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Messages - Coatue

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Personals / Re: California
« on: March 18, 2011, 06:47:49 am »
California is known to cause cancer and birth defects.
Arizona is bettah.
I was born in San Diego, Ca. Won't ever move back.
Hell I don't even visit often.

Move to Az and coming hiking with me.

How does the State of California cause more cancer than anywhere else?

Personals / Re: California
« on: March 17, 2011, 12:46:58 pm »
California is overrated. :P

- Expensive property
- High taxation
- Nanny state

hah...I already experience all of this in NJ except the nanny state aspect...high taxes in NJ without the state benefits and awesome weather! I'm mostly interested in Cali for the beautiful year-round weather to get some sun and outdoor activities

High meat had no noticeable effect on my skin. I don't know why, but my guess is that high meat promotes healthy gut flora but does not have a strong antifungal effect. Raw fat did help greatly and fat is known to hydrate--eating fat helped me more than applying it to my skin, though both helped. Raw fermented honey helped further beyond what VLC or ZC or high fat did. I'm surprised but I can't deny what I've seen with my own eyes and felt in my scalp with my fingernails. I don't fully understand why or how it worked, but I do know that raw honey is an antifungal, so that's my best guess. I don't know how well this would work for others. I haven't seen other reports of this, but the Really Raw folks did indicate that others have reported similar results, so it apparently works for at least some other people.

where can you get this honey?

Personals / California
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:40:15 am »
I'm considering a move to California (an hour south of San Francisco along the coast) from NJ. Can anybody recommend California in any way... is it easy to be raw paleo there? In other words, is there a good amount access to grass fed meats?


Hot Topics / Re: One thing non-paleo you occasionally indulge on?
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:32:26 am »
Good to see we are not all perfect  8)

I think that the real danger in people like DV and AV hogging all the spot light is the fact that they may be the only resources that some people will have to base their diets on , and if those people happen to be intolerant to milk or have other serious issues , then the protocol they try to follow may not give them the best results.

From the mountain view that the people of this forum share, the antics of people like DV seem quaint and novel, but heaven help the fools in the valley that take him too seriously, and have no other resource to balance out the new age nonsense with down to earth proven effective protocols. Thats why its important to build up a thriving paleo culture that is much larger and complete than the visions of the particular gurus.

Then I guess thank you baby jebus   ;D >D for this site as i think most people in their beginning "newbie" phase of this diet would easily take everything AV or DV says for fact

Hot Topics / Cholesterol Down, Vitamin D up in Eggs
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:04:53 am »
Interesting...perhaps this changes for other foods as well:

Hot Topics / Re: New Daniel Vitalis interview about raw food, evolution..
« on: February 28, 2011, 02:07:31 pm »
Can anyone point out when or where DV talks about cooking meat?

Health / Re: Skin Moles
« on: February 27, 2011, 01:49:57 pm »
My moles and other benign skin lesions have gradually been disappearing since I started eating Paleo, but when I mention this to people they just dismiss it as something that happens naturally with age in people. To me that seems like too flimsy a dismissal that doesn't explain why I was developing more and more moles and skin lesions while eating modern foods and then when I switched to Paleo they started disappearing. It seems like too much of a coincidence of timing to assume that it's solely due to a natural aging process, especially since I tend to see more moles on aged people, not less.

Did raw paleo do this or cooked paleo as well?

Hot Topics / One thing non-paleo you occasionally indulge on?
« on: February 27, 2011, 10:37:42 am »
Do any of you have one thing you occasionally indulge on that is not good for you or non-paleo? For some reason, granola is something Im having trouble not eating occasionally but I guess it could be worse  >D

General Discussion / Re: Sources of HGH outside of Milk?
« on: February 27, 2011, 08:50:23 am »
When it comes to growth factors from food, eating all the best quality animal foods is already the best thing you could be doing, in my opinion. Of course, colostrum has the most concentrated growth factors in it, I really do recommend seeking out a farmer who may provide you with fresh colostrum.

I'm no expert, but it seems that many different nutrients can help and fuel the production of growth hormones in the body. Foods high in tryptophan can help by stimulating serotonin production, which can act as a growth factor itself.

There are also other amino acids that can influence growth hormones, but I have yet to do more research on that.

I just found this.

It's an interesting read and am interested myself. Hormones like these are so important to our health and more people seem to really miss out on them growing up these days. I personally know I missed out big time. Going mainly vegan was horrible during the most important years of my puberty. As a result, I worsened all kinds of hormonal imbalances and am underdeveloped in many ways. Animal foods are wonderful.

Does colostrum powder work or is not worth it if it cant be fresh?

General Discussion / Sources of HGH outside of Milk?
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:58:20 am »
Anybody now of some good food sources of HGH...I know raw milk has it but what else?

Health / Skin Moles
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:26:43 am »
What causes skin moles? Does diet have to do anything with it? Would raw paleo remove them over time? I believe I've read people eating raw chicken and within 2 years the mole began to itch and fellow.

