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Offline luis

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Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« on: April 08, 2010, 01:30:48 am »
Hi, first of all I would like to thank everyody on this forum for their contribution, for taking the time to write and help others with their advice. I have started with raw food aproximatelly one month and a half ago and the benefits have been remarkable. This diet has been changing my life and many persons here helped me in that.

For a long time I had tried to loose weight,but never had any good results ( 177 cm and 98 kgs). I exercise a lot, jogging around 50 km per week and have already completed 2 half-marathons ( I am currently training for the marathon) , but still  I could not loose weight. The exercise always made me incredebly hungry and I would eat more to compensate. After trying several diets, the one that seemed to work better was Atkins and after reviewing a forum about high protein diets, I came across raw paleo.

Af first I thought it was completelly stupid :D, but I remembered that whenever I used to eat good quality sashimi,I would always feel good after. Also,I have many health issues and a lot of members say that they have expierenced several healings after starting with a raw diet,so I decided to try.
I dont eat raw meat and fish only, I also eat fruit,some vegetables,like carrot or tomatoes and olive oil.

After one and half months, I am feelling incredibilly better . I am down to 91 kg and dont limit my portion sizes, my sinusite has improved tremendously and I can breathe much better, I have much more energy feel much less tired (dont need naps anymore after lunch), my hair is not falling so much,my allergies are much better also. I can also see better, I have no idea why.

Since I exercise very regularly, I can really notice the influence of raw food in my body. Before, when I used to do a long run of 20km or more, the next day my legs would hurt and I could not walk very much. Two sundays ago I ran f 30km and the next day I was fine. It is incredible how fast my body can recover now.

I have a couple of questions that maybe people around here can help me with:

- bee polen - has anyone tried it as a suplemment? It is very rich in several vitamins, aminoacids and rare elements

- I suffer from attention deficit disorder. Has anyone experienced benefits from raw diet relating to concentration, ability to focus, etc? How fast does your mental health improve as compared to your body?

- about chicken, I can not get any organic ones. Should I tried the regular or it is not worth it?

- mutton liver - is it any good? how do you eat it? what are the benefits?

I have many more questions, but for now these are enough.

best regards to everybody and once again thank you for your contributions.

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 01:40:50 am »
After one and half months, I am feelling incredibilly better . I am down to 91 kg and dont limit my portion sizes, my sinusite has improved tremendously and I can breathe much better, I have much more energy feel much less tired (dont need naps anymore after lunch), my hair is not falling so much,my allergies are much better also. I can also see better, ...

... It is incredible how fast my body can recover now.

I have a couple of questions that maybe people around here can help me with:

- bee polen - has anyone tried it as a suplemment? It is very rich in several vitamins, aminoacids and rare elements


- about chicken, I can not get any organic ones. Should I tried the regular or it is not worth it?

- mutton liver - is it any good? how do you eat it? what are the benefits?

    I'm glad you're feeling so much better!

    Lots of people (not sure about paleo dieters) eat bee polen regularly, and they say it's wonderful.  I have tried it, and don't feel it's good for me.

    I would not try regular chicken unless I was starving.  Even then, I would avoid it cooked.

    I would love to try mutton liver, but I can't find any.  I've tried lamb liver, and it's very good.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 05:33:14 am »
I've tried sundried bee pollen. It gave me a huge amount of energy but also made me feel very hot. I took that last symptom to mean that it wasn't too good for me. I still have it as a raw food such as times when I can't get hold of raw high quality meats, but it's rarely consumed by me now.

Re raw mutton liver:- sounds fine as mutton is often high-quality - do check they're fed on 100% grass diets as some farmers still insist on feeding them grains(more so in the US, I'm told?). I wouldn't depend on raw liver as a major staple of the diet as it is a very nutrient-dense food. In my own case, when I included it as a main staple , replacing raw muscle-meats, I started not absorbing it properly and it would just go out the other end rather quickly - I took this to mean that I was already getting plenty of the nutrients found within the raw liver. Anyway, these days I eat raw liver perhaps only once every 2 weeks, in small amounts with no issues(eg:- 1 small packet of raw lamb livers).

