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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #300 on: November 21, 2013, 03:45:45 am »
I've continued reading Dr. Howell's book. He explains how soaking seeds decreases enzyme inhibitors significantly, and within 24 hours completely removed enzyme inhibitors. He also explains germination increases the enzyme activity.

I started soaking my seeds. I'm considering making high meat. But I feel the dry aging I do is sufficient for starting the pre digestion process.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #301 on: November 24, 2013, 12:08:26 am »
I decided to start experimenting with Methyl-Folate. It's a form of folic acid that is actively used by the body, and even crosses the blood brain barrier.

"There are no recognized “distinctive nutritional requirements” for depressed patients, but based on neurochemistry, it makes sense that folate might help. How? Well, folate is first converted into dihydrofolate (DHF), and then into L-methylfolate (Deplin). L-methylfolate is the “active” form of folate in the brain; it helps to form tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a crucial cofactor in the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. In theory then (even though this has not been proven), low levels of folate could cause neurotransmitter deficiencies, which could then be corrected by L-methylfolate supplementation. Because L-methylfolate is involved in the synthesis of three monoamines, Dr. Stephen Stahl has dubbed Deplin a “trimonoamine modulator” (Stahl SM, CNS Spectrums 2007;12(10):739–744)."


Here's a good article explaining the conversion process needed to make the active form of folate (methyl folate).

I'm looking into whether I'll get a prescription depending on how much it costs. A prescription would probably be pretty expensive since I don't think insurance covers it.

I'm thinking of buying the 5 mg (90 caps) from this company -

That's probably the best price and supplies a good amount. The supplements I've seen in Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods, etc. are typically only 400 mcg (some times 800).

The Methyl Folate is actually something a previous psychiatrist recommended and also something my primary care physician suggested.

For now I'm taking about 2,000 mcg daily till I get one with a higher potency.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #302 on: November 24, 2013, 08:01:36 am »
I'm considering making high meat. But I feel the dry aging I do is sufficient for starting the pre digestion process.

there's something different between he two. my body does very well with aged, but not so well with high meat.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #303 on: November 24, 2013, 08:13:45 am »
there's something different between he two. my body does very well with aged, but not so well with high meat.

I've gotten diarrhea from high meat. I do well on aged meat too. I age all of my meat and prefer it after it's been there a while rather than fresh.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #304 on: November 25, 2013, 11:19:36 pm »
Talk about a missing piece of the puzzle! Methylation and folic acid/methyl folate.

A large percentage of the population doesn't have the ability to convert folic acid (its basic form) into methyl folate (its active form) that the brain and body uses.

The active form plays a big role in methylation, which plays a big role in schizophrenia.

"What is histamine and why is it so important? Carl Pfeiffer studied more than 20,000 people with schizophrenia and determined that 90% of them fell into three bio-chemical subgroups: high histamine, low histamine, and pyrroluria - hence the term “The Schizophrenias” (Pfeiffer, 1970; Walsh, 1997b). Histamine is a reflection of neurotransmitter availability. Histamine is integral in balancing the electrical activity of the nucleus accumbens, which is an area of the brain responsible for behavioral responses, filtering incoming sensory information, and communicating with the hypothalamus, ventral tegmentum, and amygdala (Shoblock & O’Donnell, 2000; Otake & Nakamura, 2000; Chronister et al, 1982). A plethora of research has determined that people with schizophrenia have poor ability to filter incoming sensory information. It has also been reported that 15-20 % of people with schizophrenia have high whole blood histamine levels and another 30-40 % of people with schizophrenia have low whole blood histamine levels (Heleniak, 1999; Pfeiffer, 1988; Heleniak, 1985; Chronister & DeFrance, 1982; Rauscher et al, 1977; Pfeiffer, 1972a).

A person with schizophrenia who has high histamine is under-methylated (Walsh, PTC- Ref. B; Heleniak & Frechen, 1989). A person with schizophrenia who has low histamine is over-methylated (Walsh, PTC- Ref. B; Heleniak & Frechen, 1989). Taking detailed patient histories is key (Jackson et al, 1998; Edelman, 1996; Jaffe & Kruesi, 1992; Pfeiffer, 1988; Walsh, PTC - Ref B). People with high histamine have been found with typical symptoms of high intelligence, thought blanking, low grade hallucinations, and thought disorder, perfectionism, competititiveness, obsessions, compulsions, suicidal and seasonal depression, defiance, and phobia. 

