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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2018, 01:05:00 am »
I noticed some grain finished beef also has yellow fat and that it tends to taste better too. Also generally the more yellow cuts seem to be smaller. Maybe they are from cows that arrived at the feed lot later just before the slaughter truck pulled up?  I have some triple coupons for grass fed ground lamb but I can only buy one pound per visit.

Offline thehadezb

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2019, 06:53:43 am »
Drinking fermented sprouted corn juice (chicha de jora) is alleviating my symptoms. It makes me fart but I'm not longer feeling bloated.

I also introduced raw clabbered milk and It seems that its giving me constipation. Any Aajonous Vonderplanitz follower that has a solution for this?

I will drink chicha de jora during the day and see what happens. Chicha de jora is a beer-like beverage native to my country and It was regularly consumed by the incas instead of water. There is no scientific research about this beverage which is a shame. My theory is that this beverage is highly acidic which interfere with whatever organism I have inside my GI tract that is causing me this problem. Also, is very hydrating.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2019, 12:10:41 am »
No fermented juices here but I was drinking apple cider vinegar and baking soda and instead of feeling better my allergies got really bad. I could also tell that the gas made my belly look extended. It's been two days and I'm still farting. Don't think it was a good idea. At the time I thought maybe my back aches were being caused by kidneys as they always seem a lot worse in the mornings and fade away to nothing once I get up, pee and start moving. I'm certain I burned them twenty years ago by taking too much cayenne pepper. I was taking crazy amounts thinking it was good for me and I also liked the taste. Bad mistake. That's my one more thing to be completely healed! I think I'm going to have to baby them for the rest of my life. Been thinking that all the meat I been eating puts a lot of strain on them too.

Anyway. I watched a lot of videos saying baking soda was supposed to heal kidneys. Thus the ACV and baking soda...

I'm open to suggestions and would appreciate any tips on healing them up! I think eating lots of kale was helping as good or better than vinegar and baking soda. I don't want to go around with a belly full of gas. Would my body eventually get used to it and dissipate it? Or would it just keep expanding and give me a beer belly? I think that combined with the allergies is a sign that I shouldn't be taking it. I wish I'd listened to by body better when I was taking all that cayenne. I was going through a restaurant sized jar every month or two and using a tablespoon full on a rahmen noodle. Yeah. I ate them back then too! It took quite a bit of experimentation to confirm that they were causing me back aches.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2019, 05:48:01 am »
@thehazeb do you drink clabbered milk with food or on it´s own? I have found that on it´s own it can cause issues. with food was best for me. And for how long did u ferment it and how, do you close the lid or leave it open? Another thing that I noticed when doing clabbered milk is that when I left it out on a window sill, where it got lots of natural direct sunlight, the taste was much better than fermenting inside. I think it might also depend if you drink it warm or cold.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2019, 08:35:05 am »
@norawnofun: some sips after my meal and then during the day for hydration. I ferment it for 3 days and covered with a cloth. I don't ferment it on direct sunlight. I keep it on the refrigerator and let it get to room temperature when I wake up. I drink it on room temperature during the day.

Probably I will do what Pagan_guy told me on another post. I will add 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of honey and blend it to create an eggnog or somewhat. I will drink this after my meal and I will use my peruvian beer as a source of hydration instead.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2019, 06:30:57 am »
I had issues drinking it on an empty stomach, i either drank it with a meal or not too long time after. I fermented it until the whey separated. But the more I read about your and surfsteve issue the more I think about myself trying to experiment like you, non stop to find final solutions. Looking back now I can say I wasted my time and money. All these extra things, different methods, different theories, supplements never truly fixed it. It made things better but there was always something left. At one point I thought that these helpers won´t fix the problem permanently. And I was right, let your body improve it´s digestion by itself don´t interfere with all these additional helpers.

So if I were to do everything again I would go carnivore straight away. You can start with ground meat if your hci is low, have pork (always cure to minimize lectins), beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, maybe salmon, sardines and makerele. Try organic, at least have the fish wild. Have much more fat than protein (like 80:20 or 70:20), digesting protein is way harder than fats I think, especially on low HCI. Have eggs and raw high fat dairy, try to keep it low carb, maybe keto which would be around 20g carbs per day or ZC. And most importantly do not touch any herbs, vegetables, juices, teas.  Not even seasonings like pepper. Just meat, fat (like marrow), eggs and dairy (if you can). I also found that drinking with meals helped a lot, regardless of what anybody claims. 6 month of eating cooked carnivore (yes cooked helped regardless), i have my HCI back, my sleep is better, focus better, digestion better, after many many years of struggling. And I had my cheat meals mind you. Just try it for a week or 2 and I am pretty sure you will feel the difference.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2019, 09:10:32 pm »
I will take that advice. Actually, I was planning on doing that already.

I will do what you are saying but I'll add the beer sparingly. I'm talking seriously when I say that that beer is cutting my symptoms almost for the entire day. Not definitely but at least I feel better.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2019, 03:52:05 am »
Red wine, green tea, honey was helping me as well. But I mainly I used them in emergency cases. Especially when I was not able to digest the food and did not have enough liquid with it. The food will get stuck, you won´t produce that much HCI, you feel hunger because the food is not in the right place to be absorbed by the vili, you get agitated, brainfog and you cant shit. I think our intestines are like toilet pipes. If you add liquid or oil everything goes through smoothly, if you add too much dry matter the pipe gets clogged. To unclog you pour in an acidic medium. That´s why red wine, honey, ACV, lemon...helps. Even AV suggested in his book WWTL a combo of honey, ACV and lemon. Or you add weight like fibre, but you then run the risk of clogging it up more, making matters worse. Adding fat won´t do much usually on a clogged system, thats why its vital to add enough fat to make things go through smoothly. That was the biggest mistake I did, too much protein and too less fat. And the more I had cut the "helpers", the better things went. So you might no longer need ur beer at some point, because your body will adapt, but you need to let it adapt naturally by stopping all this extra crap :)

Another thing I notice that once your digestion enhances and peristalis improves, you are much more aware of how you eat. I used to gorge food down because I was constantly hungry as the food was stuck in the intestines and didn´t absorb the nutrients. That makes you chew less, makes your HCI low, your pancreas inefficient, as I use to get a kind of pain when eating too fast and not digesting it. And even if you eat plenty of fats it will still cause constipation. The negative side effect was that my body temperature dropped, i heard my bones cracking and i didn´t gain weight.

