Yes, I almost only had cooked meat. There is certainly a difference between cooked and raw. Cooking destroys nutrients, enzymes, creates AGES and other toxins. I will not promote cooked meat on a RDP forum, but cooking made things tastier at last for me, and I do think that it´s important that you enjoy the smell of your food. Eating raw meat has little smell, so I was not excited as much. I´m sure thats because my taste buds are messed up and I´m addicted to the maillard reaction

But whatever, it did the trick. The problem with chunks of beef is that the connective tissue needs to be broken down by your stomach acid, and if that one is weak you have a problem. I had constipation when I could not digest the raw meat, with cooking these connective tissues become softer and easier to digest, unless you do you steak too well done or dry it out too much.
The miced lamb and beef is easy to digest, already very small and broken down, I find it ideal for people that have low stomach acid. With the chicken leg I did have my issues, I believe it was due to the low bile production of my liver, which breaks down the fats. Chicken is quite an unnatural food by itself, so from an evolutionary perspective I think other animals (beef, pork, lamb, wild meats...) are more recognized by the body, digested easier and utilized better. I bought almost entirely organic beef mince that had a very good taste, my lamb was from new zealand but not organic, and the chicken leg was organic (which does not say much anyway nowadays since chickens are fed usually crap grains and soy). I always did my meat on the pan, so I fried it in the fats mentioned before, sometimes I added a little bit of water so it doesnt get that dry. Certainly frying was the last healthy option, but the fastest, easiest and tastiest for me. As I fucked up my steak attempts too often (too rubbery and dry when I did them too well done) I switched to mince. The fried whole eggs I had on the side, I rarely boiled them. I think the whites are harder to digest when boiled, I noticed that the whites sometimes came up when I had to puke. Not a surprise since the whites have a high alkaline ph, that does not fit with acidic meat or egg yolks. So the smaller fried chunks were easier to digest than the big egg white chunks after boiling. I did quite some experimentation throughout the last couple of months to make meat (even harder cuts) more easy do digest. Frying is a hit and miss on big meat pieces, boiling takes long and can make it chewier, so I "discovered" that when you put meat pieces in a pyrex like glass container, fill it with around 2-3 cm of water, cover it with the same pyrex container at the top to create a kind of vaccum and put that in the oven on 140 C (over and under heat mode) for around 1 1/2 hours the meat becomes very tender. But the biggest plus I find is that the water soaks up all the collagen from the fat and cartilage, which I noticed is great to heal the intestines. Its far more efficient to put several big pieces of steak or whole chicken in the oven, instead of burning the carcinogens on the pan, it also keeps longer warm. I did try to make bone broths, but I couldnt stand the 1-2 days cooking time. Way too much hassle, so if you are into cooked meat, want that nice collagen like liquid as with broth, all it takes is roughtly 1 and a half hours to have a low temperature cooked food (the meat inside the glass container does not reach 140 C anyway I believe), that keeps warm for hours in the oven, is very soft and tastes great. Lastly, I want to say that when I did the cooked carnivore back then, I also consumed good amounts of red wine, that helped me digest my foods very well. Red wine does wonders when you have low stomach acid. Needless to say you need to be careful with alcohol.