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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1350 on: July 19, 2011, 11:29:38 am »
You are very welcome Max.  I've found that much of what Tyler said is true as well.  Just removing Grains, Dairy, Beans/Legumes etc can make a world of difference in a year or less, but your body will be making measurable adjustments for several years.  This is why I can't tell you for sure that raw ZC has done any more for me that if I had just stuck with my lightly cooked Paleo lifestyle of 85% meat and fat with a small amount of green salad and fresh fruit each day.  There were continuing changes when I went to RZC but they were very slow and minor compared to the rapid gains I made just switching to lightly cooked paleo.  This makes me think that what little improvement I did get from RZC might just be from the long term changes that would have happened anyway had I just stuck with my original protocol.  One think I can tell you, lightly cooked paleo is much easier socially than RZC.  Also, if I find that RZC stops working for me for some reason, I'll add the salad and fruit back in in a heartbeat to see if that resolves the issue.

You must also accept that some things may never get better no matter what you do.  For many health issues I think there is a point of no return.  You may be able to significantly slow further damage but you can't regain what was lost.  Hair loss is a good example.  Once follicles have died you can't get them back.  I'm also finding that my enlarged prostate has not gotten better.  The rate of enlargement seems to have stopped or at least slowed down significantly, but it has not reversed, even on raw ZC.

None of this is magic and results take time.  When you make a change, stick with it for at least 6 months and then evaluate where you are and decide if you need to make a change.  Changing things every week is a total waste of time.  Your body won't have time to adjust to anything and you will have learned nothing about what works and what doesn't work.  When you do make a change, make small incremental changes based on solid reasoning rather than whim or the pronouncement of some guru.  Again, stick with each change for six months and evaluate again.  Just repeat this over and over and within a couple of years you will have learned much about how your body works and what it needs for you to feel your best.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 04:36:27 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1351 on: July 20, 2011, 11:09:00 pm »
  Hi Lex. I always look forward to reading your logical posts.


Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1352 on: July 23, 2011, 01:50:44 pm »
Thanks for the kind words Tom,


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1353 on: August 02, 2011, 06:10:07 am »
Dear Lex,

What are the repercussions of not eating large amounts of fat on a low-carb diet? I only eat meat and drink water but do not measure the ratios of each. Sometimes I will eat more of one than the other and visa versa. Is it possible that I am stretching out the process of ketosis? Or, rather, hurting myself in the long-run?

I noticed that since beginning to each raw meat, the benefits have seemed to subsided since I began cutting out all carbs. I feel sluggish at times and feel weaker than I did before.

Although I'm disciplined enough to eat just meat, the idea of measuring out ratios of fat to protein seems too painstaking. Although my RZC foray hasn't lasted 6 months, I'm tempted to introducing carbs back into my diet. The idea of only eating meat is slightly driving me crazy. I'd like to have a more broad diet.

Do you have any words of wisdom or advice to offer before I decide to transition back to including other foods into my diet?

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1354 on: August 04, 2011, 02:58:37 am »
After doing some searching, I found the answer to some of my questions in your post in the thread below:

This thread was also insightful:

Sometimes when thinking constantly about what one is eating, that one can't help but worry or stress when energy levels are sub-par or a problem arises. In a desperate attempt to find a solution to my problems and calm my stress I felt impelled to ask for your guidance. Thank you for providing meticulously detailed information regarding your experience. You truly are a savior to all these people on this board looking for answers in uncharted territory.

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1355 on: August 19, 2011, 07:12:50 pm »
Quote from: Lex
"At this point in the debate I’m a solid member of camp #1 as my experience clearly shows that the greater the percentage of protein in my diet the higher blood glucose rises up to around 100 mg/dl where it then levels off.  At this point, by reducing my protein intake from 150g/day to 85-90g/day my blood glucose has dropped to around 85 mg/dl, which is a significant improvement."'s-journal/msg17996/#msg17996
Lex, how has your blood sugar been?
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1356 on: August 24, 2011, 04:07:00 am »
Glad you found your answers in my journal and thank you for taking the time to read it rather than re-ask questions that I've answered mulitple times.  Also, I suggest that you search the forum for answers to see what others think.  Then, if you still have a question, by all means ask it.  This way you will be well informed from multiple points of view and you can judge my opinion in context with others.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1357 on: August 24, 2011, 04:11:48 am »
My blood glucose reading continues to hover around 100.  After eating it may go up to 110 - 120 if my meal was relatively high in protein, and it may drop into the mid 90's at times, but overall it stays between 100 and 105.