Now I sit down, chew very slowly a couple of pieces and wait until I burp internally, that´s a sign that your HCI is working. Then I take another couple of bites, chew properly and wait until you burp (never externaly). When you don´t do that the problem is that you eat big amounts, that are accumulating in the stomach and your stomach acid can´t handle it and sends it not properly digested further downwards. I think that puts more strain on the intestines and it can cause bloating. It can also happen that you get acid reflux as it goes up through the esophagus.  In fact there is one way to test if you have adequate HCI. When you wake up you take sodium bicarbonate with water and wait till u burp. If it takes longer than a specified time frame you apparently have low HCI. You can look up the proceedure on the internet or do the Heidelberg Test. I used to do the SB and it took either way too long to burp, or I never did. To me the burping after eating a couple of bites is the same thing. To conclude. Do NOT eat more food until you burb internally, like this you are much more aware what´s going on inside your body and you will automatically not eat over your limits. And I would suggest that with every piece of protein you eat 2 pieces or more of fat. Otherwise you end up eating too much protein, then try to compensate with fat but during that catch up you are already too full and you can´t eat enough fat, which will cause issues. I know these things might sound stupid and mundane, but sometimes the obvious is not so obvious at first sight.

And allthough I suggested ground meat as a starter like I did, you might want to try cut pieces before that (I only read about the below after my experiments):

This test was during spring of 2017. It was tested with raw fat ground beef that I used to eat before I did the test, and with raw fat beef that was cut into half-inch pieces (I started to eat this beef after the test). I made 2 piles of meat – one was from ground meat, the other was from cut meat. On the top of the piles I made cavities and poured some water into them. In the cut meat pile all water soaked in immediately. In the ground meat pile, the soaking in took up to 40 sec. Raw fat ground meat behaves as a piece of dense wet clay. In the stomach fat ground meat can delay digestion because meat and fat particles stick together into a big piece and interrupt fast soaking of the stomach acid. Probably you may also use a mixture of raw lean ground meat (which is more cheap) and raw fat cut into small pieces.

After this test I use only cut meat. Usually I cut meat and its fat into half inch pieces and eat the fat first (the feeling of satisfaction comes faster). If some pieces are difficult to chew, just swallow them. They digest very good and meat and fat doesn’t need to be chewed for a long time. THE NOTICEABLE CHANGES WERE: feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating becomes much lighter, meat digests faster and the bowel movements are more regular, the desire to sleep after eating is less. CONCLUSION: it’s better to not eat ground meat.

It’s interesting that the same conclusion was had by Dr. H. L. Newbold and his patients ( He had an opposite explanation about the harmful influence of the ground meat (that it digests faster). …It’s possible to check precisely which explanation is more correct but is it worth it to do if the conclusion is same? More information about meat influence is in Article 2

One reason why clabbered might not do u well could be the breed of cow. Whenever I made clabbered I used A2 milk. Goat or indigenous cow breeds, where the A2 trait chances are much higher (in cow). Once I drank raw A1 GMO fed cow milk and my body refused totally. But I had no issues with raw Jersey GMO fed cow milk (which I drank for several months). So organic doesn´t seem to be the main factor, it might be the BCM7-protein that causes the issues during fermentation.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 04:00:59 am by norawnofun »

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2019, 09:52:35 pm »
I had issues drinking it on an empty stomach, i either drank it with a meal or not too long time after. I fermented it until the whey separated. But the more I read about your and surfsteve issue the more I think about myself trying to experiment like you, non stop to find final solutions. Looking back now I can say I wasted my time and money. All these extra things, different methods, different theories, supplements never truly fixed it. It made things better but there was always something left. At one point I thought that these helpers won´t fix the problem permanently. And I was right, let your body improve it´s digestion by itself don´t interfere with all these additional helpers.

So if I were to do everything again I would go carnivore straight away. You can start with ground meat if your hci is low, have pork (always cure to minimize lectins), beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, maybe salmon, sardines and makerele. Try organic, at least have the fish wild. Have much more fat than protein (like 80:20 or 70:20), digesting protein is way harder than fats I think, especially on low HCI. Have eggs and raw high fat dairy, try to keep it low carb, maybe keto which would be around 20g carbs per day or ZC. And most importantly do not touch any herbs, vegetables, juices, teas.  Not even seasonings like pepper. Just meat, fat (like marrow), eggs and dairy (if you can). I also found that drinking with meals helped a lot, regardless of what anybody claims. 6 month of eating cooked carnivore (yes cooked helped regardless), i have my HCI back, my sleep is better, focus better, digestion better, after many many years of struggling. And I had my cheat meals mind you. Just try it for a week or 2 and I am pretty sure you will feel the difference.

i wonder if drinking water with RAW meat would help digestion...

did you drink water only with cooked meat/eggs? cooking meat/eggs removes the water content, so drinking water with cooked meat/eggs makes sense that it made digestion  better..

how much water were you drinking per meal? and what type of water? spring, sparkling mineral, filtered?
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2019, 07:42:52 pm »
If you have low stomach acid then not drinking any water with a meal is the way to go IMO. I frequently read that people on a RAF diet do not touch water with their meals. Which is the way to go. I would generally refrain from "mineral" waters, regardless if I were to eat cooked or raw animal products, because their PH is high, in the range of 7-8 usually. Also because the minerals there are inorganic and harmful, distilled is healthier according to my experimentation and research. Animal products have a lower acidity content, with the exception of egg whites and goat dairy. So if you have low stomach acid production I recommend cutting these out. Egg yolk would be ok because their PH is lower, as well as cow and sheep dairy.

