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Messages - Ungullible

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Instincto / Anopsology / Wall Street Journal on paleo diet
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:09:05 am »

Nothing new on this celebration of the 30th  anniversary of Konner and Boyd Eaton original article on paleo diet.

But WSJ stands as a reference and some of the comments are worth perusing

Including this video featuring a long time instincto .......

Worth having a look for the quality of videos and photos

 I must reckon : as a former altar boy, I falsely  assumed  my catholic literacy to be good enough to avoid myself the hassle of delving into catholic treatises,  in my hunt for the origin of instinctive dieting. I was wrong.

 I finally found the proof that the historical development of instinctive dieting is part and parcel of the catholic tradition. This is a major discovery.

The text was written by a  french catholic  theologian before the XVIIIth century  ( before the   "Enlightenment")  and includes :

1- an elaborate   defense of our natural senses, and the importance of abiding by them. 

4 - an indictment  of  physicians and spiritual directors

2- a defense of raw meat  " if we don't find any agreable taste in raw meat , it must be due to the fact that our tongue has become insensitive to moderate flavors"    ( I'm rephrasing a bit here :  a mere translation would make the text  unreadable because of the peculiar vocabulary ). Before that paragraph, the theologian had written on the obliteration of  the discerning capacity of our senses  by the consumption of highly prepared meats and sophisticated meals.   

3- an attack on cereals  : "we wouldn't eat too much cereals if we were to grind them  with our own teeth"

The motto of this text is  " Our senses only correspond to  the natural order of things, as established by God "

As far as I'm concerned, this extraordinary text is the earliest text in french  containing  points  1-2-3  in the same "treatise". It certainly must be considered as a founding book on our topic, even though there are a few mistakes  here and there (  we are talking about a book published when le Roi Soleil was the king of France, so pardon me ! ).

The problem of this book is that it does not appear in any bibliography of the history of medicine or hygienism (nor do I remember having seen it in bibliography of the history of anti-medical thought) .  As I wrote before , this is what makes this history extremely difficult to put together : not only you have to delve into all fields of enquiry, but you also have to go back to the original texts ( and not trust secondary litterature... )


A python died after swallowing a porcupine, which, under normal circumstances, he is perfectly able to digest.
Zoologists blame visitors for the induced digestive stress which could have led the snake to try and  regurgitate its prey.
Article is in french , sorry.

Sorry for using french language. No time to translate. Just quoting old stuff found on the Net. Some of you might have heard about this story.

Une colonie de babouins du Kenya a permis de constater qu’il est bien difficile de séparer sélection naturelle à la Darwin et transmission culturelle. Des zoologues ont rapporté en 1996 qu’il régnait dans cette colonie un étonnant climat pacifiste. Les mâles se battent seulement d’égal à égal ; les mâles dominants s’accrochent moins à leurs prérogatives et les femelles sont moins souvent agressées. Ce climat ne peut pas être dû à une spécificité génétique : les mouvements de babouins étant continuels entre les colonies, tous les individus de la troupe sont régulièrement remplacés par de nouveaux venus.

Toujours est-il que ce comportement remonte à 1980, lorsqu’un dépôt d’ordures fut abandonné à proximité d’un campement de touristes de la réserve Masaï. Certains animaux vinrent s’y alimenter. Or ces ordures étaient infectées par le bacille de la tuberculose, et tous les babouins qui s’en nourrirent décédèrent. Cependant, à cause de la compétition que se livrent les animaux pour la quête de nourriture, seuls les babouins les plus agressifs avaient ingéré ces aliments intoxiqués et y ont succombé, tandis ce que les moins belliqueux ont survécu. Les scientifiques n’ont pas encore élucidé comment les babouins déjà installés apprennent aujourd’hui aux nouveaux arrivants à se comporter comme eux, toujours est-il que le trait de comportement pacifiste se transmet désormais au fil des générations.


PS : food remains were not "infected" by tuberculosis :  baboons  became prone to tuberculosis by eating cooked foods.

