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Messages - phatdave

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Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello, from toronto canada...
« on: October 26, 2009, 09:11:10 am »
Before you go read a little from this forum, you may learn something valuable ;)

General Discussion / Re: Wild Plants: How do you if its edible...
« on: October 25, 2009, 09:46:16 am »
I have been experimenting wit wild fruits recently, crad apple, rowan berries and rosehips.

Rowan berries failed miserably their first test, raw they taste like death. I processed them into a jelly involving cooking, and this changed nothing. I still get a bad reaction thinking about them. They taste very mildly sweet at first, followed by horrible overpowering bitterness and horribleness that says 'no'.

Crab apples passed with flying colours, and I can't wait to dry some / eat some. They tasted amazing after the rowans, sweet, delicious, edible.

Rosehips are ackward but they contain a matt of hairs that irritate and choke, so need processing to eat. The raw flesh once obtained is quite palatable - but as said requires effort.

The difference between the Rowans and the other 2 were extreme. I think my senses were quite capable when given a chance.

Hot Topics / Re: What's so great about AV?
« on: October 25, 2009, 12:49:26 am »
I also think Geoff Purcell should be recognized as one of the tireless crusaders of the raw food movement. ;)

i second that

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: October 22, 2009, 08:40:48 am »
No no I ate long dead, and then cooked clams! It was at a fish restuarant where you picked some stuff then sit down while its BBQ'd. I picked just 2 baby clams in addition to my meal just to taste, and when my plate came I rather naively thought that because they were both closed that it must have been normal.

This was a while before any raw paleo adventures so I basically ate all sorts of stuff, some I certainly would eat again like some of the most wonderful fresh fish I have ever had, and although it was indeed cooked it was fantastic. I specifically remember a BBQ lobster and also BBQ squid.... fantastic.

However some very dubious looking chicken hearts being roasted by a rather unkempt old lady in the middle of no-where, I wonder what I was thinking. Its not a surprise some travellers get funny looks from the locals - come to think of it I guess its just like me finding the tourists in London taking photos of the weirdest things, eating at unusual places, and buying strange stuff equally funny! How differently I think I might behave if I returned to that part of the world, or anywhere else for that matter :). Hehe listen to me all wise and high and mighty! :D

If I went again I would almost certainly eat 'some' wild fruit, in addition to whatever best animal food I could find, and maybe other bit and bobs - and be generally more cautious about pathogenic bacteria. I have learnt that there are different sorts of bacteria indeed. I would maybe also eat a little cooked, as I have found small amounts here and there don't affect me too much. Its hard to make any real rules as you must really see what is there and make the best choices based on what you know. It is very dangerous to stick to a ridged way of thinking as it blinds you to the facts at that moment. That was my mistake. Be strong, be smart, and look after yourself.

I think the mountains of rice, vast amounts of nuts, processed junk, deep fried this, dodgy meat, and pathogenic that, and not thinking straight could be easily replaced by some rich pickings in the fresh wild fish, wild fruit, whatever etc department, with a little cooking here and there, and a side of smarts.

So thats my advice :)

How long you going for anyway? maybe make a new thread if you want to continue talking about rp in SE Asia, or stick here for vaccination talk :).

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:18:54 am »
I had hep, typhoid and rabbies jabs before going to thailand/SE asia for 6 months - plus the old malaria tablets with the nasty side effects (they began with D i think). (just remembered 'Doxycyclin'!)

I can't say whether or not they stopped anything for sure, but I do remember just how horrible the malaria tablets made both me and my girlfriend at the time felt - and we stopped taking them after a week. I remember we felt like we were dying emotionally! (and had an unquenchable thirst, plus vivid dreams etc.)

I actually think I made myself far more sick from constantly making bad choices about food, thinking that eating all sorts of dodgy stuff I don't think many locals would touch, under the impression that it would make me superman and adapt 'better'. Instead I got a poorly tummy numerous times, I suspect from pathogenic bacteria, and was badly poisned when I ate 2 closed (yes closed) clams in Vietnam, although I grew up knowing never to do that and why (god people can be stupid). It took me a very very long time to recover from that period of stupidity encompassing most of the time I was away, and the food choices I made. However on a side note, when I returned to the UK it was actually the spark of looking into taking my health into my own hands, because I felt so feeble, and was getting a bad reaction to dairy, and spots (zits). 1 1/2 years later (and a journey through various equally crazy fad diets) here I am, feeling pretty darn amazing, and getting better day by day.

I guess my point is is that my stupidity and not listenning to my bodys obvious signals lead me to real health problems. I think I hurt myself alot more than I think I would have had knowing what I know now about the human body and food (or what I think I know ;) )

I would highly suggest listenning to good samaritan who lives in that part of the world about the vaccinations, although I would love to follow my heart and say don't bother. The only thing stopping me is that people are comparitively weak now-a-days, and you have grown up in an entirely different part of the world which may may not have an effect how your body might respond to such viruses/bacteria/organisms.

