Author Topic: Pottenger's Gay Cats, Pollution, Population Control Propaganda - We have arrived  (Read 72846 times)

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Chime in guys and gals...

I am observing and seeing that we have arrived at that point... like Pottenger's cats experiment... where the last generation of his degenerate family tree became infertile, homosexual... and eventually died out... so that experiment ended.

SAD diet, GMO, intense urban pollution, vaccines, pharmaceutical medicine

The population controllers are winning and their drive to collapse birth rates, fertility rates, are succeeding even more wildly than they imagined it to be.

Google for NSSM 200 where the imperial machinery saw that their past world wars were not effective enough in depressing populations... they instead focused on sabotaging human reproduction via any and all other means... "reproductive health" propaganda with contraception, abortion, gay / homosexual propaganda... this is how WAR is waged in the present time.

Cities are more gay than provincials...

"Miami is absolutely the worst place to be a woman."

Total Fertility Rates worldwide are at an all time low.... and still going lower.


14 We are the last humans on Earth!

I don't believe humans will be extinct, we are just due for a catastrophic reset... maybe more like the long drawn out collapse of the Roman Empire... it will get worse before it gets better.

It's already really really bad.  The poverty is so crushing most of our friends and family are so shit scared of their own sexuality... scared of reproducing.

Your thoughts, plans, strategies?

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I think every specie on earth when having grown too large in numbers finds a way of reducing.  I don't think it's a plot, to the level of what you envision.  Yes there have been most subversive groups like Hitler and others who wanted to wean out the non perfect ones.   But remember those very same people who you'd suspect were responsible live by the same laws, breath the same air and live in large cities, eat similarly polluted food including gmo's, do drugs, drink alcohol, eat processed carbs with preservatives, cured factory farmed meat... and the list goes on.   As far as being gay.   I no longer pass judgment on people's choices for how they express themselves sexually, religiously or for that matter on anything other than when it comes to harming another.   And have noticed that those previous opinions or judgments of others ways were Strong clues to my own limited beliefs or way of thinking.  Gs you continue to startle me with your sometime prejudiced  expressions.    I wonder if you actually were to visit a refugee camp filled with thousands of starving diseased dying children/people whether you'd feel the same way about population or birth control, or about freely being able to express yourself sexually?   You have an education  and wealth enough to support those in your immediate living situation.  You are becoming the exception rather than the rule through the world. 

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Don't forget vegetarianism... this crap is often in mass media depicted as very positive for health. Sure, might work for some very very few individuals. Or against some certain health issues as a one time treatment, or such. But otherwise... seriously...

Humans will last longer than those cats did, because we have experience of thousands of years with cooked foods. But now there's all this... everything that's labeled as safe and normal that in reality is anything but. Have it all put on top of cooked foods and you end up worse than dead. I presume three or four more generations of this soup of crap and then it'll be here in full effect.

The best example of a collapse of civilization would the Mayan one. There are caves there that have pottery and such stuff in them that could only have gotten there if those caves weren't under water, and such times were about 15 000 years ago (wasn't the last ice age, or something similar, still going on that long ago?). As well there are very very many ruins of towns, averaging around 2 or 3 square kilometers, in the forests there, all thousands of years old. So what happened there? No one knows.
Considering the amount of towns the population must have been immense, far too high to be sustainable with their level of knowledge and society and civilization as a whole, the reason it all failed. Right now we are at a similar state - our global population is by about 4, even 5, billions too high, and our present knowledge that moves around in those masses, which in truth is made of almost only lies and delusions, cannot and will not sustain such numbers.
A collapse will, it has to, come again. A new beginning is needed. A dead end has been reached. Right now its just dragging on.

A course correction is needed if one is reached. Where is one? It's been years, decades even. All the while everything is getting worse. They say the people have the power, yet nothing is done against the rulers if they repeatedly make things worse. Because the people themselves don't know what to do, and those rulers come from the people - a dead circle before it began.
Negativity promotes thinking, justice, as well negative qualities but they don't tend to survive either way. This mess we are in makes many of us actually smarter - we see how matters must not be and we are far more prone to live by that which would be better. Those who are smart enough have to simply survive the collapse and then assume leadership, by whatever means necessary. Generations would be raised with newer and better values. Until it either reaches another end and collapse, or they will be smart enough to foresee it and course correct themselves.

Religion has been an extremely negative influence. Those who spoke out, in the past, the medieval and such times, were branded as heretics, witches, warlocks, and whatever else, just to remove them permanently. They were killed. Potential was killed on purpose, because they were right, they had the right. Religion still is a major issue everywhere, in regards to eventual consequences, because it has an extremely strong tendency to keep people very stupid and blind.