Some time ago I focused on foods that have a low PH, animal products and veggies including berries. Best diet I ever had for digestion. And the meats were cooked, also some of the veggies. But I did not touch any water, meaning mineral water, low ph mineral water, filtered water and even distilled water (which turns acidic when it comes into contact with CO2). The only exception I sometimes do is to drink man made carbonated water around 30 min after food, if I feel my stomach acid is too weak to digest the foods I have. Carbonated water helps increase stomach acid production pretty well. Even naturally sparkling water does, however, the carbonation content is not that high and decreases fast the more you open and close the bottle, since gas evaporates. I also did experiments with home made carbonated distilled water (putting distilled water into a sodastream), but I found it to be too aggressive and uncomfortable to my body.

I know that cooking meat removes the water content, which is why people need to drink more water, especially if they consume plenty of salt with it. But as a general suggestion I would recommend not drinking water at all before a meal, since high ph mineral water will dilute your stomach acid that you need for the upcoming food digestion, not drink it during the meal, and also wait around 30 min or so after food. That counts for all types of water.

So if you want a permanent good digestion without any issues I would say.

a) eat only acidic foods, don´t mix with alkaline in the same meal
b) do not drink before, with or right after foods, regardless of the type of water
c) eat either enough fats or enough fiber (depending on your genetical make up) with it
d) make sure that you have adequate stomach acid in general. If you don´t have find the reason for that first, before going into endless experiments. Pre-set low HCI (before you even start consuming your meal) can be caused by stress, antacid drugs and h.pylori overgrowth (which apparently half of the population have). Oral dental health is important as well.

If you have low HCI then you will have all types of health issues. thyroid issues, IBS, Crohns, parasites, candida/fungal overgrowth, weight loss, hair loss, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which leads to every possible health problem including cancer. I think low HCI, including bad dental health, is the root cause of almost every disease on this planet. On low HCI you get a weak immune system and invite the uninvited (bad bacteria, parasites and everything else). If you can´t digest the healthiest foods in the world due to low HCI, you will never get out of your health misury.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 07:56:20 pm by norawnofun »

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2019, 08:17:20 pm »
If you have low stomach acid then not drinking any water with a meal is the way to go IMO. I frequently read that people on a RAF diet do not touch water with their meals. Which is the way to go. I would generally refrain from "mineral" waters, regardless if I were to eat cooked or raw animal products, because their PH is high, in the range of 7-8 usually. Also because the minerals there are inorganic and harmful, distilled is healthier according to my experimentation and research. Animal products have a lower acidity content, with the exception of egg whites and goat dairy. So if you have low stomach acid production I recommend cutting these out. Egg yolk would be ok because their PH is lower, as well as cow and sheep dairy.

Some time ago I focused on foods that have a low PH, animal products and veggies including berries. Best diet I ever had for digestion. And the meats were cooked, also some of the veggies. But I did not touch any water, meaning mineral water, low ph mineral water, filtered water and even distilled water (which turns acidic when it comes into contact with CO2). The only exception I sometimes do is to drink man made carbonated water around 30 min after food, if I feel my stomach acid is too weak to digest the foods I have. Carbonated water helps increase stomach acid production pretty well. Even naturally sparkling water does, however, the carbonation content is not that high and decreases fast the more you open and close the bottle, since gas evaporates. I also did experiments with home made carbonated distilled water (putting distilled water into a sodastream), but I found it to be too aggressive and uncomfortable to my body.

I know that cooking meat removes the water content, which is why people need to drink more water, especially if they consume plenty of salt with it. But as a general suggestion I would recommend not drinking water at all before a meal, since high ph mineral water will dilute your stomach acid that you need for the upcoming food digestion, not drink it during the meal, and also wait around 30 min or so after food. That counts for all types of water.

So if you want a permanent good digestion without any issues I would say.

a) eat only acidic foods, don´t mix with alkaline in the same meal
b) do not drink before, with or right after foods, regardless of the type of water
c) eat either enough fats or enough fiber (depending on your genetical make up) with it
d) make sure that you have adequate stomach acid in general. If you don´t have find the reason for that first, before going into endless experiments. Pre-set low HCI (before you even start consuming your meal) can be caused by stress, antacid drugs and h.pylori overgrowth (which apparently half of the population have). Oral dental health is important as well.

If you have low HCI then you will have all types of health issues. thyroid issues, IBS, Crohns, parasites, candida/fungal overgrowth, weight loss, hair loss, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which leads to every possible health problem including cancer. I think low HCI, including bad dental health, is the root cause of almost every disease on this planet. On low HCI you get a weak immune system and invite the uninvited (bad bacteria, parasites and everything else). If you can´t digest the healthiest foods in the world due to low HCI, you will never get out of your health misury.

but low dental health is calcium deficiency IMHO
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2019, 03:51:03 am »
low dental health can have many causes, mineral deficiencies, amalgam, root canals, fillings, death teeth, braces, bacteria (sugar or fat/protein feeding), i think even misalignments. One thing that seems to be great for teeth is silica. Calcium I would be careful with. I don´t think we need as much.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2019, 08:50:29 am »
I'm hydrating myself before eating. I salt my food and don't drink any water 2 hours after eating.

