Author Topic: Pottenger's Gay Cats, Pollution, Population Control Propaganda - We have arrived  (Read 72843 times)

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THE PLOT THICKENS: Triclosan Damages Male Reproductive Systems

A friend texted me this morning: "I just found out TRICLOSAN is banned in Canada.  It's common in anti-bacterial soaps like Safeguard.  Inhibits reproductive functions."

"In animal tests, triclosan interferes with thyroid hormone (serum total thyroxine), which is critical for normal growth and brain development, as well as male and female sex hormones, which are necessary for the normal growth and function of the reproductive system.[38][39] One study found that triclosan decreased sperm count, damaged the male reproductive system, and disrupted male hormone production in rats.[40] Scientists fear that it may have the same effects on humans because humans have similar hormone systems as animals.[41]"

Triclosan is found in clothing, kitchenware, furniture, toys, medical devices, antibacterial soaps and body washes, deodorants, acne medications, mouthwashes, toothpastes, wound disinfection solutions, and cosmetics.[11][12] Triclosan is found in 75 percent of liquid hand soaps.[13] However, an advisory panel to the FDA found in 2005 that there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps are more effective than regular soap and water.[14] In April 2013, the FDA amended its page on triclosan to say the following: "At this time, the agency does not have evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water."[15][16][17]

Brands and products containing triclosan include:[18]

    8 in 1 (Pet Shampoo)
    Bath & Body Works (AntiBacterial Hand Gel)
    Clean and Smooth (Liquid Soap)
    Clearasil (Face Wash)
    Colgate (Toothpaste)
    Dawn (Dishwashing Liquid, Liquid Soap)
    Dial (Body Wash, Liquid Soap)
    Edge (Shave Gel)
    Gentle (Liquid Soap)
    Gillette (Shave Gel)
    Imina (Facial Cleanser)
    Joy (Dishwashing Liquid, Liquid Soap)
    Lever 2000 (Bar Soap)
    Old Spice (Deodorant)
    Noxzema (Cleanser)
    Palmolive (Liquid Soap)
    Pet Gold (Dog Shampoo)
    pHisoderm (Skin Cleanser)
    Revlon (Lipgloss)
    Right Guard Sport (Deodorant)
    Shield (Bar Soap)
    Soft and Dri (Antiperspirant)
    Softsoap (Body Wash, Liquid Soap)
    Suave (Bar Soap, Liquid Soap)
    Vaseline (Liquid Soap)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 01:37:00 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Ok, thanks for your answer.   Then it seems you're just fascinated by the entire physiological  response to currents food stuffs and chemicals.   At least with your research there's the idea that people will then have a choice, or at least be offered one.   keep on

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I guess it's a good thing that we literally never use soap for anything. Crazy discovery, though.
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Offline sabertooth

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Ive been warning people about Triclosan for a long time now.

I remember when I was in Jail we were given personal care packs with toothpaste, deodorant, soap and shampoo.... every single item was loaded with Triclosan. The majority of the meat served in jail was processed hormone fed turkey. The schools are just as bad with antibacterial soap and GMO soy based lunch menus. It would seem that there is a deliberate attempt to hormonally cull large segments of the population.

Another note on hormone disrupting chemicals,
I read a book called "Silent Spring" which focused on the hidden damage done by hormone disrupting chemicals. It was observed that birds who were exposed to DDT in higher levels became infertile, and those who were exposed to lower doses were capable of reproducing, but they where in general less capable, competent, and interested in the rearing of their young. These hormonal systems connected to the parental instinct are disrupted by chemical pollutants. Even if chronic low level pollution with chemical pesticides, BPA, or Triclosan is not enough to cause infertility, those who still manage to reproduce will have a severely impaired  parental instinctive drive, as well as affected offspring.

There may be some correlation with hormone disrupting chemicals and infertility, and it may even be a primary factor in the increased numbers of gender benders. Though, what I am most concerned about is how this low level pollution with hormone disrupting chemicals, is affecting us in much more sublime ways.

