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Ramblings of a madman...
« on: September 17, 2009, 09:24:58 am »
I.E. my Journal. :P
I'm also not technically nuts but I'm far from the status quo and I enjoy being an individual. ;D

I figured this is a better place to ask questions and note progress than my introduction post so I'll do all of that here now. :)
Anyways, a full month of raw ZC and I'm doing really good.

Maybe a week ago I crested the initial lethargy from my adaptation and my energy levels started going back to normal. My head also was fully clear for the first time in years (and years and years). Since then I've been doing really good and enjoying the extra energy.

I was incredibly hungry on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and took a lot of food down (maybe 1/2 pound of fat and 3-5 pounds of decently marbled cuts of beef) but I couldn't shake that empty "hungry" feeling in my stomach. It all sat great as well.

Monday night I tried my hand at Pemmican albeit only mild rendering of the suet fat to make it mixable but not bother removing too much moisture as I was going to eat it that night. Freshly prepared without setting it was a delightful experience much in the vein of chewing sawdust. After setting 20 minutes in the fridge though it was much better. After my limited list of things I've been able to eat the past few years it was nice to have a nougat-like texture even if it was a bit meaty. ;D

Tuesday started out with the same voracious appetite but I had a chunk of grainfed suet and 3 slabs of grassfed chuck roast for lunch at 2ish (about a pound and a half) and felt an uncomfortable heavyness in my stomach. Spent the entire evening with this fullness and only had a couple pieces of homemade jerky at dinnertime. I also had a number of very unpleasant & overproductive trips to the bathroom that night (bile mustard yellow with a slight burn in case that wasn't TMI yet).
I had another two pieces this afternoon and reawakened the beast in my gut so I think I know the culprit (I was thinking it could also be the grainfed muscle meat I used for the jerky).
In hindsight it had a slightly odd smell to the meat but it didn't taste funny and appeared healthy so didn't give it much thought. I'll know better next time and don't plan to buy from the seller again (local farmer's market vendor where I got this, some pretty tasty marrow bones, and a fairly bland chuck steak-all grassfed).

I've been finding and tasting a number of local sources for the grassfed beef but so far the only source of grassfed fat has been Slankers (my order arrives tomorrow and includes 20ish pounds of lamb fat as they were out of beef & bison).
The farm selling at the farmer's market had bland meat at overinflated prices and one cut is pretty clearly implicated in making me sick. A real shame as I'd rather support a local farm.
I've found pastured beef from Australia at a local supermarket (ShopRite). It's not the best price ($7.99/pound) but is very nicely flavored and incredibly soft textured (they are loin cuts though so...). White fat though.
I recently traveled to a larger food store (but not a supermarket, closer to a real market) about 40 minutes from home and found some nice deals on grassfed beef as well as some goat which I've never had before (too fatty looking to be grassfed but I couldn't argue $2.49/pound to try it). This meat is deliciously flavored but the drive is prohibitive to do weekly. I'll definitely be utilizing them when I need holdovers to my next Slanker's shipment. Oh yeah, as much free Suet as I want (even if it's grainfed it's good stiff suet perfect for Pemmican). ;D
I've also got a 65 pound order on it's way from Slankers which is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I ordered a good mix of product including a sampling of the lamb, bison, and goat as well as a sampling of each of the beef organ they sell other than testicles as I'm not quite ready for that (although I am warming to the idea to try them). I can't wait to dig in.

In a whole different vein I've begun exercising again after taking a few weeks off to deal with the keto-adaption (my IT band in my right knee was aggravated as well so it was killing two birds with one stone).
Took my first jog/run on Monday morning and it felt great. I was definitely out of breath and pushing myself hard but it felt so good to do it I couldn't help it. I'm working on fox-walking when I can and tried to figure out "fox running" but it wasn't coming as intuitively as I'd have liked. Any tips?
I've also started some simple weight training and will be keeping my eyes open for exercises & routines better suited for me. I want to build up more functional muscles as opposed to just bulking up. Right now it's a couple exercises for the core, push-ups, and tricep curls to get them up to snuff. I'm going to start chin-ups tomorrow as well.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. :)

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 08:39:37 pm »
Anyways, a full month of raw ZC and I'm doing really good.

