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Offline sungazer63

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Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 05:15:03 am »
I have been on the primal diet (have read and re-read Aajonus's book) for 3 months.  For awhile my digestive system seemed pretty good except for a burning feeling in my stomach when I didn't eat often enough (I had this burning for a long time, even before I began this diet, probably an ulcer).  Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.  Before this sickness got really bad I was eating raw lamb or buffalo with eggs twice a day.  I was also having fresh vegie juice made from mostly celery and 1 carrrot or some beet.  And, I ate fresh pineapple with eggs nearly every day.  I don't eat anything that isn't part of the primal diet-nothing cooked, or processed at all.  Everything I buy is organic.  I haven't been able to afford/find fresh, wild caught, ocean fish at all; very low income because of past poor health limitations.   My local grocery stores say they can't even order it.  I know I really need to leave Ohio and go somewhere where there is food.

To try and stop this diarrhea, I have tried the nut formula (twice in one week) made with raw sunflower seeds or raw walnuts, and coconut cream.  I have also tried banana smoothies.  Neither of these have worked.  So far, I have avoided trying cooked starch because I really didn't want to eat anything that would put more toxins in my body.

I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up in the morning along with cramping, and then more throughout the day.  I am losing some weight and was too thin to begin with.  i don't know how to stop this diarrhea.  I have some high meat made from ground lamb that will be ready in about a week and don't know if I should try some with the butter that is coming.  I am getting very weak and was weak to begin with.  The diarrhea is yellowish.  I wonder if the high meat chicken I ate a week before I got sick might have had some mutated bacteria that could have done this to me, I just don't know.  I am afraid I am going to die from dehydration and/or starve.

Any of you know what to do?


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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 06:11:42 am »
First, I suggest you try having a heating pad on your stomach, whenever you can, even sleeping.  This allowed me to get through a terrible case of food poisoning from oysters. 

Second, buy some activated charcoal as soon as you can, and start taking lots of that, like 5 times the recommended dose.

Third, you might want to try fresh ginger, ginger juice, or ginger capsules.  Don't overdo the ginger, take only the recommended dose.

Fourth, try some fresh-squeezed lemon juice. 

Fifth, try some fresh, ripe papaya.

Sixth, try some unrefined Sea Salt.  Be careful with the brand, Celtic Gray and Fleur de Sel are the best by far.

Seventh, try some bone meal.  This can be really good.

At least 2 or 3 of these will probably help a lot.  Good luck, keep us posted.

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 08:00:22 am »
Intestinal bleeding is greatly helped by cabbage juice. Try carrot/cabbage juice several times a day. No more than 25% cabbage. Make pints and add the cabbage last and drink immediatly. Cabbage oxidizes very quickly.

Raw goat milk is also beneficial for ulcers.

Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 08:13:41 am »
Intestinal bleeding is greatly helped by cabbage juice. Try carrot/cabbage juice several times a day. No more than 25% cabbage. Make pints and add the cabbage last and drink immediatly. Cabbage oxidizes very quickly.

Raw goat milk is also beneficial for ulcers.

there isn't any intestinal bleeding, diarrhea is mostly yellowish.  Unable to get any raw milk here in Ohio.  Raw butter is supposed to be here tomorrow, do you have any recommendations regarding it?  Will also try the carot/cabbage juice.  Good to hear from someone who read the book :)  At this time my heart is starting to pound from dehydration, I hope i can absorb something, this is getting really scary.  Sent Aajonus these questions but can't afford a consult.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 10:22:06 am »
First, I suggest you try having a heating pad on your stomach, whenever you can, even sleeping.  This allowed me to get through a terrible case of food poisoning from oysters.  

Second, buy some activated charcoal as soon as you can, and start taking lots of that, like 5 times the recommended dose.

Third, you might want to try fresh ginger, ginger juice, or ginger capsules.  Don't overdo the ginger, take only the recommended dose.

Fourth, try some fresh-squeezed lemon juice.  

Fifth, try some fresh, ripe papaya.

Sixth, try some unrefined Sea Salt.  Be careful with the brand, Celtic Gray and Fleur de Sel are the best by far.

