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Messages - letsdoiteczema

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General Discussion / Re: Bone broths best prepared raw, not cooked
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:47:42 pm »
Wow! This is amazing info! Wow is all I can say.

So now I can just soak my leftover bones (after extracting marrow) in water?! and I can then drink the raw broth for calcium and minerals from bone? This is so awesome!

Thanks so much for sharing this! Now I can finally not feel guilty for dumping piles of marrow-less bones into the trash...and use them for some nutritional purposes.

I'll probably decide to soak the grass-fed beef bones in natural spring water for up to a day, just to make sure that most of the minerals have leeched into the water.

I can't get over how shocking this is - in a good way of course!

Well, personally, I myself don't approve of praise or criticism much. Especially, anonymous stuff like posting "thanks"  countless  times - that sort of thing could lead to a Napoleon complex. I'd far rather have a very occasional post from a rare  member thanking me for something specific, in detail(or even one criticising me occasionally in detail!). Besides, people ought to be allowed to determine for  themselves what posts they value more than any others.

Tyler, I completely understand your viewpoint. But wouldn't the "read 4000 times" thing contribute to a Napoleon complex as well in a way? I think it really depends on the person.

The main purpose for my "thanks" button suggestion below posts was to allow readers to easily express their appreciation, without having to write useless "thank you" posts like I just did above that would appear in the forum latest threads etc. and possibly annoy other readers that check the latest threads for useful information other than "thank you's".

And what's so bad about making posters feel good about helping others out?

People write "thank you's" anyway to good posts. It's just that having the button makes it less intrusive and much easier to express appreciation.

Now here is where the "thanks" button would be most appropriate.

I feel like I've wasted everyone's time for writing this useless thank you post. But I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this.

I'm sure out of the nearly 4000 visitors that read this post, some of them would like to easily express their appreciation.

Suggestion Box / Re: Adding "thanks" button below posts
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:50:46 pm »
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I understand why you wouldn't want non-members to "rate" our posts. But if it's only a "thanks" button, instead of "like/dislike", wouldn't it be okay to allow non-members to "thank" as well? It's only good, never bad, isn't it?

Suggestion Box / Adding "thanks" button below posts
« on: September 19, 2012, 06:39:54 pm »
Got this idea when browsing some other forums.

I know a large majority of visitors here only read and very few of us actually post.

Having a "thanks" button below posts allows visitors to easily and quickly show their appreciation for the poster.

"Thanks" button should be available for anonymous non-members as well ideally.

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: September 18, 2012, 03:15:26 pm »
New favorite meat/seafood wholesaler (for those in Hong Kong SAR):

Name: Food Shop
Tel #: 2425-6900
Mobile #: 9135-9388
Fax #: 2491-6834
Email: (but I suggest you not to use email and call them instead, they never replied my emails...)

- Call them up and ask them to fax you their product catalog.
- They are very old-school - no website, no online shopping cart.  I guess they have enough business already so they don't bother with this. Their prices for chilled products are pretty unbeatable.
- Tell them you want 100% grass-fed beef
- They sell different brands of beef/lamb and change all the time, make sure you emphasize that you want 100% grass-fed

What's so good about this wholesaler?

- ONLY wholesaler I found that has "Chilled" beef and lamb available (grass-fed from New Zealand)
- Seafood / game meat (hare) available - Have to check with them whether hares are wild? or farmed?
- Free home delivery in city areas for orders over $600
- Willing to cut and sell small portions of meats to you (for certain products)
- They have pretty unbeatable prices

What I order from them:

- "Talley's" brand of New Zealand mussels - much better tasting than "SeaLord" brand, no bitterness
- Clam meat from Philippines
- Chilled ox and lamb products (don't know why they call it ox? instead of beef?)

Adding some tags so people can find this: seller, sell, butcher, pasture, New Zealand, NZ, organic, china, chinese

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Old Shoe (beef)
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:17:25 pm »
... it works fine to just let it lay on a wooden plate.

