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Messages - goodsamaritan

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Off Topic / Re: Computer Woes
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:18:47 am »
Nice looking desktop, Craig.
I've been a linux user since 1998 (I'm a network administrator)
I installed Ubuntu on the computers of my employees.
Did you get Ubuntu pre-installed on your computer?

Health / Re: bleeding gums
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:47:28 pm »
hi all

i have one tooth that has been troubling me consistently, (it is upper R side /between my front and canine)

bleeds so easily
can't pin it down....any ideas??

See a biological dentist.

Health / Re: Cramping problems are getting worse!
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:46:58 pm »
My cramping problems are getting worse!

I have read that it is a mineral deficiency. I suspect I eat too much muscles (especially pork) which is not a good source of minerals today.

I plan to eat more organs, seafood, and add some unrefined salt.

What do you think I can do to improve my condition ?
I have some magnesium chloride, should I take some?

Thank's for you help!

Have you read Aajonus Vonderplanitz?
Try green juicing to give you extra minerals.
Have you done any detoxing yet?
Have you done any fasting?

General Discussion / Re: natural vs. technology
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:15:23 pm »
The only reason I think we have gone this far in our health improvements is with the use of our smarts and technologies coming together.

Without today's high tech telecommunications appliances, we wouldn't have this forum and be able to collaborate teaching one another about good things.

Without water technologies, we wouldnt have toilets, distillers, reverse osmosis machines.  I use a TDS meter to check our home water because my wife and my kids drink water.

I just ordered a refractometer so I can measure which fruits and veggies are more nutritious.

Transport and storage technologies allow us to order and purchase wild / organic meats from far away places.

The nutrition therapy, raw therapy, herbal and detox methods and tools available today are all high tech.  The natural and truth technologies cure the "incurable diseases".  They leap frog old quack greed superstition masquerading and falsely marketing itself as "technology" (western pharmaceutical medicine).

I'm very interested in adding the use of a refractometer to measure the nutrition in the fruits and vegetables that we buy.  This is a tool they say that will quantitatively directly measure how nutritious your fruits and vegetables are by use of the BRIX scale.

I just bought a refractometer on ebay.  It should arrive next week.  Thought it would be fun to discuss our readings and experiences on this thread.  This is all new to me so the more experience people, please chime in.

This link goes to a wonderful page explaining this industrial technology and simple tool.

General Discussion / Re: Tomatoes Harmful?
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:00:29 pm »
I skimed through a paleo diet video not paying attention to much. They mentioned that tomatoes may be linked to health problems. Anybody hear anything similar, anybody have more info?

Yes, I subscribe to this opinion that nightshades are harmful to many people's health in various degrees.
I came from eczema and psoriasis diagnosed disease and all nightshades are suspect.

General Discussion / Re: Supplements
« on: July 17, 2008, 08:56:54 pm »
should we be taking supplements if so which ones ?

i feel supplementing with Vitamin C, Cal/MG isnt a bad idea?

i know Aajonus  is against supplements, correct?

what are your thoughts on this.

In my experience, supplements are no match for real raw nutritious, organic, wild food.
And supplements are potentially polluting to the body.
I feel that if you need supplements, your diet is no good, your food sources are not nutritious.

I eat around 50% fruit and 50% animal foods.

> But really, how many of you abstain from spices and such?

I abstain from all spices and all condiments.
I came from fruitarian and Natural Hygiene teachings so I don't do spices and condiments.

Wai Dieters / Re: Count me in on this Wai Diet thing...
« on: July 15, 2008, 08:41:58 am »

guavas: (bayabas)





All the fruits have a unique taste.  The taste is as the fruit is named.

Durian smells bad to most people, but it always smelled really good to me and those who love it.  The taste is absolutely great and it is something we save up money for because Durian is expensive in Manila.  But it is cheap in the south where it is grown like Davao City.