What type of diet you were on prior to zero carb?
It’s time to Eat Like An Animal!


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 04:23:33 am »
What type of diet you were on prior to zero carb?

The food allergy diet. ;D

I give the full rundown here but over the last seven years or so I've found out about more and more foods which do not sit well in my body (both through blood tests and elimination dieting). Over the last couple years I was down to almost no fruits, vegetables, or grains which sat well but I still tried different things and sometimes put up with the effects for a little while because I had been informed since I was a kid that I needed these things for proper nutrition.
As time went on I moved further and further towards a meat based diet and eventually ended up here. In a surprising twist of fate I found this site by Googling to see if bone meal (I was eating the ends of the chicken thighs I was cooking) was possibly giving me adequate fiber/bulk to avoid GI issues.

I think something in my adolescence triggered a leaky gut. It could have been Candida (definitely still had this when I began ZC as I developed a good case of thrush on my tongue in the first week), could have been gluten and dairy intolerances, could have been something else. I just know I began putting on a lot of weight in puberty and had health & GI issues on and off from then until I got tested and began to eliminate things. Now I'm working to not ingest foods which while aggravate my system and I'll let me body heal itself. I don't plan to deviate from this way of eating though as I don't want to chance furthering that progression of antigen responses. I enjoy red meat and apperently my body does too. ;D


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2009, 12:37:13 am »
Another benefit of how I'm eating has reared it's head.
My wife and I had our nephew over Friday night and his mother didn't tell us he was sick with a cold until we picked him up. After very close quarters with him for 24 hours my wife is lying in bed feeling horrible and I'm feeling fine. I felt a little off yesterday afternoon (slight nasal drip and sore throat) but got a good night sleep and feel great today. This is a far cry from the past few years where both my wife and myself would get sick together at the drop of a hat. :)

Now, to the real topic at hand...
My wife is very overweight (300lb+), as are many of the women in her family, and a large number of health issues run rampant in her family (Type 1 & 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, a bunch of others). She crested 300 pounds in high school and weighed 380 pounds at her heaviest (just before we met 4 1/2 years ago). Over the years she's tried a number of different diets and lost significant weight on them (50-80 pounds at a time) but it always came back.
Not long after we began dating she spurred us to sign up at the gym and between that and eating a sound dinner (the only meal I was around to help prepare in a healthy way), usually consisting of a poached or lightly seared salmon filet and some vegetables, she dropped down to 280 in 6 months time (when they did our 6 month fitness test they determined, through calipers and a handheld ultrasound thing, that she had 202 pounds of pure muscle ;D). Her perennially sick family, particularly her mother, really raised hell on our time to exercise or eat well, and over time she gained back maybe half the weight.
Over the years we've found some foods which bother her and cut them out (gluten, rice, corn, peanuts) & we've done research into possible underlying issues (she took the depo shot-an injected contraceptive-for years long before we met which is known to cause thyroid issues on such a longterm basis).

All of this doesn't really matter. What does matter is seeing me feel so much better she would like to make some changes to her diet and hopefully lose much of her weight, heal up her battered body, and live a long and healthy life. She wants to get proactive and stop worrying about dying by 50 from a heart attack or something else equally scary.
I need input from the other fine forum members on the best way to help her transition into our way of eating as well as some suggestions on foods. As she does not suffer the same problems from carbohydrates of any form that I do we both think it best if we shoot for a very low carbohydrate regimen; perhaps 20 grams per day, or is this too high?
She is still concerned with the raw meat aspect so we will be starting out with steaks cooked to medium-rare and work our way rarer as she feels comfortable.
She is also very concerned with eating raw fat so I will probably be supplementing with pemmican or at least putting the fat over the heated meat so it melts and makes it fattier.
We will be starting her on grainfed since she can't stand the flavor of grassfed. I personally think the fat on grassfed is a bit mealier/grittier as well so think this will be a smoother transition that trying to go cold turkey with grassfed. We will supplement with the Blue Ice cod liver oil while she eats grainfed.
I will be ordering some of Dr. Ron's Adrenals and Thyroids to help address possible underlying glandular problems.
We've also tried out Betaine HCL. I got the stomach heat and a bit of throat burn at 1 so I'm ok. She needed 6-8 624mg capsules to feel the same burn so her digestion is definitely compromised. I have two 100 cap bottles on hand and will encourage her to use them.