That is very clever. I figured hanging took up way too much space in the fridge.

I use a bamboo strips that are interwoven so there are holes big enough for fingers to poke through. Then I tape wooden chopsticks onto plastic trays and place the interwoven bamboo piece onto the chopsticks on top of the tray. So there is about 1 cm between bamboo piece and bottom of tray for air ventilation. But this is a lot of trouble! Sorry if this is hard to understand - I'm having a hard time describing this setup!  :P

I will try the wooden plate method.

Hopefully there is enough air ventilation on the bottom of the piece of meat. Or I can just roll the meat over to another side every few days?

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: September 02, 2012, 06:38:02 am »
Wow, I have no idea what a steam bathing kit is... Using steam to bath yourself? Wouldn't that burn your skin? Haha.

Anyways, if I were you (with chickenpox) the first thing I would do for accelerated recovery is to boost the immune system in the best possible way - apart from RPD, I would start internal and external uropathy. If external is inconvenient (go to work etc) then just stick to internal use. Several drops to a tablespoon of fresh urine under the tongue, or mixed with large cup of water or fruit should do the trick of sending the smartest signal to your immune system.

You don't need to drink full cups of uropathy for it to work.

I'm telling you because I know you're a very open minded person. I believe in minimizing the pain and suffering from diseases and aim for quickest recovery. Like many others here, I do doubt Aajonus's constant stress on detox. I personally hate feeling/getting sick.

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: September 01, 2012, 08:56:26 pm »

The ones I bought from a meat/seafood importer in Hong Kong had two different sizes - large and medium. They both tasted exactly the same though.

In the brand Talley's website, they call their mussels Greenshell mussels

maybe this particular species of mussels have less bitterness? I don't think I can taste any bitterness at all! So I'm really surprised at hearing all these complaints of bitterness from mussels here.

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:12:58 pm »

Thanks for the tip. Will try lemon juice to kill saltiness, but wondering why this works... Acid and salt neutralize each other? Hm... As long as it works i'm happy I guess!

Brand of NZ mussels is called "Talley's":


Have you tried NZ mussels? Honestly I don't have to get used to the taste at all. Loved it from the first bite. No need for all those troublesome procedures.


You are truly lucky mate... Live ones?! Wow! I'm loving these frozen mussels, can't even begin to imagine how good fresh ones would taste! Where do u live?

Nice to hear about the offals included in mussels, as I am having finding it hard to find cheap reliable sources of grass fed organ meats over here in Hong Kong. So far only have pasture fed lamb kidneys available.

My body is probably craving offals bad - explains my constant and nearly unlimited cravings for mussels. They taste so good!

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 31, 2012, 06:37:36 pm »

Thanks! You have greatly inspired me as well. The start of everything RPD in my life was because of your website.

Forgot to mention certain thing in last post:

- Eating a lot of frozen New Zealand mussels nowadays. Delicious, sweet, slightly salty - just right. Unlike oysters which I find way too salty (and expensive!)

- Eating a lot of home made dry-aged beef, lamb products aged in the refrigerator.

- Local honey bee farm even has raw honeycomb! Wow. Didn't expect that at all... and ordering raw honeycomb and raw wild honey just completely made my day! Can't wait for these to arrive.

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:08:13 pm »
Wow...time flies - haven't updated this in a while.

1. Low-carb RPD success
- with occasional coconut cream made with masticating juicer Samson
- Samson GB9006 juicer drum cap and drum both broke while juicing mature coconut flesh, waiting on for their warranty shipping on replacement parts.
- Mild eczema (or Candida - whether you believe in Candida or not?) rashes have improved another 90% in these ~20 days.
- Buttocks, thigh, back, stomach, armpit areas have become very smooth (nearly baby smooth) and nearly without a single patch of dry/rough skin.
- White film on tongue (supposedly a symptom of Candida overgrowth) has disappeared after going on Low-carb RPD.