Seventh, try some bone meal.  This can be really good.

At least 2 or 3 of these will probably help a lot.  Good luck, keep us posted.
All those sound good from my experience except the lemon juice and papaya, as acidic tropical fruits do a number on my stomach, but your mileage may vary. I have no idea about the effectiveness of salt on diarrhea or stomach upset. I have ginger and healing clays on hand myself in case of such problems in the future, and plan on getting activated charcoal. I've only tried the ginger so far, which worked pretty well. Nonhuman primates and other animals use charcoal, ash and clays, so I figure they know what they're doing after millions of years of living in the wild. Not just any clay can be consumed though, and you don't want to overdo it. Calcium is pretty good for diarrhea, particularly the less absorbable types like calcium carbonate from bone meal (as suggested), though its action can be insufficient in some people unless they take big doses, perhaps because of calcium deficiency.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline sungazer63

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 11:56:38 am »
All those sound good from my experience except the lemon juice and papaya, as acidic tropical fruits do a number on my stomach, but your mileage may vary. I have no idea about the effectiveness of salt on diarrhea or stomach upset. I have ginger and healing clays on hand myself in case of such problems in the future, and plan on getting activated charcoal. I've only tried the ginger so far, which worked pretty well. Nonhuman primates and other animals use charcoal, ash and clays, so I figure they know what they're doing after millions of years of living in the wild. Not just any clay can be consumed though, and you don't want to overdo it. Calcium is pretty good for diarrhea, particularly the less absorbable types like calcium carbonate from bone meal (as suggested), though its action can be insufficient in some people unless they take big doses, perhaps because of calcium deficiency.
Thanks, i do have Terramin clay and have been taking that too with no results except that it calms down the cramping for a few minutes
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 04:25:40 pm »
Thanks, i do have Terramin clay and have been taking that too with no results except that it calms down the cramping for a few minutes

You might try higher amounts of the clay. I've heard, though, that edible French green Clay is the most effective.

Other than that, I can only suggest what worked for many in similiar situations:- ditch the dairy, the eggs and the veggie juice and don't eat lots of small meals throughout the day, just 1 meal(elimination diets might single out any probelmatic food) - come to think of it, early on in the diet, I sometimes found it worked better if I fasted for 2-3 whole days at a time, as it speeded up healing.

I would never recommend using chicken for making high meat as even organic chickens are almost always raised on 100% or near-100% grain diets, sop naturally such an unhealthy diet is going to lead to the bird having mutated bacteria etc.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2009, 09:07:16 am »
I havent' been having any vegie juice lately or meat because of the nausea and cramping.  I am aware of the high sugar content of carrots and my juices were mostly celery with only 1/2 to 1 carrot.  4 to 5 ounces is all i ever had at a time and always never within 1hrs of eating meat as Aajonus suggests.   As I said above, I can't even drink water without diarrhea and I am gettin severely dehydrated.
I don't know what else to recommend beyond eating the foods you do best on (many do well on pasture-fed meats and animal fats) with fasting between meals and repleneshing fluid and electrolytes with mineral water and perhaps some salt, green clay and clay-based OTC remedies like kaopectate, activated charcoal, calcium carbonate, other OTC remedies like Immodium (that helped my mother) and seeing a doctor. No guarantees. If the diarrhea and dehydration is really severe you may be close to needing to go to the hospital for intravenous fluids and nutrients to avoid severe health damage.

Diet forums aren't designed to deal with severe health crises or diagnosing their causes.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2009, 09:14:57 am »
If the diarrhea and dehydration is really severe you may be close to needing to go to the hospital for intravenous fluids and nutrients to avoid severe health damage.

Diet forums aren't designed to deal with severe health crises or diagnosing their causes.

I agree with this.
As you get further and further dehydrated you're not going to think straight. You should really go consult a professional while you're functional enough to explain what is going on.

Edit: Make sure you address your electrolytes either way. If you've had diarrhea for weeks your levels are probably dangerously low and will only compound your woes.