I'm working on getting my annual blood tests.  Had a screw up with insurance due to the hyseteria over Obama Care.  Once I'm notified that I'm coverd again, I'll be making an appointment for my annual physical and we'll have this years results.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1358 on: September 01, 2011, 05:41:06 am »
I finally got my 2011 Lab test completed. 

They are pretty much the same except for total cholesterol rising from 190 to 207.  Triglycerides were amazingly low at 43.

I guess I'll continue this adventure for another year.  No reason to mess with success.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1359 on: September 01, 2011, 06:27:51 am »
Your A1c seems to be around where it was before, IIRC. I take it you've decided not to be concerned about that?
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1360 on: September 01, 2011, 07:49:11 am »
Your A1c seems to be around where it was before, IIRC. I take it you've decided not to be concerned about that?

Since reference A1c levels are determined from population averages, and my lifestyle is anything but average, there is little health related information that can be extracted from the number.    It is at the high end of the range, but then my blood glucose averages right around 100 all the time which is also at the high end of the normal fasting range.

The doctors might conclude that I'm borderline diabetic, but the difference is that most people with fasting BG levels like mine would have their BG shoot way up after a meal.  Mine stays steady all day within plus or minus 5 points and only rises 15 to 20 points after a meal.  My doctor has never see anyone with such a steady BG reading.  Look at all my Labs, BG has consistently been within +-1 point.

I have no interest in trying to control any of my lab numbers as no one knows what they should be for a person living a similar lifestyle to mine.  All I do is observe them and post them for others to study and compare to their own.

What I do find fascinating, is that most of my lab numbers are far better than the norm for my age group of 60+, and I'm not taking any medication to control them.  By age 60, most people are on Metformin, Blood Pressure medication, and cholesterol lowering drugs.   Based on the amount of red meat and fat that I consume, conventional wisdom would expect all my numbers to be off the charts in the negative direction.  Clearly, my annual labs tell a different story.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1361 on: September 01, 2011, 08:52:45 am »
You're cutting into the drug companies' profits, Lex. How could you be so uncaring?  ;)
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline wodgina

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1362 on: September 01, 2011, 09:21:20 am »
I've included the 2011 results in Lex's front page for anyone who would like to compare.

Please let me know if 2011 results do not come up.

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1363 on: September 01, 2011, 03:34:15 pm »
Triglycerides were amazingly low at 43.

Quote from: Lab Report2011_08
46 mg/dl

    46 but still amazingly low, which we all know is of the utmost importance in lipid tests.  My total lipid panel is similar, I'm very happy with it.  Did your doctor try to offer you a way to lower your blood cholesterol?
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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1364 on: September 01, 2011, 11:54:07 pm »
    46 but still amazingly low, which we all know is of the utmost importance in lipid tests.  My total lipid panel is similar, I'm very happy with it.  Did your doctor try to offer you a way to lower your blood cholesterol?

Sorry about that.  I was comparing all my lab tests and discovered that my current lab test and my original test in 2007 after starting this adventure had trigs in the 40s.  When I went to write my post I guess the lowest one, 43, just stuck in my mind.  Chalk it up to a Senior Moment.

Oh yes, the doctors have suggested that I take Vitorin or Lippitor as a "preventative measure, (along with half a dozen immunizations for whooping cough, tetanus, Pneumonia, chicken pox, flu, and a host of others).  They insist that now that I'm 60 I'm at great risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, or a complication from some other disease.  I point out that the statistics show that there is a 100% chance that I will die of something as I get older regardless of the medical profession's (or politician's) best efforts or intentions. 

As for the Vitorin and Lipitor, I ask them for statistics that show that these drugs lower the overall death rate rather than just from heart attack and stroke.  To me, dying from drug caused liver failure or other side effect rather than heart disease is a poor trade-off.  So far they haven't been able to show that these drugs do anything except trade one problem for another.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1365 on: September 02, 2011, 03:13:05 am »
As for the Vitorin and Lipitor, I ask them for statistics that show that these drugs lower the overall death rate rather than just from heart attack and stroke.  To me, dying from drug caused liver failure or other side effect rather than heart disease is a poor trade-off.  So far they haven't been able to show that these drugs do anything except trade one problem for another.