Dead ends. As an example, Soviet era reached one as well. It collapsed. Countries were "freed", they assumed new courses - true capitalism - sort of moved on for a while. But. They have reached yet another end. A new course correction is needed, but all they do instead is follow money even though it gets them absolutely nowhere. Because money has reached it's own dead end as well. A new course is needed already on that level, and the only one is one without.
The same goes about so many values, globally - dead ends - traditions, faiths, patriotism, nationalism, getting "paid" for a job, teaching to follow rules instead of teaching to think independently, etc.
Presently they all just drag onward toward nothing.
If a dead end is reached, anything that gives a direction, a nudge in any direction, is usually embraced with a broad smile. Because it's better than not moving at all. If only they put, if only they could, a little realistic thought into anything...

It will come. People will die, they would have to one way or another - there are far too many - things have gone too far already for "peaceful" and "ethical" alternatives.

Those who know and live and eat as a true human are inherently apt to better awareness. When shit hits the fan it's best to get out of the way and just let it happen, or it will blow you away with the rest.

Until then all you can really do is your best educating people about the state of our society, and what is really going on. Even create "groups" for better support and helping, make events where you talk to others, get public as best you can, etc. Most importantly teach what is food and what is not. And just hope, because there still is potential.

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Article - Reproductive health in humans and wildlife: are adverse trends associated with environmental chemical exposure?
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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You are becoming the exception rather than the rule through the world. 


Thanks for your input, much appreciated.

All of us here are the exceptions... the "weirdos"... we are raw paleo dieters... we are far weirder than the cooked paleo diet mainstream... weirder than the vegans.

We all got into raw paleo diets because we want to survive, because we want to be healthy, we are consistently at odds with the current system...

But we are also a diverse bunch: we all come from different parts of the globe.  Various cultures, varied experiences, various dreams, various wishes, various ages.

I would think since we are so much in it for our own personal survival, some of us would also be in it for the survival of our children and our grand children.

We all agree that this current time is so "fucked up"... we are so "there already"... we have arrived at the Pottenger's cats... dead end...

So how about that survival instinct huh?

Are we just going to lay down and die? 
Or are we going to be preppers and try to survive?
What of our children and their children?
Some of us want to inherit this earth.
Ideas and suggestions being solicited.


Nummi... thanks so much for your input... thanks for your time in writing that... brain food... :)

DaBoss... thanks for the supporting link.


The Enemy's Plan to Kill You through the Foods You Eat

The Enemy's Plan to Kill You through the FoodsYou Eat: Pottenger's Cats Experiment
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 09:09:26 pm by goodsamaritan »
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If you look at the Pottenger study,  think about a bit.   There are cats all around the world that never place a foot outdoors and Never eat anything but cooked food, that are able to reproduce easily.   I'm a raw food advocate all the way for my animals... but something doesn't add up here. 

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If you look at the Pottenger study,  think about a bit.   There are cats all around the world that never place a foot outdoors and Never eat anything but cooked food, that are able to reproduce easily.   I'm a raw food advocate all the way for my animals... but something doesn't add up here.
Cats from back then and now can be slightly different. There have been generations in between who've had time to adapt some bit to cooked food and other crap.

There's a cat here where I live. It is of a specific breed. It is a disgusting thing. In contrast, where my father works there are two cats, just normal cats, no bred things, they do eat all kinds of stuff, even processed crap, but they also catch mice and do get raw meat and fat. Difference between the the bred thing and those two cats is as good as absolute. The one in the house is broken in so many ways - doesn't eat right (not just what it eats but how it eats); eyes emit some crap; nasal passage problems; stench from the mouth; a canine is crooked; mood swings; asks for food all the time no matter that it doesn't need it, and then the food just sits and dries and once it's dried it won't eat it either way and still asks for more; sheds fur nonstop, all the time (seriously, sheep should be ashamed of themselves, producing so little!); doesn't even know how to shit right (for real), etc. It's a thing, not a cat, not even an animal, it's an abomination. It's been on processed crap since birth, and it was taken away from the mother far too early, perhaps two weeks old, morons... (doubtful being with the mother long enough could've changed much...).