Another reference to the same story found elsewhere :

Et il y a cette histoire d'un chercheur qui travaillait sur des babouins (ce qu'il y a de plus compétitif-hiérarchisé): tous les alphas males et femelles de la tribu qu'il étudiait ont été empoisonnés en faisant les poubelles d'un resto (ce sont les alphas qui se servent les premiers...). Résultat: les survivants, les "inférieurs" sont passés au mode coopératif, non hiérarchisé et non compétitif.
Le plus fort, c'est que ça a perduré entre générations: les babouins jeunes adultes partent se trouver une autre tribu; ceux qui arrivaient dans celle-là essayaient le mode "compétitif", mais comme les autres se contentaient de les éviter ils étaient "rééduqués" en quelques mois et passaient au coopératif.

Unbelievable ? Nothing  is unbelievable when it comes to finding a capitalist solution to the disasters of modern medicine  !

Check for yourself !

The next invention will be an automated cabin which tells you what you should eat and what not, based on a 30 second check up.

It will replace your  food instinct , since it is well know that we don't have any instinct for food  !


Listen to this : when this top military scientist  died , his widow received hundreds of condolences from the then "big shot"  of US military research and governement officials  including Richard Nixon himself and governor Rockefeller.

 I  browsed the  list of  names on  cards and telegrams  to try and find US military scientists : the whole list of people involved in the US air/sea Lockheed rocket programme was there plus and a few others such as

the chairman of Naval Research Advisory Committee
the Chief  of Research & development in the Army
the Chief Naval Operations
 several  retired Army  General
an assistant Secretary for Navy Research
the secretary of the Army scientific advisory panel

But the ones which made me laugh  are these two :

KEITH GLENNAN  First NASA Administrator : Remember the Nasa report on human food instinct I mentionned earlier ?

and tatatatatatata  (drums rolling)

REAR ADMIRAL OWEN, Chief of US  naval research ...

Why is he important ?
Do you remember a certain TL CLEAVE who spent all his years pondering on how our food instinct works ?  Do you remember I asked you to pay special attention to the fact that he  wasn't "n'importe qui" ?
 Cleave was  Director of UK Naval research .
Well,  it seems Admiral  Owen had the same position as Cleave but on the other side of the Atlantic.

And look what OWEN was involved in, in  his later years  :  you will never guess !

 Long term  SURVIVAL Experiments......... It's here :

 So funny ! This connection, I must admit , had escaped my attention until today

While soldiers were fighting on the front lines , military physicians and scientists fought their bravest war in the labs  trying to unveil  the secrets of our instinct for food in order to prepare for survival in an atomic age .




Wow! This confirms exactly what I knew about political and world leaders, corporate overlords, and the illuminati  all eating an instinctive diet.. I mean a primal diet.. I mean getting special government (alien created) health care..

You totally misread my contribution.
It does happen, from time to time,   that original minds replete with original ideas get very close to the executive power. 
It never happens because of their originality.
It happens rather "in spite of"  their originality,  and it happens  because they have higher qualities which tend to hide or conceal   their originality .
Such was certainly the case of this scientist.

I went to Unesco library today. They have one of the best reference library in the world for biography ( if you are looking for a Columbian or a Nepalese Who's who , this is the place to go ! ) . Here is a tid bit of what I found  : in 1941 this scientist  astounded his colleagues of the American Chemical Society with his prediction that the sun rays would be harnessed to provide electrical power. He cautioned against the idea of postponing  research until petroleum is entirely depleted.  During WWII  he supervised  research on supersonic flying devices (which were finally manufactured right after the end of the war) including planes without pilot. He was a true mastermind, not a naturopath who has found a ready made  idea.   

Cherimoya Kid : 

the concrete  experience is much more valuable than my historical "ranting" . You are right . If I was given the choice between being brainwashed ( ie  forgetting the  experience)  or burning all my books, I would burn all my books. 

But this is not the point. The point is : is it worth the effort ? It probably isn't if you don't like history.