My problems haven't gone. I have some sort of fungal infection. It's not SIBO because I have problems with everything, not just carbs. My main problem is getting is the autoinmune issues (fatigue, inflammation, sore joints, heavy legs) I'm no longer eating raw meat. I eat meat seared on the outside and I use salt. I also eat fruit because I live in a tropical country. I don't have problems digesting fruits besides that they don't energize me, only makes me dizzy.

During my 48 hour dry fast, trying to combat this issue, my breath was metallic, got sinus congestion, anxiety and depression increased. After several weeks, I had a fever with a urinary infection out of nowhere. I was in severe pain for 2 days, mentally and physically. Lots of mucus and fungus got out my system by my bowels, but after that I don't feel really better, just a bit less fatigued. I can't fast anymore. Im too skinny and I don't feel hunger to be honest. I can't overeat because I get bloated so fast.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2020, 02:23:15 am »
My final guess is fungal overgrowth.

I'm currently eating rare pasture-raised beef, raw beef fat, sweet potatoes, papaya, onions, salt and natural sparkling water.

My supplements to kill the fungal overgrowth are: 1200mg NAC, Monolaurin 3g, 1250mg Magnesium malate, 2-3g Vitamin C and 500mg L-Taurine.

I'm upping my monolaurin dose up to 3g, currently on 1.3g. When I'm at the highest dosage, I will add 500mg Lactoferrin.

GI and mental symptoms are improving. Side-efffects of taking this supplements are sleepiness during the day, a kind of heartburn, fatigue and joint pain. It seems that the NAC-monolaurin combo is exacerbating this symptoms.

Will keep you updated.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2020, 05:26:12 am »
Let me chime in here as well, because I think I am getting closer to heal my health issues and I wanna share my experience after reading tons of stuff from people and papers every day.

Let´s start with the most important thing, at least in my opinion. I am sure I might repeat myself but whatever.

Stomach acid. If you don´t have enough of that you will have leaky gut, SIBO, candida, fungal overgrowth, IBS, food sensitivities, mineral and vitamin deficencies (hair loss, hair greying, weightloss), fatigue, low energy, low libido, indigestion, bloating, constipation and and and. So I think that needs to be tackled first and it might solve all your health problems. Sources of low HCI can be a previous low animal product diet, such as vegan or vegetarian, simply because grains and plants don´t need much HCI and can also diminish HCI (grains especially). Low HCI means parasites, candida, fungus, h.pylori can thrive and they will lower your PH that is needed to digest your foods even further.

After some digging I found what i´ll describe now... How to get the mineral acid back for proper gastric secretion. You can either supplement BETAINE or you can try GLYCINE, an aminon acid and proton donor. So if Betaine HCI + Pepsin didn´t work go for Glycine. I tried several of different brands and different dosages of Betaine HCI and Pepsin but it did either nothing, or constipated. It can also damage your stomach lining and can cause more harm than good. Therefore I will try for the glycine:

Hydrochloric acid - That is a H+ (proton) and a CL- (chloride anion). Proton is the acid and chloride is the salt. You need to combine these 2 otherwise the HCL pairing won´t work and u dont have ur HCL.  Therefore, if Betaine Pepsin did not work go for the LIQUID HCL drops. Dr. Clark sells them. You can find other brands. You put a couple of drops in a liquid such as water and drink that with a straw, don´t put that on your teeth as it will mess them up. You can put it directly onto food, but then it will touch the teeth, not good. I did not try the liquid HCI version yet, but it seems to be working very well for people that cannot tolerate the tablets or pepsin. I will get it soon and report back.

Another option is Sulfuric acid - can be found in some cruciferous vegetables, onions or garlic. I found that I have far better digestion when I eat raw onions, especially red. I think they have the highest sulphur content of the 3 (white, yellow, red). So bingo here. Again to be combined with chloride (salt). Red wine is someting that is the best for my digestion, I mentioned that many times. When nothing works this always works wonders. I think one of the reason is because of the sulphites added, same goes for thick balsamic vinegar, seems to increase HCI.

Then there is Phosphoric acid - Found in meats, dairy and eggs in very low concentrations, but also beans and other veggies. As a food additive it´s mainly in Cola, called additive E338. As far as I can remember, my digestion was very good when I drank coke with meals, that was before I had health issues. So when I had bad digestion today and I felt bloated I thought fuck it, so I bought diet coke, and it digested my food pretty well. Reason for that was certainly the phosphoric acid, the caffeine (which helps against parasites as well), and the carbonation. Won´t do it again though, coke is full of crap and the worst u can drink. Interesting to note though is that coke is more acidic than lemon. You can get the food grade phosphoric acid in liquid drops as well. So there is another option to digest foods again.

You need to keep in mind that you need the chloride ion to pair it with the above acids, otherwise it won´t pair and create your HCL properly. One option for that is salt or food. If Betaine and Glycine doesn´t work, increase the chloride. Glycine is just the amino acid but it can help build half of the mineral acid that one needs.

Also, vinegar (like ACV) does not contribute to stomach acid reserves because the acetic acid is broken down into hydrocarbons that don't supply the free protons. 

Anyhow, after experimenting for years I am back to increasing HCl, not the other way around. If you try and kill parasites, tackle candida overgrowth, h.pylori, you could also try and increase HCI. I think once it´s back to normal things will balance out, or you at least do both, tackle the critters and supply HCI at the same time. After many years I can say that I feel best on the following "protocol".