The cat is not mine, I'm not responsible for it. My oldest brother's girl is the true "owner" and she completely believes the bullshit some "experts" say. So it is fed "food" full of grains and other industry leftovers and it is claimed to be "quality" food for cats, in fact the ingredients are listed on the package (I read them... the evidence to the cause of almost everything is right on the package of the "food"). There was a period when that grain crap was out, for about a week, and the thing improved significantly in every way, it even got some raw meat from me (absolutely loves raw meat). Then they bought more of that grain crap and fed more to it. I tried saying what the cause is but... the usual and expected response - total ignoration (this a word?). Everything's back to extremely bad. And now I'm done feeding it raw meat, not worth destroying my nerves and wasting good food. (They took the cat prematurely and then left it, in truth they haven't taken care of it as good as ever.)

Pottenger's cats were in controlled environments. House cats are not, not all. If they can get outside they can and will catch at least bugs and eat them, and nibble on grass stalks occasionally. That reminds, the broken thing loves being outside during summer days, even whole days straight, no wonder why - all kinds of bugs, and it does eat them.
The "wilder" the worse and faster the effect will be. They can survive processed foods if they can get raw foods enough from time to time. But just as humans, so are animals on a wrong diet, as sick.

So there's some adaptation to processed stuff on breeds. But if you take real cats then they actually would die out when subjected to only processed foods for generations. For undamaged and unaltered animals raw food is an absolute necessity.

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there are 'house' cats that are kept in complete isolation to the outside world and fed only commercially processed cat food devoid of any rawness that are bred generation after generation for profit.  And yes I agree, I have a feral cat who've we've adopted who has only eaten raw for over 15 years...  I know that difference.

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More news that shows we are near the end of the Pottenger's Cats degeneration:

Almost Half Of Young Japanese Women Are Not Interested In Sex
Oct 22 2013


a shocking statistic from the Japan Family Planning Association (JFPA) that 45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 “were not interested in or despised sexual contact.”


And their population decline continues... and with their young women supposedly at their SEXUAL PRIME / REPRODUCTIVE PRIME... 45%... are effectively neutered.

And if they did that kind of survey in many parts of the world... they would report the same thing...

Even the attitudes of some fellow parents in our school think their children should be asexual and only think about marriage and babies by at least 31... they write about this on facebook and say these things outright.

IF I'm raising my children well on a mostly paleo diet with a touch of raw here and there... I should expect healthy horny boys and girls by 16 yrs of age.

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they put essential nutrients in dog and cat food. i seem to remember that in potengers cats they were fed meat but not organs? muscle flesh alone does not provide all the nutrition required by dogs and cats. raw milk must provide these essential nutrients?

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they put essential nutrients in dog and cat food. i seem to remember that in potengers cats they were fed meat but not organs? muscle flesh alone does not provide all the nutrition required by dogs and cats.
Yes, I think you're right.

raw milk must provide these essential nutrients?
Pottenger's cats were provided with milk as well.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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they put essential nutrients in dog and cat food. i seem to remember that in potengers cats they were fed meat but not organs? muscle flesh alone does not provide all the nutrition required by dogs and cats. raw milk must provide these essential nutrients?

The discovery that taurine is an essential amino acid for cats came after Pottenger's experiments. In my mind, that alone accounts for the decline in the experimental group of cats.
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The discovery that taurine is an essential amino acid for cats came after Pottenger's experiments. In my mind, that alone accounts for the decline in the experimental group of cats.

Sounds like we have an answer, then. 

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My accounting clerk grew up in Tondo, Manila, a poor part of the city where my own mother and aunts grew up. My mom is now 67 and my employee is 30.

My employee says he grew up within an epidemic of homosexuality in that same part of town, Tondo.  I asked him some numbers, and this is what he said:

4 out of 10 males were homosexual in his age group he mingled with.
3 out of 10 females were in homosexual relationships, clarifying that 1.5 looked like butch tomboys and 1.5 still looked female.

Povert, poor nutrition, physical degeneration, high density, homosexuality...

...they get all the wheat junk, corn junk, rice junk, farmed animal junk, soya junk, bad cooking oil junk, instant noodles, canned goods, artificial instant sachet flavorings, plus urban pollution.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 07:49:50 am by goodsamaritan »
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Take a human as an example and (assuming you could do it) envision that person in perfect condition (from life's perspective). Or something very close to it as some faults are already dictated by DNA (evolution/adaptation in progress). Then you actually look at that person and whatever does not fit the envisionment is a "disease".
Or just take a sick human and envision perfection, works the same really...