I'm an historian by heart ( When I was a kid I wanted to become a teacher : I wanted to  teach  history or philosophy . I did none of it )  . So I'm just putting my passion to good use.   

If this story has to do with the history of toxicology, I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of physiology , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of anthropology, I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of phenomenology , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of physiology of respiration , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the birth of environmental medicine, I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of mining,  I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of pushing the limits of the human body , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of the first commercial typewriter (  :)) I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of  political revolutions  , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of diabetes  , I want to know it
If this story is intertwined  with the history of Good and Bad Templars, I would like to know
If this story has to do with the theories of the Fall of humanity,   I want to know it
IF this story has to do with the history of the (religious representations of the) Devil, I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of romantic philosophy  , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of Anti-Lumières, I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of Contre Revolution , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of christian anarchism , I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of christian apologetics, whether catholic or protestant,  I want to know it
If this story has to do with the history of the Swedenborgian sect, I want to know it
If this story has to do with lutherianism and  not with calvinism, I want to know why.
If this story has to do with the history of anti judaism, I know why, but I want to know more 
If  this story has to do with the history of naval medicine , I want to know all of it
If this story has to do with the history of aerospace medicine ( yes it does !), I want to know all 
If this story has to do with the history of the First, Second and third German Reich, I want to know
If this story has to do with Anatole France and Chateaubriand and Huysmans, I want to know  who told them
I want to know how the idea  of  food instinct  promoted new ideas in education throughout centuries
If this story has to do with the history of conversion to catholicism, I also want to know it.
If this story has to do with the history of pediatry as a separate medical field, I want to know it.
If this story has to do with the catholic kings of Spain , I want to know it
If this story cannot be separated from the history of  Grossherzogtum Baden, so be it but I want to know why  ! 
if this story cannot be separated from the history of US universities  suffocating under  presbytarian authorities, so be it .
If this story has to do with the history of the idea of the superiority of tropical populations over white "races", I will know it.
If this story cannot be separated from the history of homosexuality, I want to know 
If this story has to do with the history of alcohol and alcohol rehabilitation , you won't be surprised

The  idea that we have an instinct and that our instinct should be considered a "moral guide"   is everywhere present in the history of scientific food hygiene, and everywhere in the story of our western civilisation.  Just look at the 1913 debates on the first FDA regulations : they talk about food instinct ! Things have gone very very bad in the US since then, at least on the food front !

Everywhere in science. But nowhere in the multitude of treatises written by naturopaths and alternative medicine man ( with a few limited exceptions such as Maurice Phusis " La Chute de l'humanité"   )

The only recent elements in this long story  are
a)  the clarification and (simultaneously ) the exacerbation of the  cereal question which followed  the great medical discoveries of the XIXth  and XXth c.
b) the eradication  of the idea of food instinct  by the new profession of  nutritionnists . This  eradication becomes blatant right after WWII, precisely at a time when the idea manages to gain some  scientific momentum.

Not interested ?
May be you are not.
I'm fascinated but, granted,  all researchers are "fascinated"  by their choosen topic .

Did the allies won the war because their armies were on instinctive raw paleo diet? LOL.

J'ai cherché à savoir si l'intéret pour la question de l'instinct alimentaire avait été intégrée dans  la rédaction des manuels de survie, notamment ceux qui étaient distribués aux pilotes d'avion et aux marins américains pendant la seconde guerre. Je n'ai pas trouvé de trace écrite, ce qui ne signifie pas que leur entrainement militaire n'intégrait pas cette question.

Quelle influence a eu la question du cru et/ la question de l'instinct alimentaire au cours des dernières guerres ?