The vegan guru David Wolf describes durian this way in his book:

"Ideal Foods

Good, fresh durian must be one of the most incredible edibles on Earth. Once, the editor of Nature’s First Law radical raw-food magazine Just Eat An Apple, Fred Patenaude, and I were passing by an Asian market in San Diego, we stopped in and, sure enough, they had fresh, ripe, durian! I bought the ripest durian available. In the car, Fred and I split the durian. It was ambrosia. The taste was so light, so subtle, so powerful that it immediately sent us into an altered state. While we ate, I told a story to Fred. Afterward, I looked over and Fred had not heard a word I said. He was in outer space. I could not reach him – he did not want to be reached. That is the power of the durian!

The durian fruit of southeast Asia contains incredible fat and sugar, putting us right at the midpoint between the two. Added with green-leafy foods, we can live on durian alone, at least for some time. A raw-foodist once told me he believed durian and raw cannabis constituted humanity’s most natural foods. I thought that was interesting."

I think Thailand makes the best durians, I tasted some thai durian when I was in jakarta indonesia and people were all lined up in that store that had a big sign announcing: "Thai Monthok Durian for Sale!"

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: A few questions from a beginner
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:33:17 pm »
Try searing your meat first.
I learned that from Geoff.
Try wrapping your raw organs in salad.
Educate yourself about the healing power of raw foods.
The more you know, the more you will be convinced.

No favorites.
Each one has a distinct flavor.
I follow my appetite and buy what I'm craving for.
Variety is needed.

Personals / Re: PALEOLAND
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:27:37 pm »
In my fantasy paleo land,

- it would have the best fruits and nuts from all the continents
- it would have the best wild freshwater and ocean wild fish from all the continents
- it would have the best wild land animals from all the continents

When we are hungry,
- we pick the fruits and nuts fresh and eat it on the spot
- we spear fish and eat it on the spot
- we have a halal method of killing the land animal and eat it immediately with the whole family

no one will like cooking because it really is a crime to cook top quality paleo food. 

No one is allowed to cook any of my premium fertilized chicken eggs, they are too good to be cooked!

We all live to be strong and fit up to 150 years old.

Wai Dieters / Re: Count me in on this Wai Diet thing...
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:17:44 pm »
I live in the Philippines and the fruits are abundant, grown organic and wild.
This is why I can eat a lot of fruit safely.
Just google on Philippine fruits or check out flickr.
In season now are atis, green indian mango, watermelon, melons, santol, avocados, guavas, yellow mangoes just finished, next month come the durians and always in season are papayas, pineapples, 4 different bananas and coconuts and there are other lesser known, wild and non-commercial fruit like balimbing and aratilis.

Since we are an archipelago we have lots of ocean fish, many types.  This is why my diet is more wai diet.  But I added beef, goat and some chicken for variety.

We don't buy imported fruit because they are likely sprayed, chemicalized, irradiated, etc.  I suggest you buy local fruits too.  If I were in the USA, I wouldnt buy Philippine mangoes, coconuts, bananas or pineapples.  I would get sick from the pollution, the pesticides and chemicals they put in those for-export fruits.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Meats: Are some harmful?
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:11:33 pm »
Are some raw meats harmful? Someone please help me! I read about pork and how harmful it is. How true is all of this? Are their some meats I should stay away from? (Besides processed meats and meats that come from animals who are fed an unnatural diet)

If a food is harmful raw, cooking does not make it any better.  Your condiments are just fooling your taste buds.
A True food is edible raw. 

General Discussion / Re: Moldy fruit?
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:09:48 pm »
I'm not into eating molds in fruit.
Even during my fruitarian months.
I subscribe to Hulda Clark's opinion that molds are toxic.

General Discussion / Re: Bananas and Farting
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:07:07 pm »
Might depend on the banana variety you get. (there are lots and lots of them from all over the world).
And if the banana was grown with pesticides and chemical fertilizers and if was tree ripened.
If your bananas were imported from my country (the Philippines), that's the bananas the locals don't want. (cavendish)

General Discussion / Re: boxcarguy07's Organ Meat Review Thread
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:04:00 pm »
The raw goat kidneys I get taste great!
Highly recommended.

The raw goat liver I get has strong flavor.  Not as wonderful as the kidneys, but it has its own unique taste.

The raw chicken liver I get tastes great too.  So much different from the goat's.

