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General Discussion / Re: Did I accidentally create high meat?
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:32:15 pm »
I would not EVER salt meat for keeping longer. This is not natural or healthy by any means IMHO. If you want salt put it on the food as you eat it? I do not like pre-salted meat or fish. I do not think it was ever done before modern times.

I have a piece of grassfed beef liver in my fridge open on a wooden plate for many weeks now and I just love the taste. I just cut slices and eat off the slab. Yum! No need for salt!

General Discussion / Re: Are there "healthy and unhealthy foods"?
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:27:46 pm »
I would say un-seasonal... un-natural - depending on where we live (!) (heavily cultured and also processed stuff) is the unhealthy stuff and the opposite is the healthy ones.  :)

Sure individual illnesses might need some regulations to the above for medical purposes but otherwise I think it is very easy, for me at least.

Now... it is not only about food. What about nude tanning... magnetism... natural darkness and temps.. love.. those might be even more important than what we put in our mouth

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:22:56 pm »
Fun is good for health for sure lol

I should be dead by now eating huge amounts of meat for years and
but I feel better and better instead.... ? it is almost scary  ;)

it could be the nipple stimulation tho....  :o who knows?

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 17, 2014, 11:37:36 pm »

6..... A whole lot of people live well and feel perfectly healthy on a mainly cooked standard diet. What does it prove?

yeah.. that is the mystery for sure. I think I know the answer now. It all depends on my redox potential. That is why someone can tolerate all kind of stuff while others can not. How do we increase our redox potential? That is the real question we should ask when it comes to health IMHO.......  :)

I have not seen raw butter and cream here at all. Only raw goats and cow milk, at the Ruohonjuuri shop in Helsinki, Kamppi

I sometimes eat the French President butter, it is not raw but the best tasting I have seen here so far. It is salted with real sea salt, and it is grassfed AFAIK
Not ideal of course. But works somehow. I also have ordered from Austria, raw grassfed butter. It is very good. They send it here too and I bet to Estonia too. Google Schätze in Österreich

Game meat you need to find  the hunters. Or ask in a good supermarket like Stockmanns at the meat counter where they get their elk meat from and if they can order some for you (organs etc) but try to find hunters and buy from them. Here in Finland I can buy frozen elk meat and reindeer too in many supermarkets.

I have a farm not too far from where I live, Gårdskulla, they have grassfed Angus beef cattle and I drive there a few times / month and buy my meat directly from them. I get organs, tongue, fat etc. they are great! Located about 60 km west from Helsinki.

If someone in Estonia comes to Helsinki often and want their meat I can buy it and then bring it to Helsinki city so you can buy it from me. If you want. It is not very cheap - but to a cheaper price than you pay at the meat counter- but very good quality. Just PM me if interested.

You can also try to order from Germany, They have grassfed beef too and not expensive. You get fat and heart there too, very cheap. They have sent to me to Finland many times so it should not be an issue, just write them an email and ask, remember to ask for grassfed beef, as they sell other stuff to (not grassfed)

Journals / Re: Celeste's journal
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:59:16 pm »
Wow.. your dog is so beautiful...! No wonder, eating such great foods... happy dog  :)

Celeste.. cutting carbs 100% (or very close to) will make you less "vulnerable" I guess. At least that is my own N=1 But otherwise feeling bad about "bad stuff" is very natural I think. It is kind of good to be sensitive to it, protects you from doing bad / hurt others too

I have the same issue suffering a lot when I see others suffering, I just hate it! But me too have had to learn, everyone have the freedom to choose their way, even if it is hurting themselves. So I have learned to just "keep some space" mentally from others to not try to help too much. And still always be there for them and help if they wish me to. If I feel the moment is right I also tell my opinion, in a kind way, not trying to push it. Just so people know there is other options too... if they want.  :)

It is very challenging mentally to live different than most and take good care of ones health and then see how other destroys their and complain and suffer... and at the same time be able to stay open and always helpful to that person - continuing to walk your path even if completely alone.

But actually those challenges are great for me, I think. Life was not meant to be easy   >D it is just to find the joy in challenges. It is pretty cool  ;)

There are days I feel totally lost I can tell you! But it always passes... and most days I feel so happy I am kind of feeling guilty!

If I was you I would give your sister the book of Lynne Farrow about Iodine. I really would do that. To give books is a nice way to help, and if she is not interested now, she might be one day and read it then! The book is very inexpensive and you get it on amazon. I get someone is not ready to eat a raw diet with raw meat and stuff, but to try the Iodine protocol might be a beginning, so many women have gotten help from it. The author had breast cancer too and healed from it. It is an easy read too.

If your sister is a fan of sushi you could tell her about the great things raw seafood does for women's breasts/hormones. There are studies too out there about it. There is something in raw fish that suppresses the "bad estrogen" if I remember right, so in countries where they eat lots of raw fish they have way less breast cancer. Tell it to your sister, there are many delicious raw dishes with seafood to eat out there, like sashimi, chevice... etc


Are there any children? I take the children with me out in the wild. They love it.. I love it too. Children are magic.