As human beings we posses a delicate balance of hormonal systems which regulate our behavior. Men and women who are polluted with hormone disruptors are not capable of reacting appropriately to the hormonal signals which evolved to allow us to live and work in unity with the others in the tribe. These biological signals are responsible for the conditions which make close relationships possible. When these systems are disrupted in chemically polluted individuals then the entire social dynamic can break down. Women and men being overloaded with estrogen mimickers will find it more difficult to live in relationship with each other, and will be less capable of forging the close bonds needed to build a life together and raise children.                                                                                                       

« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 01:28:27 pm by sabertooth »
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STRESS while Pregnant - Scientific Study Explains

"A few years back I did a story on homosexuality. I contacted a well known neurologist at the famous Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and a graduate of Harvard Medical School. He told me that brains have gender and that the gender is determined during the first three months of life in the womb. He explained how certain things could happen -- and sometimes do -- to result in the brain being one gender and the rest of the body being the other. He also warned me not to quote him on this because of the strong political and social ramifications. [see story here.]"

How Do Brains Get Gender?

Embryology teaches that early embryos all start out as female. At some point in early gestation, if the chromosomes destine the fetus to be male, the embryo is altered by the genetically programmed addition of certain hormones, called androgens. These androgens, especially testosterone, instruct the embryo to develop male characteristics. In their absence, the embryo continues to develop into a female.

    "Abstract: Male rats were exposed to prenatal (i.e. before they were born) or postnatal (after they were born) stress, or both. The prenatally stressed males showed low levels of male copulatory behavior and high rates of female lordotic responding (i.e. "lordotic" refers to mounting behavior which usually occurs during mating). Postnatal stress had no effect. The modifications are attributed to stress-mediated alterations in the ratio of adrenal to gonadal androgens during critical stages of sexual differentiation. Specifically, it appears that stress causes an increase in the weak adrenal androgen, androstendione, from the maternal fetal adrenal cortices, or both, and a concurrent decrease in the potent gonadal androgen, testosterone." [6]

If the baby carries "XY" chromosomes and is destined to become a male, testosterone needs to activate the newly forming hypothalamus. This is the first known critical phase of "defeminization" when something can go awry, upsetting the master plan.[10]

If a mother is stressed during the early stages of pregnancy, she will release an adrenaline related hormone into her shared bloodstream with her unborn baby. This hormone, called androstendione, is structurally similar to testosterone, the male hormone. Both are androgens, but testosterone is more than twenty times as potent as androstendione.

It has also recently been suggested that testosterone actually breaks down to estradiol in some way that androstendione may not [12, 15], further implicating this androgen in disrupting the process of early brain development.

Because the stress hormone seems to mimic testosterone, there is the delay or blockage of the effectiveness of testosterone, even if it is plentiful. This causes a disturbance in the "defeminization" of the hypothalamus [7].

 In Doctor Ward's own words:

    "...The present data support the hypothesis that exposure of pregnant rats to environmental stressors modifies the normal process of sexual behavior differentiation in male fetuses by decreasing functional testosterone and elevating androstenedione levels during prenatal development. During stress conditions plasma testosterone emanating from the gonads decreases while adrenal androstenedione rises. The molecular structure of the two androgens, being very similar, it is postulated that the two hormones compete for the same receptor sites. Since androstenedione is a less potent androgen than testosterone, the decrease in male copulatory ability and increased lordotic potential seen in the prenatally stressed animals of the present study would be expected. The relative difference in potency between testosterone and androstendione has been repeatedly demonstrated. [Ibid.]


My own insights...

... As discussed previously many Filipino mothers in the past recent decades were more STRESSED in their initial discovery of their pregnancies because they have no support system in place.  There is no government support, there is no husband, boyfriend ran away, they do not know who the father is, she has no means by herself and her family is poor.  She was brainwashed on 100% effectivity of contraception when such a percentage is statistically flawed. (US FDA states birth control pills have a 10% per year failure rate... just as an example of one type of birth control method.)

