Hi Amy, welcome,
Raw diet is a very good idea.
I have been reading about hypothyroid issues and sounds like maybe you qualify. If you can get a hold of it, read
"Hypothyroidism Type 2" by Mark Starr
http://oneradionetwork.com/health-challenges-diseases/dr-mark-starr-type-2-hypothyroidism-the-epidemic-iodine-thyroid-july-20th/Basically get some
http://www.iodinesource.com/DetoxifiedIodine.php detoxified iodine and or seaweed and or seafood.
Then see if you can get some thyroid from a butcher. May require a bit of sneakiness from what I am told as the medical mafia has made it unavailable shall we say....
Apparently AV mentioned a smoothie with a variety of organs.
Living in Hawaii is a good idea as it will provide airborne iodine and
"Solved The Riddle Of Disease" by Stephen Langer
http://books.google.ca/books/about/Solved.html?id=v-8xz2eiAkMC&redir_esc=yand the grandfather of them all Dr Broda Barnes
http://www.brodabarnes.org/Thyroid issues are typically passed down from the mother and can include a boatload of issues that magically go away with dessicated thyroid supplement, but the kind you get in the US has been messed with by the FDA to make it less potent and Drs are advised to prescribe Synthroid. Surprise suprise. Thars money in Synthroid.
http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/Thyroid basically sets the thermometer of the body, so what you do is to get a cheapo thermometer from ebay for a couple of bucks shipped
http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Digital-LCD-Medical-Thermometer-Mouth-Underarm-Baby-Chile-Body-Temperature-/390974062084?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5b07debe04 and in the morning before she arises get her to put it under her tongue for five minutes or in her armpit for ten minutes to get her basal temp. Unlike the medical establishment Broda and the other authors found that oral and armpit temps are equal, but make sure you let the thermometer settle before pushing the "on" button as it will time for a minute and then disconnect the thermometer to give you a reading.
Anal temperature is about .8 degree F higher.
If she is an infant her temp is going to be higher (I think, a degree) but for an adult the temp should be 97.8 or above. Less than that = hypothyroid which is often misdiagnosed with the standard of care thyroid tests.
Then as you try treatments you can see if they are working with this bulletproof test. No need to poke a needle into her, with the notorious test.
When you get the thyroid working properly, the body assumes normal temperatures and can thus fight infection better (a common problem with Hypothyroid), improve digestion (also common) which will show as properly formed and coloured stools as well as a raft of other improvements such as getting rid of cretinistic appearance due to mucin in the skin causing a puffy appearance, overweight, underweight, etc etc etc. The symptoms of Hy
pothyroid can mimic hy
perthyroid so don't be fooled. Often PPL can be anxious, explosive tempered, which seems like hyper, but what it is is the adrenals kick in to try to heat up the body.
Broda Barnes said way back when, that the # of PPL who are hypothyroid will dramatically increase with time because since the introduction of antibiotics, the kids who would have died of HT in the past will pass that hurdle and instead be miserable with HT and then eventually die of heart attacks, because HT causes the blood vessels to fill with..... crap.... which leads to heart disease and death.
PPL who have had heart attacks and then treated with Desiccated thyroid (Armour brand) lived to a ripe old age.
Push comes to shove maybe raise a pig and then slaughter it and get the thyroid but be cautious with the amount given as it is potent.
BTW I am HT with some of the symptoms. One sister and Mom are also and are on ST. I am too stubborn and will be going the natural route which I am trying to chart now. I am an exercise freak who bikes frequently, so I have less of the issues.
Ayurveda/Yoga says to do postures like the cobra etc that stretch the neck and twist it to increase circulation. Also massage the neck every chance you get to increase circulation. I will be trying ozone at some point.
And last but not least "New German Medicine" says that emotional issues with feeling powerless are at the bottom of the problem...
BTW Edgar Cayce did lots of HT cases.