Of course, the little finger sized fish I eat come with all its innards and head.  We call them dilis.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken
« on: July 14, 2008, 09:59:57 pm »
The raw organic chicken I get from my supplier tastes great.  Tough skin though.
I get salt to rub out the slimy coating off the muscle first.
Then wash.
Tastes great.
Raw chicken liver tastes great too.

My raw organic chicken has a distinctly different taste and smell from beef.

It will depend on where you are, your taste, and your sources.

Taste and see what's good for you.

I havn't tried any raw meat besides different cuts of organic beef.

What does raw chicken taste like, do you like it compared to beef?

General Discussion / Re: Chimpanzees
« on: July 14, 2008, 09:51:46 pm »
I'm into raw paleo because I'm trying to optimize my body, improve my look, improve my performance.  Those tribes cooking food have to cook their food and that's not optimal.  I want optimal.  I do know as most raw foodists have experienced, that it takes me just half the amount of raw animal foods to make me feel full compared to cooked.  And cooked food makes me too full and sleepy, but that doesn't happen with raw food.

Cooked food is so so.  Raw food is optimal.  We are educated enough today to make the optimal choice.

Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday Nicola!
« on: July 14, 2008, 08:45:19 pm »
Happy Birthday Nicola,

Here is a tool that will allow you to resize your photos in a folder to the size you want.
This is what we use in my web dev company

Happy resizing. 

I stumbled upon a movie trailer

Looks like a high class production.  Looks like a raw food promoting movie.  Anyone watched it?  Bought the DVD? 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: What's your favorite summer fruit?
« on: July 06, 2008, 11:51:07 pm »
I'm missing out on berries.
I live in a tropical country and berries aren't common here.

Yellow mangoes are popular summer fruits in the Philippines.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw vegans vs. raw paleo
« on: July 06, 2008, 08:46:35 pm »
I tried raw vegan before for 2 months, more on the vegs than fruits.  Raw vegan doesn't taste good at all.  I did like the fruit times.  The raw vegan I did was 1 kind of fruit in the morning, raw vegan mix at lunch with fatty extra virgin olive oil or freshly squeezed coconut milk then 1 kind of fruit in the evening.  I felt good.  But I was getting too skinny.

I went on raw fruitarian for 2 months.  It tasted better, but I was getting too skinny and felt cold and I live in a tropical country.

I added raw egg yolks, then raw fish (wai diet) and I felt much better, no more feeling cold, started gaining weight and felt stronger.  And the food tastes great.  Food tastes better and more satisfying on high raw fat.  I added raw beef and raw goat internal organs sometimes and I feel much better.

Raw paleo has more variety, I can swing to more fruits or more animal food whichever I feel like, the food tastes great, so it is sustainable and easy to do.   I look better and feel better.

I subscribe to wai's theory that we don't need plants.  I subscribe to aajonus theory that to get nutrients from the plants, just juice them and get rid of the indigestible cellulose.  I subscribe to the theory that we don't need the fiber myth to make our bowels move.  Fats and fruit do a better job.  I'm only saying this based on my personal experience.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Cooked Food Poison?
« on: July 06, 2008, 08:00:32 pm »
Raw food is essential for the sick.
A 100% raw food diet is essential to be cured from cancer or any major disease.

I recently experimented with cooked food using the Homo Optimus Diet.
I wasn't successful with it.  I developed 2 pimples and a bubble on my finger.
I didn't feel so good.
I gave up on it after 1 month.

I'm back to raw paleo. 
I like first class food.
Cooked food is a far 2nd class food.

I used to be really sick 3 years ago.
Maybe I just don't do so well on cooked food.
Maybe I just do so much better on raw food.
So for me, raw food is essential.
Besides, I look better on raw food.

General Discussion / Fasting advice and experience
« on: June 16, 2008, 08:48:27 am »

Please share your fasting advice and experience.
I am aware that several of us here are into fasting from time to time as a tool for health.
Today, I'm just finishing a 3 day orange juice fast.

I know some are into water fasts.

What other fasts and how often do you fast or advice to fast?

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