Okay this is going to be kind of all over the place, because there is alot that could be going on here. Obviously you have to eat more raw foods to substitute for the cooked version. I don't know why this is. I can't do it. I do eat raw foods, but it's not like it could ever be the only thing I ever survive on or else I'd have to be eating constantly and my lifestyle does not allow me to do that.
His meals should probably be a lot bigger.
First things first, he needs to make sure his meal contains a form of complex carb especially if he is a naturally hungry person like me.
Most vegetables are simple carbs - they do not give enough fuel to last and are meant to cleanse, not energize. He obviously is lacking food energy if he's getting hungry so fast. That's what carbs are for.... he could try eating more carrots and other more starchy vegetables, but those too are cleansing and lots of carrots are high in sugar and will lead to fast insulin spikes... crashes, and also carrots support the liver so might induce detox symptoms.
People don't understand basic physiology. Fats are not meant to energize anerobic activity, they only give you energy for aerobic activity. Sad thing is carbs are used for both activites, but fats are only used for aerobic, which is why most people have a hard time losing fat, because they only do anerobic activities at the gym.
I'll break it down:
Breathing, walking, and any MILD movement where you get adequete amounts of oxygen is
aerobic and is using both fat and carbs, but mostly fats. Aerobic activity is any activity that you can do for eternity (or until your body gets injured) and breathe just fine during.
A sprint, a short but fast movement, weight training, and any intense physical activity is anerobic and burns NOTHING but CARBS.
Your body does not store a large amount of carbs like it stores huge amounts of fat, which is why we need to eat carbs constantly throughout the day seeing as most of our actions are anerobic (if we are somewhat active people) and the stores are depleted very fast. This will cause HUNGER. The brain lives on nothing else but carbs. Cutting carbs out is both stupid and dangerous.
The problem is society does not offer us a good alternative to complex carbohydrates. Most of us can't eat wheat, gluten or even rice or other gluten free products. Most vegetables just don't cut it.
I do have issues with this myself, so It's not like I have the answer. I know I need to eat complex carbs, but my body just can't digest normal white society carbs.
The reason why vegetables do not fuel people up is because they are SIMPLE carbs, which means they are fast burning. Meat also does not give energy, it is meant to repair muscle, which was very important back in the paleo times because people moved around a lot. In order to fuel yourself up on most vegetables you would have to eat eat more than an entire plate full every half an hour, depending on what you do during the day. If you do nothing but laze around, you wouldn't need to and can just live off of fats because all you would be doing is aerobic activity. But if you make intense movements at all, you will need to immediately gobble down a bunch of veggies because a quick sprint to the bus will deplete all your carb stores, unless you can find a better substitute that is a COMPLEX carb - long lasting carb that gives energy, then you won't have to eat as much, but it's hard to find a healthy complex carb in this day of age.
Meat, veggies and oils is not enough if he's biologically primal, has native ancestry, or if his blood type is O, he would need a more diverse range of foods and will always need to eat a lot more than most people.
If the meat is too lean, he will definitely need to eat animal fats because that will obviously give energy for aerobic activity, which we all do even if we aren't doing anything, not just vegetable based oils and to make sure he gets polyunsaturated fat from raw fish, especially if he has native background at all, he would probably need to eat fish often.
I apoligize for bringing that up all the time but Im sure most people are mixed race these days haha even if they are unaware of it.
You might be interested in knowing what the K'omoks first nations people survived off on the land, west coast on vancouver island. It was called Land of Plenty for a reason

A never ending abundant supply of fish, seal, sea creatures, seaweeds and whales. Bears, deer, wolves, cougars and elk came over because there are a bunch of tiny islands that are swimming distance away from this island, all of these islands eventually reach the big mainland of Vancouver, so wild game meats were/are also plentiful here. They also ate insects, saps, all types of things but the forms of complex carbs that existed back then sort of trump all forms people normally eat today, because they feasted on things like tree barks and very, very fibrous, tough and energy giving things that people would never think to eat now and would probably have difficulty digesting. Most of the evergreen trees here are actually edible! A lot of people don't know that, but there was always enough food here and people never starved throughout the winters... they ate A LOT always. There were always giant feasts going on, always.
Having a very close connection to my first nations culture, I can tell you that before colonization, people ate well and also constantly and unless they were inuit or lived in a climate that forced them to prepare for nasty winters, they always had an abundant and rich supply of food in all seasons. That's why for those of us who have even the tiniest bit of ancestry to most first nations tribes, we have to eat a lot of food.
This happens to me in general no matter what I eat but mostly when I eat red meats or salmon, raw or cooked, I do get hungry within 20 minutes after eating. It's normal for me because I'm naturally supposed to be a meat eater since I'm first nations and my blood type is o positive.
For some people, eating meat is hard on their digestion. For me, eating red meat speeds up my digestion and metabolism and makes me ravenous. It's also instinctual because my people ate a lot of food back in the olden days.
Kill a bear? You don't let it go to waste because that is against spiritual, sacred traditions. You feast on it, right then and there, and you eat as much as possible and then eat and use the remains of the animal later on, never wasting a thing. Now we are told that we should only be eating one serving of meat a day! I think some of us need a lot more than that.
Also, he might want to check with a doctor to rule out hypoglecemia because that can cause hunger.
But if it is natural, real hunger and he is also fantasing about food with his hunger it would be wise for him to listen to his body to see what it needs. If he has any food cravings, he should eat those things. Our bodies can tell us what we need.
It is not wise to starve oneself. If someone is hungry all the time it means they need to eat more food. They obviously have faster metabolisms than others and need more food than the average person.
I actually consider it a good thing since I'm the same way. I used to have anorexia, and now that I'm recovered I am so thankful that I can get away with eating A LOT of food. It is annoying, but I get away with having to snack frequently throughout the day by just eating very large meals and make sure to have 3 big meals every day, and at nighttime, I usually have to have snacks within 20 minutes after supper because I get very hungry.
I don't get hungry when I eat complex carbs like rice pasta, but things like pasta and stuff just sit in my stomach and don't digest very fast. I would never cut cooked foods out of my diet because I am also a very, very active person and I'm not about to go munch on trees to find better substitutes to carbs. Also, I find cooked vegetables are easier for me to digest. I like having some nice hot meals some days, it just feels right. I just eat in a balance and eat according to what my body needs. Also, my ancestors had fire

Hopefully some of that makes sense. I ended up taking a fitness instructor course which is why I frequently get into all the physiology nonsense hahahaha.
My boyfriend (who has been on and off of raw paleo for the past 6 months) gets very hungry about 1 hour after eating a full meal. Full as in raw meat, veggies, oils etc. This issue is kind of ongoing I guess, and always leads him back to eating cooked food. Pretty frustrating. Anyone have any idea what this is from? Or what he could be missing?
I went through the same thing about 2 or 3 times in the past 6 months (I went full raw paleo and didn't cheat).
But maybe its not the same issue? I don't know haha