High histamine individuals are inherently high in folic acid. Although folic acid is used along with B-12 in the production of methoionline it is also involved in histamine production along with B-12. Consequently B-12 and folic acid are strictly avoided in high histamine patient care. These patients need to avoid multi-vitamins.

People with low histamine have been found with typical symptoms of under-achievement, more severe thought disorder and hallucinations, paranoid thoughts with less pronounced obsessions, suicidal depression, cyclic or suicidal depression, and anxiety. (Jackson et al, 1998; Edelman, 1996; Jaffe & Kruesi, 1992; Walsh, PTC - Ref. B).

Excess copper and zinc defiiciency, discussed below under heavy-metal overload, are typical low histamine traits that need to be addressed (Sandstead, 1994; Wallwork, 1987; Pfeiffer & Braverman, 1982; Walsh, PTC - Ref. B) "

Here's a good website with info on the genetic trait that limits folic acid conversion into its active form. There's a test that checks for the genetic trait that limits folic acid conversion into its active form that may be covered by insurance.

I just ordered a supplement of 10 mg Methyl Folate - - This website also has good info on methyl folate.

I've been taking 800 mcg 3x daily, plus about 1000 mcg daily from my b complex and multivitamin. Today I'm upping it to 1,200 mcg 3x daily, then probably 1,600 mcg 3x daily till the 10 mg supplement comes.

I've noticed I'm feeling more of an overall sense of well being. I sleep much better, have more energy, and am overall more productive. I'm also exercising more, after upping my dose I have more of a drive to go out and get sweating.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #305 on: December 01, 2013, 03:36:22 pm »
So far I'm taking 2,800 mcg methyl folate 3x daily plus about 1,000 mcg from my b complex and MV.

Part 2 of 4: Dr Neil Rawlins - MTHFR - Sept 2011 - talks about methyl folate and heavy metals. It also explains that it boosts glutathione production which may be implicated in schizophrenia. - explains that schizophrenics can have reduced brain glutathione levels which increase oxidative damage. - shows that the gene mutation inhibiting folate conversion into methyl folate is very common in schizophrenics.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #306 on: December 06, 2013, 08:59:23 pm »

"Vitamin K distribution in brain

Reports published in the past 2 decades confirmed the presence of vitamin K in the brain. However, although in the majority of extrahepatic tissues, vitamin K is present as phylloquinone (K1) and MK-4, vitamin K in the brain occurs predominantly as MK-4 (6, 7). When investigated in 6- and 21-mo-old rats, MK-4 was found to represent >98% of total vitamin K in the brain, irrespective of age (8, 9). In a detailed assessment of the anatomic distribution of vitamin K, MK-4 was present in all brain regions, although concentrations differed according to regions. Specifically, MK-4 was observed in highest concentrations in the midbrain and pons medulla and in lowest concentrations in the cerebellum, olfactory bulb, thalamus, hippocampus, and striatum (8).

Concentrations of MK-4 in the brain have also been shown to be affected by sex and age. In a study conducted in Brown Norway rats, MK-4 levels in the cortex and cerebellum were higher in female than in male rats despite similar diets, and concentrations decreased between 12 and 24 mo of age (7). Vitamin K concentrations in the brain are also influenced by diet in a manner that reflects intake. When investigated in female Sprague-Dawley rats that had been fed diets containing low (80 ?g/kg diet), adequate (500 ?g/kg diet), or high (2000 ?g/kg diet) amounts of phylloquinone for 5 mo, MK-4 tissue concentrations from the high phylloquinone-containing diet rats were on average 8 and 3 times higher than those for the low and adequate phylloquinone-containing diet rats, respectively (8)."

