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General Discussion / Re: organic pastures raw butter
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:16:20 pm »
Is this the place you are talking about good sir?

And I just checked their prices... WOW, goat butter and sheep butter is incredibly expensive. $10 for 4 oz of goat butter. Cow butter is 7.40 at 8 oz, which isnt that bad.

General Discussion / Re: organic pastures raw butter
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:14:55 pm »
does millers ship? I live in southern cali..

General Discussion / organic pastures raw butter
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:57:51 pm »
What is your guys opinion on organic pastures butter? Here is what the cows are fed:

"The pastures are planted and reseeded every 4 years with certified organic pasture seed mix, including: 25% Lofa Festulolium, 19% Persister Brome, 14% Angus Tetrapoliod Perennial Rye Grass, 9% Alfalfa, 8% Strawberry Clover, 6% Trefoil, 3% Tivoli Perennial Rye Grass. This variety of grasses provides for a lush eating selection. Overtime, the pastures have evolved into a beautiful grazing land, and other life has chosen OPDC as their home including: migrating birds, coyotes, gophers, rabbits, pheasants, dove, billions of earth worms, beneficial insects, and an array of organisms that help create an organic ecosystem. This ecosystem and healthy diet transfers into the quality of the milk that the cows produce; thus, giving the raw milk they produce healthy fats! Pasture-fed cows make milk that is 2-4 times richer in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids, higher in good unsaturated fats, 3 to 5 times higher in CLA content, and is over 400% more in vitamin A and E.

The average milking cow will eat about 2-2.5% of their body weight in dry matter, per day; for example, a 1000-pound cow can eat 167 lbs of grass, per day. Pasture grass is about 85% water. Because of this large demand of pasture grass needed to feed the OPDC milking cows, OPDC cows are supplemented fed organic feed in addition to their continual open access to green pastures. During the colder months of December through February the grass does not grow as rapidly as it does in warmer months, which limits the amount of pasture for the cows to graze. During this natural seasonal dormant period, the cows are supplemented more with baled organic alfalfa.

As an additional supplement feed, OPDC cows are given about 5 pounds per day of organic corn or oats. Milking cows need additional energy in order to produce milk and keep up their body condition healthy. Unlike beef cows that are pasture-fed in the foothills and mountains of CA all year long, milk cows that are provided just pasture during the winter months will weaken and become very thin if they are milked without good feed. Their milk production will drop to near zero and the milking herd will be stressed. OPDC adjusts the cow’s feeding needs during these low pasture-growing periods to prevent the cow from becoming weak and for proper dietary nutrition"

They are fed some grains... but I am not sure if this makes a huge difference. I am mainly concerned about the butter giving me acne issues

General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:10:24 pm »
I wasn't suggesting eating hippos or elephants,,, but most likely those are the animals along with water buffaloes and other herd animals that roamed the plains of Africa that primitive hunter gathers feasted on.  Yes the meat of bison is lower in fat, but if you read up on the plains indians and early settlers/bison hunters they chose the older ones, especially at end of summer where they had hundreds of pounds of fat stored on their body for the winter months ahead.   Most of the mammals and animals in the North pole are also fully fat.    This has been a debate for some time with Cordain and others.  You can try to prove a point if you look narrow enough.  However there have been large regions of the world with animals with large fat stores, and in numbers where protein excesses were most likely wasted in favor of foods people wanted.     
     There are only a 'few' people researching and teaching low protein, high fat diets,, Ron Rosedale being one of them.  Eating a high protein diet doesn't show up as detrimental over the short term, just as eating a high fruit diet doesn't.  One thinks everything is fine because it's so hard to note one's health decline since we live in our bodies day to day, and can hardly notice small declines.  That's exactly what happens to heavy  fruit eaters,,, they feel wonderful when first starting out;  all those organic distilled waters in the fruits, so cleansing, so energizing with all the sugars fueling their bodies, and then they have to eat more and more sugar for the same effect, and then the leptin and insulin resistance builds and then a slow downward spiral begins,, with most thinking that they are in some sort of detox, where they need to fast again or they need to move to the tropics because they are now so sensitive to pollutants,  that they are so spiritually sensitive that they need to protect themselves from the rest of us. 
   I'm suggesting  something similar happens when we eat too much protein.  It turns into blood sugar, we feel good, but at the expense of longevity.    Rosedale says something almost unique,,,  we weren't designed to live forever, just long enough to pass along our genes and teach our offspring how to survive.   I believe that's where science can offer something beyond that of simply following what and how much our ancestors ate,, if that's even possible to know.