Re raw chicken:- AVOID it like the plague. Even organic-raised chicken is most of the time fed on grains, and so is very unhealthy. If you can find a genuine source of raw pastured/grassfed chicken then go for it, but otherwise don't bother.

Re ADD:- The BEST food for improving concentration/alertness on an RPD diet is "high-meat", otherwise known as raw, aged meat. There are some specific instructions in the 1st post of this thread:-

At the bottom of the thread, there is an article about a scientific study showing a definite link between bacteria-intake and relief of depression/improvement in mood as a result.

On an anecdotal level, large numbers of RPDers have benefitted greatly in terms of increasing their concentration/alertness levels as a result of eating "high-meat". The catch is that it takes time to prepare and raw aged meat takes a lot longer for rawpalaeo newbies to get used to than raw fresh meats, by comparison.

It took me 3 years to get the courage to try "high-meat" and I regretted heavily that I hadn't tried it years earlier.
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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 05:52:23 am »

Af first I thought it was completelly stupid :D, but I remembered that whenever I used to eat good quality sashimi,I would always feel good after. Also,I have many health issues and a lot of members say that they have expierenced several healings after starting with a raw diet,so I decided to try.
I dont eat raw meat and fish only, I also eat fruit,some vegetables,like carrot or tomatoes and olive oil.

After one and half months, I am feelling incredibilly better . I am down to 91 kg and dont limit my portion sizes, my sinusite has improved tremendously and I can breathe much better, I have much more energy feel much less tired (dont need naps anymore after lunch), my hair is not falling so much,my allergies are much better also. I can also see better, I have no idea why.

Since I exercise very regularly, I can really notice the influence of raw food in my body. Before, when I used to do a long run of 20km or more, the next day my legs would hurt and I could not walk very much. Two sundays ago I ran f 30km and the next day I was fine. It is incredible how fast my body can recover now.

I have a couple of questions that maybe people around here can help me with:

- bee polen - has anyone tried it as a suplemment? It is very rich in several vitamins, aminoacids and rare elements

- I suffer from attention deficit disorder. Has anyone experienced benefits from raw diet relating to concentration, ability to focus, etc? How fast does your mental health improve as compared to your body?

- about chicken, I can not get any organic ones. Should I tried the regular or it is not worth it?

- mutton liver - is it any good? how do you eat it? what are the benefits?

I have many more questions, but for now these are enough.

best regards to everybody and once again thank you for your contributions.
I too have experienced feelings of well being after eating wild fatty fish, disappearance of chronic intermittent sinusitis and post-nasal drip and allergies, increased energy, decreased hair loss, improved vision (especially when I cut out gluten; I hypothesize that some clearing of protein plaques and/or increased absorption and intake of nutrients like vitamins A and D3 might be factors for me), improved muscle recovery, etc.

I find bee pollen to be too expensive in my area and most of my customers didn't report any extraordinary results from it, though some people do report benefits.

I have experienced improved concentration, ability to focus, etc. Mental health seems to take longer to improve as compared to other areas of the body, though the initial dramatic reduction in brain fog occurred within weeks of eliminating gluten.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
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Offline sven

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 04:02:50 pm »
Your body is finally getting what it wants and needs.  Good job.  As far as concentrating I've noticed my ability to concentrate on one task at a time is much easier.  When I'm sitting in class I don't daydream anymore... Being on the carbohydrate SAD diet made me tired, bored, and more hungry.  Those were the only feelings I had.  I can credit better concentration to the elimination of carbs and replacement of raw meats/fats.  Have you noticed any improvements with your ADD? or focus/concentration in general?


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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 10:25:14 pm »
Has anyone experienced benefits from raw diet relating to concentration, ability to focus, etc?