"Other actions of vitamin K in the brain

In addition to the literature relative to the VKDPs discussed previously, there is evidence to suggest that the K vitamers have actions of their own. Whether these actions have any relationship to sphingolipid metabolism remains to be determined. In a report by Tsang et al. (54), both phylloquinone and MK-4 were shown to promote neurite outgrowth on PC12D cells in the presence of nerve growth factor, an action mediated by the protein kinase A and MAPK signaling pathways. Furthermore, both K vitamers led to an increase in nerve growth factor–induced acetylcholinesterase activity. These results are in line with those of a previous study in which phylloquinone and MK-4 vitamers were observed to promote survival of different neuronal cell types (cortex, hippocampus, striatum) during the later stages of embyogenesis. Furthermore, treating the culture systems with warfarin had no effect on the survival-promoting effects of vitamin K (55). Recently, MK-4 and, to a lesser extent, phylloquinone were shown to prevent glutathione depletion–mediated oxidative injury as defined by free radical accumulation and cell death, in primary cultures of oligodendrocyte precursors and immature fetal cortical neurons (56). Addition of warfarin to the cell cultures had no effect on the protective effect of vitamin K, suggesting that this action of MK-4 was independent of the VKDPs. In a more recent report, this group provided evidence that the protective effect of MK-4 against oxidative cell death was, at least in part, through inhibition of enzyme 12-lipoxygenase (57). Finally, the neuroprotective effect of MK-4 was recently confirmed in the model of methylmercury-induced cell death, an experimental model associated with a significant decrease in intracellular glutathione (58). In this study, as in the one by Li et al. (56), the beneficial effect of MK-4 was not associated with the restoration of intracellular glutathione nor did it involve obvious direct antioxidant activity by the vitamer. "
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #307 on: December 08, 2013, 12:08:09 pm »
Good find, DaBoss.  One more reason to eat vitamin K-rich foods.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #308 on: December 10, 2013, 07:06:21 am »
Good find, DaBoss.  One more reason to eat vitamin K-rich foods.

Thanks. I'm always finding good info.

So I got tested for the MTHFR genetic mutation today. I should have the results in about a week.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #309 on: December 15, 2013, 02:46:41 am »
Here's a PDF giving the details of how methylfolate is needed for the proper production of neurotransmitters.

I've been taking 10 mg of MethylFolate (Quatrefolic) for the last 3 or so days. I started at a low dose and worked my way up because it can cause detox symptoms. So far so good. I'm still on 10 mg of geodon. I'm scheduled to see my psychiatrist in the next couple weeks. I also should see my primary care physician for the test results on the MTHFR. I'm thinking once I get to 3 months of the 10 mg, I'll stop completely with my doctor's supervision.

On another note, my primary care physician is aware I eat a raw diet. In my notes he wrote "patient eats a raw diet, he's been notified of the potential consequences - infection, death." lol
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #310 on: December 15, 2013, 09:32:13 pm »
On another note, my primary care physician is aware I eat a raw diet. In my notes he wrote "patient eats a raw diet, he's been notified of the potential consequences - infection, death." lol

Many thousands of Japanese doctors are lol'ing along with you at this idiot, and other idiots like him.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #311 on: December 20, 2013, 04:06:42 am »
It's been a long time since I make a detailed post here. My routine has changed drastically since I first started RPD, and I've combined many alternative therapies/treatments. In this post I'll discuss the things I'm combing and their synergistic effect.


Each meal consists of 4 oz of meat (from beef, lamb, veal, etc.) and 2 oz of beef fat. I use Redmond's unrefined Real Salt and heavily salt all my food. This adds minerals and all sorts of good stuff. My blood pressure is always perfect despite (on average) consuming 2+ tsp of salt daily. Dr. Brownstein has lots of info on the benefits of unrefined salts. He's published books and written articles. Here's a link by Dr. Brownstein on unrefined salt - - I also eat 2-3 egg yolks daily. For carbs I eat several bananas and honey daily, and occasionally berries. I don't eat seafood, just land animals. My diet is still a raw version of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet which strives to eliminate complex carbohydrates and ensure the foods consumed are easiest to digest. I also generally have some brain around and eat .5 oz most days.

Orthomolecular Medicine

Like I said, I've combined many alternative therapies. I'll start by discussing the iodine protocol.

The Iodine Protocol

This is a protocol that was made by Dr. Brownstein. Essentially the purpose of it is to displace halogens in the body, and replace them with natural chlorides (from unrefined salt) and iodine. Halogens are everywhere, especially in America. The water is fluoridated and chlorinated, bakery products are brominated, and a lot of non-organic produce uses halogens. Combined with the lack of iodine in the modern diet, it makes for a nasty situation where the body becomes iodine deficient.

I started with 2.5-10 mg of iodine from Lugol's 2% solution, and have since worked my way up to 50-60 mg daily. I have also eliminated most sources of unwanted halogens. I use a shower filter which eliminates 95%+ chlorine and other additives and I distill my water (then add in a pinch of Real Salt and 4 drops of Blue Ocean Minerals). I consume 2+ tsp of Real Salt daily which helps eliminate bromine.