-Guerre de 1870-71 : l'Allemagne triomphe sur la France. Discours explicatif de la victoire coté allemand :  l'Allemagne est restée chrétienne et l'armée allemande est fondée sur la religion naturelle contrairement aux hordes de gaulois paiens. Je doute que  cette question ait eu une incidence sur la ration des soldats allemands (pour répondre à ta question)  mais, au niveau idéologique, il ne fait pas de doute que la justification de la victoire  reposait, à leurs yeux,  sur le respect de la religion naturelle ( il s'agit de recherches en cours donc je ne peux pas plus élaborer )
-Guerre de 14-18 : les militaires demandent aux scientifiques comment , en l'absence de fruits et légumes frais servis dans les tranchées (!!), on peut rendre plus rationnelle l'alimentation des soldats. Réponse des scientifiques alliés : donnez leur des aliments séchés et des graines germées. J'ai lu que des groupes de prisonniers (serbes je crois) en mauvaise santé,  à la fin de la guerre , ont reçu des graines germées à haute dose.
- Guerre de 39-45 : je n'ai trouvé que des textes coté armée américaine qui montrent que la réflexion sur  l'instinct alimentaire est intégrée dans l'amélioration de la palatabilité  et du plaisir de manger . Apparemment les GI  devaient se plaindre que c'était dégueulasse !


2)   A more realistic reading/interpretation  ? “ You,  morons, do not deserve to be  taught how to become  self reliant with your food instinct . We , Grand Master of Science and Defense Technology  have rediscovered a secret, which we will only partially unveil  in this book  so that we may keep you entirely  in our power…and we will discourage you to pursue   the mastery  of your food instinct,  by pretending that economy and society cannot go  backward …  ”
 In that case , the 1960’s repeated attempts  to bring into the public light  a theory on instinctive paleo diet is  the result of a "Snowden like"   MEAT-Y-LEAK

The distressing thing is that I don't know which one of the above corresponds to  true history.......

The history of food instinct is, by essence,  part and parcel of a larger history of anti bourgeois feelings (not more but not less than anti bourgeois economics, anti bourgeois educational  theories, anti bourgeois  philosophy…..). Since bourgeois mentality is ruling  every aspects of life in the western world,   it is quite difficult to think " from outside"  the bourgeois matrix, or for this purpose, to get access to the quite limited  pertinent "outsider" information  (unless of course a good sheperd gives you a head start , which is often  what happens  )
Nonetheless, and in spite of this common viewpoint , it  would be stupid to think that all scientists  who advocated following one's food instinct would all share the same political opinion, be it only because a non negligeable part of  them were homosexuals. In those days (turn of the XXth century) , people tended to have widely differing views on homosexuality, based on their political leanings (and  vice versa !) .
 It is therefore to be  expected  that those scientists in favour in an instinctual  theory of human diet split  in two camps in 1917 : those, on the left,  in favour of the marxist (anti bourgeois)  Russian revolution showed a somewhat  higher degree of political "consistency"  at least until the atrocities of the communist regime became known; while  those on the right who  adhered   to  the idea that the  capitalist-liberal society, in spite of all its shortcomings,   was the only one which  could nurture  the kind of scientific reform  needed to "push"  the instinctive diet  agenda  on the table,  ended up associating themselves with the devil of eugenism, racial politics and antisemitism.   

What happened after WWII ?

After 1945,  it must have become clear to anti-capitalist scientists  that military research was loosing its autonomy  to be absorbed and diluted in the new  militaro-industrial-capitalist complex which , in the end, would   mean the betrayal  the old humanist dream which could  jeopardize   the transmission of military  traditions for the generations to come.
Hence the urgent need to create a new tradition outside military circles. A new tradition  which could survive the demise of  the humanist ideal as transmitted  by military scientists.
This last paragraph is of course purely speculative but speculation is not forbidden.

I just gave you a reference which was freely available on the Net since end of 2010  which was apparently ignored .   Still, you did not like what you call my "ranting" and  deleted my message, as you have done before.

Everything is on the web , waiting for you and  other truth seekers  to read and learn : bibliography, obituaries, books......

Everything is at hand : what you need to do is to cross information over and over and over and over again. And the truth comes up . It's a hell of a job so you have to have an enquiring mind.   