Yes, but the significant difference happened after starting raw zero carbohydrate. YMMV.

Offline luis

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2010, 02:03:45 am »
I have noticed some improvement in my mental abilities, but nowhere near the improvement that I have experienced at a physicallevel.
William,you say that the biggest improvement happened after starting zero carb. Can you elaborate a little more, how long did it take you to feel the difference?


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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2010, 10:14:41 pm »
I have noticed some improvement in my mental abilities, but nowhere near the improvement that I have experienced at a physicallevel.
William,you say that the biggest improvement happened after starting zero carb. Can you elaborate a little more, how long did it take you to feel the difference?

Hard to say, as I noticed in retrospect, but it seems like weeks. Like you, the most noticeable change was physical.

Offline sven

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2010, 10:29:21 am »
keep in mind these things can take time to improve.  I am still discovering improvements months after I started eating Raw. keep close attention and let us know how things turn out.

Offline Stig of the Dump

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2010, 07:51:40 pm »
Re ADD:- The BEST food for improving concentration/alertness on an RPD diet is "high-meat", otherwise known as raw, aged meat. There are some specific instructions in the 1st post of this thread:-

At the bottom of the thread, there is an article about a scientific study showing a definite link between bacteria-intake and relief of depression/improvement in mood as a result.

On an anecdotal level, large numbers of RPDers have benefitted greatly in terms of increasing their concentration/alertness levels as a result of eating "high-meat". The catch is that it takes time to prepare and raw aged meat takes a lot longer for rawpalaeo newbies to get used to than raw fresh meats, by comparison.

It took me 3 years to get the courage to try "high-meat" and I regretted heavily that I hadn't tried it years earlier.
I am currently eating a naturally aged piece of raw grass fed Angus brisket that's been out on a plate in my fridge for over two weeks.  It is a bit slimy and has the odd minor outcrop of blue fur.   (I also had an old marrow bone for fat that looks no different to the day I got it.)

Honestly, a month ago I wouldn't have eaten it for all the money on Earth.  I'd have been sure I would have dropped down dead, and have blanched at even the thought of it.  Actually, it tastes absolutely fantastic.

(I craved it so much, that I came back from a weekend visit, just to eat some.  I was only getting fed supposedly "healthy" SAD food there - salads, fruit, pasta, steamed fish, etc.  I couldn't face the thought of the whole weekend without "proper food".  I literally felt I was being starved.  I'll definitely pop back home again tomorrow for another meal.)

Offline luis

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2010, 02:35:30 am »
I dont think that I am ready for high meat yet  ;D. I am just starting with seafood now. The sardines ae excellent and so is some other fresh fish. Has any one tried squid? What about frozen shrimps?

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2010, 02:56:16 am »
fresh raw squid is good and filling when it is big.
Better if it has eggs.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2010, 03:16:02 am »
Stig, I should add that "high-meat" usually needs longer than 2 weeks before it starts its positive effects
(1 month is usually recommended). Of course, it all depends on temperature as it ages faster on a higher temperature.

Anyway, I'm impressed you're starting with it so early into the diet. I was so ridiculously scared of food-poisoning issues that it took me ages to try high-meat.
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Offline Stig of the Dump

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Re: Would like to thank everyody on this forum
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2010, 04:45:53 am »
Anyway, I'm impressed you're starting with it so early into the diet. I was so ridiculously scared of food-poisoning issues that it took me ages to try high-meat.
To be honest, I left the meat (which was already starting to turn) whilst I was away for a week over Easter.  When I came home I thought it looked too far gone (especially the fur), but then (very un-Paleo) I came back drunk one night and just ate a load of it (like a kebab!).

When I woke up in the morning, it had clearly done me no harm, in fact I'd really enjoyed it and felt great (luckily I don't get hangovers, which might have confused things), and the "fear" was over.

(I can tell it's only beginning to "go", so isn't truly "high".  It's certainly nothing like liquid.  But I will get there now, for sure.)


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