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Topics - tonyvee

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General Discussion / New jar for every high meat batch, or reuse ?
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:03:50 am »

What has been your experience, do you reuse jars for high meat or you throw away after each batch and grab a new one ?

Welcoming Committee / Hi from England
« on: August 07, 2021, 05:23:29 am »
Wow, I have not used a forum since early 2000s, that's how old I am (almost 41) ;D

I have been searching for a long time for the most appropriate human diet.

I mean if one asks 'What is the diet for a lion ?' or 'What is the diet for a cow ?', the answer is pretty much instant.

Somehow, when asking 'What is the diet for a human ?' the answers get confusing and complicated.

I started the journey in 2010 with Atkins, and never moved off Phase 1 (under 20 grams of carbs per day) and did that for six years until 2016.

One day in 2016 I had this plate of fried chicken thighs and felt really nauseated just looking at them, and that was the beginning of my plant based phase.

During the plant based period I tried all sorts of combinations: raw fruit, which left me hungry and needing the toilet a lot ... after a while I introduced cooked foods like rice and pasta. Most vegans I read about seem to lose a lot of weight, but the opposite was true in my case.

The increase in weight, combined with other ill effects, I knew something had to change, so after 5 years of veganism, in April 2021 I went carnivore (cooked zero carb style).

That was alright, but I did not enjoy the cooked beef taste a lot, strangely enough fried beef tasted sour to me somehow.

First week of July I went raw paleo. I was trying to fry some beef and just felt like biting from it raw, and ate the whole piece.

I soon realised that it is quite hard to tear raw flesh (depends on the cut of meat I suppose), so I got some kitchen scissors - best investment ever. I can cut the meat into bite size pieces and can easily swallow after a minimum amount of chewing.

In the beginning of raw paleo, in the evening I did feel like having cooked meat, and got some take away food, but after a week or so, all that disappeared.

Recently I tried fruits, but they did not agree with me at this stage.

I ate quite a few eggs in the beginning, like 12 a day or so, but I do not feel attracted to them at this time.

So I am eating mainly raw beef, and have some wild venison trimmings on order, on the way.

For water, the tap water here smells of chlorine stronger than the swimming pool, so I use the distiller to clear that. I am aware some people do not do well with distilled water, but I had no problems so far. Sometimes I buy sparkling water like San Pellegrino.

That's my diet story so far...

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