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quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« on: November 11, 2010, 03:23:46 am »
I have realized the benifits of carnivorism, and i used to think it was crazy when i first joined the forum. I believe that many peopel have the same opinion, but just withhold it becuase they are unsure, as all the people in "real life" i tell about carnivor they say u are gonna get uber sick. But that aside, i am wondering if a vet can tell me how my diet is, and what can/should be modified for optimal health. i feel like i am going thru mild ketosis from changeover, since my whol 21year life has been low fat, so i am weining out carbs more and more these last 3weeks.

here is my diet:
-grassfed/pastured organic beef/bison liver daily (try to get more bison than beef)
-as much bone marrow as i feel like eating from grassfed beef
-started with ground grainfed pork to adjust to fat, but i am getting rid of it for red meat
-grassfed organic groundbeef? (high in fat/muscles meats)
-tongue/heart when i can (one of the two weekly)
-carlson codliver oil
-whole pasturized organic chicken egg 3-4 a week

I have been using honey to help digest the fat at first but am knocking it out today. I live in ontario, so they have a ban on lots of organ sales, basically can only buy kidney,heart,tongue,liver,bone shanks :(

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for help  :) ;) :D ;D 8) l) :P
The price is wrong Bob

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 03:37:31 am »
 Cut out the pasteurised eggs and replace with a few raw eggs or raw grassfed meats.

Caveat:-  I once tried a regime where I  ate only raw grassfed liver every 2nd week. I ended up going to the bathroom/toilet far too often, soon after eating, as my body seemed to be getting too many nutrients from the raw liver.These days, I eat it only occasionally as I feel that raw liver is so rich in nutrients that it should be eaten in moderation. I eat as much as I like of other raw organs though, when available.
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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 03:41:50 am »
I ended up going to the bathroom/toilet far too often, soon after eating, as my body seemed to be getting too many nutrients from the raw liver.

AHA! I get that too. but I didnt in the beginning. perhaps I needed the boost then, but not anymore?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 03:47:55 am »
AHA! I get that too. but I didnt in the beginning. perhaps I needed the boost then, but not anymore?
Yes, at the start, I too was fine and obviously needed all those nutrients.
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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 03:59:10 am »
Cut out the pasteurised eggs and replace with a few raw eggs or raw grassfed meats.

Caveat:-  I once tried a regime where I  ate only raw grassfed liver every 2nd week. I ended up going to the bathroom/toilet far too often, soon after eating, as my body seemed to be getting too many nutrients from the raw liver.These days, I eat it only occasionally as I feel that raw liver is so rich in nutrients that it should be eaten in moderation. I eat as much as I like of other raw organs though, when available.

Pasteurized egg??? Is there such a thing now? Thats like a cooked egg right? I think he meant pastured eggs (or maybe freerun)

Yeah if you are on perfect raw paleo diet then daily liver eating is probably way too many nutrient, I feel drunk when I eat too much of it...I like to eat it for a couple of days then not have it for 4-5 days, something like that. However raw liver is useful if I for one reason or another have to eat cooked crap (ie I have no other food, and I am trying to not do that obviously), in that case eating some raw liver on the day I have to eat cooked makes me feel better somehow.

Liver is like the multi-mega-supplement of the raw paleo world, I love it  ;D


I am not carnivore, pure omnivore here, but on some days I am more carnivore inclined I guess...
Its funny you mention about the meat and honey, but for the last week of so I have been eating a LOT of honey before I go to bed. So I'd eat a late meal of raw meats (wait for it to digest which don't take long), and then eat a lot of honey before bedtime. Its maybe the change of the season I think (or all the delicious honeys they have now), but its a real instinctual craving for honey I have and only late at night after my main meal of meat, it makes me sleep amazingly well too.

Anyways I am no vet but I wanted to say your diet plan looks pretty good as a carnivorous plan.
Here is how I would change it if I were to go carnivore. Just in case you want an unprofessional view  ;D

- I'd skip a few days between the liver eating days (just as with supplements you don't want to take the same ones every day)
- If you take the cod liver oil every day I would change that to twice a week or so.
- I would add 2 days a week where I eat lots of seafood (fish, shellfish etc)
- I would add very small amounts of the right herbs or seaweeds. Even cats on a raw meat diet are recommended to have a small amount of dulse added, and they are obligate carnivores. In the summer my cats are grazing on herbs, and in the winter they love to munch on dry catnip like a small salad. There must be a reason for this, so to be a good carnivore I'd try and mimic the carnivores I see every day, my cats!
So maybe you can find the right herb to benefit you when eaten in small amount, or just eat your weed!!! LOLOLOL
- Also I'd make sure my meat has not been frozen, especially on carnivore diet. Or mostly anyway...