Now for the stuff I need help on.
What carbs would be helpful to have in her diet? All refined starches and sugars are of course out. Would fruits or vegetables be better? She adores lemons so they're an easy choice but what else?
She hates honey so we don't need to debate it's merit here. :P
Thoughts on Raw Dairy? I know some of you feel strongly against it and I agree that genetically most people don't do well with it. Unfortunately it's one of the food groups that she enjoys most and she'd be less inclined to cheat if she could have an occasional "treat" or some raw cheese or butter.
Any other guidance?
Thanks. :)

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 07:32:47 am »
I would recommend trying virgin coconut oil as well.  If she does well on it, it can be a really, REALLY good way to ramp up the thyroid and lose weight. 

Raw dairy--I recommend only getting it from a local producer, who does mostly or all grass-fed (or, for goat milk, forage-fed).  I also recommend fermenting it.  You can get raw grass-fed butter from a few places, check the yahoo raw milk group.  Some people do well on raw dairy, some really don't. I would encourage her to cut dairy out totally for a couple of weeks, then add in raw dairy again, very slowly, and see what happens.

Offline phatdave

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2009, 07:44:09 am »
Dairy is very fattening, and kind of additive.


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2009, 08:32:44 am »
I would recommend trying virgin coconut oil as well.  If she does well on it, it can be a really, REALLY good way to ramp up the thyroid and lose weight. 
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see if she's up for giving it a shot. :)

I kind of figured the raw milk was a bad idea but she's resistant to give "everything" up so I'm seeing it as a temporary compromise. Given the incidence of dairy issues in America she'll probably notice problems after a little while on a cleaner diet anyways and give it up on her own. Then I'm not the bad guy. :P

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2009, 05:32:34 pm »
It's been claimed that raw butter is the "least worst" of all types of dairy. If you can try some raw butter from an animal other than a cow as it will be closer to human milk.

I can't recommend virgin coconut oil as many people seem to get side-effects from the stuff(the salicylates in it , that is? ).

If your other half does not have issues with carbs, then then it's best if you start low-carb as opposed to very low carb(say 10-20% of the diet). The reason for that is simple:- most people find the raw meat issue the biggest problem re getting used to a raw diet, whereas consumption of raw fruit and some(not all) raw veg isn't such a big mental hurdle to overcome for obvious reasons. I personally started off with 80% raw plant food, and then quickly worked that down to 10%, plus or minus, which I do best on. It just made things easier for me, and since adaptation to raw requires some adjustment by the body it would be a big mistake to simultaneously drive the body into ketosis at the same time, which requires further adaptation.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2009, 12:14:21 am »
As I mentioned last night in another thread I'm positive now that grainfed effects me in a very noticeable and negative way.
After a week of all grassfed I had some grainfed stewmeat we had in the fridge rather than go hungry (or force-thaw my grassfed in the microwave). Boy was that a mistake.

