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Messages - Projectile Vomit

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General Discussion / Re: Anybody eat lungs?
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:30:51 am »
I've eaten lungs before. They are definitely tough and chewy. The taste is fine, but to eat them raw I've basically had to chop them into tiny pieces, chew them well to loosen up the connective tissue, and swallow them. You won't really tear them into smaller pieces with your teeth. They also have a peculiar texture, very light and airy. Like eating cartilaginous styrofoam.

Off Topic / Re: *Sigh* The future of humanity...
« on: July 13, 2017, 05:28:31 am »
We live in interesting times...

They still wanted a fix, just from a different set of chemicals. Opioids instead of alcohol.

I agree that agriculture had its origins in addiction, but don't think it started with fermenting cereal grains to make alcohol. I think it started with people developing an addiction to opioid compounds in cereal grains. They probably learned about fermentation later.

Off Topic / Re: Not even herbivores are fully vegetarian!
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:37:22 pm »
Nothing new here. Plenty of evidence of herbivores eating animals. See videos below:

Deer eats bird

Horse eats chicken

Deer trying to eat a rabbit

I could link to a bunch more. You get the idea.

Actually, "most of the research out there" already shows that cooked food consumption is harmful....

Exactly. We don't have a problem so much with inaccurate information as much as we do an unwillingness to accept the truth of much good information out there. Though there is some misinformation out there, to be sure.

@a_real_man, I definitely do not share your point of view. There are plenty of reliable sources out there on the impacts that various parasites and infectious microorganisms can have on the human body. Just because someone says something that runs counter to your current belief system doesn't mean it's wrong.

An acquaintance of mine was on the Discovery show Naked and Afraid some years back. One of the other 'cast' members decided to try eating raw turtle liver because she caught the turtle and she and her partner couldn't get a fire started to cook it. She almost had to be hospitalized. I'm not sure what it was that caused this, but it really knocked her down.

I have never done this. If you are seriously considering it, I suggest researching the parasites the species you are considering eating carries, what organs they tend to reside in, and whether they can create pathogenic infestations in people. Although I do eat a lot of animal-derived foods raw, I tend to err on the side of caution. Trichinosis, salmonella, and bad strains of E. coli are no joke.

Health / Re: Meats fully digest leaving no waste?
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:47:45 pm »
Yes, I figured out what you meant. You can go back and edit posts, no?

Also, it occurs to me that plants are not the only source of undigestible fiber. Fungi provide it too, in the form of oligosaccharides. Animal foods also provide undigestible fiber in the form of certain types of collagen in connective tissue. What defines the 'fiber' we get from various plant foods is the fact that it passes through our stomach and small intestine without being digested. If we use that definition, we also get fiber from animal foods too. So a diet that consists entirely of animal foods is not a fiber-free diet.

The friend who worked with the Hadza, his name is Jeff Leach. He founded the American Gut Project, and the Human Food Project, among other scholarly ventures. He's spent time studying the reindeer people in Siberia, who subsist almost entirely on reindeer meat, milk, and organs. They eat very little plant material, but still end up eating a fair amount of undigestible fiber owing to all of the connective tissue they eat. I think he said they eat much of their food raw, though they do cook some of it.

Health / Re: Meats fully digest leaving no waste?
« on: July 06, 2017, 08:29:37 pm »
The info you've provided dovetails pretty well with my own experience. I've gone stretches where I've eaten solely animal foods (not just muscle meat, but also organs and fat deposits from various parts of the body) and didn't have problems with constipation at all. I also noticed that my bowel movements became less frequent, and were smaller (lower mass of poop each time). This does seem to suggest that the meat was used more thoroughly than plants were, though it certainly didn't eliminate bowel movements. Others who contribute to this forum have done this for very long periods, hopefully they'll chime in.

I haven't read that book, but put it on my reading list so thanks for mentioning it. I don't think I buy the idea that fiber is inherently bad. There are many types of fiber in various types and parts of plants, and some of them are more useful than others in our gut. If the author wants to demonize fiber from cereal grains, I'm right behind him. I'm definitely NOT on board with the idea of demonizing fiber more generally. Fiber from the roots, stems, leaves and fruit of plants can benefit the gut in many ways. Many of these types of fiber serve as food for our gut bacteria, so eating a diverse array of plants can promote a diverse gut flora, which yields many health benefits.