I may not know much, but I think its fair to say our ancestors weren't accustomed to flying to different parts of the planet. :)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« on: October 18, 2009, 12:19:26 pm »
does anyone know anyone who's been sick with salmonella?

Off Topic / Preserved/untouched parts of the UK
« on: October 16, 2009, 09:27:35 pm »
Which parts of te UK are still relatively preserved/untouched?

I'm most interested in woodland.

Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: October 15, 2009, 06:12:56 pm »
awesome pics man

Off Topic / Re: Cooked-Zero Carb "Meatup" in Los Angeles
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:11:07 pm »
this mac figure is rather elusive! :)

General Discussion / Re: Watery Stools
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:24:34 am »
Perhaps too much fat. Maybe work out the vague ratio of protein/fat. A few weeks ago I was eating excessive ammounts of fat, which gave me tummy aches and watery stools.

General Discussion / Re: Watery Stools
« on: October 14, 2009, 12:34:26 am »
i got tummy aches when i ate too much fat at first.

are you eating when your hungry and vagueing keeping a realistic ratio of protein/fats?

also i personally wouldn't eat the tomatos or avocados, but rather a small portion of some wildish berries like cranberries, red/black currents - or less if they are more sugary like cultivated blueberries. Or none.

also what are you eating habits?

General Discussion / Re: Looking at uncultivated wild fruit
« on: October 12, 2009, 05:48:51 pm »
Sorry if i was unclear, i meant those that are not cultivated to some extent in the world, like:


General Discussion / Re: Looking at uncultivated wild fruit
« on: October 12, 2009, 08:22:05 am »
which wild uncultivated fruits are exactly edible enough to be part of a paleolithic diet?

General Discussion / Looking at uncultivated wild fruit
« on: October 11, 2009, 07:04:38 am »
Looking at uncultivated wild fruit

'A fruit wants to be eaten so that its seed can be spread'

Example: Rosehip

The fruit is sweet, the seed is difficult to digest and
contains cyanide, the colour is bright.

Why are some poisonous fruits sweet?
What is the role of vitamin C in fruits?
Are wild fruits edible enough to be a significant ammounts in a humans diet?
Why do poisonous fruits and edible fruits look so simliar?

Do rosehips and other 'edible' uncultivated wild fruits actually want to be eaten?

Thank you

Health / Re: Scabies and scary western medicine
« on: October 09, 2009, 08:14:36 am »
oh and scabies is a microscopic skin mite that makes you itch and causes red bumps, living under the skin i believe. bastards. (that is if i even i have it....*itch* *itch*.......damnit!!! :) )

Welcoming Committee / Re: Ticketyboo!
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:53:24 am »
Just getting into going to the gym, what success have to had with Stuart McRobert's (Hardgainer) advice? and what are the basic principals and exercises?

Oh and how rude of me. Welcome to the forum :)


Health / Re: Teeth Recovering on RAF
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:49:38 am »
I'm so sick of the seriously salty cheeses I have to deal with at work. I can understand a bit....but not THAT much

Sorry if i missed a point - why do you consider salt bad for teeth?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High meat video
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:42:00 am »
that was awesome! :) he looks great i think.

Health / Scabies and scary western medicine
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:35:25 am »
Hey guys and gals,

Basically my girlfriend gave me what we think is scabies from her travelling in Africa. (according to an english doctor)

Now I actually am just starting a course of the infamous Humaworm, which on its website is does unsurprisingly say it cures such things.

Anyway, so number....

1. I was curious if anyone had any experience with scabies, and any possible treatments, cures and successes.

2. Whether or not having an amazing raw paleo diet that cures so many things, coupled with a paleo lifestyle might give a boost to my immune system etc such that I might just cure it naturally.

3. Whether or not anyone has any experience with Humaworm in regards to such skin mites...

and last, but by no means least,

4. Whether or not me submitting to my girlfriend and the western world of medicine by covering my body in what I can only tell is a mild (0.5%) insecticide or 'toxic poison' for 24 hours, and ingesting some equally dodgy sounding pills is a good idea, or a bad idea. (i think the common one in the lotion is promethrin although hers was different chemical in the lotion begining with m)

Basically now a days I let very little if any of that sort of crap anywhere near my body, but in this case am I being totally overboard by refusing treatment on the grounds that it is obviously a nasty horrible death bringing chemical all over my body!

Hmm, its a tricky one, poison, or girl?

Would love some opinions on this one, am I being the big girl? (no offence to women, just a turn of phrase, actually you are tougher than us guys :) )


Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw-vegan and raw-paleo and other Questions
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:21:01 am »
Eat raw meat over seafood. nothing is wrong with it (at all!), but you could get into the bread and butter of raw paleo eating by going out and buying a steak, leave it out covered on the counter to get to room temp, then searing it in a pan for a couple of seconds on each side and the edges - then slice up and eat.

