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Messages - Coatue

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General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:20:36 am »
ISpeeding up high meat preparation requires one to either air it outside the house(within 2 plastic bags) or at least greatly reduce the coldness of the fridge.

For storing it outside: When you say 2 plastic bags, do you mean air tight zip loc bags? And would I still only air the mason jar once a day for a minute?If its already been stored for about 3 weeks in the fridge, how long would it take to finsih becoming "high" outside in Fall temperatures.

General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: October 13, 2010, 10:54:02 am »
Is there anyway to expedite the process? Ive had for meat in a mason jar for about 3 weeks (airing about every day) and it seems to be taking forever. I'm leaving at the end of next week and it needs to be eaten or thrown out by then. It still seems mostly red and not that smelly.

General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:58:26 pm »
Can you just store the meat outside the fridge (in the house at about 60-70F) in mason jars? If so, does it speed up the process? How long would it take to get really high?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Hair loss and ZC
« on: October 07, 2010, 12:27:35 pm »
Does ZC have any particular effect with preventing hair loss or reversing it?

General Discussion / Re: Bone Marrow's high cost
« on: October 06, 2010, 06:42:03 am »
I get mine from north star bison for $6.95 per lb

General Discussion / Distilled Water
« on: October 06, 2010, 01:51:26 am »
Is distilled water safe to drink? Apparently there is a "leeching minerals out of your body" fear that comes with it. I refuse to drink Jersey tap water and i guess the only other choice would be bottled water like Poland Spring.

General Discussion / Bone Marrow's high cost
« on: October 05, 2010, 01:48:30 pm »
So is bone marrow worth the high cost? Or is back fat just as good?

General Discussion / High Meat and Cooked Food
« on: October 04, 2010, 02:10:49 pm »
I still eat cooked meals a few days a week. Is it still safe to try high meat?

General Discussion / High Meat and Mason Jars
« on: October 04, 2010, 06:24:30 am »
I bought some mason jars at good ole Walmart yesterday. They are the screw top ones, . They say you have to emerse them in boiling water to seal. Obviously I can't/no point to do this if I am going to open the jar for a minute every day. If I just screw the tops on and off without the seal from boiling, is it still air tight and safe to use? They a little metal disc lid in the middle and then the ring that screws on around it.

Hot Topics / Ghee
« on: October 03, 2010, 09:29:06 am »
What's the consensus on ghee? Would it be a good source of to put on raw meat?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Fat and Eczema?
« on: October 03, 2010, 09:28:01 am »
I agree with not understanding how one could consume such large amounts of fat in the wild..its just not there when the animal is grass fed. It seems the 70-80% fat intake stems from the inuits who had access to such large quantities due to the whale/seal blubber. I just thought i'd try large amounts of fat to gain weight...but i dont want the eczema so i guess i have to eat whole grains or raw milk? I'm really at a loss here of what to do.

General Discussion / Raw Fat and Eczema?
« on: October 03, 2010, 05:53:38 am »
OK, so when I eat fat, such as bone marrow, It seems to cause a break out of eczema on my face...which i never had before this diet. I thought fat was suppose to prevent/make your skin more soft and moist. It seems to be just drying mine out. This only seems to be avoided if I up the fruit intake.  Also, my dandruff/hair loss seems to not be getting any better and I've stop shampooing and use distilled water to wash my hair twice a week.

Hot Topics / Warming up Meat/Fat
« on: September 30, 2010, 01:07:35 pm »
Do any of you warm up your meat and fat before eating it? If so, how do you prefer to do it?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:22:42 am »
Eat raw eggs, raw meats and eat plenty. If you can stomache dairy and have access to raw milk. Eat plenty of raw cream and butter (whipped cream is zero carb). You want as much fat as you can possibly stomache and more protein than most people would eat even on this diet.

I am assuming you want to bodybuild. You want to sculpt your body, right? You have to train either for strength or for size. You dont have to stick with your choice forever, but you have to make it now in the beginning and I suggest you go for building mass. You will gain a lot of strength from BB, but compared to focused strength training it is moot. Take a look at some of the asian weightlifters. They do not have a lot of muscle going, but they are strong as bulls. Pure strength is as much a feat of will, focus and your nervous system as it is muscles.

Don't overtrain and have patience. If you are a natural hard gainer, it takes time. But perseverence and proper diet will give you good, even great, results. Diet is everything. Vince Gironda (the iron guru) put it's impotance at 85% of succesful bodybuilding. Dont spend hours in the gym. Muscle burn does not equal a good workout. This is a common misunderstanding. Find a good program youre comfortable with that has room for playing around so you and your muscles dont get bored (they need variation in work load and angles from which you "attach"). Spend no more than 45 mins a session, do this 3-4 times a week and dont take long rests between workouts or sets. I rarely do more than 20secs and only if the last exercise had me exhausted. Every 6 week should be a week off where you do no training at all.

