More updates, because there are changes...
Weight: I haven't weight myself in a while, I usually never weight myself, just recently did do it more often to see if I gain. I assume I haven't gained but not lost either.
Strength: I noticed I haven't had any back pain in a while, and I can carry my son for long, long periods at a time. He is 24lbs and so far I have held him for up to two hours, or had him in the wrap. That may not sound like much but I received a lot of amazement from other moms.
Plus, whenever I think my arms had enough, they keep adjusting, it is like that with overall strength too, and was the same in pregnancy. I was always able to handle the big belly and was pretty active.
Skin: I keep looking into the mirror, because I am somewhat in disbelief, but my skin just keeps changing...Like I mentioned before, the first changes I noticed was clearer skin, but now I notice things improving that I never even felt were bad. It is hard to describe but my skin is finer in texture, the glow seems healthier, like more "dewy", my skin is less dry and less oily and my pores are tiny now. My eyes also seem fresher, not sure how, I never felt aged and I don't have wrinkles (yet), but overall I seem to be looking younger *shrug*.
But, I noticed that if I only cheat a tiny bit on my diet, like something with milk or rice, or potato, I will break out badly. Not very fun...and I would only do that very rarely.
Going to weekly play dates now to meet other moms and babies. We had a good time, even though none of the moms parent like me really. No one breastfeeds, or not anymore (stopped at 6 months), co-sleeping sounds like a nuisance to them and two only do it because their babies don't sleep in their crib.
However, they seemed positive about me still breast feeding and co-sleeping. They also did not bother me too much about my diet. I was not completely honest though, I said we have food intolerances, which is only half true, but I don't want a discussion about our diet.
My son is the oldest, and the only one walking, but he likes to play with the 11 and 12 month old babies that can crawl. He is not very interested in the 7-8 months olds....

big boy.
Most mothers are a little older than me (mid-late 30's) and just had their first and last child. I am the only one that wants more children...

they feel it is a hassle. I don't find parenting hard at all really, but I suppose I have a much easier time because of me parenting more natural.
I respect their choice, but it did surprise me to hear this.