2. Continued with internal & external use of Activated Charcoal and Clay

- Tried different brands of Clay (specifically for internal use) from
- "Redmond Clay" brand is strangely delicious and sweet when mixed with water, but dissolves poorly in water - I have to allow clumps of dried clay into my mouth and swish it in between my teeth vigorously to mix the clay properly with water.
- Drink water with Charcoal and Clay several times a day, definitely before bedtime to help absorb wastes dumped by liver when sleeping; also in the morning after waking.

3. Stopped high meat for around 2 weeks as I found no particular use for it and I am not very fond of the smell/taste of it myself

- will probably take a maintenance dose of once a week

- had an idea pop into my head: What about using raw honey to coat fermenting grass-fed meat?
- possible benefits include: 1) inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria. 2) read online about scientific evidence of honey promoting the growth of good bacteria (Google honey gut flora). 3) for newbies into RPD and who cannot bear the smell/taste/idea of fermenting meat, raw unheated honey will be a very very good, safe, easily acceptable alternative to High Meat (I hope it is as powerful as high meat, though I'm not sure...I have a feeling it isn't, since high meat is regularly mentioned by members here in curing depression [not raw honey])

4. Excited to find new and CHEAP food sources

- Found meat wholesaler selling chilled (NOT frozen) New Zealand grass-fed beef, ox, lamb!
- Found local sources of wild honey - will have to double check to see if it is truly "raw" and "unheated" (under 45 degrees Celsius)

5. Experimenting with raw honey

- Brand: "Y.S. Organic Bee Farms" Product name: "100% Certified Organic Raw Honey" USDA Organic. Description: unpasteurized, unfiltered, "True Raw State"
- I have a little doubt in whether it is truly processed under 45 Celsius because it is not crystallized, but it is one of the best selling products on with incredibly good reviews.
- Eating raw honey with my meat meals as well as mixing it with lemon juice with my drinking natural spring water.

- Got a cut/sore spot on the left backside of my tongue these few days - is it from the raw honey?! or did I accidentally bite myself and didn't notice? Negative reaction or detox symptom? hard to tell, will monitor closely

6. Random thoughts

- Will buying bulk charcoal online and eating/drinking it be enough to offset/absorb the toxic pesticide residues in inorganic fruits (fruits that I will not eat the skin of - e.g. Bananas, Oranges, Papaya etc.) If yes, it would be very convenient for me to buy inorganic produce when traveling, and just make sure I drink enough Activated Charcoal / Clay every day to offset the toxins. Might also be good in offsetting the toxins in tap water when traveling.
- Have read/heard about a man breaking Guinness World Records with most poison consumed by a human being (arsenic or something...) and it turns out his secret was either huge amounts of Clay or Activated Charcoal before drinking the poison
- I don't eat much fruits now (hardly any) but just pondering

Hey guys, just wanted to share some tips:

Get rid of stink smell on your fingers/hand after touching high meat accidentally (or in my case, just holding the high meat jar makes my hand stink...)

- apply coconut oil on smelly areas and rub vigorously
- dump smelly fingers/hand into jar of ground coffee or liquid coffee that's cooled down (I have ground organic coffee because I was doing daily coffee enemas before. I have stopped for around 2 weeks) Coffee is a widely known deodorizer.

- washing with water is pretty useless
- I know most of us here realize the harmfulness of hand soaps etc. and do not use any man-made chemicals to wash


Thanks for sharing this. Very interesting. Yes, it's hard to hate big pharma too much when it has saved lives around you.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello !
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:45:11 pm »
Ohhhhhh yea. Nice one. Very inspiring. Love to hear about courageous people doing courageous dietary lifestyle changes to feel the power of raw paleo. Our bodies are built to give us endless joy and happiness, all you need to do is follow the laws of nature.

Big big big congrats on your recovery!

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:35:06 pm »

Yes. Thanks for your suggestion. I have already been inclining my bed for 3-4 days. Bought a pure natural Woodboard and used hardcover books underneath to adjust inclination. Started at 4 inches elevation under head, going to increase inclination.