Here are some articles on the iodine protocol, and iodine in general.

Something else I've been taking to help the process is Vitamin K2. In my research I've seen that calcium, fluoride, and various other things can lodge in places where they cause harm like the brain. New research is showing that a lack of Vitamin K2 is what causes minerals to deposit where they're unwanted. At the same time having sufficient Vitamin K2 causes calcium and other minerals to deposit where they're needed, the bones. Vitamin K2 apparently also decreases the amount of bone turn over so you keep more of the bone you build. I've been taking Calcium hydroxyaptite with the K2. It's the best form of calcium out there.

Vitamin K2 also helps build various fats that are good for the brain. - articles on Vitamin K2 and bones - article on Vitamin K2 and the brain

MTHFR and MethylFolate

I've recently started looking into the MTHFR gene mutation and methylfolate's roles in schizophrenia. I've find there's a lot of information suggesting there's a higher prevelance of the MTHFR gene mutation in schiozphrenics. Apparently when someone has the MTHFR genetic mutation their ability to convert folate into the form the brain/nervous system use (methylfolate) is limited. These can cause all sorts of problems.

Lack of methylfolate can decrease methylation which leads to toxin build up, low levels of neurotransmitters, and low levels of glutathione. There are a lot of bad things associated with low levels of methylfolate.

I've been taking 10 mg daily for the last 2-3 weeks. I noticed at first I was needing a little more sleep and I was overall experiencing slight detox symptoms. But at the same time I noticed I was functioning better, and could apply myself much more toward things I'm doing. After about a week the detox symptoms completely subsided and I started needing less sleep and overall had more energy.

Here's a link with a powerpoint by Dr. Benjamin Lynch (an experienced doctor on methylfolate and MTHFR) - - it covers some of the important functions of methylation

I've also been taking folinic acid and methylcobalamin B12 (sublingual) with my methylfolate (as well as a general b complex).

Niacin Therapy

This is perhaps the most important part of my routine. Dr. Hoffer was able to help treat schizophrenia with large doses of niacin. I can personally say it's very effective. I take 1,000 mg of niacin 3x daily (with the b complex and vitamin c recommended to go with it). Since starting that dose I've been able to live a fully functional, productive life. - Article on schizophrenia and niacin - "Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments," by Dr. Hoffer. A must have for anyone looking to treat schizophrenia. He also has other books that are worth picking up too, but this one is a good starting place.

I take 50 mg of b complex that has the active forms of folate and b12 with each dose of niacin, as well as 1,000 mg vitamin C.

A list of the supplements I take

Niacin - 1,000 mg 3x daily

Vitamin C - 1,000 mg 3x daily

MethylFolate (Quatrefolic) - 10 mg once daily

Folinic Acid - 400 mcg 2-3x daily

B6 P5P - 25 mg 2x daily

B12 Methylcobalamin - 500 mcg sublingual 1x daily

B Complex - 50 mg 3x daily (from GI Pro Health, has active forms of b vitamins)

Vitamin K2 - 5 mg 3x daily

Calcium Hydroxyapatite - 1,400 mg daily (1,000 mg from calcium, 400 from phosphate)

Vitamin D3 - 1,000 IU 3x daily

Magnesium Glycinate - 100 mg 3x daily

Magnesium Taurate - 125 mg 2x daily

Manganese Glycinate - 8 mg 3x daily

Zinc Glycinate - 11 mg once daily

Selenium (selenomethionine) - 50-100 mcg once daily

Multivitamin - 1/6 of the recommended daily dose (from GI Pro Health, has active forms of vitamins)

Blue Ocean Minerals - 1 tsp daily

Fermented Cod Liver Oil - 1 tsp daily

I really feel like I've combined so many therapies that it's hard to pick just one and say it does just one thing. For example the Vitamin K2 helps build bones, which is good since I'm trying to resolve some dental issues. At the same time Vitamin K2 helps take calcium out from where it doesn't belong, while helping make fats the brain needs.

The iodine protocol helps eliminate halides, but at the same time many parts of the body benefit from having optimal iodine levels.

The magnesium helps build bones, but at the same time it provides a calming effect which is good for mental health. In short a lot of these alternative therapies overlap and provide lots of benefits.