Hot Topics / EMF's
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:02:38 am »
Are EMF's a legit concern?

Hot Topics / Bone Broth Recipe
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:04:08 am »
Although not raw paleo, does anybody have a good marrow bone broth recipe that is the "healthiest" in terms of low amount of heat and destroying of nutrition?

General Discussion / Re: Crunchy bits in liver?
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:34:28 am »
Nothing really, its just kinda gross and freaky and I would like to know if its a sign of a "sick" liver

Health / Re: Burning stomach from raw honey
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:26:46 am »
if it burns then stay away from it.

i recently had ulcers, and according to ayurveda i should avoid it.

When first trying raw paleo, I made the mistake of eating raw meat and cooked meat within 20 minutes of each other. It gave me a bad case of gastritis where the whole lining of my stomach burned for days. Raw manuka honey completely stopped the burning sensation and healed my stomach lining fast.

Health / Re: Chroniccaly flakey skin..:( HELP!
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:22:36 am »
someone on the forum once posted that consuming carbs can make the skin oilier. i would tend to agree with this. IMO when i eat carbs my skin is oilier. there are also many claims from people who have done juice fasts (which i am not advocating) who describe oily skin when fasting. my skin definitely felt like it was glowing, completely different, actually normal, right after a waterfast i did for 9 days. but i felt the dryness during the actual fast.

i am now VLC and did notice that when i am ZC my mouth, eyes and skin felt drier. according to chinese medicine, my tongue would be considered to red, and dry when ZC. i do not believe it has to do with consumption of water but rather a glandular issue headed by the liver.  perhaps ZC is too "dehydrating" for some.

at the moment, i believe cyclical or occasional consumption of fruits/veggies is probably of benefit to most people as paleo man resorted to eating them.

perhaps variability in diet gives us a lower margin of error since most of us do not know what our optimal diet is.

I agree with you and that is what i just don't get. ZCers state they have lost their dandruff and dry skin only when doing ZC. Yet, my case, your case, and friend of mine's case show the opposite. My skin gets red, dry, and I develop dermatitis. It doesn't seem to improve much when drinking up to a gallon of water a day.

General Discussion / Crunchy bits in liver?
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:11:59 am »
Anybody ever experience crunchy like bits or coming across crystal like objects when eating raw liver?

Health / Re: Chroniccaly flakey skin..:( HELP!
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:10:46 am »
I've never had skin issues, and tend to have even smoother skin on this type of diet, but I DO feel especially dry/parched when eating RAF (I'm probably eating more from dairy, getting much of my fat from butter, some from animal fats, organs and whole egg)

I do tend to drink less/little water doing the diet this way but it seems even if I was to drink more that it makes little difference.

I bring this up only to mention that by logic, or from RPD/primal claims, this makes little sense, as I consume no cooked food, which is incredibly drying, and I consume tons of fat, which is supposedly lubricating. dust and other factors seem to dry me out much more than the average person, and I imagine humidity does the same IICR when I was doing the diet at the beginning of last summer. Before doing raw again this time around, I did basically cooked paleo/primal and didn't experience the same kind of dried out feeling, which leads me to believe there is something going on internally (either positive that requires more moisture/lubrication to facilitate such as getting rid of poisons, or possibly negative:undefined, requiring more water or other lubrication, than even a normal person who drinks coffee and eats crap) that is accelerated on an all-raw diet.

I experience this too... for some reason cooked food makes my skin less dry. What is up with that?

I live in New York. We're about the same latitude. ;)
They've got ~475 acres with 300 head. They have enough fields that they can make hay all spring/summer/fall long and have food for the animals. They also have them outside in all but the worst storms. :)

I'm from NJ. Where is this farm and what is it called?

General Discussion / Re: Feeling and looking a bit seedy
« on: February 20, 2011, 03:18:22 am »
You asking me, or someone else?

My typical meal is a pound of deer meat/tendon with some GF-GF cattle suet and a small dab of raw honey to make it palatable.  I'd guess 60-80% of my calories come from the fat, the rest from muscle/tendon and other foods I eat during the day like a piece of fruit.

How much fat in pounds do you eat daily Sitting Coyote?

General Discussion / Re: Olives?
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:10:53 pm »
    So, what do you do? Dehydrate them?

No i just buy them in bulk at olive bars in stores or organic olives from Greece in a jar

General Discussion / Olives?
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:47:03 am »
What's the general consensus on olives? Are they good to eat frequently or should they be limited?

General Discussion / Re: How long to see result of what you eat?
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:12:05 pm »
It depends on the individual, how long have you been paleo and raw paleo?

I'm not sure how to answer the question appropriately because I have been raw paleo on and off since September. Sometimes I have been raw for a 1 week striclty but I always get pressure and guilt by family to go eat out at a restaurant with them or during a family sucks. I get frustrated that I cant see what it would be like to be consistent raw for longer periods of time. But I'm thinking this recent inflammation outburst was due to granola and milk cereal I ate last Monday. Could it take this long to effect it? It may also be a result of the overdose of adrenal glands I had last night.

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