New to this forum but not instincto! Been eating Instinctively for one year now!!!! I was reading this forum and realized I have always had some questions
What part of our evolutionary history shaped our nutritional needs ? If humans started there evolution in the rainforest would they still instinctively want these fruits and leaves and stalks from there? Or have we evolved away from that? I found it astounding that humans are the only species that utilizes foods from all over the world and I just wondering if thats good for us. Every other animal follows a specific seasonal diet according to the location of where they live. I guess mostly what I am wondering is why I crave the foods I do. I am a female of European descent from the United States... I have never instinctively chosen foods from South America or North America.... I dont like Apples, Or tomatoes or Avocados. Basically all the foods I eat are from Asia and the Mediterranean with a heavy bearing on Citrus and Greens. Could this be where a major change in the Human diet and where a shift in intelligence happened??? My ancestors just randomly stumbled onto a lemon patch and now i need them?

Explain how we come to naturally crave certain foods that are good for us............ and what about Africa??? What about our long evolutionary past there? Are we not missing the native African plants and fruits we evolved with, or do they not even exist anymore? Did the increase in nutritional value of our new fruits and vegetables shape our brain? I wonder why I eat the things I do and dont revert back to eating like an ape. How do i come to crave and need lemons and cantaloupe in my diet instead of frickin figs and termites? Whats the difference? I wanna know a true diet with actual foods that changed us and benefited us from our past... Is that so hard!!!???