Inherently, no normal (I mean real normal) human is sick.
Well there's the mothers' diets... And damn... The sperm and the egg could as well be damaged by the parents diets and so the child is actually born inherently sick (or not?). Wouldn't make sickness right either way. The next generation even sicker, until extinction or evolution/adaptation catches up.
There are some that are genetically already messed up, like down syndrome and such. Perhaps that's evolution/adaptation trying to fit around grains (and others) and their effect on the brain? To sort of isolate the issue by finding a path around the cause? Even if true it wouldn't matter, evolution does not happen that fast. Extinction or "going back and to the side simultaneously" in evolution would come first (wait... this is what those with down syndrome look like... sort of... like an experiment gone wrong). (Loss in intelligence would be one effect, as have to compensate for the "rapid" changes from something? and what good of a mind you as good as can't use anyway?).
Have any such genetic "illnesses" been identified on bones predating the use of grains (and perhaps even cooking)? Because such genetic malformations make little to no sense. Evolution/adaptation would not happen like that unless there was a severe necessity or a "catalyst" of some kind; it would happen "slowly" without such severe hindrances to individual's life quality, because each individual is, potentially, responsible for the species' survival, which is potentially responsible for life's own survival. Such severe changes, to trigger such genetic changes, in the life of our species have only been in diet.

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I interviewed a 23 year old girl in the poor area of Zabarte, Caloocan City and she observes in her generation:

3 homosexual / gay men out of 10 males.

8 out of 10 females are homosexual (butch type and or females with the butch types) only 2 females are exclusively heterosexual... says girls involved with butch types after a few years become butches themselves!  Sounds infectious like vampires.

Gay men in women's toilets are common and just okay / normal for her generation, but sees only the old people frowning upon this practice.
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something seems amiss.  Here in the US we have poverty and many find it hard to go day to day feeding themselves, yet with a horrible western junk food diet, seem to have little problem finding partners of the opposite sex to procreate with, over and over.   I have a suspicion that people's use of the internet and the limited real connections that go amiss from only texting others may have something to do with potential heterosexual couples not only not having the opportunity to exchange pheromones, but for a woman to be attracted to man, at least for many, they need to have more of a connection than the internet can support.   This may be more of the case in Asia where I believe the cell phone is king.   

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3 homosexual / gay men out of 10 males.

8 out of 10 females are homosexual (butch type and or females with the butch types) only 2 females are exclusively heterosexual... says girls involved with butch types after a few years become butches themselves!  Sounds infectious like vampires.

I live in a very gay-tolerant area of the US, and processed junk food is the rule here, and we have nothing like that statistics you provided in your post. I even googled "Lesbianism in the Philippines" and found statistics like "11% of sexually active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex."

I have no way of discerning the reason for the high percentage of lesbians in the poor area of Zabarte, Caloocan City, in the event that your interviewee was not exaggerating or representing mere female friendship and current punk style as demonstrating true lesbianism, but I'd send a team of sociologists to study this phenomenon if it were true, because the main reason for becoming lesbian among the women I know is gross mistreatment, sexual coercion, and abuse by men.

In contrast, the gay men that I know were always gay, and they did not turn from heterosexual to homosexual because of precipitating events.
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Interesting,,, I just heard in the car a radio program (couldn't stay for the whole show, had my horse to ride) but it was about some herbicide that was causing homosexuality and the cover up and threatening attacks on the university professor who had done the study with I think rats? not sure what the animal it was.  But it lost it's male hormones, maybe even it's masculine parts, and then preferred other males to the females.   Maybe your peoples are in a heavy area where That herbicide is being used extensively, like banana groves?   I thought it was most coincidental seeing as how I had just written about my little hunch with cell phones and texting..

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"poor" americans are rich compared to most of the rest of the world. i own seven cows, i would be a wealthy man in most countries yet i am poor by american standards. a lot of people i know drive a car worth more than everything i own. the point is almost anyone in murica can get meat. hey fast food even has organ meat in it. since we are carnivores meat plays an important role in our reproductive capabilities. some of the poorest, like me live healthier than some of the richest in th backass forwards culture. anybody can buy a gun and go shoot a deer or put a hook on a line and fill a bucket with catfish.

dollar a breast chicken thighs anyone?   

out east they been through wars and shit. not to mention were forced to develop sustainable agriculture methods to barely feed themselves in such high population rates. then long winded years of war came, people couldn't afford white flour, if wheat was available at all, lived off of millet and a handful of rice a day. had to hide a snake lest someone steal it or report it which would probably end in a quick execution to be added to the days mass burial. youknow like over her, we shit in a toilet of water. over there they coveted (and usually still do) human shit as a means of food production whether it goes into the garden or gets fed to pigs or shrimp.whole different ballgame across the pond and the caucus mountains or southof the panama canal. i mean isnt the statistic that eighty percent of the world eats insects and in america about ninety nine percent say ew?   