1. Waking up on a glass of distilled water, or I just leave it out and drink later
2. I take "spice" and peel" from This guy does some crazy herbal blends, for different illnesses. And that combo is best for candida and h.pylori. Out of everything I have ever tried I think this is the real deal. However, I would recommend going for the stronger ratio (200:1). Atm i got 20:1 and i think its not effective enough, so the only thing I can do atm is maintenance, but I think increasing the dosage would be the best to maybe totally kill all the bad stuff inside my stomach and elsewhere.
3. i take a spoonful of coconut oil, coconut oil is pretty effective for molds and candida
4. I trink black tea with lemon. never did that before, but I find that it sorted out all my constipation issues and I am certain that the caffeine in the black tea kills parasites. I know that cuz when I started doing this I could vomit up parasites, easily without effort. It just came naturally.
5.Then I eat something. I also eat after almost each meal thawned cranberries with a piece of 100% dark chocolate (8g carbs per 100g only, organic and consistent of cocoa mass and cocoa butter, very low in oxalates opposed to normal chocolate) and roasted pumpkin seed oil (lower in phytates and higher nutrient count than cold pressed and I find that the magnesium really calms me down and aids digestion a lot. Point is that when you have low HCI and you try and eat things like liver or sea food for mag and copper, you won´t be able to extract lots of it cuz your hci is not able to break it down properly. Pumpkin seed oil and dark chocolate on the other hand side are easily digestible I found. Cranberries are anti-parasitic as well, plus the most acidic berry and lowest in sugar (unless you get the shitty american GMO ones). Low acidity aids digestion as I have found too.
6. after food I chew and subsequently swallow that famous mastic gum from the greek island, one of the most effective remedies for h.pylori and "bad bacteria" that exists. i take that twice a day.

As you can see I am very deterimined to solve my health once and for all, with all that candida, h.pylori, parasites shit that comes with it. However, I think that atm all I can do is maintenance, because I am certain that I live in a moldy home and regardless what I do, I find that when I am in the fresh air everything, including digestion changes. So the only way for me to get out of this forever is to get out of that fucking place I am living at :) Anyhow, once I get my liquid HCI I will update here.

Edit: One more thing I wanted to mention. That´s iron toxicity. Well mentioned in and Morley mentions the connection between candida and heavy metals such as iron. Candida holds on to it. the more iron u got in your body the bigger oxidative stress and health issues you can get. I´m certain that dietary iron is not so much of an issue. After all I eat meat, especially red, every day. I think it more the toxic iron from cooking pans, showers, fortified foods (that I used to eat) that causes over accumulation. So I actually did something I never did, I went for a blood donation to start getting rid of the overload. Just to be sure I can rule that iron toxicity out which might be effecting my candida/parasites and other critters. I did pretty well, no fainting and was active the whole day. Being weak after donating can be a sign of low adrenals, so I def did not have that. Anyhow, I think its good to incorporate blood donation to download toxic blood and make way for ur body to create new one. Morley mentioned also something that makes sense. Back in the days we used to bleed much more, because of field work, hunting and what not, so blood loss and recycling of blood was something natural and normal, nowadays it´s not.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2020, 06:21:21 am by norawnofun »

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2020, 11:54:39 pm »
Let me chime in here as well, because I think I am getting closer to heal my health issues and I wanna share my experience after reading tons of stuff from people and papers every day.

Let´s start with the most important thing, at least in my opinion. I am sure I might repeat myself but whatever.

Stomach acid. If you don´t have enough of that you will have leaky gut, SIBO, candida, fungal overgrowth, IBS, food sensitivities, mineral and vitamin deficencies (hair loss, hair greying, weightloss), fatigue, low energy, low libido, indigestion, bloating, constipation and and and. So I think that needs to be tackled first and it might solve all your health problems. Sources of low HCI can be a previous low animal product diet, such as vegan or vegetarian, simply because grains and plants don´t need much HCI and can also diminish HCI (grains especially). Low HCI means parasites, candida, fungus, h.pylori can thrive and they will lower your PH that is needed to digest your foods even further.

After some digging I found what i´ll describe now... How to get the mineral acid back for proper gastric secretion. You can either supplement BETAINE or you can try GLYCINE, an aminon acid and proton donor. So if Betaine HCI + Pepsin didn´t work go for Glycine. I tried several of different brands and different dosages of Betaine HCI and Pepsin but it did either nothing, or constipated. It can also damage your stomach lining and can cause more harm than good. Therefore I will try for the glycine:

Hydrochloric acid - That is a H+ (proton) and a CL- (chloride anion). Proton is the acid and chloride is the salt. You need to combine these 2 otherwise the HCL pairing won´t work and u dont have ur HCL.  Therefore, if Betaine Pepsin did not work go for the LIQUID HCL drops. Dr. Clark sells them. You can find other brands. You put a couple of drops in a liquid such as water and drink that with a straw, don´t put that on your teeth as it will mess them up. You can put it directly onto food, but then it will touch the teeth, not good. I did not try the liquid HCI version yet, but it seems to be working very well for people that cannot tolerate the tablets or pepsin. I will get it soon and report back.

Another option is Sulfuric acid - can be found in some cruciferous vegetables, onions or garlic. I found that I have far better digestion when I eat raw onions, especially red. I think they have the highest sulphur content of the 3 (white, yellow, red). So bingo here. Again to be combined with chloride (salt). Red wine is someting that is the best for my digestion, I mentioned that many times. When nothing works this always works wonders. I think one of the reason is because of the sulphites added, same goes for thick balsamic vinegar, seems to increase HCI.

