Cut out the pasteurised eggs and replace with a few raw eggs or raw grassfed meats.
Caveat:- I once tried a regime where I ate only raw grassfed liver every 2nd week. I ended up going to the bathroom/toilet far too often, soon after eating, as my body seemed to be getting too many nutrients from the raw liver.These days, I eat it only occasionally as I feel that raw liver is so rich in nutrients that it should be eaten in moderation. I eat as much as I like of other raw organs though, when available.
Pasteurized egg??? Is there such a thing now? Thats like a cooked egg right? I think he meant pastured eggs (or maybe freerun)
Yeah if you are on perfect raw paleo diet then daily liver eating is probably way too many nutrient, I feel drunk when I eat too much of it...I like to eat it for a couple of days then not have it for 4-5 days, something like that. However raw liver is useful if I for one reason or another have to eat cooked crap (ie I have no other food, and I am trying to not do that obviously), in that case eating some raw liver on the day I have to eat cooked makes me feel better somehow.
Liver is like the multi-mega-supplement of the raw paleo world, I love it

I am not carnivore, pure omnivore here, but on some days I am more carnivore inclined I guess...
Its funny you mention about the meat and honey, but for the last week of so I have been eating a LOT of honey before I go to bed. So I'd eat a late meal of raw meats (wait for it to digest which don't take long), and then eat a lot of honey before bedtime. Its maybe the change of the season I think (or all the delicious honeys they have now), but its a real instinctual craving for honey I have and only late at night after my main meal of meat, it makes me sleep amazingly well too.
Anyways I am no vet but I wanted to say your diet plan looks pretty good as a carnivorous plan.
Here is how I would change it if I were to go carnivore. Just in case you want an unprofessional view

- I'd skip a few days between the liver eating days (just as with supplements you don't want to take the same ones every day)
- If you take the cod liver oil every day I would change that to twice a week or so.
- I would add 2 days a week where I eat lots of seafood (fish, shellfish etc)
- I would add very small amounts of the right herbs or seaweeds. Even cats on a raw meat diet are recommended to have a small amount of dulse added, and they are obligate carnivores. In the summer my cats are grazing on herbs, and in the winter they love to munch on dry catnip like a small salad. There must be a reason for this, so to be a good carnivore I'd try and mimic the carnivores I see every day, my cats!
So maybe you can find the right herb to benefit you when eaten in small amount, or just eat your weed!!! LOLOLOL
- Also I'd make sure my meat has not been frozen, especially on carnivore diet. Or mostly anyway...