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Messages - Projectile Vomit

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This is a fascinating conversation. Makes me very grateful to live in Vermont, USA, where high quality food is fairly accessible.

Hamster cannibalism aside, here's another link to the same vid which is accessible by those of us in the USA.
Bizarre Foods: St. Petersburg Russia

Nobody tells the animals what to eat, or how much to eat or at what time of day to eat and yet they have developed an instinctive ability to not poison themselves and maintain their health so long as the environment is capable of supporting their basic needs.....though it should be obvious that the malnourished Indian children who Overdosed on raw unripe fruit, were far from the instinctive ideal. Likely lentil and rice gruel consumers who where near starvation and never developed an instinctive stop mechanism.

Sometimes this is true, but not always. Take, for instance, the plant belladonna. It's very toxic, but tastes sweet and has coevolved to use birds as a seed dispersal agent. The birds eat the sweet berries, which kill them after a short period. The birds fall dead, and the seeds sprout from amidst their decomposing bodies and use the fertile soil around the carcass to nourish themselves. The plant specifically uses birds' instinct to propagate itself, killing the birds in the process.

General Discussion / Re: Confused about High meat.
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:33:10 pm »
I'm not aware of any research that has studied high meat and can name the bacteria present or articulate the nutrition added, but my personal experience of using it versus other forms of fermented meats leads me to believe that high meat is a superior medicinal food, while fermented meats, while at times tasty, aren't really medicinal. High meat is completely different from the salted meats discussed in the article you referenced. The lactic acid fermentation process preserves some of the nutrition in the meat while the salt partially dries it, but I don't think the bacterial assemblage really adds much of value. The bacteria that work on meat in the high meat production process add something to it.

Health / Re: Fecal Microbiota Transplant - need stool donor
« on: January 21, 2017, 02:20:09 am »
I read through the questionnaire. I suspect I would be considered 'healthy'. You are acting like an ass though, and treating people who are quite knowledgable about this poorly, so you will have to look elsewhere for your donor.

Health / Re: Fecal Microbiota Transplant - need stool donor
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:08:32 am »
Although there are folks on these boards who do suffer from various maladies, not everyone's like that. I consider myself a healthy person, though not sure what the medical criteria are for becoming a fecal donor. It also seems to me that you should really be looking for someone locally. I assume that the outpatient facility where the transplant will occur will probably want the receive the fecal donation without it being shipped across country?

General Discussion / Re: Pancreatic insuffiency
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:40:51 pm »
I second the idea of a water fast. When my digestion isn't working as well as I'd like, the best antidote I've found is to take 3-5 days -- or more if I think it's needed -- off of eating to let my GI tract rest. Once I've rested for a period, I gradually break the fast with easily digested foods like raw organ meats from herbivores, raw ocean fish, raw oysters, raw shellfish or insects, small amounts of fermented vegetables to introduce pre-digested fiber, and perhaps olive oil if I can find some that's of very high quality.

I don't attempt to eat 2,000 kcals the day I break a fast. I've found it best to eat 500 or so kcals that first day, then ramp up gradually to a more normal intake over a few days to ease my GI tract back into its normal level of function.

Off Topic / Re: More on non-dietary paths to health
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:42:34 am »
Amen to this. I've been quite intrigued by the idea of applying Total Load Theory to human health, as been done by Beth Lambert of the Documenting Hope Project. Those who are interested can watch Beth's most recent talk at the Nourish Vermont Traditional Food and Health Gathering, which took place this past June (link takes you to YouTube video):

Nourish Vermont 2016 Beth Lambert

TLT states that, at any one time, there are many stressors operating on the human body, and many factors operating to reduce the negative impact of those stressors. Diet can be both a stressor, or a force helping to reduce stress. A lot of other factors can help reduce stress too, though.

General Discussion / Re: Engaging the Scientific Establishment
« on: December 28, 2016, 10:14:46 pm »
As someone who works in the academic realm, I wish you the best of luck Derek but it's a tough nut to crack. Research is largely driven by the potential to commercialize a patentable therapy or drug. A researcher can't very well patent some aspect of a raw diet, or even commercialize it. Without the promise of a profitable product down the road, it's hard to get a company (or a government) to invest in research trials, and they are quite expensive. Even relatively simple trials with a few research subjects might cost a quarter million dollars.

Have you ever considered doing a podcast, either an audio podcast hosted by iTunes or a video podcast on YouTube? Seems to me that would be the best platform to talk about your lifestyle, uninhibited. I'm gearing up to start my own podcast come early 2017, though it won't focus exclusively on diet.

Off Topic / Re: Optimizing IQ and EQ through nutrient intake
« on: December 26, 2016, 07:38:03 am »
Geoff, did you even read the article you just quoted from? The section you pasted seems to support my statement more than it refutes it, especially regarding the last paragraph.

Off Topic / Re: Optimizing IQ and EQ through nutrient intake
« on: December 26, 2016, 12:13:56 am »
It doesn't surprise me at all that IQ varies as described. It is measured in a way that privileges people of European and Asian descent, due to the way schools in these regions teach.

