That's cool.Fatty dark chocolate is a new one on me though 
I mix my coconut milk/cream with raw cacao or cocoa powder(just because i like it).
Taste great,feels good,healthy(in my experience anyway)what else can you ask for? 
Note:I was using raw honey for a while with coconut milk/cream,but the fructose was doing a number on me,so I terminated that experiment.
I have to be careful not too eat too much. Sometimes just 2 pieces are enough to give me great focus, clarity and digestion. I guess the caffeine content is one of the main reasons for that, maybe also improved digestion due to the amount of magnesium. Another positive I see is that it´s very soft and easily digestible. If I eat too much I get a headache though. But one major downside of very dark chocolate, especially cocoa powder is that it´s extremely high in oxalates. One suggestion to not absorb too much of an oxalate food is to eat a calcium or/and magnesium rich food with it. But I generally stay away from cocoa powder, which is never raw btw. I prefer 100 % dark fatty chocolate, which consists of cocoa mass (around 50% cacao and 50% fat) + fat only. Another thing to consider is that chocolate is always produced by roasting the beans (that´s how it´s traditionally made anyway). There is one exception of a brand that makes unroasted "raw" chocolate, but thats a super exception.
I would also be careful not to mix honey (high carbs) and fat together, it can cause issues.
I believe I have big issue with Candida, but didn't know that it effects the HCI. But for sure animal fat/olive never helped me.
I do get diarrhoea from coconut oil, but it breaks the constipation for me and I found out that it coconut oil works better for me than animal fat/Olive oil.
Dark Chocolate is an important tip too.
What could be else done against the Candida and about the HCI production?
Candida lowers my HCI since years, took me ages to realize that. But I find that another major culprit, if not the major culprit is EMF. Whenever I´m close to a turned on oven, or close to a turned on cooking top, things go nasty. Wifi and laptops do damage as well. Initially I thought its mold, turns out it´s not. I think people focus too much on only their nutrition, but if you have health issues, that even after dietary changes could not solve, you need to look into EMF, that is magnetic fields, electric fields and radio frequency. I recently bought a good EMF meter and it opened my eyes BIG TIME on how surrounded I am by radiation. It´s crazy how much certain things emit. The difference between normal incandescent light bulbs and led bulbs is huge, aside of the fact that they are fucking up your eyes, and can do some other nasty things as well.
Either way, your question what can be done is vast. I tried a trillion things, and got a bit smarter by the years. First I would say change your diet to eat as much raw foods as possible, especially if you fucked your pancreas with alcohol, with the least anti-nutrient content, that is lectins, PUFAs, oxalates, too much vitamin a and so forth. Some people do better with plant foods some without. That is individual. Some people do great on keto and ZC, some better with more carbs. I think in the end what matters most is eating as much raw as possible. Raw meat, dry aged meat, raw low glycemic, low oxalate fruits including berries, and maybe some fake vegetables that actually are fruits, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers (high in vitamin c), raw corn (good for HCI) seems the more raw bacteria that you indigest, the more it can balance out the candida yeast, even raw fruit seems to work. A keto diet can make candida worst for some people. The more you overload your body with living foods, the more they take over the "bad guys". Candida seems to like feasting on heated carbs, starches and the like. Stay away from foods high in estrogen, candida can feed on that. So out of the window with dairy IMO, regardless if raw.
Second most important I believe is fix the EMF. Get a good EMF meter. I found this video helpful, go through your place and spot the issues. Sometimes people sleep shit for years until the realize that there are EMF sources above and below them. I think EMF causes an aggrevation and possible die off from candida, so fixing that is priority before you only focus on diet. EMF can also fuck up your thyroid, which is immensely important. Then you need things to protect against it. I´m currently experimenting here, but after doing some digging and self experimentation I realized that shungite is great. Even for enhancing plant growth it can be used. I got a pendant and since using it my mood went from lethal while being in the kitchen to far better. The aggression that candida can cause is incredible, especially in combination with EMF. A tensor ring could work too, so does the qui-pendant. Still experimenting though.
I think the fastest way to heal is go into the woods in a cabin, with zero EMF and eat raw foods. Or go to a real ayahuasca ritual with a indigenous shaman, if you are mentally stable and take no meds. I could suggest a million things that might work against candida and HCI, but I think the above 2 are the most important. Mold can also be an issue for some people.