In the past decades when Filipina women were more often happily married or they were not mis-educated on contraceptives, they knew sex led to babies and welcomed pregnancies without stress.

Today's common urban Filipina is stressed at finding out she is pregnant because of the above financial reasons and contraceptive wrong expectations; she first resorts to taking urban legend means to abort her baby, when those fail, she just accepts the baby and carries on, or the baby may have been damaged by the urban legend means and / or stress.

And this does not take into account the horrible malnutrition diets and polluted diets and the plastics and the chemicals in personal care products as previously discussed.


Note that I am not talking about the other kinds of homosexuals... those in the sex addiction category... will discuss those later on.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 01:17:26 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Pottenger's Gay Cats, Pollution - PVC Plastic Pipes in Plumbing
« Reply #105 on: May 24, 2014, 12:47:05 am »
Now a new study has found that altering the androgens of a fetus during early pregnancy -- this time by by-products of PVC (the plastic pipes found in most home plumbing) -- can not only alter the gender of the brain but can change the formation of the genitals in the newborn.

Phthalate Exposure Linked to Less-Masculine Play by Boys

A study of 145 preschool children reports in the International Journal of Andrology, for the first time, that when the concentrations of two common phthalates in mothers' prenatal urine are elevated their sons are less likely to play with male-typical toys and games, such as trucks and play fighting.

What's the big deal here? Well for years psychologists have looked for ways to predict homosexuality in children. They were trying to see at what age the child "chose" to be gay. One of the most reliable clues to homosexuality was detected in the types of toys and play activities that children preferred.

Because testosterone produces the masculine brain, researchers are concerned that fetal exposure to anti-androgens such as phthalates -- which are pervasive in the environment -- has the potential to alter masculine brain development, said lead author Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D., professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, director of the URMC Center for Reproductive Epidemiology, and an expert in phthalates.

"Our results need to be confirmed, but are intriguing on several fronts," Swan said cautiously. "Not only are they consistent with our prior findings that link phthalates to altered male genital development, but they also are compatible with current knowledge about how hormones mold sex differences in the brain, and thus behavior. We have more work to do, but the implications are potentially profound."

More here:


Now are you seeing the pattern here?
Explanations WHY there are isolated tribes in Africa with ZERO homosexuality?
No word for homosexuality.

Those tribes have none of these stressors or chemical pollutants that cause homosexuality in more "modern" environments. (no PVC pipes, no plastics, no chemicals)

They probably did not eat castrated animals at all!

Their men and women were always "searching for children", children there in those tribes were ALWAYS wanted.  Their women were HAPPY to be pregnant.

You cannot say the same for this ridiculous urban jungle of a zoo jail most of us live in today... where women are hypnotized to only WANT a child in the most stringent of ridiculous conditions unfathomable from those primitive african tribes. Miss any of these stringent ridiculous conditions and the child in utero is UNWANTED and the urban woman is STRESSED to the point of killing her own child.

As we are all striving for that ideal raw paleo diet and lifestyle, we know how twisted (fucked up) this urban situation is these days.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 01:06:07 am by goodsamaritan »
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I am all too aware of the situation!

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Offline sabertooth

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This is a possible case of extreme hormone disruption, which lead to social alienation and murderous tendencies.
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This is a possible case of extreme hormone disruption, which lead to social alienation and murderous tendencies.
The above link is just another example of why we need a more libertarian society. Legalizing prostitution causes prices to go down which would help relieve the ah, "daily stress" of  people like him.
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Actually, the reason given for the shooting was his asperger's syndrome classification rather than hormones as such. Besides, the guy had plenty of money to attract girls and was hardly ugly. Interesting anyway..  I recall reading somewhere that mixed-race people are more likely to be born with  mental health problems.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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I was primarily commenting on the mans effeminate look. Big lips and feminine features often point to exposure of hormone disrupting substances during early development.