I have a friend who works with the Hadza in Tanzania (Africa), and he says they eat upwards of 50g and sometimes as much as 200g of fiber every day. They're quite healthy. None of that fiber comes from cereal grains though. It comes from nuts, berries, and various parts of wild plants, particularly roots and tubers.

General Discussion / Re: Amazing beef suet
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:57:08 am »
Suet contains a fair amount of connective tissue. It's the fat deposit taken from the body cavity, by the kidneys. As opposed to fat scraped from the back of the animal beneath the skin.

General Discussion / Amazing beef suet
« on: July 01, 2017, 10:37:29 pm »
Public service announcement: This is the time to buy suet, either from cattle that were recently slaughtered or from other ruminant animals that have not been fed grain. They have been on lush young grass for the last few months, so the fatty acid profile of their lipid tissue is as good as it's going to get (best Omega 3 : Omega 6 ratio you'll see all year). As the summer progresses, grasses will mature and head, making their leaves and stems more fibrous and less nourishing to cattle and other ruminants. These animals will also happen to eat the grass seeds that develop, which will push their fatty acid profiles to favor Omega 6 fatty acids, like grain-fed cattle's lipid tissue does.

I just scored about 8 pounds of luscious suet from a grass fed operation near my home in Burlington, VT. I bought one small pack last week to taste test to make sure it was good and not all dry and crumbly, and it was exquisite. The fat was moist, chewy, and satiating, so I emailed the woman right away and told her to save all that she had from that cattle for me. I picked it up earlier today at the farmers' market for $3 per pound. That's an amazing price when you think about it. Fat contains about 9 kcal per gram, which means that at a price of $3 per pound I'm paying about 7 cents per 100 kcals, or about $1.50 for every 2,000 kcals. That's so cheap! And for such high quality food!

The woman who sold me this fat will be sending another steer to slaughter in early July, and I asked her to save the fat from that animal for me too. Another grass farmer will also be saving me backfat and suet from a couple animals he's sending to slaughter mid-July. The warmer, rainy spring we've had in VT has made this an amazing year for grass farmers, although haying has been tricky because of all the moisture. I'm looking forward to stocking up on amazing quality fat, in addition to the many jars of bear fat I still have from last fall.

General Discussion / New podcast episode on hunting
« on: June 28, 2017, 09:34:40 pm »
Just uploaded Episode 7 of A Worldview Apart. This episode features a great interview with Murphy Robinson, of Mountainsong Expeditions, about her transition from being a vegan who despised the practice of hunting to becoming an omnivore who hunts for her meat. She also talks about the paradox of killing something you see as beautiful, the perks and drawbacks of being a woman hunter in 21st Century America, and the ‘macho’ hunting paradigm versus the ‘connection’ hunting paradigm. Those who are interested in hunting as a means of food procurement or who are considering exploring the practice will really enjoy this episode!

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 28, 2017, 06:24:45 am »
Translation: I been coming to this forum for a long time and everything you guys ever posted is composed of the same 26 letters of the alphabet over and over... Nothing new! Unlike me...

LOL, well played!

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 24, 2017, 06:15:29 pm »
Self-perfection of this sort just leads to dietary orthodoxy or dietary orthorexia in the end. Nature is not perfect nor does it ever seek perfection. Perfection is a mere manmade concept, which is wholly unnatural in and of itself...

A great point. I would add that there are parallels between the way people's idea of perfection is socially constructed and how dogma is socially constructed.

Nummi, for all of your claims about how you don't care for dogma/rules/scripture/orthodoxy, you are entangled in an awful lot of it. What's worse, you seem to be utterly oblivious of this fact.

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 23, 2017, 08:57:59 am »
I'm a big fan of organ meats too. I don't think they make up half of my diet, by calories, but certainly more than 1/4. I've come upon very good sources of chicken and duck eggs, and for the price they're very inexpensive sources of rich calories. The yolks are bright orange. But even as I say that, I laid out some raw lamb heart and goat tongue for breakfast tomorrow.

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 23, 2017, 02:40:27 am »
In my opinion it has nothing to do with addiction but rather a much simpler explanation - hunger...

I accept that hunger did play a role, but I don't think hunger alone could have spawned agriculture. If it were just hunger, people would have eaten grain when needed, then reverted to more nourishing foods when times got better. That's not what happened. People turned to cereal grains, and never looked back.

