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Messages - miles

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Health / Re: Best form of paleo for bowel health?
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:06:53 am »
I know their style is not everyone's forte

Hey some nice words in that epic post Phil, but here did you use the right one? forte?

I may engage in good-natured blarney now and then, but I'm terrible at serious lies

I used to tell constant white lies, always revealing the truth shortly after, before there could be any consequence. This allowed safe honing of my lying skills and I've become very confident at it, and it can be quite useful in certain situations.. but with great power comes great responsibility ;) and I think carefully before using my powers. I've even used my skills to make people think I've given them presents that they actually bought for themselves xD

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 09, 2011, 07:45:39 am »

I'm moving away on Thursday for a few months where I probably will hardly be online if at all, and then after that I'm moving again and probably won't even see a computer for at least a year after that so my video spam isn't so bad.

General Discussion / Re: Not hitting mineral targets
« on: April 09, 2011, 06:51:42 am »
                                                                               Ammount     Calories
Beef, brisket, whole, separable lean only, all grades, raw   1000   g   1550.0
Beef, retail cuts, separable fat, raw                                     250 g   1685.0
Lettuce, green leaf, raw                                             360   g   54.0
Water, bottled, POLAND SPRING                                   1500   g   0.0
Coriander (cilantro) leaves, raw                                      20   g   4.6
Beef, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw            400   g   396.0
Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw                    100   g   135.0
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, heart, raw            150   g   183.0
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, lungs, raw            200   g   190.0

Nutrition report attached below:

Greens can be very helpful in cases with candida problems.

What are your experiences with greens so far?


Don't know, only been eating them for 3 days so not long enough to tell.

General Discussion / Re: Not hitting mineral targets
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:22:04 am »

Yo Kaydeena ;)

Acidic environment causes tissues to break down? If the acidic environment is caused by amino acids, then this would be good right, because it would allow proper repair without formation of scar tissue? Because the acid environment would be breaking the tissue down and amino acids reforming it. If you just had a load of amino acids building on top of what's there your muscle/bone would become a mess, with gaps and damage throughout, just getting bigger and bigger and less efficient? So the two work together.

And... Eating fat would also contribute to an acid environment, right? keto-acids.. so you would get the break-down, but they wouldn't be rebuilding.. So eating more fat than what you need would be a bad thing?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: April 08, 2011, 02:39:43 am »
Hey Skinny I dunno what you do, but when I used to do calf raises I used to bend my knees towards relaxation of the calves so I could get the full ROM, and then straighten as I contracted. More natural movement that way too, similar to jumping, and easier to balance.

Today I just ran and walked about a bit, did some pull-ups and unilateral dumbbell squat/deadlift/row/press combo things(no momentum) to most full reps I could do for several sets with rests between, and did some general movement in my room with just bodyweight/weight of whatever body parts I was moving and stretching/loosening up or whatever, but I don't mean stretching to try and make myself more flexible, or holding any stretch with weight my other arm or anything, just stretching to the edge of my natural ROM.

I was wondering what people here do with organic vegetation such as lettuce or kale... Do you eat it unwashed, and if so do you eat any animal life that comes with it, or do you wash the vegetation in water before eating?

Also.. Would you eat raw slugs?

Here is an article about Rat Lungworm, a parasite of rats which can infect humans, and cause problems:

Here's a news story about a guy who developed meningitis after eating a raw slug:
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Found here:

Here's a news story about a guy who developed meningitis after eating

Read this article for sure, it's good ++for RPD. I actually read this one as I was writing the topic already.

Ate kale with a large green caterpillar, lettuce with several small brownish caterpillars, as well as tarragon and coriander. Just trying the green stuff out, and the caterpillars came as an extra.

Health / Re: Best form of paleo for bowel health?
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:21:36 am »
After switching to cooked paleo(from non-paleo) I would sometimes do cartwheels straight after eating, just because I could.


Start watching from #t=3m30s for raw stuff.

I tried to make it a link with time-start but doesn't work from here, just auto-embeds.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:52:48 pm »
Ran 5 miles, did various pull-ups/movement on bar as well as various rows/presses from standing.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: The BEST work-out!!!
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:40:52 am »
If some joints have naturally less ROM it's for a reason.. But if you get a natural urge to stretch that too is for a reason.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: The BEST work-out!!!
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:08:53 am »
SI do gauge that many people even on this site could not lift my Slankers order (60 lbs) up to my third floor apartment.

Only cripples..

So how long do you guys spend on flexibility and stretching a day?

Why stretch?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Getting back into the swing of things
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:07:20 am »
So tell him he isn't allowed to eat that kind of food around you because its giving you a hard time.

If you did go that route you'd probably only need to do it for a few weeks or so until you got used to your new way of eating.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: The BEST work-out!!!
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:11:51 am »
if you were climbing a mountain you would essentially be doing chin ups unilaterally - one hand at a time.

If you were climbing a mountain you're be doing pull-ups, not chin ups.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Getting back into the swing of things
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:15:59 pm »
Friends, family, spouses want whats best for them. Not for you.

Bitter bitter pills. I agree with Miley except for the homo part.

If I was her Husband or Parents I would be just as selfish as them, but I'd consider what's best for her health to be what's best for me. That's where something's wrong with her parents and husband.

Health / Re: Best form of paleo for bowel health?
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:06:05 pm »
I hope not worsen a small dental cary I've had since 2008 (which I'm hoping will remineralize with secondary dentin),

How did you get the cary?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:58:47 pm »
Is it me you're looking for?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Getting back into the swing of things
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:55:17 pm »
My parents' after about the 3rd day staying with them, started sabotaging my eating habits due to them thinking it was a "disgusting" way of eating (I was strict raw paleo at the time).

It's crazy how someone would rather have their offspring be unhealthy, than be healthy and eating something they find disgusting.

My husband is a junk food king. He always has been. It never bothered me, the choice was his and he never pressed his food habits on me. I think the past year he really enjoyed me eating the way I was. We were able to go out more to a lot of places and even hit fast food joints (that never happened before!).

And it's crazy how someone would rather have an unhealthy wife just so they can eat crap together, maybe he does not see you as his wife, just a friend. Maybe he's homosexual. Maybe he needs to get some friends to go eat crap with. Are you just friends who are married? Or are you wanting to have children?

This is how I roll, don't be hatin'.

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:53:42 am »
embed codes wont work :(

It's cuz there's a limit to embeds per page and I pwnt it.

Off Topic / Re: Genetically-modified cows produce human milk article
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:19:48 pm »
It's cool cuz now cow diseases will mutate in to ones that affect cumans.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: April 03, 2011, 08:04:48 pm »
I've taken to wearing a magnet around my wrist since it was no longer being used by someone else. I have no need for such a thing, nor do I actually think it's likely to work, but I figure it might have a positive placebo-like effect on me, over time. Whatever the case, I am sure that wearing a magnet won't harm me.

Do you have need for a placebo effect?

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