Being from hollywood its possible he was exposed to a lot of soy, and other kinds of estrogen rich food that are often consumed by the wealthy yuppie hollywood types. Point being its very doubtfull that the Young man was nursed for two years by a well balanced and healthy woman, nor was he raised eating ample amounts of grass fed intact animals.

There are countless other factors in regards to what actually triggered his mental illness, but just from looking at the videos there is evidence that he was one of the millions of people from his generation who was exposed to an excess of hormone mimicking chemicals. 
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Absent father?
Some young men just need to be introduced to willing girls to get them started.
I coached my younger brother beginning 12 yrs old and lent him my apartment every time he needed it by the time he was 17.
Im older by 11 yrs and guided him all the way.
Even now... i ask if he's getting enough sex from his wife...
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Possibly absent father syndrome,
but I just learned that his mother was taking birth control hormones and got pregnant with him because of taking antibiotics,

The grandmother said that the child was never right, so I still think the source of this mans problem may be related to biological developmental disorder related to environmentally caused hormone imbalances early in development, and these problems were aggravated by social alienation which was a consequence of the primary disability.
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If the boy had a real father, and he noticed his son was getting antsy about not getting laid, father should have given him a couple of chicks so he could let off steam.  It's not something mothers or grandmothers can do.  Only fathers / grandfathers and concerned or elder brothers should be giving chicks if the boy just needed it so bad.

I have an Australian friend who was introduced to girls by his elder brother.  Then his father took him on a trip to Angeles city and let him loose.  He turned out quite okay now that he is in his 50s.

Must investigate those who were conceived despite the use of birth control pills.  US FDA website says 10% per year is the failure rate of birth control pills.  Quite a large number of pregnancies that way it seems.  THIS IS BIG!!! (I'm betting no drug company wants to make this study playing with human lives.)

( ... and a big horde of guilty women and docs who will say that this does not affect the baby... DOES SO! )

Contraception Video, Produced By Children Of Mary Order, Links Homosexuality With Birth Control
Posted: 10/01/2012

HOLY SHIT.  The study with the Alpha Male Chimp and his female chimps... injected with depo provera... at the very start of the video.
You must watch the first 2 minutes above!

More about that study:

See also:

Search google for "homosexual birth control pill"... lots of people are concerned!
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 06:43:06 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Melvin Dagsa
from Burauen, Leyte
Born 1986

says 50 out of 180 bakla (around 28%)
says 10 out of 180 tomboy

in his high school batch.

Location here
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 09:53:42 am by goodsamaritan »
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Contraception Video, Produced By Children Of Mary Order, Links Homosexuality With Birth Control

HOLY SHIT.  The study with the Alpha Male Chimp and his female chimps... injected with depo provera... at the very start of the video.
You must watch the first 2 minutes above!

Just watched the first two minutes. Damn. It doesn't surprise me at all, yet it's still alarming. Will finish the video now. Thanks for this.
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The male chimps behavior in reaction to the drugged females has very profound social dynamic implications to what is going on in modern society today.

The pheromone response is connected to our biological capacity to bond with others of the opposite sex, not only does it trigger feelings of lust and affection, but living in and around others and basking in the pheromones of the community may infact have other effects. Such as encouraging the males to actually stay around and help their females mates raise children.

Now we live in a society that is fearful of the effects of pheromones to the point of paranoia, and the population is inundated with hormone interferences. Peoples senses have become confused, and the epic increase in the percentage dysfunctional people incapable of sustaining close and meaningful relationships will never be calculated by the scientific establishment which has rubber stamped the use of Contraceptives along with the multitude of other hormone disrupting chemicals released into the human environment.

I remember growing up having difficulty with women. Young boys and men are separated from girls and women culturally. Separate restrooms, separate bathing, segregated school activities. Then as soon as you sprout your first pubic hairs the grownups are throwing chemical deodorants at you. Many young developing adolescents do not get exposed to the pheromone scents which are suppose to trigger the healthy development into sexual maturity. I was 18 before I lost my virginity, and the first few women I fooled around with were on contraception pills. There was not any strong connection during those first encounters and they usually went on to some other guy soon after. (Promiscuity of the infertile female is a modern condition when one cannot find satisfaction in a relationship, so they constantly move on to someone else. This is not to be confused with Polyamery when one is fully capable of loving and being satisfied with more than one person,( such as the alpha chimp Austin who chose to give three of his tribes females all of his monkey love, until the scientist came in and fucked it up.)