Just look at European colonization of the Americas and South Africa. People with a long history of food-derived opioid dependency arrived in continents with abundant game and nutritionally dense, non-cereal plants and what did they do? They ate a little of the new foods, but for the most part brought their nutritionally poor yet opioid rich cereal grains with them and ate those. And of course they ate the few cereal grains that indigenous people had domesticated, primarily maize (aka corn).

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 23, 2017, 02:34:44 am »
Wheat itself, if grown on rich and unpolluted soils and is sprouted before consumption, is highly nutritious. Far more nutritious than raw animal fat.

Reading your post, it looks like you and I will have to agree to disagree on a lot of things.

General Discussion / Re: The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 23, 2017, 12:41:04 am »
Though this grain brained arrangement I believe leaves humanity somewhat cheated, in that although diets high in these unnaturally occurring foods provide a high level of endorphin which the brain craves, it is potentially lacking in many essential nutrients which would build a more environmentally balanced optimal "mind body"...

I think 'potentially' is an understatement. I think people drive towards foods heavy on the opioid peptides and light on minerals and nutritionally-valuable phytochemistry is the story of agriculture. When this process first started 10,000 years ago the nutritional imbalance was relatively small, as cereal grains were still fairly robust and soils rich in nutrients for all plants to take up and incorporate into their tissues. Weston A. Price's work documents the physical degeneration that went with adopting particularly nutrient poor industrial foods, but archeologists around the world have been documenting physical degeneration even in people 10,000 years ago as they started eating cereal grains.

I remember giving up wheat maybe 40 years ago and it didn't seem as hard back then...

Read books like Wheat Belly and Grain Brain and one thing you'll learn is that wheat has changed a lot in the last 50 years. If my memory serves me, modern varieties of wheat have at least 20x more gluten per unit volume than they did back in 1950. Since the opioid compounds identified in wheat are part of the gluten, more gluten in modern varieties of wheat means more opioid peptides. Bread made from modern varieties of wheat is far more addictive and stimulates our opioid receptors far more than bread made in the 1950s or before.

General Discussion / The Addictive Origins of Agriculture
« on: June 22, 2017, 10:29:02 am »
The notion that agriculture as a means of food procurement is the result of ancient people's addiction to opioid peptides found in cereal grains and milk has come up in the forum before. I've done a fair amount of research into this theory and its intricacies, and explored the idea in the most recent episode of my podcast A Worldview Apart. Folks who are interested are welcome to give it a listen, either on my website or on iTunes. Comments and feedback are welcome!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Who intentionally eats bugs?
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:38:37 am »
Grasshoppers taste much like whatever they've been eating. I prefer eating them whole and live. I usually gather them while gathering other wild edibles, so basically eat them as I catch them. Land to mouth, so to speak. How crunchy they are depends on what life stage they're in. If you eat the earlier instar stages, they are softer. If you eat the adults with fully developed wings, their exoskeletons are also mature so they are a bit crunchy. Not the most tasty thing in the world, but certainly no off-putting either.

I suspect that insects were probably hominin's gateway animal food, that is they were the animal food we began eating that initiated the many physiological changes that drew us away from a largely herbivorous diet as was seen in other great apes and towards the more omnivorous diet humans seem to thrive on today. It's a shame so many people find insects so disagreeable. I hope to interview the owner of Tomorrow's Harvest on my podcast sometime soon. He's done a lot of research into this area.

Trichinosis isn't a microbe. It's a roundworm.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Who intentionally eats bugs?
« on: June 17, 2017, 06:33:18 pm »
I eat insects. Most commonly I catch grasshoppers and crickets in the wild, adjacent to certified organic farm fields. I sometimes buy frozen organic crickets from Tomorrow's Harvest.

Trichinosis is not part of people's gut flora. It's a parasitic worm that forms cysts in muscle tissue. Although I totally buy some parasite therapies, I have never seen anyone claim that trichinosis offered value as a therapeutic tool.

General Discussion / Re: Why Do Vegans Hate Me?
« on: June 04, 2017, 10:11:00 pm »
Wow, that video is intense! I only made it about 45 seconds in and had to turn it off. I've always associated the violent tendencies of vegans not so much to lack of meat, but lack of adequate fat. I'm sure there are other factors too. Self-hatred and misanthropism probably play important roles.

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