Then there is Phosphoric acid - Found in meats, dairy and eggs in very low concentrations, but also beans and other veggies. As a food additive it´s mainly in Cola, called additive E338. As far as I can remember, my digestion was very good when I drank coke with meals, that was before I had health issues. So when I had bad digestion today and I felt bloated I thought fuck it, so I bought diet coke, and it digested my food pretty well. Reason for that was certainly the phosphoric acid, the caffeine (which helps against parasites as well), and the carbonation. Won´t do it again though, coke is full of crap and the worst u can drink. Interesting to note though is that coke is more acidic than lemon. You can get the food grade phosphoric acid in liquid drops as well. So there is another option to digest foods again.

You need to keep in mind that you need the chloride ion to pair it with the above acids, otherwise it won´t pair and create your HCL properly. One option for that is salt or food. If Betaine and Glycine doesn´t work, increase the chloride. Glycine is just the amino acid but it can help build half of the mineral acid that one needs.

Also, vinegar (like ACV) does not contribute to stomach acid reserves because the acetic acid is broken down into hydrocarbons that don't supply the free protons. 

Anyhow, after experimenting for years I am back to increasing HCl, not the other way around. If you try and kill parasites, tackle candida overgrowth, h.pylori, you could also try and increase HCI. I think once it´s back to normal things will balance out, or you at least do both, tackle the critters and supply HCI at the same time. After many years I can say that I feel best on the following "protocol".

1. Waking up on a glass of distilled water, or I just leave it out and drink later
2. I take "spice" and peel" from This guy does some crazy herbal blends, for different illnesses. And that combo is best for candida and h.pylori. Out of everything I have ever tried I think this is the real deal. However, I would recommend going for the stronger ratio (200:1). Atm i got 20:1 and i think its not effective enough, so the only thing I can do atm is maintenance, but I think increasing the dosage would be the best to maybe totally kill all the bad stuff inside my stomach and elsewhere.
3. i take a spoonful of coconut oil, coconut oil is pretty effective for molds and candida
4. I trink black tea with lemon. never did that before, but I find that it sorted out all my constipation issues and I am certain that the caffeine in the black tea kills parasites. I know that cuz when I started doing this I could vomit up parasites, easily without effort. It just came naturally.
5.Then I eat something. I also eat after almost each meal thawned cranberries with a piece of 100% dark chocolate (8g carbs per 100g only, organic and consistent of cocoa mass and cocoa butter, very low in oxalates opposed to normal chocolate) and roasted pumpkin seed oil (lower in phytates and higher nutrient count than cold pressed and I find that the magnesium really calms me down and aids digestion a lot. Point is that when you have low HCI and you try and eat things like liver or sea food for mag and copper, you won´t be able to extract lots of it cuz your hci is not able to break it down properly. Pumpkin seed oil and dark chocolate on the other hand side are easily digestible I found. Cranberries are anti-parasitic as well, plus the most acidic berry and lowest in sugar (unless you get the shitty american GMO ones). Low acidity aids digestion as I have found too.
6. after food I chew and subsequently swallow that famous mastic gum from the greek island, one of the most effective remedies for h.pylori and "bad bacteria" that exists. i take that twice a day.

As you can see I am very deterimined to solve my health once and for all, with all that candida, h.pylori, parasites shit that comes with it. However, I think that atm all I can do is maintenance, because I am certain that I live in a moldy home and regardless what I do, I find that when I am in the fresh air everything, including digestion changes. So the only way for me to get out of this forever is to get out of that fucking place I am living at :) Anyhow, once I get my liquid HCI I will update here.

Edit: One more thing I wanted to mention. That´s iron toxicity. Well mentioned in and Morley mentions the connection between candida and heavy metals such as iron. Candida holds on to it. the more iron u got in your body the bigger oxidative stress and health issues you can get. I´m certain that dietary iron is not so much of an issue. After all I eat meat, especially red, every day. I think it more the toxic iron from cooking pans, showers, fortified foods (that I used to eat) that causes over accumulation. So I actually did something I never did, I went for a blood donation to start getting rid of the overload. Just to be sure I can rule that iron toxicity out which might be effecting my candida/parasites and other critters. I did pretty well, no fainting and was active the whole day. Being weak after donating can be a sign of low adrenals, so I def did not have that. Anyhow, I think its good to incorporate blood donation to download toxic blood and make way for ur body to create new one. Morley mentioned also something that makes sense. Back in the days we used to bleed much more, because of field work, hunting and what not, so blood loss and recycling of blood was something natural and normal, nowadays it´s not.

did you try beet juice to increase HCL?
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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2020, 03:08:53 am »
Yes, I tried it raw juiced alone and raw juiced with carrot and ginger (that combo was good), I also tried it boiled. Juiced was best but it was more because of the ginger, not the beet. Besides, beets are way too high in oxalates, to take that for some time with foods to increase HCI is not advisable. Hands down the best thing ever to increase HCI was raw corn on the cob, this worked really well. I gotta thank AV for that suggestion. But sourcing raw organic corn on the cob is hard, especially if its not in season.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2020, 07:13:30 pm »
Yes, I tried it raw juiced alone and raw juiced with carrot and ginger (that combo was good), I also tried it boiled. Juiced was best but it was more because of the ginger, not the beet. Besides, beets are way too high in oxalates, to take that for some time with foods to increase HCI is not advisable. Hands down the best thing ever to increase HCI was raw corn on the cob, this worked really well. I gotta thank AV for that suggestion. But sourcing raw organic corn on the cob is hard, especially if its not in season.