I am lucky as I have brothers and sisters (many siblings) that loves nature too so I go into the woods with them... or swimming or fishing. My mom loves picking berries too so she always comes with me in summer/fall if she can. Maybe people are different up here in Scandinavia. Many people love to be out in the wild.

IDK.. I like to be alone in the wild too. I do not feel alone there. I think it is weird but it might be because my heart is still broken.

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 11, 2014, 11:24:30 pm »
even the native Americans that were pretty much ZC most of the year ate wild berries and greens and plants etc. so there might be something to it that we need those too, for optimal health. I have never been without them for long time either. I believe in using everything in nature (the natural stuff not the cultivated) but those have so little carbs you pretty much run on fat anyways.

Are there no one wanting to do these things with you there Aura? Can you not get any friends there? I am sure someone loves to do these things too where you live ...
or do you mean a partner, like a boyfriend or such?

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:28:42 pm »
I am many days ZC (0 carbs) and many days VLC. In summer/fall I can eat me full on wild berries.... I eat and eat and eat until I want no more. But the wild berries here have very little carbs... and they are crazy delicious!!! I never ever had any issues eating those. But, I cannot even eat apples from our own garden without reacting in some way. Cultivated fruit for me = not healthy. My own N=1

This discussion is getting pretty funny LOL
I am thinking like Van and 24isours, it is not about ZC and VLC, it is about being able to burn fat for fuel/ketosis. And not NEEDING carbs, but just feel great having none at all. No carb cravings. No hunger pangs. No blood sugar swings.

IMO a healthy human is able to do that without issues. Because we have faced it all the way during the evolution... times when we had nothing else as meat/fat/seafood to eat or even worse... nothing at all so we had to live on our own fat reserves. I 100% believe we are adapted to do this. And I think it is good for us too. Look how many people have started to eat LCHF here in Scandinavia, and they are thriving. They eat cooked! Especially people who live in countries with a winter season are very well adapted to this. But even in Africa etc. are times of the year where is little or no fruits to find (dry periods etc)

For me, the unnatural way is to eat heavily cultivated, overly sweet and big fruits... from around the world... totally unnatural to the climate we might live in or the season we are in. what is natural about that, in the end?

Do they taste good? Oh yes! That is why I was not able to quit eating the either. I was addicted to those sweeties  -[

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:31:29 am »
Tyler... maybe your thyroid is really bad. Maybe you have lots of bromide/chloride/fluoride toxins in your body?

Did you had to eat fluoride pills as a kid? I did. Very sad I think today. Those poisons are not easy to get rid of I can tell you... I do believe Iodine supplementation can help with that. I am not 100% sure about that yet tho, but I tend to think it is very useful thing for most, at least the one who got lots of those other halides. It just needs to be done carefully and slowly.

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:26:03 am »
You guys may be talking about aquatic life from brackish water, rivers, lakes... not just from the ocean?

Seafood from lakes and rivers have some Iodine too and other important minerals

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:22:15 am »
Looks like there are some who really got worse with raw ZC. Like Brad on our forum

Hi Juzeza,

Its been a while but I think I went zero carb for about 3-4months, I would say going Zero Carb was the most detrimental thing I have ever done to my health, and I've done a lot of bad shit, lol.  My body completely crashed, weight dropped off, my body demineralised and I almost died.  I've found that a small amount of carbs is necessary for optimum health, either from Raw Honey, fruit, veggies (even cooked) or raw dairy. I would say around 5% of caloric intake. Whatever works for the individual.  I would listen to your body and try not to get carried away with a specific type of diet touted by many, even if it worked for them.  There are no rules and no ones keeping score.


I wonder about many things. Looks we all need to be careful and listen to our body. But we sure live in a very unnatural world most of us. So even if raw zerocarb could be ideal in a natural environment human today might need some help from other sources. What those are we just need to figure out as it seems to be very different. No one knows how Brad would have done if he had taken Iodine supplements or lots of seafood with his RZC

I often think, it is so freaking hard to know when you do not try all the variables. How can we say what worked or what not in the end... weird world.  ;)

I just know for me close to zerocarb is just awesome. Some days I am zerocarb and some days I have a few carbs, like seaweeds, raw onions, some nuts. In summer/fall I eat as much wild berries as I want, and it is much! And also some other stuff from the garden. I do think seasonal eating is best. And I do ice baths too. I just was two minutes in the 0 degree C river.. I never regret it. Makes me feel so awesome. So maybe cold could be a factor too. At least here up north were it is cold in winter.

I also do coconut oil, raw and high quality. That helps too at least in the beginning of changing to a fatburner.

