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Messages - miles

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Health / Re: Skin.
« on: March 15, 2010, 09:07:30 pm »
When I was to lazy to go to the gym to steam and I only needed to steam my face I would boil water, pour it into a large bowl and then put my face over the bowl and a towel over my face and over the entire bowl. This can be very intense the first time so just a warning to you. Also make sure not to get your face to close it can burn.

I think I'll try this one, probably tomorrow. Damn, one's gotta be extremely careful though. In primary school a friend spilt hot blackcurrant juice on his face and his face looked like plastic for months, after the scars went.

And he was lucky enough not to get it in his eyes. Either I'd end up with a full face-dunk, where it'd be pretty hard to avoid, or I'd spill it over my clothes.

Health / Re: Skin.
« on: March 15, 2010, 09:19:01 am »
Since the pores are so clogged up on my face, is it possible that spots could be a way of it unclogging? It really seems like I should do something to help it out. Should I interfere with spots or just let them run there course/do their job? I'm taking CLO now for the Vit.A. What is it that causes the pores of the face to become more clogged than elsewhere? Is it because the face is exposed to so much cold? It's the only part that is generally left bare.

General Discussion / Re: Chemical on Butchers' Knives/Surfaces.
« on: March 15, 2010, 05:42:23 am »
Ok, the washing isn't adequate. I've got a painful throat now, and I think it's from consuming a lot of chemicals from this butcher's fat. When I was eating it without washing, I felt a discomfort upon eating it, in my throat and oesophagus, but because of this I only ate small quantities. Now, I've still been tasting the stuff, but not noticing so much initial discomfort and just eating a lot more of it. I don't know where else I am going to get my fat from...

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: "Gel Caps"
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:55:41 pm »
Those tables are pretty huge Janar, without knowing what I'm looking for. Could you give a summary of any sort?

You said you were doing the same thing, why did you stop?

Health / Re: Skin.
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:50:25 pm »
Don't you get enough Vit.A from animal fat and muscle-meat? Or even if so, do you think I could do with boosting it for a bit anyway? The CLO I have, has added Vitamin A and D, and still only has 5µg of each. I don't know if this is a bad thing or not.

I've heard before about the effectiveness of steam bathing(steam rooms?) but I'd have to go quite out of my way to get to one, my family used to be members of a swimming/gym type place in the country-side which had a steam room. At the time my diet would've reversed any effects too fast for me to notice them anyway. How effective are they, and what are alternatives?

Health / Skin.
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:48:33 am »
I'm eating carnivorous ZC. This has been decreasing my inflammation, with a huge difference instantly, and then progressive reduction over further time. However, my skin is still significantly inflamed/clogged up, on my face and especially the forehead. Is there anything I should do to help my skin heal/recover, or should I just leave it and let it heal by itself? I was wondering if massaging the skin, submerging it in water, or anything may help.


Health / Re: Homosexuality and Paleo Diet
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:35:37 am »
Um, no, that high-concentration of nerves is to let you know there's crap waiting to be squeezed out... Through the rest of the system you don't have such receptors because it is autonomic. Those receptors in your rectum allow you to have control of your defecation... Otherwise your body would either pass out faeces any time, autonomically, or you would have to guess at when you need to squeeze...

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Digestion.
« on: March 13, 2010, 08:52:27 am »
Since eating raw meat/fat, I feel that I have to have have rested/recovered in order to eat in the first place, to some extent... Previously, eating cooked meat/fat, if I was worn out I could just eat any time, and my body would go in to overdrive to release that new energy and the more worn out I was the more I may want to eat. Since eating raw meat/fat, if I am un-rested, I don't seem to be capable of eating much. I find myself feeling like I do not want to eat, as if wanting to let my digestive system rest/recover or empty, yet feeling energy-depleted at the same time, I mean aching muscles etc... but wanting to just rest and not eat.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: "Gel Caps"
« on: March 13, 2010, 01:51:58 am »
Woot. I can just bite the gelcaps, suck out the contents and spit out the capsule. WOOT!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: "Gel Caps"
« on: March 12, 2010, 09:18:31 am »
How did you find this out? Do all of them contain this?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / "Gel Caps"
« on: March 12, 2010, 01:28:27 am »
In 'Gel Capsules'(For Omega 3 Fish Oil, Vitamin D etc..), the main components are glycerol and gelatin(in no particular order). Correct me if I should be, but I'm not particularly worried about the gelatin. The glycerol however, although present in tri-glycerides, tastes sweet(I assume it's the glycerol, but the caps taste sweet anyway). Could this be a problem? What could be the effects of consuming glycerol in addition to what is naturally present in fat?

