Author Topic: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions  (Read 41194 times)

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Offline Hannibal

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #75 on: December 27, 2010, 08:12:11 pm »
If your meat is moldy something went wrong. Never ever eat any mold.
I disagree with you.
Horse meat is quite susceptible to mold and it's fine. It's its nature. On the other hand I've never seen mold on an aged mutton, even after several months.
It has shitloads of mycotoxins wich will cause the symptoms you experienced.
There are several ways to deal with these kinds of toxins - via LDL (dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, dr. Flegel), selenium, clays, etc.
So taking statins, antibiotics, etc. and combining them with some high-meats could be very wrong. But it isn't the latter that is culprit.
The meat is supposed to be nice and sludgy.
It's very subjective.
For lots of vegetarians every kind of meat is unpleasant.
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
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Offline Hannibal

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #76 on: December 27, 2010, 08:15:16 pm »
All I had was a mild sickness that went away on its own in a few hours.
So everything is all right.
Wild animals also encounter such the sicknesses.
It's the law of NATURE.
I know its going to taste like shit
Not necessarily.
You would definitely like the taste of Hannibal-made 1-month-old horse meat. :)
There is a high probability you ate toxic substances in the meat. Salmonella is quite common even when you are not trying to create poisons. Your nose warned you.
Salmonella is the type of bacteria, not a toxin.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 08:36:30 pm by Hannibal »
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
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Offline Hannibal

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #77 on: December 27, 2010, 08:50:13 pm »
Salmonella is the number one food contaminant, causing nearly one-third of food-borne hospitalizations and deaths, according to CDC data. Salmonella is a bacterial disease that strikes the intestinal tract.
Correlation does not imply causation.
If someone eats "shits", takes medicinal "shits", have got "battered" immune system then everything can trigger the cascade that will lead to death.
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #78 on: December 27, 2010, 09:17:34 pm »
I have posted before about how I prefer lamb high meat and I have also noticed that it does not get moldy like other meats, it turns grey and has the best smell and flavor of all high meats I have tryed so far. I have just started some venison about two weeks ago and used my old lamb jar as an inoculate so far it is very slimy with little signs of mold, I have tried a couple of pieces and so far its going wonderfully.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #79 on: December 27, 2010, 09:46:33 pm »
mycotoxins are going to be the primary fear when it comes to high meat. I have taken the view that just as low repeated doses of snake venom can make one completely immune to its effects then perhaps repeated consumption of high meats that contain the myriad of bioactive substances can help build up you deffences against other internally created mycotoxins. I believed that I had some internal imbalance in which fungal life forms were running amuck, and some how high meat has helped me to attain my current digestive balance, either by directly killing off other pathogenic microbs or by stimulating my immune system to purge out more harmful microbs or even by just forcing me to build up a tolerance to the poisons so I am no longer sickened by them, what ever mechanism is responsible for the benefits is up for debate, but the results seem to be consistently positive whatever the science behind it.

Another train of though when it comes to using highmeat medicinally, just as we are told that we must complete an antibiotic regiment to fully kill the bacteria in our body, it my be necessary to do a high meat regiment in order to repare some individuals from past damaged caused by such overuse of antibiotics. Although I am not a doctor and cant perscribe a course of treatment, it is a topic for general discussion, If you are suffering from severe gut imbalances how much and how often should you use high meat in order to provide the maximum benefit, I am taking a stance toward a 10 day cycle with a small piece of very high meat before each large meal of meat, in order to build a consistant tolerance, should there be any problems with such a prescription. I think for people who truly have a gut imbalance and  have already began to adapt to a paleo diet, such a high meat regiment could greatly speed up overall recovery and give them a better chance to fully adapt to a healthy paleo lifestyle.
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Offline raw-al

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #80 on: December 27, 2010, 11:04:20 pm »
ROFL! I imagined a paleo-modernized future, where you have little jars of different high meats in the supermarket, labeled with dates, bacteria & mold types with effect (fancy names like "Calm", "Invigorate", "Seduction", like you have for the teas now, aha ha ha)...and they have the scrtch and sniff pads on the labels! Oh joy!

And ... does it compare to high meat in effects?

Yes there are some you can find on with elephants and giraffes and mongooses in the wild drunk on seasonal rotting fruit.
The other has these monkeys that live beside a small resort and constantly steal peoples drinks and get totally shitfaced, thats a very funny video I gotta find that, they look so human there...

Really let me know cause I haven't been able to do that yet, but I try


I have left meat in glass jars for a week, but thats not long enough and the jars were half closed with tin foil...I felt that I had to let the meat "breathe"  -\  If I try it should I do it with
-- grassfed-finished VERY lean beef - stew chunks size
-- semi-fatty grassfed-finished beef ground
-- hay + grain supllemented bison, elk or deer?
which one of those should I do?....I don't want to make any organs or chickens high yet...eeeek

When I try it I wouldn't want to plug my nose though, I want to look death in the face when I see it. I'll probably have a jar of raw honey and spoon ready for the aftermath  -v

LOL, re the grocery store HM. I can see it happening where there will be a section in the health food store where you can buy grade A certified mild, medium and medical grade "Biologically activated" meat. So help me Gud someone will breach that barrier. And you'll pay a fortune for it.

Personally I do not eat any great amounts of HM the way that some do which probably explains why I do not get the high effect. Any more makes me gag. I am fine with the small piece though.

I did not intentionally make the raspberries "high", it just happened when I bought a bunch at the market (near Parliament) this summer. I eat about a tablespoon daily so they just started rotting. AV mentions that raspberries cream and honey and coconut cream reduce snoring. My GF confirms it. (most of the time)

I like your idea of not completely covering the jars. This allows the odour to escape. I don't think the odour is a necessary part of the process.

I am not an expert on what types of meat to use. We tried 3 jars; O chicken, OGF beef and wild caught fish.

The honey chaser is a good idea if you have trouble with the taste. I don't.

I will be interested in seeing the final version of the raw diet booklet that is being written on this site somewhere. Particularly the HM section.

If you get to Ottawa you can try our HM.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #81 on: December 27, 2010, 11:47:27 pm »
I disagree with you.
Horse meat is quite susceptible to mold and it's fine. It's its nature. On the other hand I've never seen mold on an aged mutton, even after several months. There are several ways to deal with these kinds of toxins - via LDL (dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, dr. Flegel), selenium, clays, etc.
So taking statins, antibiotics, etc. and combining them with some high-meats could be very wrong. But it isn't the latter that is culprit. It's very subjective.
For lots of vegetarians every kind of meat is unpleasant.

Hannibal, how do you age mutton for several months?

Offline Hannibal

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #82 on: December 28, 2010, 12:06:24 am »
Hannibal, how do you age mutton for several months?
In big glass jars on the balcony and on my private land. I couldn't age it in a fridge because of my parents.
But it was only once, because that mutton was from the older ram, so it was quite smelly.
I do not age it on purpose.
I keep it as long as I need to till I eat everything. It's so simple. :)
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
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Offline Dima

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #83 on: December 28, 2010, 12:28:15 am »
I see. I had a whole lamb shoulder sitting on a refrigerator shelf and it turned into inedible jerky in a fairly short time. So you were essentially eating high meat?

Offline Hannibal

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2010, 12:50:29 am »
So you were essentially eating high meat?
Yes I did. It became high very fast
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #86 on: January 02, 2011, 12:19:53 am »
Cool I see posts of Tyler 'Loki' Durden and Boxcarguy there.
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