...When I start eating it every day and in greater amounts I feel rather bad.
It's an addictive food so must be taken with caution. 
But I agree that it's not for everybody. Simalarly is with alkohol 
I recently got a raw honey mixed with a lot of bee polen, it has almost a neon yellow-tangerine color and intensely sweet but also sour! Its sick!
What is happening to our favorite black afro guy?

I hope he doesn't go the Michael Jackson route.
Of course. Judging from many dietary experiments pre-RPD, I very quickly deteriorated on a diet rich in cooked animal foods, but took much longer to get issues with a raw vegan diet....
* Of course, a really long stint of raw vegan(5 years plus) might start getting nasty, but raw vegans can use artificial B12 supplements and the like re deficiencies.
For me 5 days plus, of raw vegan will start to get really nasty

That is interesting how different we are, I can be sustained for at least a year by having fatty grilled steaks and some kind of raw plant material as a side food. Add starch to that I can live happily like that for life.
However with raw vegan I will deteriorate, first of all i'll get skinny with a distended stomach, be always cold and tired, be always hungry and always try and think of what raw plant to consume next, in the end loosing my mind, consuming my soul and becoming an evil bitch.
I could do it for a little while if I gorge on avocados and coconuts but only for a short stretch.
In my case I would choose cooked paleo than raw vegan, definitely.
I don't imagine eating only plants.
Me either, for me raw meat is like "the icing of the cake" to cooked meat. What is essential is that there is meat, how its prepared is a bonus element. Raw meat is invigorating, cooked meat is insanely filling, but I never overcook it anyway, most of the time if I do cook the meat I have to re-cook it for my family. Like last time I was making everyone burger patties, I make mine so inside the ground beef is warm but pink and raw, and for them its gotta be brown all the way through