I'm doing very well physically. Mentally I'm incredibly functional, more so than a lot of non schizophrenics.

I'm still waiting to get the results for the MTHFR test.

I see my psychiatrist today. I've been on the 10 mg dose of geodon since October 25th (about 8 weeks). I was on 20 mg for 6 months before that. And many years ago before any alternative therapies, I was on 120 mg (plus 1,500 mg of depakote). Since I've been on the 10 mg dose (which is half a pill) for about 2 months, I'm thinking of giving it another month or two at 10 mg then stopping it completely or possibly trying a 1/4 of a pill for a few weeks/months.

EDIT: I've also been making "sole" with my salt. Rather than put a 1/2 tsp in my water and drink, I put 1 tbls (1 tbls = 3 tsp) Real Salt into a mason jar and enough water to make a total of 6 cups, then I drink half a cup when I want a 1/2 tsp salt and follow it with regular water.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 06:35:00 am by DaBoss88 »
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #312 on: January 01, 2014, 10:46:18 am »
Bleh! I've been feeling like poo the last few days. A few lab tests ago my Vitamin K1 levels were low, and I ignored it because I've seen that it's K2 that's really important. But I decided to try eating some spinach recently to get some K1, since I still think it's important to get. A little before that I was feeling pretty drained, but it really hit me when I added in the spinach. I'm thinking Vitamin K1 and K2 are both needed do de-calcify soft tissues and remineralize bones.

I've cut back on a few of the supplements to see which one is producing the detox symptoms. I was taking 10 mg methylfolate, and cut back to 2.5 mg. I was taking 400 mcg folinic acid, and cut back to 200 mcg. I cut my 50 mg b complex pills in half, instead of taking 2 a day, I'm taking half with each meal. I also significantly reduced my iodine consumption. I was taking 50 mg daily, and cut back to 35 mg 2 days ago, 10 mg yesterday, and today am doing 2.5 mg. Yesterday I still felt pretty cruddy.

I've read that folinic acid can lead to feeling pretty bad in certain situations. So I'm betting on that being part of the problem. Also since folinic acid isn't implicated in the MTHFR genetic mutation (it's only the conversion of folinic acid to methylfolate that's hindered, folinic acid is produced fine), and I get plenty of folate from the foods I eat, I'm thinking it may be unnecessary to take it. I'll continue with 200 mcg of folinic acid for now and potentially discontinue it completely. From there I'll work on the iodine and methylfolate.

I started getting more fat from the farm. From now until the farm has less, I'll be eating 3.5 oz per meal of beef fat. That's a whopping 662 calories per meal, or 1,985 calories per day from just the fat. - I'm pretty happy about that. Generally in the spring/summer they have less fat since the cows are leaner. During spring/summer I was eating about 1.5-2 oz daily. Right now the fat is more of a white color, in the spring it's generally a very dark yellow/orange. I also increased my protein/meat consumption to 4.5 oz of each cut (beef, veal, lamb, etc.) and a little bit of organs.

I also started eating beef heart. I'm thinking of ordering beef heart, brain, liver and kidney and eating maybe .25 oz to .5 oz of each daily to get some organs. I'm really enjoying the beef heart. Yesterday I ate .5 oz and today I had 1 oz.

I talked with my psychiatrist a couple weeks ago and we've agreed that after the holiday season I'll drop to 5 mg daily (around mid January 2014). He told me 5 mg is less than the dose that would be given to a neonatal patient, and that if I wanted to I could completely cut it out once I hit 3 months of the 10 mg dose and I'd be unlikely to have any withdrawal type symptoms. Still, I want to be as safe as possible and take precautions. I may do 2-3 months of the 5 mg dose, then discontinue it completely.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #313 on: January 02, 2014, 09:15:32 am »
I'm eating a lot of beef fat right now and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to start getting more fat from other sources too. Today I added in an ounce of coconut meat, I'm starting with an ounce just to see how I do with that small amount. I plan to later increase to maybe 40+ grams daily, which would give me 12+ grams of fat plus some fiber - . I may eat even more, because that math is based on one coconut a week and I think I can eat much more coconut than that. I also plan to add a small avocado once weekly.

I'm cutting out the folinic acid today and seeing how I do while continuing on the 2.5 mg methylfolate, 25 mg b complex twice daily (50 mg pill cut in half), and 2.5 mg iodine. After seeing how I do without the folinic acid today, I likely will try upping the iodine to 5 mg. After seeing how that goes getting to maybe 10 mg iodine, staying on 10 mg, and then seeing how I should dose the methylfolate.