Interesting. I guess that reinforces what I read from a book on nutrition... our genes find ways to survive (getting us addicted to the SAD, reproducing, than letting our bodies die out)

General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:07:04 pm »
Most of the stuff you find at the store will be low fat. Muscle meats, certain organs (liver, heart, kidney). Same thing with wild caught salmon, shrimp, etc. But I do try to moderate my protein intake and keep it under 120 grams a day. You can really go overboard on protein and carbs with a raw diet if you don't find a good source for fat.

I personally don't like suet at all. The hard, chalky texture wasn't appealing to me at all. But I found a good source of "beef fat," which isn't the fat surrounding the organs (like suet), but the fat surrounding the muscle. It's typically very soft, almost like butter. When it's not winter it's usually a cream color and some times even completely yellow. I love the stuff and eat 2.5 oz with each meal to add 500 calories from fat per meal. I also moderate my protein by only eating 5 oz per meal (always chuck roast/beef, unless it's one of my weekly salmon or shrimp meals).

where do you get your fat from?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Carnivores and sleep?
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:23:09 pm »
Because of all that protein they have to digest

General Discussion / Re: Help me with researching diet
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:45:16 pm »
all dairy needs to be raw or it will cause problems. I would never touch pasteurized dairy thats disgusting.

And dont worry about scarring going 100% is probably easiest because it lets you forget about cooked food the fastest. You shouldnt worry just eat all raw food and everything will definitly get better especially if you eat mostly raw fat.

Thanks for the support. I can do this! I need to find me some raw dairy a.s.a.p

Health / Re: Anti nutrients in vegetables and seeds?
« on: June 05, 2013, 12:38:05 pm »
Enticing is a-ok in moderation.  For example, during rambutan season I can perhaps finish 1/4 kilo of rambutan at the most.  But my wife would eat 1 kilo by herself... that doesn't seem right.  She and the kids would eat rambutan every day.

Yes it matters if the fat is heated.
Raw fat is truly the best.
You need to buy RAW virgin coconut oil. (not heated)

My experience and other's experience is you lose the addiction to sugary sweet stuff.  My father in law didn't want to do it as he said that would deprive him of a pleasure to eat chocolates.

Hey, I can eat chocolate at times for socializing, but it is not some "special" food you crave and gorge on.

would the following coconut oil be optimal:

I don't really care to live till 100. Quality of life > quantity IMO.

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:23:02 am »
Are you eating organic or non-organic. I was told many years ago to avoid all non-organic fresh fruit as they are sprayed with I think ethyline gas or something to ripen them, which causes them to produce the same toxin found in latex but at much higher levels. Quit eating non-organic tomatoes, bananas, strawberries and others and my acne cleared up! It was also believed to have been a possible cause of a tumor that I had for 9 years.

organic veggies but non-organic fruits. Maybe that is why.

Health / Re: Anti nutrients in vegetables and seeds?
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:19:50 am »
In general, most fruits fit for consumption are freely given up by the tree or bush for the animals to consume and propagate.

What some people are talking about here are actually harm from seeds and of course fruit that has been tampered with by factory farming methods.  There are fruits that are inappropriate for eating.  Just as there are animals that are inappropriate for eating.

Putting up a thread entitled Anti-Nutrients in Animal Food would sound as odd as Anti-Nutrients in Fruit.  Of course there are animals we warn about people not to eat... some animals are not supposed to be eaten.

I don't know... it feels like the trees have fruits as a means to protect the leaves. After all, sugar is very addicting..

General Discussion / Re: Help me with researching diet
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:38:11 am »
This can be true.  Certainly raw foods tend to cause sudden, extreme changes, versus cooked/processed foods, which cause more gradual/slow changes.
Interesting. I obviously do not want any huge breakouts... as I want to avoid scarring.

Maybe I should gradually go raw instead all at once.

