« on: May 26, 2021, 10:16:25 am »
It has become clear to me over the past few years that my hormones are completely out of whack. I have several issues pointing towards hormone imbalances, but the biggest one I just found out about is that I have fibroids. My periods have always been painful, heavy, long, and irregular ever since I first started getting them, but over time the pain has slowly gotten worse and worse over the years. Another symptom of hormone imbalance is the acne around my chin and jawline, as well as shoulders, back, and chest, which I haven't been able to get rid of no matter what I eat. I also now get hyperpigmentation, which I never got as a kid, or even a teenager. Most of it comes from the acne, but a couple years ago I got some melasma on my forehead that was never there before. All of these things just keep telling me my hormones are completely out of whack and getting worse!
I have never taken or used any sort of birth control ever in my life. I never want to, because my hormones are already messed up enough that I don't want to mess them up further with hormone drugs. Instead, I am abstinent and a virgin, which is probably the biggest contributing factor to my fibroids at least, the "disease of nuns," but that's not something I'm going to change. If I get married, then maybe I can have a baby(that I want), but I'm unsure if that will happen. I've always had acne my whole life, but from when I first started a raw paleo diet, most of it has improved but never went away completely. My periods also became regular, and while on raw paleo they weren't always as bad. But I've had a lot of trouble sticking to raw, I now swing a lot on my diet and I don't really eat fully raw anymore as I don't really like cold beef, and it's difficult for me to find good offal. I usually sear my beef slightly, so it's still super rare or raw in the middle. I do like raw fish though, as long as it doesn't taste fishy whatsoever (fresh/sashimi) and can eat it cold. Every once in a while I break and eat some junk, but usually not very often. I do consume a lot of raw dairy consistently. But since I'm not consistent with eating raw/paleo/carnivore/healthy/whatever, I still do get some problems. My periods remain regular now, but are more painful than ever. My acne is sporadic mostly, with the hormonal jawline/back/shoulder acne being the most stubborn that won't go away no matter what. The melasma on my forehead has very slowly been going away, or at least hasn't gotten worse. I did go onto WAI diet a little while back, but even though I was almost 100% raw my symptoms didn't improve. I also went full carnivore slightly cooked for a little while and no improvement. I think this hormone problem is something far too advanced to be fixed easily by diet alone.
I originally though I had too much testosterone that was causing my acne, so I looked into what I could do to lower it. I drank a whole bunch of spearmint tea at the time, with slight improvements but never fixing it so eventually I stopped. I mentioned to my doctor that because of my acne and period problems I think I might have hormone issues.. he said he didn't think so, but I insisted so he requested a blood test. WELL, when I got the results I found out that idiot doctor requested THYROID HORMONE PANEL, not sex hormones!!! So I have no blood tests to tell me what my hormone levels actually are. Once I found out I had fibroids though, I looked it up and found out it's usually because of excess estrogen. I then looked up what can block/get rid of estrogen and started taking vitex/chasteberry, nettle, and maca root powder mixed with raw honey. This seems to have greatly improved my hormonal acne as I did not get any for about a month until now. My last period was also greatly improved, with barely any pain and much lighter. However, my next period is coming up and I can feel some small cystic acne developing near my chin, my hyperpigmentation/melasma hasn't improved, and I'm not sure how painful/heavy this period is going to be compared to last time, which might have been a fluke since I do get a less-painful period every once in a while.
Mainly what I want to know is, if anyone is experienced with hormones that knows any other herbs that can help my specific situation, how I can know when to take which herbs, or how I can tell which hormones are out of whack and when? I don't want to take TOO much estrogen blockers and end up becoming more manly or something! I did pause on taking the chasteberry and nettle once my last period ended, (still took maca-honey every day though) and started taking it again immediately after ovulation this cycle, trying to fit with the normal rise and fall of estrogen during the cycle. But I have no idea what I'm doing, or if I should continue with the nettle, if I should start drinking more green tea and/or spearmint tea, or avoid the teas, or stop the herbs, or how to tell if I'm doing too much or too little! I'm still afraid of throwing my hormones even worse out of whack than they already are..
Long story short, if anyone has advice on herbs that can help specifically with the combined issues of:
-hormonal acne
-hyperpigmentation scars
-painful, heavy, and long periods
as well as advice on how to tell which hormones are out of balance and which herbs to take when for best hormone balancing, or curing of fibroids/hormonal acne, that would be wonderful..