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Messages - turkish

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Off Topic / Re: Oil Pulling Therapy
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:18:36 am »
repackage and market. Basically pulls out toxins - hence pulling

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Vegan vs Paleo
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:57:29 pm »
Vegans do a better marketing job, my family was raw vegan - untill we ran into serious health issues. Paid heavily with lost money and time. You will find it strange that i was visiting this site & vegan sites couple of years back. But i eventually choose "vegan". My final theory is that lies are more seductive.

General Discussion / Re: Sleep/Wake Cycles
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:25:12 am »
as per indian traditions 4am is the best time to wake up - its called 'amrit-vela'

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: eating animal fat
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:09:02 am »
 placed a order with northstar bison for fat - just. However mary charged me $6.50/lb for it, that too frozen backfat (bison)

Off Topic / Re: Bates Method?
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:53:24 am »
 as a kid when i did sungazing, i did'nt care what time of the day it was. could that have caused any harm?

Off Topic / Re: Bates Method?
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:49:25 am »
 Thanks for the info on sun gazing. Its amazing that as a kid i used to gaze at the sun with open eyes - ofcourse i did not know what i was doing, i guess we know lot of things by instinct.

 our glass we were -1.0. Not a lot but what i learned from this is that poor vision can be due to muscle fatigue - much like any other fatigued muscle (back, calf etc). So no hurry to get glasses. For example i just returned from a trip to india, where strange things happenned: my BM became regular but by knees grew weak & and my eyesight grew weaker, i got a severe backache. Now i am back in the USA, backache is gone, knees are stronger, vision is improving.
According to ayurveda a regular BM is good for health. My wife has regular BM but her health is worse than mine - same with our kids. my daughter who takes after me - keeps good health but is always constipated. My son takes after my wife - has regular BM but his health is weak.

Off Topic / Re: Eletrical fields
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:35:49 am »

Off Topic / Re: Be a MAN
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:52:41 am »
All i know now is how to be a married-Man.

Heard somewhere the definition of married-Man: looks like one, talks like one but he aint one.

cant ever be a MAN now, its irreversible.

organs make me feel awfull, maybe its detox - i am new to all this so i am still learning the ropes.

currently i am at 0% organs, all muscle.

of course i eat cooked too.

Off Topic / Re: Eletrical fields
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:41:06 am »
 can you guide as to how to do that?

Off Topic / Re: Eletrical fields
« on: January 01, 2011, 12:45:00 am »
my dad is a electrical engineer - i can assure you that electricity affects human beings.

Also since he was an electrical engineer we lived 14 years (my age 8 to 22) on top of two/three 20,000 Volt transformers (it sounds insane now - this is the first evidence that he was not thinking rationally when he moved 3 small kids to live on top live transformers for free accomodation).

i can assure you brains and organs of each member of the family are cooked.

my mom had to had her uterus removed at age 45. my sister's uterus is dysfunctional - she can never have kids. Strange tumors kept showing up in my mums body - as long as we lived there she used to have regular biopsies for suspected cancer - this phenonmenon went away when she moved away from those transformer - infact people used to comment that she started looking 10 years younger.

come to think of it now i realized that my favorite room was the one which was furthest from the transformers - it was the hotest room in the house where temperatures soared to 115+ degrees in peak summer (this is summer time in delhi, india) - but i still loved that room.

Off Topic / Re: Bates Method?
« on: January 01, 2011, 12:27:33 am »
me and my wife, gave up our glasses by following Bates method. So its effective somewhat.

Raw-al, how do you do sungazing? i mean you gaze with the eyelids closed or open?

Let me know what are you doing for improving your hearing, i think i am beginning to lose mine - i have a condition called auditory processing.

Personals / Re: Anyone in NJ?
« on: December 31, 2010, 04:04:28 am »
in princeton area, work in midtown NYC.

try any asian indian grocery store, perhaps chinese too.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: eating animal fat
« on: December 30, 2010, 11:50:05 pm »
 what kind of fat did you get and from where?

Hot Topics / Re: Faecal Transplant
« on: December 30, 2010, 11:47:29 pm »
i did a lot of reading on this transplant (like goodsamaritan i am in the healthy gut flora camp).

Lot of people actually acutally got worse after this transplant, so this can be a risky thing.

THey first kill ALL the bacterial flora in the gut before inducing a new one - this to me is a risky step where things can get worse.

my 2 cents.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from NJ
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:03:58 am »
 where in NJ are you? I am in princeton area, just curious where you get your supplies for grassfed meat and raw dairy from?
 I am still in the process for finding a supply of fresh grassfed meat (unfrozen). I get my raw dairy from Penn. but i dont take much dairy, just recently started kefir - i will see how it goes.

Health / Re: Opportunity to Service a Cancer Patients Group
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:39:37 am »
I am of the opinion, that people choose their own cure (whether it works or not is irrelevant to most).

For example my mom & dad, they have already picked theirs, the fact the cure does'nt work does not seem to impact their choice.

In fact sometimes i suggest cures that i found effective, i have been laughed at in my face.

My observation is that people generally pick their cures (via route of marketing) - efficacy tends to be irrelevant.

Hot Topics / Re: I just dont get it
« on: December 16, 2010, 03:10:30 am »
Not blaming this diet actually, there is something about the whole system here.

I got to this diet only recently after years on ( vegetarian, vegan, raw smoothies). This is the best so far, bcos i am new i not 100% raw yet. I think my diet is similiar to yuli.

Hot Topics / I just dont get it
« on: December 16, 2010, 02:50:34 am »
My digestive system is a wreck here, bloating, constipation, hair loss. Tried everything, each solution solves only part of the problem.

Of course each solution involves extra effort or impacts lifestyle.

However i was in india (country i was born in) for 2.5 weeks where i had no control over my diet - eating cheap crap food and crappy water - but my digestive systems was perfect. i had some loose bowels but my health was great, no hairs falling out.

Am i genetically designed to do better there - healthwise.

Or is the water really f****d up here, i do filter my water (heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine) however not tried distilled or RO yet.

Any ideas?


Just to make things explicit - what indicators do folks use here to determine if they have inflamation or not?

milk/dairy causes inflamation.

Tumeric is anti-inflamatory, i guess so is ginger.

i remember reading somewhere long time ago, IP6 might help in this situation - ofcourse it would mask the problem.

Off Topic / Re: what is your job/profession?
« on: November 24, 2010, 06:22:57 am »
Computer Programmer.

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