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2009, 10:30:24 pm »
Do you feel like this only when you eat raw foods? What happens if you eat cooked ffoods for a few weeks? Just curious.

It does not even sound like you are doing the Primal Diet. Even though I hate to say this, if this is how bad you are doing, you might want to seek out a real medical doctor until you get stabalized. You can worry about a healing diet later.

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2009, 11:53:34 pm »
So what happened here? This person's account doesn't exactly fill me with a lot of confidence as I look to start a raw meat diet, not that I'm even considering eating high meat anyways.

Anybody else have similar problems when first starting out? I'm hoping to cure digestion, not worsen it.  -\

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2009, 01:00:51 am »
Go slowly, gradually. Stay aware.

Egg whites aren't well-tolerated by many, and this person was eating many of them, with high-enzyme fruits and vegetable fats, if I'm reading that correctly. I don't know what happened to this person. There could have been many factors involved.

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2009, 01:46:39 am »
There was a free lecture a few days ago in Ohio, also $40 personal glandular analysis.

I was reading thru all the state laws recently, and though it looked a little easier in Ohio than Tennessee.  I believe you, but just recalling my impressions of what I read on .

Did you grind the lamb just before each meal?  Are the eggs definitely pastured?  Have you tried frozen butter?  I have, and it worked well for me.  Do you check over the coconuts as described in the book before making cream?  Even so, I have a hard time digesting coconut cream. 

I hope you're doing better.

NOVEMBER 14, 2009
LECTURE: 11 - 12 PM - FREE
*please bring your own lunch
WORKSHOP: 12:15 PM to as late as 6 PM - $85
No more than 12 people may receive MINI-CONSULTS in which Aajonus analyzes each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better health: additional; approximately 10 minutes each $40.
LOCATION Of Free Lecture, Workshop and Mini-Consults:
Double J Farm
3070 Wehr Road
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Joe and Janet Streit
Individual Consults Sunday, November 15, 2009
*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $375; includes iridological and glandular analyses.
Attending the workshop or reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual consults.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $300.
For reservations to any or all of these events,
Contact Marcia at 513-300-3110 or

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.

Raw milk sales for human consumption are illegal. The state has adopted Section 9 of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance which permits only the sale of pasteurized milk to the final consumer.

There are no state laws against the sale of raw milk for pet consumption. It is the policy of the state Department of Agriculture to permit on-farm sales of raw milk for pet consumption provided that the farmer posts signs stating that they are selling raw milk for pet consumption only.

Read updates from Ohio here.

Raw milk sales for human consumption are illegal. The state Department of Agriculture has interpreted "sale" to even cover giving away raw milk and raw milk products. In 2003, a state representative introduced a bill to legalize raw milk, but the Tennessee Senate Agricultural Committee voted the bill down and it never reached the floor of the legislature.

Raw milk and raw milk product sales for pet consumption are legal, even though the state animal feed laws contain no specific provision about raw  dairy products. Producers and sellers must obtain a commercial feed license from the state.

Update, Summer 09
A bill formally legalizing cow shares has been passed by both the State House of Representatives and the Senate and signed into law by Governor Phil Bredesen on May 21. The bill simply states that nothing in the law “shall be construed as prohibiting the independent or partial owner of any hoofed mammal from using the milk from such animal for the owner’s personal consumption or other use.” The House sponsor of the bill was
Frank Nicely (R-Knoxville, District 17); the Senate sponsor was Mike Faulk (R-Kingsport, District 4). Congratulations to Brentwood WAPF Chapter Leader Shawn Dady and Tennesseans for Raw Milk ( for their persistent efforts—-spanning several years-—in getting this legislation passed.

Raw milk sales are illegal except as pet food. For a period, state authorities harassed dairy farmers selling raw milk and milk products labeled as pet food but this seems to have died down. There are a number of cow share programs in the state and a committee working on changing the law to allow on-farm sales.

Read updates from Jenny Drake of Peaceful Pastures and more about the effort to legalize raw milk sales in Tennessee.

