I wish I wasn't poor.
Funny you say that, Sully... because you are, literally, like one of the richest people I know.

Anybody would be blessed to have a fraction of your wealth. <3
I'd offer my famous Chocolate Chip Cookies or my super duper apple pie as an enticment, but maybe for this group I should offer Slankers pet food!
Knowing me, Lex, I'll probably want a slice of apple pie and two cookies with a small side of Slankers pet food... and whatever sweet your wife may have made, for dessert.

cinna, an annual meet up sounds awesome! i hope i can make it over to socal whenever ioanna decides. would be fun. im contemplating going up to oregon sometime relatively soon so maybe i could work socal into that... party at lex's! jk, kind of. by the way, which other rpders have you met up with in socal?
I haven't met any others yet. I've only heard about them (heard about one woman from pet store owner; heard about two guys from pastured cattle supplier; heard about one woman from my sister - one of my sister's former hairdressers). I did run into a sweet gal at farmers market who had actually read "Raw to Radiant." It's wild because as strangers, we actually split a bag of salad mix at farmers market BEFORE we even started talking... The farmer asked me how my raw diet was going and she overheard so we started talking.
She hadn't tried raw meat yet. I gave her my contact info but she hasn't called.

She was so cool too. I'm hoping that she hasn't called yet because she's so busy with her 19-month old and/or lost my number - and that it's not because she doesn't want to be my friend.

I was so excited to talk to her. I don't know anybody else who has read that book. I'm still hoping that she'll call me when the time is right.

I haven't been to any potlucks yet and I intend to check out Rawesome Foods, but so far I've been out of shopping money when Wednesday rolls around.