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About this whole homosexuality discussion lets not forget that homosexual acts amongst humans have existed since the beginnings of time, and long before chemical pollution happened.
One very famous homosexual in France's history is no other than Louis XIV's brother, Philippe of Orleans. He was forced into marrying a woman but he had many male lovers, and could afford to be pretty open about his attraction for men even at that time, being the brother of the king.
The most famous homosexuals in history are most certainly the ancient Greeks, who for a great part only had sex with women for the sake of reproducing.
Does that mean they where inhaling car fumes or breathing in pesticides at that time  :P? I don't think so...

What has been observed in the wild is that most highly social creatures tend to demonstrate homosexual conducts with members of their clan. Lions, wolfs, turtles, dolphins, zebras, you name it. 450 different species and counting have shown to initiate sexual and erotic acts with members of the same sex.
Some homosexual couples in animals will even become parents and raise a child together. For example a wild goose in a lesbian couple will deliberately mate with a male goose and come back to her female partner with the offspring to raise with her.
Experts view differ on the possibility of a genetic origin to homosexuality.
I believe homosexual and bisexual acts possess a great role in creating and tightening social bonds with members of a clan. Bonobos randomly have sex just to calm things down when tensions between members arise  ;D.

I don't know if it's the case for every guy here but when I was little (7-9 years old) and not yet totally programmed by the social environment I grew up in, I found great pleasure in mimicking sodomic positions with my little brother (one of us did have to wear underpants because in our mind touching someone else's butt was still "uuuwww"). When I was with my cousin or my best friends I would enjoy touching their penises and letting them touch mine. And it didn't feel shameful or wrong at all. It was all very impulsive, instinctual. They where all socially the closest people I had. It felt like it was naturally the next step in loving friendship after playing around in the garden or playroom.
I think bisexuality is quite normal for us humans but is looked down upon because of the long social conditioning we have experienced individually for the past millennials or centuries. Don't get me wrong I'm not down to have sex with a male just now either :P. Also I'm not saying we should come to one extreme and become opposite-sex rejecters like some ancient Greek societies.

I'm just saying homosexual tendencies are most likely not entirely due to chemical polluting; and as one of the socially highest specie of all, it would be actually odd if bisexuality turned out to be unnatural amongst humans.


« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 07:02:35 am by JeuneKoq »

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That’s true, bisexuality may well be the norm. I never had any homosexual drive and did not have similar experiences as you had as a kid;  I’m even disgusted by open homosexuality between men, but it could be due to cultural influence. You mention bonobos, our closest relatives: they have plenty of genital contacts, both hetero and homo.   
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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I've read about Pottenger's cats around 3 years back when I was eating fast food and changed my diet for a "healthy" diet, eating plenty of pasteurized butter, coconut oil, meat and not limiting my intake of eggs, avoiding fast food and doing my exercise 3 times a day and drinking only water and coffee.I was also eating plenty of toast with peanut butter ,wheat noodles, cereal and taking all those healthy supplement to avoid becoming ill, the irony.

I wish I could have made the link back then, that what applied for cats eating cooked food was the same for humans, perhaps I could have prevent all that damaged to my body before it happens. I guess one has to become extremely sick before they can make such realizations, I look back now and I feel that people are doomed, eating processed food, taking antibiotic like they are candies and listen to the media that cholesterol is evil.

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The epidemic we are having in our poor districts look something like these pictures:

Markedly more young people looking like this than the older generations... and even when they are little.
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I just interviewed our new 18yr old maid and without telling her my other stats, she volunteered her stats by her eyes in her town of Lawaan, antique up int he mountains:

3 out of 10 boys were homosexual of that look above.
4 out of 10 females were lesbian, 2 looked like butches like above and 2 girls paired with those 2 butches.

So this epidemic of homosexuality happens in the provinces as well.

---- re-interviewed for clarity ----
* updated Feb 25, 8:15am *

I just interviewed our new 18yr old maid and without telling her my other stats, she volunteered her stats by her eyes in her town of Lauaan, Antique up in the mountains:

3 out of 110 boys were homosexual of that look above.
4 out of 110 females were lesbian, 2 looked like butches like above and 2 girls paired with those 2 butches.

---- re-interviewed for clarity ----
* updated Feb 25, 8:15am *
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 08:17:41 am by goodsamaritan »
Linux Geek, Web Developer, Email Provider, Businessman, Engineer, REAL Free Healer, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Truther, Ripple-XRP Fan

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