I had a sore throat and runny nose about 4 bites in and it only got worse as I ate. I also got the dreaded "brain fog". The runny nose persisted for maybe a half hour after eating and then very slowly got better overnight. The sore throat stayed painful until bed and must have cleared overnight as I didn't have it this morning. Same with the brain fog although my thinking feels kind of off today.
I woke up an hour early with stomach cramps and moderate nausea. Had very unpleasant diarrhea and waves of nausea this morning including doubling over at one point because the nausea was so great as I stood up. Came very close to vomiting but nothing came up. I'm now sitting here at work feeling miserable, wanting to hurl my guts up, and dealing with diminishing cramps.
I don't know if it was an additive (this was from the "safest" of the local supermarkets, the one which had not given me any noticeable symptoms from food before) or is it perhaps carryover gluten but I'm going to make sure I don't need to go through this again. I don't care if I have to carry a steak with me or eat pemmican when I go out to dinner with people but I'm not messing with that poor excuse for meat again. >: -v


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2009, 10:07:55 am »
Well, I burned through my Slankers order fairly quickly so had to go out this evening to find food for the end of this week (still have 1-2 days of lean muscle meat left as well as a couple organs, plenty of marrow bones and tons of lambfat).
Drove out to Connecticut with my wife to our closest Trader Joe's as it's supposed to sell Grassfed (even though it's supposed to be lower quality). Not a bit of grassfed beef and I wasn't going to spend $14/pound for bone-in Australian lamb.
We hopped back in the car and drove 50 minutes north-west to another store which had grassfed the last time we were there. Unfortunately they had none on the shelf so I was resigned to the same bone-in lamb (at $7/pound here) but asked the butcher anyways. Turns out they get delivery of a single grassfed steer from a farmer in Connecticut every Tuesday but it came in late in the day today so hadn't been butchered yet. The butcher went in the back and cut me off the whole Chuck primal cut. I've now got a 45 pound slab of beef on my counter ready for me to butcher at a steal of $135 ($2.99/pound ;D). He also gave me a 5-6 pound bag of the fresh suet off the carcass for free. He'll also save me all the fat trimmings when he butchers the grassfed steers if I want them. I know where I'll be food shopping every other week. ;D


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 05:34:23 am »
I've upped my fat intake within the last 10 days and began feeling great in the last 2-3 days. Still dealing with some ketones as indicated by my sweet saliva and slight smell to my urine but I'm mostly adapted to the higher percentage now.

I've also continued my morning jogs even though it's getting chilly out. I decided I'm going to them up all winter long so I grew a beard. First time I've had one in over 4 years but it feels nice to have the change. I've been keeping the distance the same at 1 1/2 miles each morning, since I have to get ready for work after and don't want to get up earlier, but have been consistently upping the intensity. I've changed my running style from heel-strike to pad-strike which did a number on my efficiency but I'm working back to where I was at before. I ran/jogged the loop yesterday in 10 minutes which is just about where I stopped ~6 weeks ago due to my inflamed IT band. I'm also running without any pain which was the impetus for the change in dynamics. ;D

Other than that life's been pretty boring. :)

In a semi-related post I've been reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and it's been very informative. Such in-depth insight into "industrial agriculture", "big organic", and "small organic" (where I am now) really gives a lot to think about, a lot to discuss, and a driving force to re-prioritize your own personal food chain.
The book is inspiring me in two different ways;
I don't think I'll be ordering from Slanker's again unless I lose my current source for grass-fed beef. When you really examine how much oil is involved in transporting you food across the country it makes it seem like much less of a bargain. The food was good but the moral cost doesn't seem worth it to me. :(
I REALLY want to start up a farm like Polyface now. So many cool ideas and it just seems like a great life. If I ever come into a large lump of cash I know what I'm doing...buying up some land, starting a farm with rotational grazzing, and getting myself as far off the "grid" as possible. :)


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2009, 08:32:07 pm »
I've been eating a single meal each day the past two days and I can now say I'm definitely not adapted enough for this or my activity levels are too high to function right with the quantity of food I can comfortably consume in one sitting. Yesterday morning and this morning I woke up and was physically very tired (mentally I was fairly rested). I went for my jog this morning and just couldn't put the effort in like I was earlier this week.
I was eating at roughly 3PM. I'm going to try two meals now at 8AM and 6PM and see how I do that way. :)


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2009, 01:48:12 am »
Still going strong. ;D

