The questions you have about detox or not will not be answered untill you assess your initial symptoms and the ones following the experiment. At that point even if one could show definitively that the properties of dairy are bad (which they
won't) it will remain just as irrelevant as a person critiquing breathranism and equating it with fasting for a few days. If you can digest better, sleep better, have less problems with skin, energy etc..You will know you had a tool to bring you from one place to another. That is all that matters. You
won't have found out that you have a sustainable diet or even a perfectly problem-free food however (as above with possible imbalances) which is the trap of all raw diets, particularly when they continue to ignore certain symptoms based on what they think is good or dwelling on such seeming success prior.
As for signals of a failed experiment, it would be the opposite
or the sort experienced by raw vegans and others: needing to eat more and more an extreme diet, not being able to digest many foods, being incapacitated by lightly cooked foods etc...all signs that this fast or protocol causes ill health.
Of course even when you can share
experiences as you see them applied to you, people will want to criticize or tell you youre wrong about what is or is not working based on their limited experiences. You did ask though

. I know with me that I wouldn't make the type of progress I've made without consuming dairy fat like cream or butter and that I consider these to be both healing and detoxifying foods and a true asset to only eating paleo foods. I happen to have mixed feeling on milk, honey etc..particularly because these foods employ a carb based energy system but have almost no problems now with these foods eaten in small amounts. If I was not on my approach or recommending a diet to an average person I would say eating honey or milk (if they digest it) as better sources of carbs than more than 3-4 fruits or something, although I would recommend cooked tubers in those cases too, so go figure.
Even though the milk-thing is out of my experience, a number of people have shown that eating alot of milk (kefir specifically on this forum it seems) has paradoxically altered fungal growth and such. Saying this isn't some major triumph and criticizing the imbalances and such possibly brought on my dairy (again if these are even true) is like dwelling on a particular cut of meat that
caused an eczema outbreak. People can ignore a lifetime of eating Captn Crunch in pasteurized milk and saying a half a cup of raw grassfed milk gave them some phlegm or not a sign of physical purity IMO, to say the very least. Which is the reason so many so called experiments making claims against raw dairy are false flags. They assume they are otherwise practing that which creates healthy variables to test a 'foreign' thing like milk when in reality their past health and current practices can create toxicities and imbalances with dairy foods being possibly an agitational medium. Only a true expriment would be like you are doing without other foods that are assumed 'healthy'. Ironically as I'm sure the Mc Fadden stuff shows, these 'fasts' always produce better results and can be stretched to longer and more comfortable term than single fruit fasts, water fasts, juice, and perhaps even diets of lean meats, showing at the very least that people can get a
tremendous amount of their needs from dairy foods (again, even if there are other issues associated with it) far after maturation, making that argument totally nonsensical as well.
With me, all the times giving up (pasteurized) dairy products did clear up phlegm but always left me with an unsustainable diet. Even if someone can correlate the phlem with healthy milk there is no saying that like with colds/flues this isn't carrying out old waste even IF the milk is agitational in some way, so again its just weighing pros over cons. If it isn't detox it could have to do purely with the lactose or sugar component or digestive/gut stuff. I have noticed that eating a LC/VLC diet with possibly almost three-hundreds of lbs of raw butter over the years, i get the periodic colds/flues detoxes every so often but I have no phlegm, that I can hardly go anywhere because my nose just drips like a faucet with no medium there and nothing from my throat. Every so often I have a small hard snot in there.