Beautiful Butyrate
Butyric acid has amazing benefits for your health. Butyric acid is a short chain fatty acid which dramatically improves insulin sensitivity, metabolism, blood lipids, body composition, and reduces stress and inflammation.
Butyric acid is made by the fermentation of fiber in the large intestine. The lower digestibility of raw vegetables may be a blessing in disguise. Feeding the large intestine more undigested plant matter will increase butyric acid production. Butyric acid also occurs in dairy products.
This has been a great discovery, it challenged my previous paradigm: raw plants are indigestible and provide virtually no starch, sugar, or nutrients. Now I realize that short chain fatty acids made from fiber have fantastic health benefits. In what appeared to be raw indigestible fiber, nature was providing sustenance for us all along.
Iguana emphasizes that you should trust in nature, eat foods which agree with you, and have peace of mind, his style is wise indeed.
Further Readings:This link has a good overview about the benefits of butyric acid. link has information on resistant starch which ferments into butyric acid. link is about captive gorillas that switched to a natural whole foods diet and lost weight and improved their health. The indigestible fiber they ate increased their production of short chain fatty acids. is exciting new information; eating more raw vegetables, roots, and tubers may bring great health and wellness benefits via short chain fatty acids. Please share your ideas about this subject.