Next order I plan to get 1 lb of liver, heart, kidney, and brain. I'll eat .5 oz of each for breakfast, which means they'll last a pretty long while.  Ideally I'd like to put a little bit of maybe the liver and heart to ferment since I don't think I'll be able to dry age it for that long without it getting smelly.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #314 on: January 05, 2014, 08:15:15 pm »
Since cutting out the folinic acid I've been doing much better. I've been needing less sleep and I have more energy to do stuff through out the day. I've increased the iodine each day. Yesterday I took 7.5 mg, today I'm doing 10 mg. I've been doing 2.5 mg methylfolate daily. I've also continued with half a b complex pill twice daily. I'm not sure whether I'll continue increasing the iodine dose, or try increasing the methylfolate from here.

I've been eating more and more fat. Today I ate 50 grams of coconut meat, and I'm still eating 3 meals with 3.5 oz of beef fat each. I'm thinking of picking up a tiny avocado and eating that.

I added in an acidopholous supplement from GI Pro Health a few days ago. It's something I was taking pre-RPD when I was on the SCD. Elaine Gotschall (the founder of the SCD) says it's supposed to be good for schizophrenia.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 08:40:06 pm by DaBoss88 »
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #315 on: January 09, 2014, 09:43:59 am »
I just started taking the active form of B2, ribolfavin 5 phosphate. So now I'm taking all the active forms of the B vitamins - B2, B6, folate, and B12. I took my first B2 pill, and I think the dose may be a little high (experienced slight detox). It has 36 mg per pill, roughly 2,000% of the DV. I'll start breaking the pills in four starting tomorrow.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #316 on: January 09, 2014, 01:33:24 pm »
I found some good info on the MTHFR gene mutation and Vitamin B2 -

Apparently the active forms of the B vitamins help methylation.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #317 on: January 10, 2014, 08:17:15 am »
Web page with lots of info on calcification of soft tissue (with pics), a symptom of the Vitamin K2 pathway not working properly.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #318 on: January 10, 2014, 09:23:04 am »
I just started taking the active form of B2, ribolfavin 5 phosphate. So now I'm taking all the active forms of the B vitamins - B2, B6, folate, and B12.
I recently started taking B2 also, so I am also taking all those now, coincidentally. I haven't noticed anything yet from these vitamins, like I did with P5P, high quality zinc, potassium, magnesium and resistant starch. Maybe I'm not taking high enough doses of them yet. What doses are you taking? I'm currently taking the doses recommended on the labels. I didn't get any of the detox symptoms that some folks warned about, which is not surprising given my low-toxin mostly-raw ancestral-type diet and intake of anti-toxins like P5P, resistant starch and raw fermented honey.

I'm hoping that the B2 will help me further reduce the inflammation, lower lip chapping, flaky skin, muscle cramps and other symptoms I get from some carby raw Paleo foods and with luck enable me to expand my Paleo food options. Some fruit-lovers didn't believe me when I reported this. Thanks again for providing me with a plausible explanation in the MTHFR enzyme mutation (in addition to the warrior-warrior SNP and "pyroluria" syndrome that I already knew I had).

I shall watch your progress with interest and root for your success.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 09:37:36 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #319 on: January 10, 2014, 09:30:09 am »
I recently started taking B2 also, so I am also taking all those now, coincidentally. I haven't noticed anything yet from these vitamins, like I did with P5P, high quality zinc, potassium, magnesium and resistant starch. Maybe I'm not taking high enough doses of them yet.

Out of curiosity what zinc, potassium and magnesium are you using?

What doses are you taking?

I'm actually decreasing my B vitamin consumption except for niacin. I'm taking half a pill twice daily of my B complex (from GI Pro Health), which is 25 mg each dose. 10 mg methylfolate pill broken into 4 doses, one daily. 25 mg P5P once daily. And a 36.5 mg riboflavin-5 phosphate divided into 4 pills once daily, so about 9 mg. I'm still taking 1,000 mg niacin 3x daily.