Heey Lex, that sounds a little bit pessimistic...

You are just 60 years young!

We all hope that you will be a happy and healthy living example pro raw paleo vlc/zc for AT LEAST the next 40 years.

Think of Wolfgang Lutz (author of 'Living without bread'). He reached 97 years, even with lots of cooked grain fed pork...

One serious question: How do you FEEL nowadays?
(I think, that's very important beside all lab tests etc.)


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1366 on: September 02, 2011, 06:09:04 am »
As for the Vitorin and Lipitor, I ask them for statistics that show that these drugs lower the overall death rate rather than just from heart attack and stroke.  To me, dying from drug caused liver failure or other side effect rather than heart disease is a poor trade-off.  So far they haven't been able to show that these drugs do anything except trade one problem for another.
You are depriving the Big Pharma execs of their boat payments!
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1367 on: September 03, 2011, 01:29:14 pm »
One serious question: How do you FEEL nowadays?
(I think, that's very important beside all lab tests etc.)

I feel very good, and I keep pretty busy. RawKyle was here for the Ancestral Health Symposium and stayed with us for several days.  He should be able to confirm that my health is good, and that I've got more things on my to-do list than I'll every have time to accomplish.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1368 on: September 04, 2011, 04:47:10 pm »
I feel very good, and I keep pretty busy. ..


Excellent!  :-)

Lex, if I go raw ZC, I'm not able to gain weight, no matter how much raw animal fat I eat. It seems that most of the fat is just transformed into body heat. I sweat like CRAZY, especially during the night. I think that this shows that my body is not fat adapted enough, right?

I would like to learn more about "keto adaption", mitochondrial energy production, the transition, symptoms and all other relevant aspects.

Could you please recommend me books, papers or internet resources?


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1369 on: September 06, 2011, 11:40:08 am »
Excellent!  :-)

Lex, if I go raw ZC, I'm not able to gain weight, no matter how much raw animal fat I eat. It seems that most of the fat is just transformed into body heat. I sweat like CRAZY, especially during the night. I think that this shows that my body is not fat adapted enough, right?

I would like to learn more about "keto adaption", mitochondrial energy production, the transition, symptoms and all other relevant aspects.

Could you please recommend me books, papers or internet resources?


Hi Lowenherz,
I went through the same issues.  It took almost a year before I noticed that I was no longer overly warm and throwing the covers off at night.  I do sleep with less covers overall than I did when eating vegan (as a vegan I was always cold), but I'm no longer uncomforatably warm.  And, I'm seldom cold.  I now tollerate both heat and cold better.

I really don't have any recommendations for books etc.  Most of what I got was from PubMed (some of which I had to pay for), and other random reading around the net.  I also used to have a very extensive library of health related books (over 500) that I'd collected over almost 40 years, but dumped them as few had much in the way of varified data.

I'm also not convinced that total raw ZC is the way to go.  It seems to be working for me, but then I'm 60 and my energy needs are different from someone in their 20's or 30's.  My guess is that carbs are not evil if eaten in moderation and you avoid non paleo carbs like grains, dairy, and legumes.   Do you have a specific reason for wanting to go total ZC?  If not, then have a salad and a piece of fruit along with your meat and fat and enjoy life.


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1370 on: September 08, 2011, 03:50:45 am »
...   Do you have a specific reason for wanting to go total ZC?  If not, then have a salad and a piece of fruit along with your meat and fat and enjoy life.


Thank you, Lex.

High fruit consumption in the past caused massive damage to my skin, teeth, gums, joints etc. On raw ZC I see some amazing healing effects (on gums and joints for example) that are inhibited by carbs, even by small amounts of so called healthy fruits. I'm not sure anymore if fruits are better than candy. Furthermore, the older I get the more my body rejects carbs. That let me thought about ZC again. My last raw ZC attempts all ended very unsuccessful (cooked ZC was easier), to say the least. But today I'm pretty sure that all problems have been caused by raw grain fed meat from diseased animals.