Maybe the goat butter wasn't the exact reason for my breakout. I do, however, know that ghee causes me acne 100%

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:32:41 am »
Regular consumption of raw veggies builds up anti-nutrients in your system. Plus the fiber is difficult to digest. Plus I believe the gut flora seems to be happier with bacteria from meat rather than veggies, as shown by Lex's colonoscopy and others' experiences with digestive issues on this forum.

what about cooked veggies? Also dr.dr, what is your opinion on the consumption fats other than animal fat?

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:31:51 am »
Me too. What's the issue?

Anti-Nutrients in vegetables?

Health / Re: Anti nutrients in vegetables and seeds?
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:30:52 am »
This is something I've been thinking about recently. It seems like fruits are supposed to be edible, sweet taste, appeals greatly to other animals and primates.

Also, I don't expect this to hold much weight, but I see the bible as a good teaching tool, and in the garden God commanded Adam and Eve to eat all "fruit bearing seed" and he says nothing about plants, green matter, seedless fruits, or any other variation. I think there's at least a slight indication from Hebrew culture a few thousand years ago that fruit is beneficial. Oddly enough, after the flood is when God provides the commands to start eating meat, which is supposed to be far similar to our current world, according to Hebrew perspective.

All that to say, a diet should be meat based, with seasonal fruit on occasion, IMO.

What I don't understand though is how did early humans hunt down other animals (I am sure there was a time when humans had no tools)? Or did they scavenge for leftovers?

Health / Re: Anti nutrients in vegetables and seeds?
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:32:11 am »
I am not sure how true this is, but I read an interesting book on diet from doctor gundry. He claims that vegetables are good for you because they are bad for you. The plants do not want us to eat their veggies because it can hinder the plants survival, but they want us to eat the fruits. I don't know what to believe...

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:23:53 am »
So I called some ethnic markets and this is what they carry:

baby bananas, organic bananas, plantains, yellow plantains

No one knows the names of these bananas though. Most are clueless

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:18:40 am »
What bananas can you get in your area? Anything other than Cavendish is possibly better. Your results will be the determining factor in whether a different variety is good for you. Best place to look is in ethnic markets, if you have them in your area.

Which ones would you reccomend (other than cavendish)?

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:17:57 am »
What bananas can you get in your area? Anything other than Cavendish is possibly better. Your results will be the determining factor in whether a different variety is good for you. Best place to look is in ethnic markets, if you have them in your area.

I do have ethnic markets

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:45:14 am »
If you are consuming factory bananas, such as cavendish, you must know they are full of chemicals and herbicides and pesticides and everything they can pump into them.

You may be suffering from factory banana poisoning.

See this chemical company selling to banana factory farms in out country jocanima dot com

which banana variety should I be consuming then??

General Discussion / Re: Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:44:54 am »
Too much fruit is the only thing that makes my acne flare up.

Lots of raw dairy prevents it. I often get a bit of acne when I run out of dairy for a few days as well.

I ouldnt recommend raw veg to anyone though. The juice perhaps but not regularly eating veggies.

SVRN, how does lots of raw dairy prevent it? That is a new one to me... most people break out from dairy (also which exact dairy products do you consume??)

Also, why do you not recommend eating raw veg regularly? What about cooked vegetables?

General Discussion / Which fruits are ideal to consume?
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:07:07 pm »
Most fruits give me acne, but my body seems to crave them a lot. Don't know if I should just stop eating fruits (Which is really really difficult) or only consume certain ones. I typically consume bananas, blackberries, bluberries, strawberries

General Discussion / Re: Do organic veggies need to be washed?
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:21:14 am »
Some foods are almost never sprayed with pesticides, even when they are conventionally-grown, like avocados and broccoli.  Other foods like peaches, cherries, and grapes, are heavily sprayed. You can google it if you want.  The smart money is on never eating the skins of most conventionally-grown produce.

Interesting. I typically only consume blueberries, strawberries, bananas, avocados. Do not ever consume grapes or cherries, peachies rarely

Health / Re: singulex laboratory results + acne
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:19:24 am »
Wild-caught seafoods, especially cod fish, have lots of iodine.  Seaweeds have a lot of iodine as well.

thanks for the suggestions. I love this forum

Health / Re: singulex laboratory results + acne
« on: June 04, 2013, 06:11:27 am »
I think my thyroid is high because I am not getting enough iodine and salt in my diet?? Although i was eating tons of grass fed sausage which had sea salt( but not regular salt)

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