Find out more at

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2009, 02:02:40 am »
I agree, you have to be careful with chicken.  The first chicken I bought was supposed to be top quality, but turned out to be grainfed.  How long into the diet did you start making the fermented meats?  What were you taking them for?  Am I to understand you are making them from ground lamb too?  I don't think AV makes them from ground meat.  Are you eating any of the cheeses?  They're more stable than other dairy products, and I know it's crazy, but there are different laws around each dairy product.  I never got diahrea on RAF, but have had good luck with charcoal previously for it when nothing else we tried worked.

Feel better.

Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I would never recommend using chicken for making high meat as even organic chickens are almost always raised on 100% or near-100% grain diets, sop naturally such an unhealthy diet is going to lead to the bird having mutated bacteria etc.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2009, 04:34:34 am »
Fair enough,

I just wanted to know what this person did wrong and try to avoid it. I'm definitely not going to eat any  high meats any time in the near future, probably not even a couple years into this diet if I'm being honest. And the thought of eating fermented chicken grosses me out. Red meat is a different story though.


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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2009, 10:35:10 am »
Fair enough,

I just wanted to know what this person did wrong and try to avoid it. I'm definitely not going to eat any  high meats any time in the near future, probably not even a couple years into this diet if I'm being honest. And the thought of eating fermented chicken grosses me out. Red meat is a different story though.
I began eating high meat maybe 5-6 weeks into eat raw. My digestion had been on the fritz for years due to my food allergies as well. All I've ever had from high meat was positive results. :)
I'm not saying the original poster didn't get sick from improperly cultured high meat but that's not to say it's a thing to fear, just like all the food poisoning we're getting eating raw meat. ;D
I can respect a healthy concern for eating it though. The first few mouthfuls of high meat take some fortitude. ;)

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2009, 01:25:23 am »

We are all alive and well eating this way, as are many others  :)
I'm not eating an Aajonus-style Primal Diet (I don't eat dairy or vegetable juices, for example)--there are differences between it and RPD. I also don't eat the nuts, pineapples and banana smoothies that sungazer was eating. I have started eating high meat (beef muscle and heart) without problems. I wouldn't continue to eat something if it were making me seriously ill, but the problem was sungazer didn't know for sure what was causing the problems. I don't know what the underlying problems were and it sounded like it was time to see a doctor to try to find out. Plus, Raw in Florida mentioned that sungazer's diet didn't even sound like the Primal Diet. I'm not well versed in it, but it did sound a bit different than what I've heard Aajonus discuss in his interviews.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 01:38:58 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2009, 02:03:29 am »
there are differences between it and RPD

I was thinking about this yesterday. I'm definitely closer to the Primal Diet than the Paleo. Though there is a section for the Primal Diet in the forum, our conversations here tend to *blend* so much that the differences get forgotten or ignored.

I just hope they don't oxidize   ;D

Thanks for pointing that out

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2009, 04:56:47 pm »
why be afraid to eat cooked foods? Aajonus clearly states in his book 'we want to live' that he eats 70% of his diet raw. i think that was on the bottom of page 43 just after he talks about his sneakers melting on the fire after smoking hash.

I reckon if you tried fresh french bread with some organic strawberry jam. strawberry is good for the kundalini balancing energies.

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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2009, 11:23:56 pm »
Eskimo_jo is an Fos troll.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2009, 02:54:01 am »
sungazer63, the same thing happened to my mom, but different way. she has constipation and hemorrhoid. i'll write about her situation later because, i don't have much time in my hand. but i can tell you that you must need to stop eating acidic foods and nuts and seeds. you've severe digestive problem and probably you have leaky guts. take care. :(
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2009, 06:02:38 am »
Eskimo Joe has been banned for being a troll. ignore his utterly ridiculous posts.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2009, 12:50:35 pm »
wow, raw paleo forum is an excellent source to gain knowledge. i just read all those participants' answers now. they all contain good valuable answers.  :o

1)please, don't delay to take care of your diarrhea. if you need help, just go to medical professions