did you ever try bitter tasting stuff before meals?
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2020, 04:52:25 pm »
Yes, tried herbs and bitters such as dandelion root, green tea, swedish bitters, 7 kräuter stern then different bitter alcohols such as fernet branca. And the 2 herbal blends from interstellar, which work well, but at the same time its not something that increases HCI, more something that kills pathogens (which I am sure diminish HCI). Then mint, wormwood I need to count as well, but these I have mainly taken after food. One thing though is that peppermint tea can help after digestion quite a lot. But you need to give it some time, drunk with a meal or right after won´t help your HCI, but it can help with bowel movements. I took wormwood in tinkture form and as a tea for around 10 days. Tea was a desaster, I was sweating and felt so bad that I had to stop. Tincture i took for longer and was ok.  For some time I also bit into a fresh ginger root after food and let it sit in the mouth for a couple of minutes, but didn´t swallow it. That activated my digestive powers greatly, id almost put it in the same effectiveness as corn on the cob. Carbonate water, right before the meal can also help a lot. But not with a meal. If food didnt digest well you can also drink carbonated water, it will aid digestion.

Currently I am experimenting with chilli and cayenne. I find that chilli oil is a bit too much, i think it can interfere with digestion, but thats maybe because of the addition of the "chilli flavor" that they put in there. But when I find I do not have enough HCI for that meal I am eating, I am craving something spicy, often mustard or chilli. I also tried tabasco, but you would need too much if you want good results. Jalapenos I also tried for some time, effective but red chilli is better. Yesterday I got harissa, a spicy sauce made of chilli, garlic, caraway, coriander, citric acid and salt. When I took this yesterday my digestion was very well. If that continues well I will make my own. Chilli is also great against parasites, garlic against h.pylori and has sulphuric acid helps for HCI as mentioned above, caraway and coriander aid digestion and lemon juice has low PH. Adding ginger might even enhance this "formular". I´ll see how it goes.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2020, 02:14:14 am »
Yes, tried herbs and bitters such as dandelion root, green tea, swedish bitters, 7 kräuter stern then different bitter alcohols such as fernet branca. And the 2 herbal blends from interstellar, which work well, but at the same time its not something that increases HCI, more something that kills pathogens (which I am sure diminish HCI). Then mint, wormwood I need to count as well, but these I have mainly taken after food. One thing though is that peppermint tea can help after digestion quite a lot. But you need to give it some time, drunk with a meal or right after won´t help your HCI, but it can help with bowel movements. I took wormwood in tinkture form and as a tea for around 10 days. Tea was a desaster, I was sweating and felt so bad that I had to stop. Tincture i took for longer and was ok.  For some time I also bit into a fresh ginger root after food and let it sit in the mouth for a couple of minutes, but didn´t swallow it. That activated my digestive powers greatly, id almost put it in the same effectiveness as corn on the cob. Carbonate water, right before the meal can also help a lot. But not with a meal. If food didnt digest well you can also drink carbonated water, it will aid digestion.

Currently I am experimenting with chilli and cayenne. I find that chilli oil is a bit too much, i think it can interfere with digestion, but thats maybe because of the addition of the "chilli flavor" that they put in there. But when I find I do not have enough HCI for that meal I am eating, I am craving something spicy, often mustard or chilli. I also tried tabasco, but you would need too much if you want good results. Jalapenos I also tried for some time, effective but red chilli is better. Yesterday I got harissa, a spicy sauce made of chilli, garlic, caraway, coriander, citric acid and salt. When I took this yesterday my digestion was very well. If that continues well I will make my own. Chilli is also great against parasites, garlic against h.pylori and has sulphuric acid helps for HCI as mentioned above, caraway and coriander aid digestion and lemon juice has low PH. Adding ginger might even enhance this "formular". I´ll see how it goes.

Any experience ith apple cider vinegar?

Aajnus said beet juice helps HCL production, few ounces per day... also eating 1 tblsp. papaya or pineapple with meals
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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2020, 05:48:14 pm »
I drank ACV religiously for several months every day, before food, with food, after food, with water, undiluted...allthough it´s acidic, it does not properly help create the real HCI. It does help for constipation if one drinks some minutes/hours after eating, but that´s about it. I know he said beet juice helps HCl, that´s why I tried it in the first place, but I found it to be pretty useless. His corn suggestion was far better. I also tried papaya and pineapple. Papaya helped only once, but it does not create or help HCI, it just gives you all the enzymes needed for further digestion, but if ur lacking HCI in the first place, its of no use. It´s also pretty high in sugar, especially pineapple, not a good idea if you fight candida or parasites. I got my liquid HCI today, going to try it very soon. Extremely curious about it. Will update.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2020, 04:41:36 am »
Update. I took the liquid HCI for several days now, before food, with food and after food. I took around 60 drops with each meal. Allthough it does give you more acid it´s not what I need. And the bottle is almost gone anyway. So this was a fail. From tomorrow onwards I will also stop the mastic gum, which I took 2-3 times a day (morning, eve and sometimes in between) for around 2 weeks. Recommended is around 1 gram. I took more than that. I took it unchewed and chewed, no difference. I took it on an empty stomach, right before food, with food and after. Before food is not a good idea, it made my stomach feel bad and killed my appetite therefore the preparation of gastric juices. With food it does not help acid production, and after food it does either nothing or it hinders digestion. When I take something I always aim to take it for longer, to make sure that this is not an adaption or die off phase, but in this case I am pretty certain that it did more harm than good. One thing that I noticed is that my thyroid seems to be swollen after taking it. I am uncertain if the problem is that I usually eat chilly (harissa) with it, or due to the mastic gum. Since I introduced mastic gum for longer than harissa, I think it´s the mastic.