I don't belong to any university.  I don't have free access to any library.  When I need translations from german I'm buying those translations. When I need old articles from medical journals, I'm buying the documents. When I need books, I'm buying the books. 

And when I think  I will have decently covered the topic , it will be time to tell everybody. 

 Thanks for allowing me to keep a step ahead.


Of course Iguana. Of course . No defamation . Just the plain facts.

So let me rephrase the message which you just suppressed.

- In the 30's a US military scientist who will later supervise all  military research in the US  writes that our instinct  only works  under paleolithic conditions,  and further states that this is the only adequate framework for interpreting Clara Davis experiments  (initial message above)
- In the 50' s a young german military physician who started his medical studies when Hitler came into power ( he was 20 years in 1933),  states  that neolithic diet is the culprit for all diseases of civilization 20 years before Voegtlin's book is issued.  Because of his young  age during WWII,  he did not held  management  position in german research and  was  therefore an underling in the infamous Dachau experiments.
- In 1957  a research director of  the UK Royal Navy claims that the mixing of raw food is, in itself,   sufficient to baffle our instinct and that cooked  carb foods should be reduced in the diet. 

The least we can say without defaming  is that there seems to have been quite a bit of reflexion  going on amongst scientists working in  military circles AROUND the world  in the 30's and 40's, on this topic.  Given the wealth of french colonial/military  medicine and french medical anthropology at that time, I would be extremely surprised  not to find any similar attempt at theorizing these ideas in France. 

And strangely, none of these XXth century theorizing efforts by military medicine   ( efforts which actually started well  before the french revolution)  have  been acknowledged by  non-military litterature issued  by non-physicians (neither MacDougall, nor  Delteil, nor Burger were physicians -  but all of them were artists ) who tried to call the attention of the public on a theory based on similar scientific tenets,  after the 50's .   

These are facts , Iguana. Not interpretations. 

At long last,   the  missing link between Clara Davis experiments (1927-1930’s) on the food instinct of newly weaned and the “Stone Age diet” of W Voegtlin  is gradually  coming to light, thanks to the profusion of biographical details which can be nowadays be  found on the web.

The following has been written by a top notch military scientist who ended his career as Head of a  major public university in the US. He was also a  member of a (republican) Defense Cabinet (MOD).    Excerpted from a book for the larger audience , which went into a number of editions, it was published  before the war broke out  between  Germany and the US .

It clearly  demonstrates 
a) that the (rare )  ideational combinations of  instinct + paleolithic diet theory  could be found before WWII.   I was pretty sure that it was the case, but never found a concrete exemple before.
 b) military staff were particularly interested in the subject, as they’ve always been throughout history

   “ Ceux qui sont en faveur du  laissez faire en matière de nutrition , qui prétendent que les papilles gustatives sont les seuls arbitres nécessaires pour déterminer le régime adéquat, auraient eu parfaitement raison 100 000 ans en arrière, mais plus de nos jours, car nos papilles n’ont pas été entrainées de la manière dont il était prévu qu’elles le soient. Elles ont été détournées des choses simples et naturelles et exigent des stimulations artificielles. Il a été suggéré que les premiers hommes se préservaient de morts douloureuses par intoxication grace à un appareil sensitif capable de détecter les matières empoisonnées. Cela a certainement été vrai à une époque mais cela n’est certainement plus vrai de nos jours. Nos poisons se cachent dans l’art culinaire et derrière les épices, et meme lorsque la cuisine n’arrive à plus à les dissimuler,  il est possible que nos papilles émoussées  ne seraient plus capables de les détecter.  Les enfants laissés à eux-mêmes montrent une préférence affligeante  pour les sucres raffinés , les hydrates de carbone et les bonbons : ces aliments agissent sur eux comme le sang agit sur  le tigre. Ils y laissent leur santé et leurs dents. Les enfants des peuplades primitives avaient les memes appétences, mais ils n’avaient pas la possibilité de satisfaire leurs envies avec des aliments industriels. Ils devaient se contenter de fruits murs et de canne à sucre sauvage , ce qui leur permettait d’absorber suffisamment de minéraux et de vitamines avec leur sucre.  Tant que nous maltraiterons nos aliments par les procédés les plus divers, nous serons condamnés à tempérer nos inclinations instinctives et à modérer nos choix alimentaires par le jugement de notre raison. Il y a eu un certain nombre d’expériences consistant à nourrir des enfants en leur laissant le choix. Ces expériences ont souvent été mal interprétées ……etc etc…..»

