well as by the anatomical structure of human teeth and intestinal tract, human beings were always omnivores and unlike some herbivorous anthropoid apes, never avoided eating meat. I mention this because in modern literature, it is often claimed that our prehistoric ancestors were restricted to eating grains and plants, that meat was not a suitable food and that vegetarianism was the preferred natural choice for the human body. This is without a doubt incorrect as human beings were always omnivorous, clearly eating other animals from the very beginning of their existence. During this period, nutrition from plants in the form of berries and wild grasses did not play an important role, serving essentially only one purpose: to supply vitamin C. All other nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, could be supplied through eating meat. Because of these observations, the basic truth is proven that meat is by no means a ‘degenerated’, modern form of nutrition and has instead virtually dominated the diet of human beings from the very beginning. This did not change much even when at some point in the Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age, the second stage of human history began, namely the crossover from existence as foragers and hunters to nomads. This change took place irregularly in leaps and bounds, but resulted logically from the development of hunting methods. As game animals moved out of reach of humans, humans were forced to follow them and therefore constantly change their location and adapt their ways of living to match the herd movements of hunted animals. Humans had to, in the words of RÜSTOW; learn to ‘farm’ these herds. The ‘farming’ of these herds in the early stages of nomadism was to some extent a precursor to the later breeding of herd animals. Many changes took place at this crossover between the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and the existence of nomads. Instead of pursuing and killing the herds of hunted animals, their numbers were maintained, only being killed for food when it was absolutely required and  attempts were made to preserve them and if possible to let them increase in number.

This second stage in human history, developing in central Asia and crossing over the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe brought no substantial change in the human diet, insomuch as animals and animal products from cultivated herds remained the primary sources of nutrition. At this time, like times before it, food from animals remained the basis of the human diet. It can therefore be said that human beings fed themselves on a diet of primarily meat for several thousand years. This fact cannot be underestimated and the regular consumption and reliance on meat occurred for a considerable amount of time. Through excavations at different Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settlements in Europe and Asia, it has been made possible in recent years to gain a more detailed insight about this topic. The oldest of these settlements to be examined using modern methods, a Palaeolithic region from the crossover period from hunter-foragers to nomads is in England. I am referring to Starlarr in Middle England, a late hunter settlement that according to carbon dating, can be traced back to around 7500-8500 B.C. By measuring the ratio of the human population to the number of hunted animals, data on the intake of protein from animal sources has been calculated. The archaeologist CLARK made the calculation by comparing the number of fossilised human remains to the number of fossilised remains of hunted animals, concluding that these humans, within a tribe of 15 people, consumed around 26 kg of meat per day, especially meat from stags, deer, aurochs, but also whenever possible from sea-birds and fish. These extended families are believed to have been made up predominantly (around 2/3) of children, meaning a daily consumption of around 260g of protein from animal meat for a fully grown person; an amount that is considerable higher than the amount we consume today. The humans that fed themselves in such a way were healthy and robust and adequately prepared themselves for the daily struggle for survival. There is no sign that these people suffered from degenerative diseases that can be traced back to the heavy consumption of animal protein. What is interesting, is that the population density at that time was very low, consisting of 1 to 5 people for every 100 square meters of inhabited ground. CLARK mentions in his report that this low population density was not a result of low birth rates or high death rates, but instead was simply because these early hunters could not secure enough food with their primitive weapons to feed and sustain large families. The primitive level of tools at the time therefore restricted the health and size of the population. If these early humans would have had better tools, much more food could have been obtained and the population size would have increased dramatically as the amount of wild animals available at the time would have easily fed ten times the population that existed. These interesting figures demonstrate the great extent to which the human diet at the time consisted of meat and animal products.............." ( the whole text is about 25 pages) 


" The truth of food instinct should  enable all men and women to embrace one of the main mystery of our own life. It summons human beings to  open its reason to the transcendent, whilst respecting both their autonomy as creatures and their freedom. By educating one's instinct for food,  the true nature of freedom  is demonstrated more completely , and one understands the full meaning of the words: “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free".

The food instinct is the true lodestar of men and women as they strive to make their way amid the pressures of erroneous philosophies of mind and constrictions of  technocratic logics. The theory of food instinct  is the ultimate possibility  to know in all its fullness the seminal plan of love which began with creation. To those wishing to know the truth, if they can look beyond themselves and their own concerns, there is given the possibility of taking full and harmonious possession of their lives, precisely by following the path of truth.

Here the words of the Book of Deuteronomy are pertinent: “This commandment which I command you is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven that you should say, 'Who will go up for us to heaven, and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?' Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, 'Who will go over the sea for us, and bring it to us, that we may hear and do it?' But the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that you can do it” (30:11-14). This text finds an echo in the famous dictum of the holy philosopher and theologian Augustine: “Do not wander far and wide but return into yourself. Deep within man there dwells the truth” (Noli foras ire, in te ipsum redi. In interiore homine habitat veritas).

The truth thus made known to us is neither the product nor the consummation of an argument devised by human reason, for the evidence of instinct has preceded the evidence of reason. It appears instead as something gratuitous, which itself stirs thought and seeks acceptance as an expression of love of nature and humanity. The question is raised : is this revealed truth  set within our history  as an anticipation of that ultimate and definitive vision of God, which is  reserved for those who believe in him ?  "

Off Topic / Looking for garage/ industrial space to share in England
« on: August 17, 2011, 03:37:49 am »
Hi there

I set up a company with  a friend which   makes  recurring  business between France and the UK.

We import  from the UK for resale in France.

We need a space for rent that is 100/150  miles around London ( could be north around Market Drayton, where I often drive,  or south around Southampton   or any other place for that purpose )  to collect  what we buy (machinery,  equipment, and other stuffs ). It has to be on ground floor and accessible for a van equipped with a  taillift . Must be at least the size of a big  garage . Ideally we don't need all the  space on a continuous basis, but it needs to be available at short notice.

Thanks for reading / forwarding

Hi there

I'm a private  researcher of some means, looking for somebody  fluent  in german  (it does not have to be GCB ! ) to translate several books from german to either french or english (no preference betweeen the two  languages) .

Since this is a personal endeavour, we will need  to make a special deal : obviously  I cannot pay the professional price for the job. I did it in the past for articles or book  chapters, not for whole books.

On the other hand  you  don't need to be a professional translator. And you won't be working under pressure as you will be given enough time to complete the job .

Down payment before start. Partial payments  as the work proceeds.

Nota : the topics of the books I'm interested in having translated do not necessarily  bear a direct  relation to the topics of this forum but they all bear an indirect connexion, thru their author, either to the  history of raw / paleo ideas  or to the wider history of health reform. 

The first book I'm interested in having translated is an anti capitalist treatise on economy from an heretical and obscure  german  socialist writer, issued in 1903  (old  gothic characters  :'(  )
The book has 240 pages. 

If you know somebody  interested in having a cool "job from home" , who enjoyd german language, and has a great literary curiosity  let me know.



Hi there

We are a french family (47/46 years old) with two boys aged 9 and 11.

We are not strict RAF eaters ( half cooked, half raw..)  but we have  extensive background /familiarity with instincto diet, which we have practiced for years.   

We are looking for contacts with families in english or german speaking countries for foreign language exchange for the kids.

What we are contemplating is a scheme of alternative hosting of our kids in France and  abroad,  during holidays.

We have a large house in the countryside 50 km from Paris, with plenty of rooms, playground, and a big garden in a protected environment.   

Another possibility could be to share a chalet in the Alps  during the  ski season (as the kids love to go skiing) on the understanding that the more , the merrier....

Should you be  interested , please contact  by PM.   

Cheers to all.

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