Noticed that I have woken more refreshed and with more energy during the day. No more 12 hour sleeping and still feeling tired during the day. Perhaps my low carb experiment has contributed to these benefits as well. Who knows.

Bought live chilled oysters, frozen mussels from online food retailer, very close to wholesale prices. Hoping to eat more variety of seafoods to get complete nutrition.

Oysters and mussels are very salty though.

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 08, 2012, 09:15:46 pm »
1. Read this:

- Was using metal forks/spoons all along.
- Going to buy ceramic / wooden / bamboo utensils soon. I want the fastest recovery possible - avoiding pollution as much as possible.

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:42:05 pm »
If you eat plenty of selenium, from bioavailable sources such as fish, shellfish, chicken, turkey and pork, then you don't have much to worry about regarding heavy metals and mercury, according to the latest science:

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Selenium is able to combine with metals such as cadmium and mercury to reduce their toxicity.

Don't Worry About Mercury in Fish If....
By Jean Carper
Anti-Aging Expert, Best-Selling Author and USA Weekend Columnist
About the Author
August 27, 2006

If you're leery of eating fish because of a mercury hazard, here's some incredibly good news.  Mercury in fish is not likely to harm you after all, say some leading experts.   

The reason: Mercury's toxic hazards are neutralized when you also eat selenium, a trace mineral that, experts say, counters the toxicity of mercury. In fact, most fish are so rich in selenium that a threat of human mercury poisoning from eating fish is very remote, according to a new analysis by Dr. Nicholas Ralston, University of North Dakota.

This is extremely good scientific support for Aajonus's claims that 98% of mercury from raw wild-caught fish (or seafood? forgot...) is excreted:

"Aajonus Vonderplanitz paid for standard laboratory tests, which
*showed* that 98% of mercury from raw seafood is excreted, while 98%
of the mrcury from cooked fish is retained in the body."

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 03, 2012, 04:56:21 pm »
1. EV Coconut Oil fasting comes to an early end

- Experiencing slight nausea around 2 hours after drinking coconut oil, lasted for around 30 minutes, going away now.
- I drank around 4-5 small sips (~approx. 2-3 tablespoons) of "Nutiva" brand Organic Cold-pressed Coconut Oil before lunchtime and it tasted extremely good when I was drinking it. I stopped when I felt full.

- I guess my body cannot take VCO fasting/detox like GoodSamaritan. I wonder how cool it feels like to rid Candida in 2-3 days!  :P
- Have to deal with candida the slow (or slower - I realize Raw Paleo is already one of the fastest healing ways out there in the world!) way - Zero-Carb diet experiment. I'm happy enough that I'm getting steady noticeable progress from Zero-Carb, so no complaints here!  :)
- Combined with my mid-stream uropathy, I'm certain I'll eradicate Candida very soon anyway. As long as I'm seeing continuing progress and no setbacks, I'll continue to Zero-Carb experiment (probably with a little coconut oil from time to time?)

- Seems like I'm another one of the those sensitive individuals that get nausea from too much coconut oil
- I've eaten coconut oil in small amounts before (with other food such as raw meats), even up to a tablespoon in one go without feeling nauseous
- Good information here on why some of us get nauseous from Coconut Oil by PaleoPhil

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:58:41 pm »
I got interested into VCO because I decided to try a 3-day VCO detox starting from today and will continue it if I don't suffer from unbearable detox reactions, in an attempt to rid myself of 5% eczema rashes.

1) Why does coconut butter or coconut oil never go bad?

- Coconut cream made from juicing mature/young coconuts have to be refrigerated or else it'll turn bad right?

- I would love it if one of these suppliers that claim to be using "Cold-pressed" or "raw" or "low temperature" methods to put up a real video recording of the manufacturing process. What is different from their manufacturing process compared to our "juicing" methods? that makes their product stay good for so long?! does not make ANY sense at all...

