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Messages - miles

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Off Topic / Re: Intactivism
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:16:01 am »
actup I like the bottom 2 quotes in your signature:

"When you put someone upon a pedestal.. you should expect a kick in the face" - Michael Tsarion
"So few take responsibility, I can't wait until somebody does something about it."

The first one sucks though.

Hot Topics / Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:39:13 pm »
I haven't visited any socialist countries to see how this stuff actually works. But all I hear from Americans is that socialism is EVIL, then all I read is that the socialist countries have the happiest people in the world...

I think because they have no internal competition they are happy but become weak as a country, so they have to attack other countries to stay alive. That's why people see them as evil, but the people in them are happy.

Edit: I was talking about communism because that seemed to be what Max was talking about.

Hot Topics / Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:59:34 pm »
from a test we took, it showed that I am an Indigo and she is a crystal, which is a harmonious blend.

You should go back in a disguise and see if you get the same result.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: What Exercises Should I Add??
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:47:37 pm »
I know, I try to tell long-distance runners/joggers that they are just wearing their heart out (if not other muscles too) and they think I'm crazy.  It's the whole more is better mentality at work.

You are crazy.

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 22, 2011, 04:53:37 am »
I'd like to hear about what Action Hero has done, but he will disappear now I suppose.

Health / Re: Head Lice
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:58:20 am »
=/ I've been in the process of moving towards full hair, letting it grow.

Hey Techydude how do you mean stress makes it worse? Do you mean because it weakens your immune system or what? You think the lice etc can only become a problem if you're weak?

When you say clay will help, how do you mean? What does it do?

Actup: How does Clay or Mud work? Have you done it yourself?

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:04:34 pm »
why do you like prong?

Close the door.

Tea tree oil and nit comb is indeed one of the natural ways of doing it.

"The warnings follow revelations that boys have been warned against using oils or hair gels that contain tea tree oil after three cases of them growing breasts were reported.

Researchers in the US believe that the oils may have hormone-like properties that lead to gynaecomastia - the growth of breasts. When the boys stopped using the oils, the breasts disappeared. Writing in New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers say that the repeated use of such oils may disrupt hormonal function."

Health / Head Lice
« on: March 19, 2011, 09:43:54 am »
What do Paleo people think about head lice?

Is it possible to increase resistance to infestation? What are good body-friendly ways of banishing them once infested?

For how long have people been becoming infested, what did they used to do, or did it bother people at all? Are healthy scalps and hair unsuitable for lice?

Seeing as detached nits can apparently no longer hatch, and head lice can apparently live for a maximum of 1-2 days off off the human head: How do outbreaks seem to start out of nowhere? Are some people not bothered by the lice and act as symptomless carriers?


(These questions come as I coincidently developed a feverish illness and a head-lice infestation after sleeping in a shelter I made, the bulk of which was constructed from an abandoned hay bale I found - the first time I'd ever used this material; previously I'd only used leaves.)

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: March 19, 2011, 09:23:07 am »
What types of salt have you tried?

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: March 19, 2011, 06:08:17 am »
How have your experiments with salt gone PaleoPhil? Do you still use it?

Yes, preferably dissolved throughout the meat before eating so it's more comfortable. Maybe saturated seawater would be a good condiment?

What do you think about something like 'Himalayan Crystal Salt'? I've just been searching stuff since I read your post.

I just read on a yahoo answers comment that lice do not become a problem unless one has a dry scalp, and that they hate oil. Is this right? If so, that'd be the issue I need to sort out.

This is why I'm asking this here on RPF.

Maybe eating PP's Raw Fermented Honey will clear the head lice!

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 18, 2011, 01:24:59 pm »
I would rather be sitting on 2 million dollar house earning 20 grand a year.

Why not sitting on a 100 million dollar estate earning $1,000,000 a year?

dogdamnit, just got head lice recently, they showed up and started making my head itch yesterday.. Last time I had head lice was many years ago and my Mum used conditioner, tea tree oil and maybe something else, and a fine-tooth comb. Is there any way I can get rid of these things on my own..?

Furthermore is there any way to do it on my own without using all that stuff?

This itching is crazy, I've been picking them out by myself but I can't do the back no way.. I need to get even the tiny nits not just the lice.

Just while I'm here, anyone have any alternative views, little-known information or theories regarding head lice?

I also wondered about the itching/scratching in reaction to bites, if it just benefits the lice further or what.

Health / Re: Horrible pain, agonizing muscle spasms...
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:18:28 pm »
Dr's found nothing, plus MRI's etc came back negative also adding to the the fact he obviously intelligent and a high achiever/perfectionist (a total triathlete) Classic TMS'er

wtf are you on about, Dr's don't find anything anyway. These posts of yours are getting lame.

What he needs to do is stop seeing his problems as separate and thinking they can be treated by a Doctor, and realise they are all linked and he needs lifestyle changes if he is to improve.

Tell him to investigate paleo or quit crying.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: What Exercises Should I Add??
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:11:54 pm »
I need to do something to exercise my pectoral muscle, but I do not have a weight bench.  What other exercises can I do?

Dips, Pull Ups, one-arm push-ups.

General Discussion / Re: Hair color change on RPD
« on: March 17, 2011, 09:59:57 pm »
magnetic is that really you? you are gorgeous and look healthier overall
hormones will change hair color and texture
mineral deficiency also play a huge role in hair quality

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Even after I already made a post making fun of the people who make these posts?

Hot Topics / Re: raw organs
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:46:17 pm »
would you eat brains from grassfed cows if you could get it? because I can for $5 per brain


I'm going to be getting a deer head as soon as the butcher gets in a deer =)

Hot Topics / Re: Baby Spinach
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:42:09 pm »
I'd think that if it doesn't taste good to you on its own there'd be a reason.

General Discussion / Re: Grassfed, what's that?
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:38:20 pm »
I've found this too, that many people get really hostile when you ask them how their animals were raised.. Either that or they just have no clue whatsoever.

One woman butcher told me she'd never heard of grassfed, and didn't know what it was.. She said that no beef was grass-fed, that it was impossible.

General Discussion / Re: Hair color change on RPD
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:25:09 pm »
Woah magnetic you used to look Asian as well now you look Caucasian. Amazing what RPD can do. Does this mean Asian people are really just deficient in meat? Makes sense.

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