Personal comments :

In retrospect, and taking into account the fact that hardly anybody  ever since that time,  has heard about an instinctual theory of human nutrition,  there  can be several ways of reading  these past  “admonitions” by a military scientist  :

1)   A naïve  reading  of the above would be   “ Behold, happy citizens ! Science is on the verge of elucidating the mystery of how the food instinct of our species works. You will soon be handed out  the user manual, as soon as we can find a complete version of it  ! ”. May be this is what some military scientists  voluntarily  did,  in the end , in the   1950’s when the understanding  of “paleo diet- within- an- instinctual- framework”  leaked out to the ears of the likes of Roger MacDougall and Burger,  and from there  to the larger audience ?     

2)   A more realistic reading/interpretation  ? “ You,  morons, do not deserve to be  taught how to become  self reliant with your food instinct . We , Grand Master of Science and Defense Technology  have rediscovered a secret, which we will only partially unveil  in this book  so that we may keep you entirely  in our power…and we will discourage you to pursue   the mastery  of your food instinct,  by pretending that economy and society cannot go  backward …  ”
 In that case , the 1960’s repeated attempts  to bring into the public light  a theory on instinctive paleo diet is  the result of a "Snowden like"   MEAT-Y-LEAK

The distressing thing is that I don't know which one of the above corresponds to  true history.......

New  study reveals that some human beings could be more "adapted"  to a diet rich in cereals.

If some populations have evolved some kind of adaptation to cow's milk, it is  to be expected that similar arrangements occurred  to a certain extent with cereals.

While reading the above article , it came to my mind that what  science is aiming at,  is to find ways to get everyone  more adapted to cereals, or at least as adapted as the most adapted amongst us.
The guy who will  find a pill to increase the amylase content of our saliva, so that everyone  will run less risk of becoming obese, will become a wealthy man.

When this will happen, people will be encouraged to seek  treatment to improve their "adaptative factor" to  cereals.

And those with the lowest level of amylase in their saliva  will find it normal to follow a special medical treatment to cope with their "handicap" ..........


Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Crowdfunding a raw paleo diet experiment ?
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:40:26 pm »
You would have to establish (experimentally) a "positive interpretation" of detox first. No small task!

A high number of dermatologists are ready to agree that a number of  skin diseases might be a detox process.
We could start the experiment  with skin diseases.
While many of these diseases have the reputation of being incurable, one can "see" the benefit of a raw paleo  even after a few weeks of raw paleo.

Medical science  will not escape the ongoing process of "spectacularisation"  (la société du spectacle). We can see the entertaining side of medicine coming slowly from the surgery  room ( mini camera, Google glass...). Tyler Durden will not object to the idea that States and Corporations will never  finance a raw paleo diet experiment, at least  not until a couple of centuries ahead from now.....

So let's organise it  ! A crowd-funded  contest between raw paleo (versus all other diets), to be conducted in  hospital wards  located  in  paradisiac countries, thru individual donations,  would necessarily attract public attention.     

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Instinctive nutrition and the Army
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:01:34 pm »
He even offered  1000 € to get a recording of one of GCB seminars and paid that amount to... GCB himself who gladly send it on a CD!  But we haven't got any news about it ever since. ROFL! ;D

Hold your breath  Iguana :  I'll retire in a couple of years. I will then have ample time to immerse myself again in Burgers' introductory course, to prepare my  future seminars on food instinct in a scientific, religious and political perspective.
The seminars will be given alternatively in french and english and they  will cover several centuries in the history of physiology and medicine, until the death of those german physicians who were trained during the nazi era.   