I decreased them because I was getting detox from the folinic acid. Since eliminating the folinic acid I've been much better. But I still notice that the 10 mg methyfolate dose is to much for me. Dr. Lynch also says that those high doses are generally unnecessary, and can produce harsh detox symptoms. I'm taking it easy with the active forms of the B vitamins (B2, B6, folate, B12) because I rather er on the side of caution than trigger detox symptoms.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #320 on: January 10, 2014, 09:48:38 am »
Zinc: Solaray Optizinc and liquid ionic zinc, and I have been trying zinc carnosine lately.
Potassium: potassium citrate
Mg: Natural Calm (often mixed with lemon or lime juice and water) and epsom salt baths

Luckily I've had no detox symptoms. I also got no detox symptoms from chaga tea (just a feeling of well being), which is extremely high in antioxidants, and it tasted great to me, whereas my sister got bad throat dryness and other symptoms from it and it tasted awful to her. My brother-in-law (who gave me some of the tea to try) also does not get detox symptoms from it and also loves the taste. It eliminated his diverticulitis symptoms.

I did get some very mild detox symptoms--stinging and dryness--when I applied red and white clays to my scalp and face. The stinging diminished to nearly nothing now, and now the clay mostly just feels good. It's interesting that the worst stinging was on the front of my scalp, where my balding is the worst, and an area of sun-damaged skin. That doesn't surprise me that much, though it did drive home for me the reality of detox.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #321 on: January 11, 2014, 01:34:43 pm »
I increased my calcium consumption yesterday. I started taking 500 mg calcium and 200 mg phosphorous 3x daily from the NOW brand calcium hydroxyapatite supplement I use. I was taking 500 mg calcium and 200 mg phosphorous 2x daily before.

I'm thinking that I'm getting enough vitamin K1 and K2, fat soluble vitamins, magnesium and other minerals that my body's ability to put minerals in the bones should be functioning well. So I'm experimenting with more calcium and phosphorus for now.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #322 on: January 13, 2014, 08:50:18 am »
Coconut meat, coconut meat everywhere! Lol I bought 4 big coconuts and got ALL the coconut meat out. I now have 3 big wide mouth mason jars full of coconut meat - 1,300+ grams. I'll be eating 3 oz daily with breakfast.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #323 on: January 15, 2014, 02:30:10 am »
I got my results back for the MTHFR genetic mutations. I have two copies of the mutation A1298C, or as the results say, "A1298C/A1298C." I'll be looking into it to see of what significance it is.

From -

"People talk about them because they sometimes (but not always) can cause problems. For example, having one or both of them can put you at a higher risk for heart problems or having a child with birth defects. You could also be at a slightly increased risk for nerve defects and even schizophrenia."

The two copies means I got one from each parent.

Possible signs associated with A1298C MTHFR Mutations

    elevated ammonia levels
    decreased dopamine
    decrease serotonin
    decreased epinephrine and norepinephrine
    decreased nitric oxide
    elevated blood pressure
    muscle tenderness

The doctor suggested increasing my dose of methylfolate. I've been taking 2.5 mg, and I'm considering increasing it to 5 mg and seeing how that goes.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #324 on: January 16, 2014, 02:59:51 am »
I'm increasing my dose of methylfolate today. I took 2.5 mg with breakfast and I'm going to take anther 3.3 mg with lunch. I've been taking 6 pills of the calclium hydroxyapatite (1,500 mg cal w/ 600 mg phos) daily. I'm consuming about 40 g spinach (for the Vitamin K1) daily with 3 oz of coconut meat to enhance absorption (fat soluble vitamin), while continuing with 5 mg Vitamin K2 w/ each meal (2 oz beef fat). Iodine has been 20 mg daily. Still consuming lots of Real Salt (2+ tsp daily). I've started eating some organs, I had 1 oz yesterday and 1 oz today, while taking half a tsp FCLO (200% DV Vitamin A). I also ordered seasonings from Pennzey's spices (SCD legal) in case I dislike the taste of certain organs.

I've been looking into the geodon more as I get closer to 3 months of 10 mg. I'm seeing that the amount given to pediatric patients is generally the same amount I'm taking now or more, never less. - lists upwards of 10 mg, generally 20 mg and higher for pediatrics.

I've had doctors tell me that 40 mg was to low to have the effects it's supposed to have on someone of my age/size. I'm considering discontinuing the geodon altogether once I've hit the 3 month mark. According to my journal October 25th, 2013 is when I started the 10 mg, so January 25th I'm making plans to see my doctor and discontinue it.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.


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