2)after you stabilize your diarrhea, you can still go to a doctor (i just don't recommend to go those conventional docs, but see  holistic docs or very good chinese doc). ohio is not that far from new york or new jersey. i'll highly recommend you to my doc (jack). he is an expert in this field and he'll treat you with his herbs (i found that extremely beneficial for myself and my family). he's also very affordable $125 visit. if you take his remedy and combine the strict RAF diet like paleophill or lex, than you will be definitely see the result soon. please stay away from vegetables (except very young green organic gourds, raw green papaya or raw cucumbers. you can boil them for 15 minutes and blend them with more water to drink). you can also drink celery juice (very little diluted) or carrot juice only if you want some change. i'll recommend to touch the vegetables when your diarrhea will be a history for you. but you must eat raw animal meat, organs and raw fats to fix your digestive system first. fruits are the better choice than veggies (cucumber juice, avocados or ripe bananas).

3) again, i must have to worn you not to take any acidic fruits or foods. if you ever choose to eat cooked meat, that is very acidic. i'm sure that you have gluten intolerancey (stay away from rice, breads, potatoes). but this is so true that, if you have diarrhea, than you can use sprouted organic blended rice  and boil that watery blended rice for some moment and drink that right away (not a paleolithic diet), also diluted fresh celery juice, your diarrhea will be disappear. you also need to drink frequent electrolytes and plain organic yogurt .   depending on your severity of illness (i guess you're suffering long term diarrhea), i'll not take any chance of myself to run to the hospital. so, please admit yourself in the hospitals.

so, back to the topic about leaky gut. please, search yourself in the web. you might also have injured stomach just like my mother. sometimes it runs in the family where they get diabetics such  young age and that also proves that effected person doesn't have enough enzymes in the body at all and cooked food works as enemy. i find out that my mom gets thyroid disease, because of her digestive system is bad. so every individual is different. if you don't treat your digestive symptoms as soon as possible, it will take you longer time to heal. please, read my post '      "She gets a tear in her stomach" the million dollars diagnose '. you're lucky that you are still young and you have only diarrhea like symbols to figure out your stomach problem. it takes my mom about 3 decades to know that she's a problem in her digestion. so, hoping you all the best.   
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2010, 01:15:21 am »
I have been on the primal diet (have read and re-read Aajonus's book) for 3 months.  For awhile my digestive system seemed pretty good except for a burning feeling in my stomach when I didn't eat often enough (I had this burning for a long time, even before I began this diet, probably an ulcer).  Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.  Before this sickness got really bad I was eating raw lamb or buffalo with eggs twice a day.  I was also having fresh vegie juice made from mostly celery and 1 carrrot or some beet.  And, I ate fresh pineapple with eggs nearly every day.  I don't eat anything that isn't part of the primal diet-nothing cooked, or processed at all.  Everything I buy is organic.  I haven't been able to afford/find fresh, wild caught, ocean fish at all; very low income because of past poor health limitations.   My local grocery stores say they can't even order it.  I know I really need to leave Ohio and go somewhere where there is food.

To try and stop this diarrhea, I have tried the nut formula (twice in one week) made with raw sunflower seeds or raw walnuts, and coconut cream.  I have also tried banana smoothies.  Neither of these have worked.  So far, I have avoided trying cooked starch because I really didn't want to eat anything that would put more toxins in my body.

I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up in the morning along with cramping, and then more throughout the day.  I am losing some weight and was too thin to begin with.  i don't know how to stop this diarrhea.  I have some high meat made from ground lamb that will be ready in about a week and don't know if I should try some with the butter that is coming.  I am getting very weak and was weak to begin with.  The diarrhea is yellowish.  I wonder if the high meat chicken I ate a week before I got sick might have had some mutated bacteria that could have done this to me, I just don't know.  I am afraid I am going to die from dehydration and/or starve.

Any of you know what to do?

Sounds to me like you're eating too much animal fat.
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Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2010, 04:47:49 am »
    Plenty of pders need coconut cream, and plenty of primal dieters get severe diarrhea from coconutcream fruit combo abombos and aajonus tells them not to use cc.  Maybe you're not the kind to do well with cc. Coconut fat tastes like soap and is the first ingredient in many soaps and it's not for no reason. Ever eat soap? You get diarrhea.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin


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