Off Topic / Re: Model wore real raw meat dress unlike lady gaga
« on: October 13, 2016, 04:20:58 am »
It makes no sense to me that the meat would start to smell that quickly, unless it was starting to rot before they made the dress and she put it on.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:40:15 am »
And I will further add that after a bit more research, I've found a few sites that suggest elk are both grazers and browsers, so it appears that both I and RF are correct on this front.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: September 30, 2016, 08:11:14 pm »
And I would add that elk are browsers, not grazers, as RF asserts. You don't see herds of elk grazing in prairies like bison do, or like antelope. They form herds, much like deer, that move through forests browsing on herbs, fungi and shrubs, mostly, with mast, bark and other things making up important parts of their diet seasonally. Sure, they'll eat grass occasionally, but it's not their mainstay.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:46:18 am »
I've long since given up on the idea that there's a perfect diet, either in general or for anyone in particular. The human body is very adaptable, and any individual person could probably live well on multiple different diets. Finding a diet that renders us free of disease is a useless ideal, in my opinion. This isn't to dismiss the value of eating clean, whole food, obviously. Just that it's important not to view diet as a perpetual work-in-progress rather than to turn it into a dogmatic ideology.

I honor Derek's pursuit of a better relationship with the landscape one inhabits. That's a huge driving force behind my dietary choices too. The healthy diet that one piece of land can provide might (and most likely will) be very different from the one another can, though.

Here in Vermont, for instance, there are a lot of farmers growing grass to feed cattle. But is the northeast really the place for cattle? Cattle are grazers, and prior to the introduction of domestic sheep and later cattle with the Europeans there were no large grazing animals here. None! Perhaps a wood bison wandered into the state once in a blue moon, but they were never here frequently enough for the resident indigenous peoples to even create a word for them. Given this reality, I don't think cattle have a place here. They're only here now because farmers force the landscape to be something they can inhabit, force the land to be pasture when it wants to become savannah or forest. What did live here? Browsers, like caribou, elk, deer and moose, all of which do very well in forests and savannahs. A grazer is very different, ecologically, from a browser.

Perhaps what Derek means by "beyond grass fed" is to rekindle an awareness of the ecological appropriateness of food animals?

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: September 28, 2016, 01:22:34 am »
You might consider updating the name of your journal to reflect your new handle.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:38:01 am »
I'd consider buying some of the beef from you Derek, if you're game to ship it up north. What do you expect the cost per pound to be? I'd primarily be interested in organs, but would consider buying muscle too of the price were reasonable.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:56:09 am »
As an American, I want to say that there's absolutely nothing funny about this fall's election. Except all of it. LOL.

Tyler plz move to america and help me to grow the weed so we can afford to grow the best animals. I am not authentically raw paleo enough either.

Grow weed so you can afford to grow the best animals? That's awesome...

General Discussion / Re: Some foods(meats/fruits)make men smell better
« on: August 23, 2016, 11:27:59 pm »
Interesting article. I've been told by people that I always seem to have a pleasant smell, even after hard workouts where I've sweated a lot. I haven't used deodorant in over a decade, and rarely use soap when bathing.

General Discussion / Re: Potato, sweet potato and high carb sources?
« on: August 22, 2016, 08:11:16 am »
Cheers Eric, sounds good. Out of interest do you really enjoy the taste of raw potato, or just eat it to get the extra carbs?

Originally it was for the carbs, but as I've been eating them for a while the taste and texture have actually become appealing. Have you ever tasted them? Depending on what variety you get, the taste can vary tremendously. Some of the heirloom varieties are not only pleasant in taste but also add visual appeal to a prepared dish with their red, blue or purple flesh, and variously colored skins.

When nobody knows who you are, and you're looking to gain fame or brand recognition, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Under that context, the risk is in not having anybody else talk about you.

I absolutely disagree. People often formulate their opinion based on first impressions. If you let others craft the first impression you're going to give people, you're giving away all of your power. The only way you can make a good first impression is if you hold on to the ability to frame your personal appearances. Derek makes no effort to do this. He takes any media opportunity presented to him, and gives away all editorial leverage.

General Discussion / Re: Potato, sweet potato and high carb sources?
« on: August 22, 2016, 07:31:41 am »
Many of my root vegetables, including onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes, are chopped into small cubes and mixed into a 'salad', which might have some greens in it but not many. I will usually mix olives into these root veg salads to add some healthy fat, and might also add some fermented vegetables and raw meat too. One raw meat that works particularly well in these recipes is raw fish, especially wild-caught salmon. Meat and olives add some protein and fat that makes it easier to process the raw carbs and lets me tolerate the high fiber easier. I sometimes add a splash of vinegar too, for the taste.

General Discussion / Re: Potato, sweet potato and high carb sources?
« on: August 22, 2016, 07:15:32 am »
It varies from person to person, and what their dietary preferences are. For those who pursue low carb diets, raw starches probably aren't common foods. For those of us (including me) who try to get 30-40 percent of our calories from carbohydrates to support our athletic training (for me CrossFit), potatoes, sweet potatoes and a range of other calorie-dense root vegetables contribute importantly to our daily intake. I eat potatoes, sweet potatoes, jerusalem artichokes, beets, carrots, burdock root, turnips, rutabaga, onions, and other root vegetables on pretty much a daily basis, and eat 80+ grams of carbohydrate each day from these sources.

I've said this within other threads, but I think that Derek's approach to marketing himself by allowing others to write or talk about him is extraordinarily risky, and doesn't seem to work out so well. A YouTube channel or self-produced documentary would be a better choice.

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