I was about 22 and ill when I had come to a point of nearly giving up on love and women, then I got a hold of this 18 year old who never had used birth control. I soon became fully engaged in an intense breeding process, and discovered the sweet feminine pheromones that I had been longing for. I was soon totally hooked on the stuff and We had four children together.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 01:15:09 pm by sabertooth »
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

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I was about 22 when I had come to a point of nearly giving up on love and women, when I got a hold of this 18 year old who never had used birth control. I soon became fully evolved in an intense breeding process, and discovered the sweet feminine pheromones that I had been longing for. I was soon totally hooked and We now have four children together.

This definitely follows what the evidence is showing. Thanks for the story. It makes me wonder something - almost all the girls in my group of friends were on some form of birth control during our last year of high school. I was the only one who was not. And interestingly, most of the guys in the group had a major crush on me at some point. I wonder if that's the reason.

I guess the question I'm wondering is .... if you've ever taken birth control, how to know if you've permanently screwed yourself over? I unfortunately took pills for about one year before learning about how bad it was. I regret taking it, but that's what happens when society and even your PARENTS encourage it and you haven't learned the truth about anything, yet. I'm wondering if I'm already done a ton of damage or if time will revert anything.
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2009 movie about this crisis.

Movie: The Disappearing Male. Where Have All the Boys Gone? 44 mins.

The Disappearing Male ~ Biphenyl A (BPA) ~ Where Have All The BOYS Gone? on Vimeo

The Disappearing Male is a documentary about one of the most important and least publicized issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer.

At the same time, boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia. The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world. Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.

A laundry list of articles relating to BPA;
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 03:48:48 am by goodsamaritan »
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I could never touch any unnatural birth control.... i just could not do it. Something in me screamed NO
I am so glad i did not. I am now 37 yo and I feel like my hormones are as healthy as when I was a teen.. maybe even better  :)  :)  :)

@ CatTreats,
your hormones will heal.. if you do the right stuff! Go with the natural light and dark cycle, also the cold thermogenesis protocol will help your hormones! Swim in natural lakes, rivers, the sea..... tan nude! Super healing for the hormones. Avoid stress at any cost. Stress = Hormone disaster

eat plenty of seafood  :) think beautiful thoughts  :)

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Dr. Mercola comments on the movie: The Disappearing Male

Even the Most Vulnerable Are Being Inundated with Gender-Bending Chemicals

Protecting Yourself in a Chemically Driven World

    No one knows what health consequences to this toxic chemical cocktail will cause to an adult, let alone a developing baby. Unfortunately, it is our future generations, and possibly the species as a whole, who will likely pay the heftiest price for this lack of safety concern, as an embryo and fetus develop at a much faster rate than adults.

    While this development occurs, cell division and growth is rapid -- and these rapid changes provide many opportunities for mistakes to occur. It’s clear that boys appear to be at particular risk but, really, no one is safe. I encourage everyone with children or grandchildren to review Theo Colburn's Our Stolen Future, which is one of the BEST resources on this topic. Further, while you make the switch to remove and reduce chemicals around your home, remember that one of the ways to significantly reduce your toxic load is to pay careful attention to what you eat.