You will go, "Wow, this is amazing" and "Hmm, i guess the bacteria thing is nothing to worry about"

Your gut may take a little time to adjust, as mine did after raw vegan! So if that sounds like too much too fast please do what feels right :), maybe just have a bite!

Then you can go hunting for better sources of meat, like at farmers markets - such that you start to get grassfed meats, fats and whatever you fancy trying at first. Once you find a really good source you will no longer have any need to sear your meat, and your body will be adjusting to a new diet too.

BTW the only reason I say this about searing is because supermarket meat goes through a rather grim process of slaughter and processing, which I don't trust, and it is not naive to think that in these vast industrial production lines which are disinfected etc that some actual nasty bacteria (ie pathogenic?) can breed. The trick is realising the difference between THAT bacteria and the perfection of a freshly killed healthy herbivore, in all its edible raw form.

In no time you will have found a good source of meat, and be enjoying the delicious and health giving qualities of a raw paleo diet. Throw in some paleo lifestyle and your going be feeling like a champ in no time.

Ps. Some people who switch from high sugar west diets may feel a bit odd during the bodys change to a higher fat, and lower carb diet. Don't be scared to take things slow, and read as much on this site as you can because you we learn much.

Good luck!


pps. guys/gals be honest, do i need to work on my communication skills?!  :D (i'm just excited when people find our site!)

General Discussion / Re: Shoes roundup
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:00:26 am »
I've been wearing a pair of vivo barefoot terra plana shoes for about 4 months and absolutely love them, in fact the idea of wearing think soled trainers again or something with any sole really doesnt appeal. I'm also the first to admit that I thought they were a bit gimmicky at first, the only down side is living in a concrete city, because after all whatever the footwear its always going to be a battle to find the 'perfect' scenario.

ps. im impressed with all your technical jargon josh! btw, way exactly is an MBT shoe.......of course i could just google :)

pps. seriously love these shoes i have, but word to anyone it takes a little while to get used to them, just as walking around on concrete all the time barefoot probably would...  can't wait to get back out the the countryside!! :D

General Discussion / Re: Acne and Paleo Diet
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:23:37 am »
Its sounds to me like you have a good head about you, and are going in the right direct in regards to nice skin coupled with good health. I have faith you will find your own way given such a positive answer, but don't hestitate to ask for any help. :)

I will add to this thread with anything I can, but essentially I think the closer a diet/lifestyle is to emulating that of our paleo ancestors the closer to better health and of course healthier skin a person will become.

I also think you are beginning to see that with the results you have had already. Remember that is what is important too, the results you see for yourself with as little bias as possibe.

All the best,


General Discussion / Re: "How Food Shapes Our Cities"
« on: October 07, 2009, 01:35:00 am »
thanks mate, i enjoyed that.

Its definately a step in a good direction.

General Discussion / Re: Acne and Paleo Diet
« on: October 07, 2009, 01:34:06 am »
yes yes and yes. I came back from travelling having eaten a 'normal diet' for my whole life (yet albeit on the healthier side with less fried food and more home grown veg/homecooked meals etc) and being partiularly prone to spots because i had weakened my gut through stupidly eating all sorts of food filled with nasty bacteria like a dead clam. Ug, bad times.

So, i spent a year trying different gurus advice, raw vegan, sprouted grains, kefir, goji berries and all this rubbish. I cleared my skin a little because i was eating so little it gave my body a rest to heal, but ended up being incredibly weak and thin such that if i did eat any western food, or had a beer or a late night i was so weak i would break out.

And then i stumbled across a website called 'Marks Daily Apple' which basically said, "Stop eating according to fashions, idealogies and cults, and start eating the way you body has evolved/adapted to eat." Another year of research from that point and I am proud to say I no longer follow 'diets' as such, but rather the only actual diet. Whether or not i eat crap is my choice be at least i know whats what now. Its not a game to be won (ie this diet vs that diet), it is looking at your natural history, trying it for yourself, and opening your eyes to the actual place food has in ones exsistance.

Needless to say I have perfect, glowing skin if I maintain this lifestyle, but if someone wants to not jump in at the deep end because of social conditioning, give up particularly bad culprits like up dairy, grains and nuts.

I must say when i walk past people in the street with bad skin and spots i just know that such a large percentage of those poor people are doing it to themselves with what garbage they eat.

Also dont scrub yourface, wash gently with luke warm (the cooler the better) water, stop using any soaps or products on you skin, drink plenty of spring water (or any other good water) and never ever ever squeeze your stops. A diet with plenty of raw animal fats, moderate raw animal protein and suplimented with some fruit, plus daily exercise and some sunshine will teach you a lesson you will never forget.

Hell if you want 1 to 1 help i'll be happy to. After all the ONLY reason i started taking an interest in this subject was to stop getting spots. Which i did. And i was so misarable back then that ill be happy to help you if you want me to.

All the best,


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