So after taking this into consideration I assume that I could possibly rule out h.pylori as a reason for my low stomach acid. A stool test came back negative some weeks ago and I did a colonoscopy some years ago and that was negative as well. The last test I could do, which they don´t offer in my country, would be a Urea breath test. Allthough there are certain things that work pretty well for me and that automatically combat h.p,  such as green tea, liquorice, red wine, garlic, onion, ginger and so forth, it does not automatically mean that I have h.p overgrowth.

I also took spirochetes into consideration, which can also be the reason for lyme, so I got myself one (or the most) effective remedy against it, which is Sarsaparilla, bought the whole pack, took it once and felt really shitty and bloated. I never took it again. There are sometimes things that you would try for longer, this is def not one of these things.

So what´s left for the cause of my low HCI? I think parasites and/or candida. I bought myself the original hulda clark parasite cleanse called Paracleanse (not the vegetarian version) which consists of Black Walnut Tincture, Super W Blend and Clove, which I expect very soon. Seems to be the most effective properly prepared plan against parasites. I tried a shitload of different anti-parasitic things, including medical drugs, but nothing really "killed" them. Here is the protocol for whoever is interested.

Then I was rethinking candida, and it starts to make more and more sense. I used to eat a SAD diet with daily alcohol and lots of stress. I also live in a humid country where mold is present everywhere in your surroundings, including a lot of pesticides sprayed on crop. Add to that antibiotics which I had to take (briefly but still) and I think I might know the root cause for my low stomach acid that I seem to have for over a decade. Add a high carb plant based diet to the mix and I think you have the perfect combination for systemic candida overgrowth. I noticed that when I was eating more carbs this christmas, i felt a lot worse the days after, and since I ran out of my herbal blends and my coconut oil, things ain´t going so well, even though I´m still on low carb. I still have the same problem when I go into the kitchen where I live, i start to feel really bad in the stomach and my appetite gets killed almost instantly. So I read again about candida and came across this post and she got rid of it with 10-Undecenoic Acid, (also known as Undecenoic Acid or Undecylenic Acid). This acid is apparently far stronger than in coconut oil (which is caprylic acid) and coconut oil is known to help against candida and yeast overgrowth. So I bought it and will see how it goes.

There are some interesting things to note here, when I go down to the kitchen with a blocked nose I feel pretty well, once I blow it I am certain that through my nose I inhale the surrounding mold that´s in the air and walls, so I start to feel worse, kill my hunger, my gastric juices and when I eat my food I can´t break it down, get constipation and all the shit that comes with it. It obviously comes with stress and stress lowers mag, so I think that´s why I am craving dark chocolate, pumpkinseed oil and lately seafood (mollusks) and I can shit happily again. I also cleaned my distiller yesterday and the fan and inside was full of black mold and dust. So what could I do? I tried to clean the mold which is impossible since its behind the wall. The only thing I could do is run around in a gas mask (i tried a normal mask briefly), have nose clips or a dehumidifier. But that´s not quite a solution...

Since many years I subconciously always want to open the window when I´m in the kitchen and go into the living room to eat, or even better eat outside. I never understood this behaviour but after many years of not understanding why (when you have digestive issues you can´t think clearly anyway), I think I got it. All that surrounding mold keeps aggrevating my candida (i did a test for that on several occations and it always indicated issues with candida overgrowth), which kills my hunger and HCI, and it also makes parasites thrive, since your HCI is lowered, and these parasites which I clearly have, since I see them in my vomit. Another thing I realized is that where I live is a LOT of humidity, and I instinctly hug the heater since there is no central heating, the heater emits dry air and after I felt bad and couldn´t digest my fuckin food again, like today, I felt instantly better after a couple of minutes. Another indication that humidity and mold will wreck havoc if you have candida/fungal issues in your body. That´s why a far infrared sauna, rather than a wet sauna could be more beneficial.

I mentioned before that I did a carnivore diet for 6 months, and that gave me lots of energy. I think it was because of the "low carb" approach, cutting out carbs (which aggrevate candida), all plant foods, but, I still had constipation due to the imbalance of calcium and magnesium. If I would have consumed more mag and less dairy carbs (more cheese and butter instead of yoghurt and milk), I might could have had the perfect balance to lower candida more significantly and and the same time sort out my digestion once and for all. Allthough I did a carnivore diet, I think I was never in ketosis, which, moving forward, I plan to finally do, this time properly and measured and at the same time take 10-Undecenoic Acid to kill the candida and possible do that parasite cleanse. Plus I plan to move from this moldy shithole I am living in, so if that will not do the trick then I don´t fucking know what.

That post went again a bit overboard but I think it might help people give some clues. Will update again once I tried the undecenoic acid.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 04:55:49 am by norawnofun »

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2020, 12:16:06 pm »
hey norawnofun...
tnx for sharing, hope u find the solution to your ills soon.   

what country and or latitude are you currently at?

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2020, 08:26:40 pm »

That post went again a bit overboard but I think it might help people give some clues. Will update again once I tried the undecenoic acid.

You need to eat enough SALT and drink enough water to create enough HCL.

You also need to focus on cleaning your liver.
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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2020, 04:13:39 am »
i eat plenty of salt and drink enough water, going overboard with water hinders HCI. And I know that the liver is extremely imporant, its one of the most important organs. And creating or taking HCI does not seem to be the problem for me, the problems seems to be something that hinders or lowers it´s production. Remove the root cause is what I need to focus on. And these causes are almost certainly parasites or candida
« Last Edit: January 26, 2020, 06:34:02 am by norawnofun »


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