Info / News Items / Announcements / Kevin Gianni - interviews with cancer specialists.....2 speakers per night start
« on: October 20, 2011, 08:10:15 am »This is your host and producer of the Healing Cancer
World Summit, Kevin Gianni, and I have a special
message for you today...
The Healing Cancer World Summit starts on October
25th, 2011 and we've just finalized the line up of
speakers - dates and times.
Today, I wanted to share them with you so you can
mark off your calendars so you won't miss a thing.
Now, I understand some of you may not be able to make
all the calls (or you may want to listen to them
again), so what we've done is put together a special
upgrade package that will allow you lifetime access
to these lectures and transcripts to read - in
digital or printed format.
This special upgrade pack is available now with 3
extra pre-event bonuses that will be taken down on
October 26th.
The package of the bonuses is literally worth more
than the upgrade itself, so you can be sure we've put
together a bunch of great value if you want these
lectures in your own library to listen to again or
share with those who need them most.
Here's that link to upgrade now before the pre-event
bonuses expire on the 26th...
Next up, schedule!
To listen to these lectures, you will go to this page
every night:
On this page now, there are instructions on how to
listen to the calls, so be sure to read how to do that
before the event starts.
Now, here's the play-by-play schedule for the Healing
Cancer World Summit:
Tuesday, October 25th at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST -
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Charlotte Gerson.
Wednesday, October 26th at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST -
Dr. Francisco Contreras and Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy.
Thursday, October 27th at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST -
Dr. Thomas Lodi and Dr. David Getoff.
Friday, October 28th at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST -
Mike Adams and Marcus Freudenmann.
Saturday, October 29th at 8:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST -
Burton Goldberg and two special cancer survivor guests.
So go ahead and mark these down and make sure you
clear out your calendar. It's my mission to provide
you with the highest quality information possible and
believe me, the caliber of experts in this event is
That's it for me today...
Remember, the calls are free for 24 hours. So anyone
can listen in and get this information. If you want to
listen again, or want to share this information, or you
miss a call, or want to have it in your own health
library, then you can get the affordable upgrade
package here...
(Note: Pre-event bonuses will be taken down on October
26th, so if you want these with your purchase, now is
the time to get them!)
I'll have some more to share a little later this week -
stay tuned!
Live Awesome!
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