Thank you.

"In foods and beverages, glycerol serves as a humectant, solvent and sweetener, and may help preserve foods. It is also used as filler in commercially prepared low-fat foods (e.g., cookies), and as a thickening agent in liqueurs. Glycerol and water are used to preserve certain types of leaves. As a sugar substitute, it has approximately 27 calories per teaspoon and is 60 percent as sweet as sucrose. Although it has about the same food energy as table sugar, it does not raise blood sugar levels, nor does it feed the bacteria that form plaques and cause dental cavities. As a food additive, glycerol is labeled as E number E422."


Well, this quote has pretty much satisfied me that it should be no problem. Thanks anyway to anyone who read my query.

However, Wikipedia is not necessarily a wholly reliable source so if anyone can speak to the contrary I'm still interested, and if I find anything elsewhere then I'll post it.

The main thing I was concerned about was that it may raise blood-sugar, but even if this article is correct in that it doesn't, I don't know there aren't other possible side-effects.


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Insulin spikes, FROM SMELL!!!
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:53:29 am »
These are actually 2 posts I made on another forum in a journal, but I just c&p'd them here...

Hey. Tonight I was in the middle of eating, I'd had enough meat and I was finishing up with some extra fat, close to being satisfied, when my parents started cooking(no foil, and burning) some chicken marinated in predominantly glucose & wheat. This completely messed me up, I couldn't tell how much food I needed any more and I started feeling like I needed to stuff myself irrationally. I didn't, but the smell made me feel really manic, and my stomach become uncomfortable like it was filling with acid. Is this an insulin response to the smell? Will I gradually lose this response or will I just have to try and avoid such smells?

I won't eat the stuff, because I know I'm getting all I need from what I am eating, but I'm worried of the effect the insulin spikes could be having on me. There's no way to avoid that smell, and it could be messing me up without me even touching any inappropriate food. It's going to be affecting my digestion, recovery, and even the insulin could directly be causing damage to my body-tissue. I'm not over my inflammation yet, though it's generally decreasing day by day, and I don't know if I'm going to get over it if the insulin-responses are being forced upon me without me going even touching the bad-stuff.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:08:55 am »
pc, maybe you were not having enough fat/water.

General Discussion / Re: Chemical on Butchers' Knives/Surfaces.
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:07:41 am »
I blasted the slices of fat with water, then dried with kitchen-roll before eating. I think that helped.

General Discussion / Chemical on Butchers' Knives/Surfaces.
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:09:30 am »
Has anyone experienced a chemical on their food from some butchers? I don't know if it's something they put on their knives or on their surfaces. It might be that they use surface-cleansers and do not wipe them off, but it is very unpleasant, from my mouth to my gut. I do not buy my meat from this butcher, but I go there for fat. He sliced up the top-rump fat on a surface so it could be either that or the knife. I've experienced another chemical in ground beef which I think is a preservative, which rendered it inedible raw. This doesn't seem quite as bad, in the short term at least. It's a shame though that I have little to no choice where to get my fat from. There is one other butcher which I haven't been to yet, I suppose I could hope that they aren't so chemical-heavy... It's disgusting that they put these chemicals in contact with out food...


General Discussion / Fat Trimmings
« on: March 08, 2010, 09:33:17 am »
I have some fat trimmings from a butcher. It's trimmings from fatty muscle-cuts like brisket. I got it on Tues 2nd March. He got it out of some sort of bin and he asked if it was 'for the birds' so I said yes. It has small bits of meat on it from where it was cut off. How would this kind of fat last? Is it bad if it goes off and would I know if it did?

I seem to remember that it tasted much nicer on the first day I got it, and not so nice now, but then I had been rather low on fat before I got it. It doesn't have any visible growth on it though, nor smell noticeably bad. I had some suet before, I don't think it was from the kidneys because it was fine cold, not powdery and it was nice and creamy. That had some contrasting growth on it after a while(black, green or something quite different to its' off-white colour).

I've been keeping the trimmings refrigerated and in a bag. I heard that anaerobic bacteria can't eat fat, but then there are small amounts of meat left on parts of the fat and I don't know if this could be a problem. Are any aerobic bacteria acid-resistant or can cause indigestion/are bad?

Thanks for any responses. I just don't want to get any problems which could've been avoided. I'm not just asking if it's life-threateningly dangerous, but I've had problems from eating off-meat(However, I don't know if it was fully exposed to fresh, open air if it'd be different, as I've heard that some finer commercial meat is even aged slightly) and I'm past that by getting fresh-meat every day, I just don't want to get more of these problems by possibly eating off-fat.