It is just, we can share what we do, and how it works for us. And be honest and tell when we get issues too. That way we can all learn.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Seaweeds, self harvesting, Baltic sea
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:24:20 pm »
I would not eat too much of the seaweed in Baltic Sea. I live close to the coast too. But I buy my seaweed from France / Orkos. The water in Baltic Sea is not that salty.. and pretty polluted too. So if you are able to get seaweeds from the Atlantic I would recommend that.
I   have munched on some seaweed though in summer when I am by the coast, there are  no seaweeds that are poisonous AFAIK. I eat the ones I find tasty.

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:20:01 pm »
I am not worried about my highish blood glucose at all anymore Hanna. It is not pathological when you look at the context..... I have done my research believe me.
When you run on fat/ketones and live in the cold this is what will happen and it is for a reason.

The nutrients mentioned above for thyroid health you get all from seafood in abundance...  :)
That is why seafood is so important.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Larger livers and RZC diet
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:46:22 pm »
I think our brain needs Iodine to be able to use ketones well so an Iodine deficient person would have issues with a ketotic diet.

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:22:09 pm »
IDK Phil... I need to research that. I just know they contain RS and as IDK what nuts have more or less I just eat a variety preferring wild nuts / seeds...

Actually if nuts are fresh and raw and organic they have many health benefits (rancid or heated nuts are bad!). I know they have antinutrients too but a little bit on a otherwise carnivorious diet I guess will not hurt. Maybe it will be just hormetic :)

I do nuts here and there and I feel great and have had no issues as long as I am VERY picky with the quality. They MUST be raw. And fresh!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Larger livers and RZC diet
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:16:54 pm »
Tyler... you say you got thirsty. Did you had more water then? How much did you have / day, do you remember? What kind of water, tap water or spring/other high quality water?
How much protein did you eat and how much fat... about.

How was your diet looking previous to your raw ZC experiment. Your lifestyle? Did you work a lot on the computer... spending much time indoors and going late to bed?

(I am wondering about EMF exposure because it is dehydrating and would make the transition worse)

Sorry if I am curious but I really am... ;)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Larger livers and RZC diet
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:05:38 pm »
Who / what is CW ?

common wisdom  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Gut bacteria
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:33:42 pm »
Oh my PP, you really are on a trip..? hehe

That is kind of ridiculous what you are writing above. You even suggest to get the zero carbers here banned? Wow.

I can tell you raw meat has a lot of bacteria! As has raw oysters... and seafood.. and.. about anything on this

I really wonder how other carnivore species survive...  >D

Hot Topics / Re: Zero Carb and VLC/Ketogenic - A Lethal Recipe for Disaster
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:23:27 pm »
No need to eat tubers and unnatural potato starch to get RS. Or feed the bacteria in our gut. Raw fresh nuts are a GREAT RS source and totally natural and it is easy to get wild nuts too so no need to eat anything cultivated either.
Wild greens picked in the yard with some dirt on are great for our gut too... as is wild berries and high meat! :)

The last Paleo craze is RS and more carbs... easy to get fooled I know. But we need to look deeper and also from a 30 000 foot view. And for me, the most important question arise;

Is this NATURAL? If not, I just know what my answer will be.

Journals / Re: Celeste's journal
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:20:25 pm »
I think it has to do with our mitochondria being rather bad... or something not working properly in the body, why you do not tolerate a ZC diet. I think it would be important to get labs done to sort out the issues. We are meant to be able to function and burn fat for fuel as human. That is why we have fat on our bodies too. When we cannot, we should not blame the diet but look what is wrong with our body instead and fix it.

I think most of us drink way too little water. And chlorinated tap water won't do. It needs to be spring or well water or RO. The water quality is a big issue.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Larger livers and RZC diet
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:13:37 pm »
Peter at Hyperlid (Blog) has a lot of great stuff about this issue if anyone is interested. He also shows how flawed many studies regarding ketose / high fat diets are and why.
He is a pretty bright guy me thinks. A vet. And has done his research. He and his wife eats a keto diet since many years too feeling great.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Larger livers and RZC diet
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:00:35 pm »
Low carb flu = dehydration.....

I know CW is totally against a ZC diet - so it will not be hard to find studies that support its dangers (you should look closer at the studies tho and you will soon realize their are all flawed and no way to be used to show a good quality RAF diet is dangerous) but that does not concern me at all. CW is full of crap anyways.

In Sweden the government have now accepted the high fat low carb diet to be a healthy option to reverse illness. Believe it or not! It is the first country in the world that does this. The HFLC diet is now very popular in Sweden. So many people have gotten huge benefits from it. And it is not even raw. Imagine. They just cannot deny the benefits diabetics and overweight people etc. have gotten on this diet.

I surely believe high carbs especially fructose is not good for our health and longevity at all. Can we feel good from it short term? Of course. But better go and check your labs and teeth... they will give you a hint where you are going.

I very much believe wild carbs in season are great for us tho. But they are so different from the cultivated ones!

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