    Organically-grown, biodynamic whole foods are really the key to success here, and, as an added bonus, when you eat right, you're also optimizing your body's natural detoxification system, which can help eliminate toxins your body encounters from other sources. Rather than compile an endless list of what you should avoid, it's far easier to focus on what you should do to lead a healthy lifestyle with as minimal a chemical exposure as possible:

  • As much as possible, buy and eat organic produce and organic free-range foods to reduce your exposure to pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Rather than eating conventional or farm-raised fish, which are often heavily contaminated with PCBs and mercury, supplement with a high-quality purified krill oil, or eat fish that is wild-caught and lab tested for purity.
  • Eat mostly raw, fresh foods, steering clear of processed, prepackaged foods of all kinds. This way you automatically avoid artificial food additives, including dangerous artificial sweeteners, food coloring and MSG.
  • Store your food and beverages in glass rather than plastic, and avoid using plastic wrap and canned foods (which are often lined with BPA-containing liners).
  • Have your tap water tested and, if contaminants are found, install an appropriate water filter on all your faucets (even those in your shower or bath).
  • Only use natural cleaning products in your home.
  • Switch over to natural brands of toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group has a great database7 to help you find personal care products that are free of phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals. I also offer one of the highest quality organic skin care lines, shampoo and conditioner, and body butter that are completely natural and safe.
  • Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances.
  • Replace your non-stick pots and pans with ceramic or glass cookware.
  • When redoing your home, look for "green," toxin-free alternatives in lieu of regular paint and vinyl floor coverings.
  • Replace your vinyl shower curtain with one made of fabric, or install a glass shower door. Most all flexible plastics, like shower curtains, contain dangerous plasticizers like phthalates.
  • Limit your use of drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) as much as possible. Drugs are chemicals too, and they will leave residues and accumulate in your body over time.
  • Avoid spraying pesticides around your home or insect repellants that contain DEET on your body. There are safe, effective and natural alternatives out there.

Found a youtube video equivalent of that vimeo.
The Disappearing Male Documentary
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 11:13:29 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Pottenger's Gay Cats: Homo Transexual Wave Hits US Schools!
« Reply #121 on: May 29, 2014, 11:59:01 pm »
THIS is why Russia passed a law banning the dissemination of homosexual propaganda to children!


Take a bow Mr. & Mrs. America! While you were busy chasing dollars, shopping, watching racy TV shows & movies, and worshiping your hometown sports teams, the Marxist Zionist media stole your kids right from under your nose.

Have a look at the abominations below. Keep in mind, that in each case, your kids, the future voters of America, gleefully ELECTED these attention-seeking freaks to be their "Kings & Queens".
May God have mercy on America!

Seems not only is the bakla epidemic happening in the Philippines, it is happening in the USA too.  And seems Americans are noticing it as can be seen in that link above.  With pictures.

Yes there is a problem and let us not "politicize" / "censor" the problem. 

Seems all the chemicals and drugs and food and stress and pollution is catching up to us. 

Pottenger's cats... we are close to the end.

Many of us will have our blood lines exterminated.

(Please do not bring up the idiotic over-population issue.  Because this issue is about YOU and ME, our kids, us personally.)

I sincerely hope this raw paleo diet community will be a beacon of hope and health for the future.  Here's to our children and our future children and grand children.  May we try our very best to uncover more dangers and steer our children away from these threats.

With the increasing % of incompetent males... it seems polygamy will have to save the future... may have to be legalized... the Muslims are taking over Europe... no surprise the Muslims are polygamous.  Maybe the fundamentalist Mormons will have their day in the sun and have their legal and recognized polygamy.  I know there is a Christian Pro-Polygamy movement.

Maybe this time the public will listen and soon.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 12:56:32 am by goodsamaritan »
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All in All life will find a way, no matter what! There is no need for humans to intervene in the natural order by trying to cull off its own kind. These actions run contrary to the flow of life and evolution. Our path must be clear of all obstacles which inhibit fertility in order for the process of evolution to be able to lift humanity to full potential. If the prolific increase in population happens, then let it happen without hindrance. It is much preferable that humanity reach 10 billion/plus of fully developed, realized beings who are uncorrupted by the stupification, infertility and overall poor health, that the Malthusians would thrust upon us... than to have a world of lower population where everone of the lower caste are chemically castrated and dumbed down.

