Parenting / Past/current illness causes related to Prenatal/Parental nutritional upbringing?
« on: April 02, 2018, 03:18:09 am »I am curious to what you attribute your current or past sicknesses to, when you were a child and when you became a grown up. Do you think your health related problems were/are a direct cause of what your mother ate while she was pregnant, what she fed you during postnatal care, what they fed you during childhood or what medical treatment you received?
I think it would make sense to get peoples opinion of why they think they had certain health issues later life. I for example attribute my ADHD issues at school to too much gluten in my diet. Possible side effects to vaccinations might have played a role too. The fix for ADHD back then was Ritalin which had hallucinating effects that lasted for years. I also think the fluoride tablets were the direct cause for the dental misalignment which could be fixed with bracelets only. Of course some of these issues could have had genetical reasons, however I doubt that.