I've gone through a couple periods where I'll be more foggy headed than usual for a couple days and then it clears up.
I couldn't track down what the cause was and it was frustrating me. Seems to be better controlled now but still not 100% although this residual could be adrenal related I guess.
-At first I thought it might be some seltzer water (unflavored peligrino brand) I picked up to vary things up a bit instead of water with every meal. I had an 8oz bottle each night after dinner but the fog seemed to start the day after I began drinking them so I cut it out.
-I also noted that I began adding some celtic sea salt (as opposed to the Realsalt brand I bought a bunch of last time I bought sea salt) to my food at the same time so I cut this out.  I may test this out again in the near future and see what it does to me.
-I bought another 40 pound chuck primal cut last Wednesday and made some pemmican (with rendered lamb fat) with part of it. I'd been eating ~60% of my calories for the day as pemmican all weekend long and by Sunday night I started to get a bit of bloating as well as horrible smelling gas. This was accompanied by the same brain fog, a notable drop in body temperature (more on this to follow), and less resistance to the cold going around the house (got a sore throat and stuffy nose). This jogged my memory that I had run low on suet fat when the last instance of brain fog came about and had been supplementing with tallow. I cut pemmican out at that point and most of the symptoms have all gone away (haven't checked my temp yet). I don't know if it's a sensitivity to the cooking, an issue with how my body treats the lamb, or just coincidence but I'm leaving tallow and pemmican alone except for emergencies. I can look to re-test in a couple months when my digestion has improved some.

Now, back to temperature.
My body, as long as I can remember, has always run a low temperature. I'd usually read 97.1ish but even upper 96's weren't uncommon. Even when sick as a dog and running a high grade fever I can't recall ever going over 101.
This is common in my family and no one had any concerns about it so nobody ever bothered looking into it.
My mother has had numerous thyroid tests (as part of large panels her doctor does on her) and she's always checked out fine so it's not that.
I've been paying attention to it though and I've made some interesting discoveries along the way. In the past year I've had my food allergies under as much control as I could muster and it seemed to help my temperature a bit. I'd made maybe a 1/2 degree progress on things, measuring ~97.5 when I checked, and my perennially cold hands were grateful for this added warmth. Also in the past year I found a correlation when trying new foods. When not overtaxed due to constant allergy stress my immune system raises quite the response temperature-wise to allergens and I'll spike up 2 degrees in a couple minutes when I ate something bad for me. This was followed by a drop down to low 97's or upper 96's for the better part of a day at least.
Anyways, on a hunch I checked my temperature last Thursday and the thermometer read 98.4 and 98.7. A pretty clear indicator that my body is not overtaxed by my food source for now. ;D
This is also how I knew something in the pemmican was a poor choice for me. My temperature Sunday night was 97.2. ;)

Tried my first batch of high meat Sunday night as well (trying to help keep from getting that cold). I'd been culturing it for 2 1/2 weeks at that point so ate down two good size bites (~1" square). I've got to say I'm a bit disappointed in the flavor with the tangy smell it omits. I don't know if it made any difference but still no cold. Had another piece this morning and will continue eating at least a piece a day to see what it does for me. I've also got two bigger jars culturing from the last meat purchase on Wednesday.

That's about it for the last week and a half. Just keeping on keeping on. :)


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 06:38:25 am »
Bloating is most unlikely to be caused by pemmican; unheard of AFAIK, gas likewise. Maybe it was the mix with something else you ate?
Since pemmican is a complete food, why not try it alone? That seems to be the successful way from experience.

You might be aware that body temperature varies according to your circadian rhythm, so each reading should be considered in that light.
I'm chilled around noon, even on a warm summer day, and often too hot to sleep at 2 in the morning when I eat the one meal of the day too late in the evening.

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2009, 07:01:35 am »
Bloating is most unlikely to be caused by pemmican; unheard of AFAIK, gas likewise.

nope, i get bloating and gas every time with pemmican. it also gets pretty smelly as djr was saying. i use it just in emergencies now.

