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Question regarding raw butter
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:44:40 am »

I am new to the forum but I’ve been lurking around and reading the posts and they’ve been very helpful.

One of them in particular touched on the idea of not freezing raw butter, since I depletes it from its nutrients.

I used to store I in the freezer, but yesterday I left it in the fridge overnight.

A few minutes ago, I had my usual 4 tablespoons of butter. This time around, it smells and tastes like Parmesan cheese! It’s not off-putting, but I am wondering if it is nutritionally superior to raw butter that is void of a strong smell and taste.

Thanks in advance

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Question regarding raw butter
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2019, 04:17:58 am »
If it smells like cheese it means it's fermented quite a bit. Also it probably has a much higher than usual buttermilk content (cream liquids, possibly some milk also). It's fine.

AV said freezing butter was a bad idea regarding it's healing abilities.

In his studies, cats and dogs fed only frozen meat developed skin conditions up to and including mange. Raw butter helped cure these conditions, however frozen raw butter took 3 (4?) times as long as the regular butter to cure these issues.

Normally, butter will stay in the fridge for weeks on end before starting to ferment to the point where you can tell the difference. Even months or more, depending on how you store it. There really is no good reason to freeze it anyway.

Using small parts of that batch of butter that has a fermented smell you enjoy, to inoculate batches of fresh milk or cream, may help ferment them in such a way that the end result is similar to that one you enjoy
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 04:25:16 am by dariorpl »
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Offline Kaaris

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Re: Question regarding raw butter
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2019, 05:44:12 am »
Very elucidating, thank you so much.

Ok so piggy-backing off what you said about butter. From here on out, I should refrain from storing my raw milk in the freezer at any point as well, right? I usually buy half a gallon and drink a glass per day for 8 consecutive days,  and I’ve noticed that a couple of days ago the flavor was a little off, so I assumed it was going bad. I immediately put it in the freezer and consumed the rest of the milk yesterday. In your opinion, do you think I should just leave it in the fridge indefinitely despite any modulations in smell and taste?

In addition, I always store meat in the freezer. The same changes observed in milk, such as discoloration, tangier smell and taste are found in meat, but I have a bit of an aversion to it. I have yet to tolerate fermented meat, so I am not very inclined to eat it, despite eating raw everyday. Still, do you think I would have a nutritionally superior meat if I were to leave it in the fridge as opposed to the freezer? I am trying to extract as much vitamins and minerals out of my food, so if doing such thing would benefit me substantially in the long run, I am open to making some changes.

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Re: Question regarding raw butter
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2019, 06:41:18 am »
Every food loses nutrient availability when frozen. Freezing is similar to cooking, albeit not as drastic. Still, keep in mind you're bursting open every cell at the molecular level in that food source when you freeze it, as water forms crystals and expands when frozen. Any fresh food source that is frozen is partially destroyed nutritionally.

If you can't bear the taste of slightly fermented foods, at least compromise by freezing only the amount that you need to freeze, and keep the rest fresh.

About meats, there are many methods available to slow down the fermentation process besides freezing, all of them make you lose some nutrition, but if the alternative is not to eat at all, they are of course better. For instance, think of how beef is stored in cold rooms for weeks on end by the meat industry without fermenting... The trick is to keep it cold and keep the surface dry, by hanging it so that almost all of its surface is permanenty in contact with cold, dry air. This will dry the meat from the outside in. Here's how sabertooth does it at home:

About dairy... In the words of AV... "dairy never spoils, it just becomes a variety of cheeses and yoghurts"... So then the question is only if you enjoy a particular taste that a fermentation process gave you or not... This is highly variable according to the particular combination of bacteria and yeasts that grew as that dairy source was fermenting. Hence why many cheesemaking techniques carefully manage these, and inoculate with the kind they want.

As far as AV goes, he only compromised by allowing frozen berries for convenience, and because they're used mostly for detoxing anyway (and not for nutrition), and then also he allowed ice creams as a treat and to get people who need it to consume more fats, but warned to only keep it in the freezer for a maximum of 24hs. He did say that white meat such as fish tolerates a bit cooler temperatures than red meat without losing as much nutrients (but then again, most commercially bought fish (and often chicken, too) is kept at these lower temperatures by the time you buy it). Regarding dairy, if it was up to him, no dairy would ever be refrigerated. He did say that milk lost some nutritional properties by simple refrigeration, and if he got never-refrigerated milk, he would keep it that way. If he got already refrigerated milk, he would keep it refrigerated for convenience, but take it out to reach room temperature or even slightly warmer before drinking for optimal digestion.

At the end of the day though... The most important thing is that you keep eating healthy foods, and if compromises have to be made for convenience or taste, they can be endured.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 06:53:34 am by dariorpl »
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Re: Question regarding raw butter
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2019, 04:35:50 pm »
All frozen food is crap, don't eat it and don't support vendors who don't sell fresh.

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Re: Question regarding raw butter
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2019, 09:56:28 pm »
All frozen food is crap, don't eat it and don't support vendors who don't sell fresh.

Yeah I agree. The freezer is good when converted into a refrigerator for hanging meat


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