Author Topic: dry aging - sticky, slimy meat,  (Read 957 times)

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Offline avada

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dry aging - sticky, slimy meat,
« on: September 08, 2022, 10:36:21 pm »
do any of you know why my meat becomes sticky, slimy and does not lose much moisture?
I have a gastronomic cabinet, there is a gentle fan. the temperature varies from 1 to 4 degrees (i.e. when it reaches 4, it turns on until it reaches 1 and turns off)
excess water is removed by the evaporator.
unfortunately, I did not have a hygrometer, so I do not know what the humidity was.
However, I wonder if it's a matter of humidity or maybe the fact that before I put the meat in, the animal hung in the skin in the refrigerator for 5 days (it's wild game)?

Offline sorginzorrotz

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Re: dry aging - sticky, slimy meat,
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2022, 08:51:40 pm »
Why don't you get a frost free fridge?
You can set it between 1-4°C and the humidity will  be pretty dry on its own. No needs for fan etc.
I do this myself.
I don't think it will be because of the skin, it should eventually dry. So, I would say your humidity is higher than 75%.
Hope this helps


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