For the time being, I have several other irons in the fire.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Crowdfunding a raw paleo diet experiment ?
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:52:21 am »
The studies  would concentrate on the therapeutic effects on various diseases, so that detox would be positively interpreted.

Instincto / Anopsology / Crowdfunding a raw paleo diet experiment ?
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:56:05 am »
A crowdfunding site for researchers looking for individual or corporate sponsors.......

Step 1 : Create a website in french/english/spanish/ portuguese/ malaysian/ indonesian proposing a new research protocol on the therapeutic uses of a 20/30 day dietary experiment based on raw paleo, and offering  the corresponding (crowd) funding
Step 2 : send the link to the medical research community and collect applications from hospital-based  medical teams   
Step 3 :  select the team which  will receive the funding.
Step 4 : promote the experiments  thru various crowdfunding platforms and collect private funds
Step 5 : conduct the experiment   
Step 6 : publish the results of the dietary experiments

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Instinctive nutrition and the Army
« on: February 23, 2014, 02:14:58 am »

It doesn't matter as long as the individuals remain ...... truthful in their sayings and writings.

That's the whole point of the story. When you know someone is a pretender,  it is easier for people to keep their critical sense awaken ( admittely, there are great individual differences in this respect  ).   


Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Instinctive nutrition and the Army
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:14:47 pm »
Iguana : you might have an engineering background, you seem to be lacking some basics in history.

a) Amongst all the areas of medical specialization, military medicine is the one who values the  most the tradition and  the knowledge from  the past. 
b) Even though it would be hard to demonstrate, it is very likely that, compared to other medical specialties,  it has been thoroughly moved/ infused by  Christian values for a much longer period of time .
c) It is an undisputed fact that there has always been a greater proportion of devout Christians  in the profession of arms than in any other professions. This is true throughout the Christian world, and it is also true in France.
d) unless you prove me wrong (my documentation might not be complete), the only article favourable to  paleo diet (not to instincto though ) which was ever published in  a french newspaper ( the latter term to be understood as "journal d'opinion politique", ie excluding scientific magazines ) was published in a far right newspaper with a strong  "catholique nationaliste"  leaning  called "Minute".
e) On the other hand, if you want to know what the French  Christian leftist press think of paleo diet, you have to buy the  December 2013 issue of Golias ( I have the pdf file of the issue) . A perfect illustration of the old saying which goes that  journalism is about talking on  issues on which you don't have the slightest clue; and a sad exemple of french gloubi boulga intended to scare the most destitute and generous  minds amongst our compatriots.

One thing the Golias  journalist has perfectly understood, however,  is that there must be  somehow  a link between the sectarian movements of Dr Joyeux (a French Catho-traditionalist,  cancer specialist, who openly favors an all-raw diet) and the likes of  Burger, Comby , the cereal free movement ..... However, I'm afraid this link goes well beyond his reckoning capacity. As much as it goes well beyond your reckoning capacity.     

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Instinctive nutrition and the Army
« on: February 19, 2014, 09:29:08 am »
You say "Paleophil gives references and I don't" . That's perfectly  true.

But look here : Paleophil  does not  appear to make sense of his discovery about  Cleave's paper.   On the one hand, he realizes that Cleave and Burger share the same theoretical background/ source of inspiration  (which is obviously true). On the other hand , he is confused by the fact that Cleave, contrary to Burger, does not recommend to follow a purely raw diet.

 Paleophil does not seem to understand that :
a) had Cleave  concluded his article by proposing to adhere to a strictly raw diet, his article might have been rejected by the editors  of the medical journal .
b) Cleave's intention was not to create a raw food sectarian movement,  but simply to promote fresh ideas on how the  food instinct  theory could inspire physicians to help improve the daily fare of the average english household.

So I'm helping  you realize the importance of CLeave's paper, and its significance for the  history of food instinct. 

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