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2009, 08:11:38 am »
Interesting. Do you folks also get the bloating and gas from raw animal fat, or just the rendered fat?
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2009, 08:32:36 am »
Interesting. Do you folks also get the bloating and gas from raw animal fat, or just the rendered fat?
So far it's only been from rendered fat, I'm fine with raw unless I really overdue it and get the runs but my threshold has gotten pretty high in the past couple months. Again, this was rendered lamb fat so it's possible that this is my problem and I'd be fine with beef fat but I thought I'd mention it to see if others had similar experiences. I'll defrost some of the lamb fat in a couple days and see how that sits.

Bloating is most unlikely to be caused by pemmican; unheard of AFAIK, gas likewise. Maybe it was the mix with something else you ate?
Since pemmican is a complete food, why not try it alone? That seems to be the successful way from experience.
I had it for breakfast and lunch both days. I had a small meal of grassfed beef muscle (chuck) and suet for dinner. My diet is so limited that I couldn't mix any more than that if I wanted to. I mono eat and also try to limit my water intake drastically for the 1/2-1 hour before and after eating to make sure my stomach acid is the strongest it can be while I adjust.

You might be aware that body temperature varies according to your circadian rhythm, so each reading should be considered in that light.
I'm chilled around noon, even on a warm summer day, and often too hot to sleep at 2 in the morning when I eat the one meal of the day too late in the evening.

Yes, I am aware of this. All of my readings are done at roughly 7-8PM but especially the past couple I've done. The meals had been at the same time +/- 1/2 hour each day as well so it was as free of natural deviance as I could make it. :)

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2009, 10:12:51 am »
Interesting. Do you folks also get the bloating and gas from raw animal fat, or just the rendered fat?

yep, just rendered fat. i can eat copious amounts of raw fat. there's a clear difference in how i feel after eating both.

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2009, 11:26:23 am »
So far it's only been from rendered fat, I'm fine with raw unless I really overdue it and get the runs but my threshold has gotten pretty high in the past couple months. Again, this was rendered lamb fat so it's possible that this is my problem and I'd be fine with beef fat...
It sounds like your issue may be that you are not fully adapted to high-fat consumption yet, as fat does help the bowels to move--perhaps by lubricating the colon.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2009, 11:39:53 am »
I've had the impression that stomach acid is not used for digestion of raw fat meat.
Ref. A. Vonderplanitz and J-C Catry.


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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2009, 08:02:40 pm »
It sounds like your issue may be that you are not fully adapted to high-fat consumption yet, as fat does help the bowels to move--perhaps by lubricating the colon.
By overdo it I'm talking 1/3-1/2 pound in a sitting. It's also more the ratio of fat to muscle meat because I can eat a ton of fat if it's with a commensurately large amount of muscle meat but 1/3 of a pound of fat with say an equal amount of meat will sit poorly.
I'd been concerned that my energy levels being as low as they were for as long as they were in the beginning was due to lower fat consumption so I consciously upped my intake.
I do occasionally have some undigested fat in my stool if I've been eating a lot of suet but intramuscular fat seems to digest fine.

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2009, 11:37:04 pm »
Interesting, that further suggests you're having difficulty digesting suet. I'm not haven't had that issue with suet or suet tallow myself despite my past difficulties digesting fats.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2009, 03:04:04 am »
Just an offhand thought here but anyone else think the pemmican might be causing a more rapid die-off of my Candida and that's why I got the way I did?
Truth be told I'd be happy if this was the case because it would be working towards a goal as opposed to avoiding hurting myself but I don't know how to tell. -\

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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2009, 05:34:37 am »
Well I didn't have any obvious Candida, though I did have some of the symptoms linked to it, so I suppose that could explain the difference between our reactions.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
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Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2009, 05:39:24 am »
Just an offhand thought here but anyone else think the pemmican might be causing a more rapid die-off of my Candida and that's why I got the way I did?
Truth be told I'd be happy if this was the case because it would be working towards a goal as opposed to avoiding hurting myself but I don't know how to tell. -\

that's intriguing as i also am dealing with some candida symptoms. i dont know though, that sounds kinda far fetched. why would cooked fat be better at detoxing? it itself has to get detoxed so i can't see how it would help... worth looking into though


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