Stay away from cardio training or keep it to an absolute minimim. Dont do situp exercises as they are counterproductive to what you want to achieve as they mess with the hormonal balance. Your stomache muscles will gain from just about everything else you do, especially squats, so there is no need for them anyway. And finally:


There is nothing natural about bodybuilding. Not a thing. It is compensating for our sedated lifestyles. So, you will have to drink a lot of water to keep everything in check for as long as you keep a regular training schedule. Your body will punish you if you dont. No sane tribesman would do repetive shit like this for no other reason than size even if he was offered a cow to do it.

Are using weights necessary for body building/putting on mass? Its hard to switch exercises quickly when you are changing weights.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 13, 2010, 05:29:40 am »
Are you consuming fats of some variety? Say animal, or vegetable such as avocado or dairy such as butter?
Yes, I have been consuming fat but perhaps not enough. I tried raw bison back fat and I did not care for the texture or how it to took an incredibly long time to chew. I just ate it till i was satisfied, which was pretty quickly. I think I'll just stick to bone marrow and try to find other sources of fat as well. Should I consume a lot of olives and avocados? Should I put a lot of olive oil on a salad or other vegetables for better digestion?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 13, 2010, 01:21:54 am »
Yeah I'm deffinitley finding im getting too skinny on this diet. Idk what that means from a health perspective but from an appearance perspective...I've been told I'm starting to look like holacaust victim. And i agree as my ribs are beginning to show. This makes sense though as when you look at wild animals or grass fed animals, they're incredibley thin. I know a few dog breeders that tried to raise their  dogs on a raw meat diet and they have the same problem...the dogs end up being way too thin.  I'm trying to implement balance, thus maybe I should consume an 80/20 raw to cooked ratio? Its seems to be easier to put on weight with cooked food.

General Discussion / Dry Skin?
« on: September 13, 2010, 12:51:03 am »
Has this diet effected anyones dry skin? I've always had dry skin but this raw diet for some reason seems to be making it worse? Has anybody else experienced this?

General Discussion / Re: How to develop the correct Fat to Protein Ratio
« on: September 08, 2010, 09:28:44 am »
Should the correct protein intake be around 45-55grams tops or perhaps 65grams daily for an athlete? That's only about half a pound. I read this and wasnt sure if that was enough protein to avoid becoming too lean

General Discussion / Re: Primal Body-Primal Mind
« on: September 08, 2010, 09:26:05 am »
I just thought it was something to add to the library. Obviously its not complete by any means.

General Discussion / Primal Body-Primal Mind
« on: September 08, 2010, 04:49:36 am »
For those looking books arguing our cause should check out Primal Body-Primal Mind: Empower Your Total Health The Way Evolution Intended (...And Didn't)  by Nora Gedgaudas

General Discussion / How to develop the correct Fat to Protein Ratio
« on: September 07, 2010, 02:25:27 pm »
I'm having trouble setting up the right fat to protein ratio. I know the number seems to be 70% fat 30% protein but how does that look as a daily meal? For example, If I ate 1lb of lean meat would I have to eat more than 1lb of pure fat with it for the meal of the day?  I just want to get some ideas from people who follow the 70/30 ratio.

Is there an optimal temp to keep the fridge at when making high meat? Also, is there a point where the meat becomes too high? In other words, can you only eat/age it for so long before it can make you sick?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:08:31 pm »
That's the cooler I have

I buy RO water at the store(39 Cents per gallon) and use the hot and cold dispensers regularly

I keep it by the back door so I can air it outside

It keeps the main fridge from being rank

If the mason jars are closed the smell is fairly contained

How do you store the meat in that? do you place the mason jar on top where the jug of water would go?

Health / Scar tissue
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:59:15 am »
Has anyone had luck removing scars via consuming raw meat or raw fat? If so, what type of meat? I heard raw chicken works but after my recent food poisoning episode, I don't want to eat raw least non-wild.

Health / Re: Salmonella food poisoning
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:37:54 am »
I thought I was safe because I got my chicken from Slankers : But I guess makes me question their other products. I really wish I had access to wild game because that is truly the only way to be absolutely sure the animal was raised properly...unless of course you own some livestock and raise it yourself.

I had to go the emergency health care clinic because i was getting too dehydrated due to running to the toilet every 30 mins for the last 24 hours. Explaining that I intentionally ate raw chicken was an interesting experience and the doctors seemed to act very condescending after that. They injected me with antibiotics, gave me a prescription for more antibiotics and told me to eat the BRAT diet (Bananas Rice Apple Sauce Toast). Right now I'll probably follow it a bit since I've completely lost my appetite for raw meat at the moment. Hopefully I'll be back to raw next week...though everybody in my family is giving me the "Told you so!" routine after warning me of the dangers of consuming raw meat.

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