Has Owsley Stanley inspired you to go ZC?

Best wishes


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1371 on: September 09, 2011, 01:08:40 am »
Has Owsley Stanley inspired you to go ZC?

No, it wasn't Owsley Stanley.  In fact, I'd never heard of him when I started ZC.  I had turned 50 and my vegan lifestly was beginning to really take its toll.  I was looking for solutions other than drugs to deal with high blood pressure, rising blood sugar, rising cholesterol, enlarging prostate, loosening teeth, and a waistline that had expanded to 40".  My vegan lifestyle was driven by trying to control major migraine headaches, as all the guru's and medical wisdom of the day said it was meat and fat that was the primary cause of all our ills.

Anyway, veganism wasn't working, headaches were as bad as ever (suffered with them for over 40 years) and I needed to find another solution.  I ran across Ray Auddett's book, Neanderthin, (around 1999 or 2000) and was surpried to find that Ray was basically suffering from everything that I had and had cured himself through diet.  I then found the Beyond Veg web site and got more information.  I transistioned to a cooked paleo lifestyle and things got better remarkably quickly.

A few years later ran accross Jeff Purcell's RVAF Yahoo Group right about the time it started.  Jeff is an amazing person and did a lot of work, providing links to resources all over the web that were related to RVAF.  One of the links was Steffannson's story.  I was facinated and wondered if eating only meat was actually possible.  I decided to try it and the rest is pretty much history and recounted here in my Journal.

One thing I have learned is that ZC is not the Holy Grail.  It is just another dietary protocol with its own benefits and drawbacks.  It has worked well for me, but it hasn't solved all my health problems.  I still suffer from BPH, hairloss stopped but didn't reverse, and age continues to takes it relentless toll. 

Before going total ZC I was eating mostly meat and fat with a small salad or a piece of fruit (one or the other but not both) each day.  I got most of the health benefits I enjoy today from eating that way.  There were small gains after going ZC but I can't tell you that they wouldn't have happened anyway if I'd just stuck to my orginial protocol.  When you've abused your body for 20-30 years with a totally inappropriate lifestyle, it takes many years to reverse the damage and some things are irreversible.  When I switched to ZC I was still seeing improvement from the VLC protocol I was following, so my guess is that ZC may have made a small difference but I don't think it is much.  Who knows, it may even have delayed things or made no difference at all.  All I can say is that I feel good, and hesitate to change what is currently working.  I assure you that if I notice problems, I'll change back to VLC in a heartbeat.

One final thought.  Many have tried ZC and failed.  My ZC protocol is rather strict and I eat a food mixture that most people would not find enjoyable.  My food mix contains all parts of the animal as it contains a good bit of all the leftovers that are ground up and sold as pet food.  I mix this with regular ground meat.  It tastes and smells rather strong.  I think my success is found in the variety of organ meats and offal that is in the food I eat and not that it is ZC.  Those that try to eat mostly muscle meats even when combined with a few limited organ meats tend not to be successful in the long term.  In effect, my mix contains bits and pieces of the whole animal, not just muscle meat and the common organs like kidney, heart, and liver.



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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1372 on: September 09, 2011, 05:39:08 am »
Have you tried Slanker's Primal Ground Beef mix (ground beef mixed with beef trim, beef liver trimmed, beef heart trimmed, beef spleen trimmed and beef kidneys )?

(BTW, it's "Geoff").
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1373 on: September 10, 2011, 10:02:39 am »
Have you tried Slanker's Primal Ground Beef mix (ground beef mixed with beef trim, beef liver trimmed, beef heart trimmed, beef spleen trimmed and beef kidneys )?

Yes, I just substituted the Primal Ground Beef for the pet food on my last order.  It is OK but I think I will go back to the pet food next time.  The primal mix is not as strong tasting so most would probably like it better, but it is very finely ground and I much prefer the bone chips, chewy bits, and texture of the pet food.

(BTW, it's "Geoff").

I knew that.... must have been a senior moment.  Or maybe it's the way I eat......


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Re: Lex's Journal
« Reply #1374 on: September 10, 2011, 10:14:31 pm »
What do you think of someone's chances if they can't get the organ mix?


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