its hard for me to even explain my qestions in the right terms
I think what Im wondering is what period of time are are instincts adapted to and how to eat the actual foods that are 100 percent best for us.
and how these foods from all over the world that we never had access to can be good or even better for us? My ancestors never ate avocados so how could they be
good for me? and why would i instinctively want them ???etc.... A person would instinctively crave foods from africa and other parts of his or her past wouldnt they!?
Our evolution happpened mostly in ancient Africa and then we spread out!!! so whats foods would our instincts drive us towards???
do they same plants and fruits, etc.. even exist today that our ancestors would have been eating? I sometimes bite into.. say a melon and wonder...Is this really a food that my body needs and was available to my ancestors or am i just trying to replicate some fruit that I have never tried because its not mass produced and/or isnt available to me...
and Is it just as healthy to get your vitamins and nutrition from some modern day fruit as it would be from some native african fruit you dont access to?
whats the difference between me getting my nutrition from an ancient fruit or a modern day lemon or something?
I feel like Im not on the right path when i can only instinctively eat foods available to be in north america... im missing foods from parts of my evolutionary history that my body wants! I need to travel around the world and select the best foods for my body or something!
or maybe my thoughts on evolution our misguided