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 04:00:10 am »
by pasturized eggs i meant they are out in a pasture, grassfed. i eat the whole egg (put in my mouth and chew with shell). and ya i need the nutrient boost from liver for now, i feel its benifits, but i guess my question is can u get all the required vit/min from just these foods i have listed?

What really turned me on to carnivor btw was on national geographic i saw this show on a predator, and once everything went extinct, the show said they could live ON ONLY BONES/MARROW FOR MULTIPLE YEARS!!!!!  i was like fuck , they(raw carn) are right
The price is wrong Bob

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 04:04:56 am »
thats so odd, i have been have honey cravings just starting this like a week and a half ago in intense amounts. wonder why...

i like ur hair btw, u should make it like romana flowers from scott pilgram (the best f#*king movie ever)
The price is wrong Bob

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 06:23:55 am »
Your diet looks good to me. I would replace carlson codliver oil with Blue Ice raw fermented cod liver oil, in case the heating and processing of CLO damages it or causes problems and because raw fermented CLO has a much longer history of use behind it.

Raw honey gives me the most intense cravings of any food I eat now, so I don't buy it every time I go to the market and I buy small jars to limit my intake. Over time it seems like it is giving me gradually less cravings and other negative symptoms, but that could be wishful thinking on my part. I'm experimenting with it to see if this improvement in handling it continues (mainly because I love it so :P ). If the problems don't continue to lessen then I'll try to avoid eating it and stick to wild berries and tart organic berries and occasional small amounts of other fruits as my main plant foods.

I decided to experiment some more with sauerkraut, because that is similar to the stomach contents of ruminants, which Inuit and others regard as a treat.

I recommend that you and anyone else who wants to make a go of carnivory read Lex Rooker's entire journal. He has a very informative and helpful style.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 06:52:47 am »
If you gonna eat a good amount of honey try and eat it before bed, then enjoy the wonderful sleep!  :D

i like ur hair btw, u should make it like romana flowers from scott pilgram (the best f#*king movie ever)

Thanks, its a wig obviously, my favorite wig! My real hair is crazy/wavy and blondish in color.

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2010, 07:36:28 am »
If you gonna eat a good amount of honey try and eat it before bed, then enjoy the wonderful sleep!  :D
Yes, I know. The energy from carnivory reduces the feeling of sleepiness and the desire to sleep greatly. I sleep well anyway when I eat carnivore and it helps me to wake up feeling alert, but if I'm overly alert at night, eating some honey before bed helps to make me drowsy enough to want to go to bed and fall asleep.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2010, 03:52:21 pm »
thats so odd, i have been have honey cravings just starting this like a week and a half ago in intense amounts. wonder why...

i like ur hair btw, u should make it like romana flowers from scott pilgram (the best f#*king movie ever)
Are you going carnivore permanently or just for a couple of months?
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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 04:13:45 pm »
I'm trying to go mostly carnivore to. At the moment...I dont enjoy eating fat right out of the fridge at all and when I leave it out in the open air it tends to get dryer and "crumblier". should I just force myself to get used to it and hope ill eventually crave it or should I perhaps heat it a little bit to make it more palatable?

Offline the PresiDenT

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Re: quick advise from Carnivor Veterans Please/ty
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2010, 01:18:07 am »
I'm trying to go mostly carnivore to. At the moment...I dont enjoy eating fat right out of the fridge at all and when I leave it out in the open air it tends to get dryer and "crumblier". should I just force myself to get used to it and hope ill eventually crave it or should I perhaps heat it a little bit to make it more palatable?
i hated fat at too, but make sure its grassfed organic fat. bone marrow is easier, and at first i ate it with tones of honey just to get used to it. after 1week of eating tones of fat i love it now, and when i frist started i was literally gaging when it was in my mouth, and it made me feel sick to my stomach. this is jsut because ur body does not recognize it at all, u need to start a good relationship then u r set :D
The price is wrong Bob


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