- I just saw that Mercola's Coconut Oil is a new product on and it claims to be "cold pressed". They can say whatever they want, since "raw" or "cold-pressed" have NO certification agencies!

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:25:07 pm »
1. About magnesium deficiency on Zero-carb: realized I don't eat too much wild seafood and I actually crave Wild Sockeye Salmon as I type this...probably my body craving magnesium?

- Going to order a ton of Wild Salmon (actually, maybe after my EV Coconut Oil fast...)

2. Will do 1-3 days of Extra Virgin Coconut oil fasting, depending on the "detox" reactions. if it becomes too unbearable, I will go back to Zero-Carb Raw Paleo.

- I'll be ready with coffee enemas to help my liver with the candida die-off toxins.
- Good time to experiment now that I'm still with 5% rashes. See whether this accelerates healing.

3. Face/neck rashes have worsened these 2 days: very rough, slightly itchy, lots of dry, flaky, scaling skin

- most possible trigger is the worst air pollution ratings in Hong Kong in 10 years.
- was hard to decide whether to open my window every day to let in fresh outside air to ventilate room or not... I could clearly see the grey, blue smog hovering, choking, lingering around buildings. Don't know whether indoor pollution or outdoor pollution was worse...

Oh well, at least I know my raw paleo and natural detox methods (e.g. charcoal, coffee enemas) will undoubtly clear out whatever toxins I've inhaled these few days. I find it fortunate that our world is not polluted to the degree where even raw paleo and natural detox methods will not keep up with the constant poisoning of pollution. I hope humans will never have to live in a world like this.

General Discussion / Re: raw scallop reaction
« on: August 02, 2012, 04:01:27 pm »
@RawZi & cherimoya_kid

Thank you both for your answers.


Is this somehow related to oysters? I seem to remember oysters are also okay farmed, although there have been nutritional comparisons with farmed vs. wild and the wild species have slightly more nutrition in them.

I've only eaten 1 raw oyster since going RPD in Dec 2011. Tasted heavenly but was so expensive! (HKD$45 = around USD$6)

I've found some online oyster retailers that do home delivery, cheapest oysters are $32 HKD each (around USD$ 4)

$7.8 HKD = $1 USD

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:35:24 pm »

Nope. Too much going on atm already! Thanks for the suggestion. Will do further research.

Negative symptoms after going zero-carb, high fat with organ meats in the past week:

- Eyes get stingy, burning, tired several times a day. Don't know if this is normal? because I'm looking at a computer screen most of the time, which is not paleo at all, so I doubt paleo man would have this eye problem.

I try taking walking breaks every couple mins - an hour, do some yoga stretching exercises for my scoliosis (forgot pose names...) etc.

General Discussion / Re: raw scallop reaction
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:05:31 pm »

"Conpoy is produced by cooking raw scallops and then drying them." from

Conpoy is the Chinese equivalent of dry scallops.

No wonder these Chinese dried scallops are so brown in color! They've been cooked! before drying...

WHY can't the Chinese just DRY them, instead of COOKING?! does not make sense at all. Certainly raw dehydrating will still preserve it perfectly well.

General Discussion / Re: break-down
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:56:07 pm »

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I do understand many people aspire to be doctors to help others, make the world a better place etc. The tragedy is, as you said, they don't realize that they're being brainwashed by Big Pharma designed medical school education system.

I'm confused by why you say people at the top of the pyramid (e.g. CEOs of Big Pharma firms) are severely confused as well? surely they know all about corruption with govt, using medical journal as pharmaceutical marketing etc. and all that mess?

I certainly have the same optimism as you Thoth about truth winning out. I dream of the day this forum becomes one of the most visited health websites in the world! It is really only a matter of time, before the truth wins out...but I'm afraid I won't be seeing it in my lifetime. We can spice up the existing with a bunch of viral Youtube videos of incredible medical miracles etc., hopefully bringing more attention to this.

The mainstream paleo movement is certainly helping a lot already in this regard.

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