Life will find away if nature is allowed to take its course, and with the collective intelligence of over ten billion humans linked together with free access to ever evolving technical advances to pool from, when the time comes for a dramatic shift, we will be much more well equipped to deal with the real threats that may face our future world, than if we cut off the balls of our men and sterilize the women in the name of saving the planet!

Life is prolific and there have been times in the past where organisms became so successful that they caused catastrophic imbalances within the living environment which caused dramtic changes in the climate.... but out of these catastrophic effects "life found its way" and was able to evolve radically in order to adapt to newly emerging conditions.

Let us use the "great oxygenation catastrophe" as an example. The early earth was first inhabited by very primitive  anaerobic bacteria, these organisms flourished for a long time without much evolutionary change, these primitive forms would cycle through blooms and dieoffs in accordance to the environmental rhythms. Then new forms of bacteria emerged which could use a different metabolic process that released oxygen into the atmosphere. Over time the oxygen levels reach the point of toxicity for anaerobic lifeforms, and this triggered a catastrophic dieoff( it was an end of the world apocalyptic event). From the primordial remains of the biomass of dead organisms, new forms of life arouse, more complex  multi cellular structures formed, and beings who could use oxygen began to dominate, these beings eventually evolved into us... Just imagine for a moment if human logic was at work two billion years ago, one could of believed that the world was coming to an end and this overpopulation of oxygen producing organisms were destroying the environment.

The problem with human logic is that it cannot make the connection between mass dieoffs , and the subsequent evolution of new forms of life. Yes there will come a time when humanity may reach its limit and there will be a mass die off. Perhaps it will take out most of the other life forms on this planet with it, or perhaps when the point of crisis is reached, if there is enough awareness among those who are living through that time, then a spontaneous evolution in consciousness may provide the solutions needed to bring about equanimity.

Unless we are allowed to reach that point of Crisis uninhibited by scientific engineering and Malthusian genocide, then capacity for the spirit of life to spaciously evolve an equitable solution, will be greatly reduced. Perhaps the life force is working through those of us who are becoming aware of the imbalances withing our present day world, it is calling us to take the actions necessary to avoid exposures to the irruptive elements being put into our environments,. The signs are everywhere and it is up to other who still are capable of clearly perceiving the obstacles to do everything possible to protect ourselves, develop new ways of living that will give hope for a brighter future
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

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Seems I am not the only one into making original research into the "bakla" and "tomboy" epidemic in my country.

I was in Infanta, Quezon this Friday and Saturday.

Yesterday Saturday I was with friends and they had a practicing mid-wife friend in Infanta and she shared she had an interesting visitor who was asking about contraceptive use in her practice.  How many used birth control pills, injectable depo provera, etc.  And this guy said he was interested to see if the use of these hormonal and chemical methods played a role in the incidence of "bakla" and "tomboy" plague that is happening in our country.

Hmmm... there's a clue.  Maybe I will get lucky to get that guy's number and get in touch with him.

In a related side note, her eldest son is 29 and has a marriage date december.  But she recently found out that her son's bride to be has an ovarian cyst.  She fears she might not have grand children through this betrothed daughter in law.  Told her son that he should get her pregnant first... baby before marriage... to be sure.  Something quite many parents of sons are pushing these days.  Sign of the times.
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Progress update interviewing our new young maid 18 yrs old who hails from the idyllic mountains of Antique province.

- she has regular acne and bleeds 9 days on her mens
- her liver flushing found many many black liver stones expelled
- if her living conditions, air, water were idyllic, why was she sick at such a young age?

Theory of TV, distribution network of junk food.

- we were on vacation on the beach and maid was asking for money for instant noodles for breakfast.  Everyone in her town ate instant noodles everyday.  Even for lunch.
- other junk foods were eaten regularly, sometimes as lunch "meat" with rice.
- junk foods plus beer.
- softdrinks common.
- meats are intensively farmed fish, intensively farmed chicken, intensively farmed pork.
- every teenager has pimples.

Seems her provincial mountain town was just an urban extension via TV ads.
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