General Discussion / Suet Micronutrients
« on: March 08, 2010, 09:18:40 am »
What's the micronutrient content like in kidney fat, or other suet? I was just wondering, because some suet just tastes so bland I didn't know if I'd be diluting myself somehow by eating lots of it. I don't know, I'm not really that concerned but I just thought I'd post about it up here since I'm basically waiting to go to sleep. Bleh.

Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: March 06, 2010, 09:37:02 am »
Well if you're eating lots of high-meat maybe your body is having a tough time controlling all the bacteria..? I don't get on well with any meat which isn't fresh.

General Discussion / Alone in the Wild.
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:23:27 am »
Interesting documentary, I've only seen the last 3/4 of what I hope is the first episode(of 3), as I'd like to see more:

I got a similar feeling watching it, to when I watched 'Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring', a film which Nation(I think) has mentioned on this forum before.

General Discussion / Re: To eat pork or not to eat ?
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:18:41 am »
ForTheHunt I think the horniness is because the unsaturated fat is metabolised faster, and you are well-fed so your body feels its' current fat supply is adequate, so your body needs to use it quickly. So, it.. makes stuff. =D

Then they purposefully treat it badly for the sake of it.

I don't know at what point it becomes genuinely 'dangerous', but it's better to have the meat fresh. It will upset your system the more off the meat is, which will decrease your appetite for a while and may cause fever/diahrrea etc... Meat which would cause this should taste bad in the first place, but if you go ahead and eat it, feel bad and make sure not to eat such off-meat again you should be fine. The excess-bacteria can cause you problems, acid-resistant bacteria can survive the stomach and assault the organs adjoining the intestines. I think after a minor incident your body should recover after feeling dodgy for a bit, a more serious incident can push your body to more extreme measures of cleansing such as diahrrea(to flush out)/fever(to cook/kill). I don't know how off the food would have to be to be truly dangerous. Dangerous I would think is anything which would cause long-term problems. Ground beef is damaged meat and more exposed to bacteria, so will go off faster. Similarly, when liquid in the meat crystallises upon freezing this damages the meat, bursting the cells and exposing them to bacteria. Also, besides this, the older the meat gets the more of it's nutritional value it loses. I don't know how much of this is just 'lost', but bacteria will also decrease it. They are 'eating' the meat and excreting waste, the waste is what causes the nasty smell. The waste is much less useful than the fresh. I don't know however, whether the waste in itself would be harmful, or if it's simply a marker our body recognises and uses to warn us of bacteria(by recognising it as a bad smell).

I'm actually experiencing the decreased appetite, and increased queasiness regarding any animal product which could possibly be less fresh at the moment. I have some fat-scraps for example from my butcher which he gave me out of something looking like a bin, and he made sure it was 'for the birds'. Now this looks and smells fresh in general but I'm fairly queasy already and very cautiois. This is because my body has already been weakened by eating off-mince, the decreasing freshness of which I had previously mentioned being concerned about in another thread. This mince smelled and tasted bad from the first day I got it, and continued to increase in rancidity. So if you follow your senses you should be fine, and your body has defence mechanisms(fever, diahrrea etc) to fall back on if you slip up. You can eat some really off food(which you have to go against your basal instincts to do in the first place), much worse than anything I've had  and recover. Some people even purposefully eat off-meat as they want to cleanse their bodies(through diahrrea etc). What they don't seem to realise however is they they're cleansing their bodies of the 'bad stuff' in the off-meat. They will say that it is good because they feel better after they're done cleansing. 'Well no shit!' You feel good; you eat bad stuff; you feel really bad; your body goes through process to make it better; you feel good, which is a hell of a lot better than feeling really bad. Whereas before you were used to feeling good.

Sign out.

General Discussion / Re: Any problems with ground beef?
« on: March 03, 2010, 12:41:42 am »
What? Why are you saying that 90/10 is 50% fat and 80:20 is 70% fat? Isn't 90:10 10% fat and 80:20 20% fat? I don't understand what you mean...

80:20 Meat:Fat is 50:50 Protein:Fat and 33:67 Cal from protein:Cal from fat. Is this what you're talking about?

General Discussion / Re: Raw fat diet
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:26:12 pm »
The meat does not just contain protein... It contains other chemicals, some of which are essential for the processing of fat by your body...

General Discussion / Re: Any problems with ground beef?
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:29:50 am »
I also could get some of that pork rind. In the supermarket it's called 'Pork rind for crackling'... but they won't sell the lamb/beef MUSCLE FAT 'scraps', I mean COME ON!

If it's just rind from 'normal' farmed pigs, what do people think of that raw for fat..?

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