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Messages - On a Quest, you want in?

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Primal Diet / Re: Unsalted Raw Cheese in Uk
« on: October 21, 2019, 08:34:27 pm »
I have been told nonsense before by farmers about the impossibility of providing something or other. I always found out in the end that they were lying through their teeth. Salt only prolongs the lifespan of the cheese, nothing more. Just keep on looking online and phoning etc.

Tyler you seem to have tried alot of things. I recently have had conversations with NYD and others, they all pull a funny face when I mention salt free. I've been salt free for 5 years , obvs when out socially I get the salt hit, which I always regret and of late will start asking to not put salt in my food. I respect your hate for dairy. I'm coming to think dairy as a survival food maybe like the pemmican. Maybe eating cheese and crackers/bread makes sense historically with a enzyme active chuctney or honey for digestion. What do you think ?

Raw Weston Price / Re: How much raw milk does everyone drink?
« on: October 21, 2019, 08:13:05 pm »
Talking dairy before refrigeration, surley all dairy was either fermented or made into cheese. My grandad only drank fresh milk from the udder warm as a little treat before making cheese, never as I drink , they drank about a cup of water a day max and a cup of wine with dinner, pretty basic , live until 80-90 down in the south of Europe eating pasta a bit of pork , some eggs and lamb all cooked, they have strong heritage I assume.
Has any one tried making yoghurt/kefir with there own saliva? So mixing milk a tablespoon or 2 of fresh milk in your mouth and mixing it into the milk you want to ferment ?

Primal Diet / Re: food poisoning from chicken
« on: October 21, 2019, 07:36:44 pm »
Take my advice, don't cook the chicken you will only fuck yourself up 1#

2# make sure to get with at least a maximum soy diet percentage of only 35% the less soy the better.

Bacteria is NEVER the cause of disease however accelerated detoxification of cooked meat can occur if you half cook the chicken.
Just don't cook it, better yet don't cook anything.  Even inhaling something cooking causes cancerous tissue buildup.
The world elites don't cook food, why should you?

I cook my family roast chicken, what's the problem specifically?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:34:26 pm »
Imo it also depends in quality and your specific health condition. I do think healthy people with No digestive issues could thrive on high quality milk from ancient breeds of cows, sheep, goats etc. Soil depletion is also a thing. Or geography, you might thrive on eating raw dairy while living in Sardinia for example and not your current Location. Maybe one reason why many people are "travel addicted" nowadays, maybe subconciously roaming for nutrients like nomads? haha
I myself had that experience in a small coastal region in italy i was thriving there for a few weeks on lean cooked meats, leafy greens, salads, nuts, cheeses. Meanwhile here in Austria highest quality, organic (raw) animal foods so not fix my issues. Can't afford to travel right now.

Possible. I think seasons play a big role as well. Regarding milk since I can remember I have refused it and never drank it, I hated it and did not see why people loved it. Only time I had it was in a cup of tea even then as I grew the less milk was added. I'm glad I always refused it as a kid tbh. When I first tried raw jersey milk last year that was it, it tasted great, I then compared it to a high quality pasteurised organic milk from UK which was disgusting still to me hate the stuff but I don't hate the raw. My heritage is English and southern Europe both big dairy consumers . I have no problems . I know Aajonus said 2/100 people he has observed can tolerate dairy

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello all.
« on: October 21, 2019, 01:42:14 pm »

Science / Re: Air pollution damage
« on: October 21, 2019, 01:40:13 pm »
UK and Austria.

Nice, I saw you have a plot in northern Italy as well.

Science / Re: Air pollution damage
« on: October 21, 2019, 04:53:28 am »
Easily googleable online. However, Cyprus seems reasonably fine but Texas is not so good re air-pollution.
Where are you from Tyler , UK?

Welcoming Committee / Hello all.
« on: October 21, 2019, 04:48:11 am »
Hi All, Interested in AV approach, generally a few formulas and basic stuff. Like the ideas on bacteria and viruses although controversial. Injured my glut medius on a 80% plant based diet, done exercises that help but needed something more. The meats cleared the tissue of subtle aches and made it stronger. I come in peace but understand diet is a passionate topic with people who may have health issues. Anyway I'm on a quest to gain more knowledge on the subject. Thanks

Primal Diet / Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« on: October 21, 2019, 04:11:42 am »
I have serious confusion over those who claim drinking water doesn't hydrate.  3Vsrge, or however you write it, goes so far as to say animals don't drink water.  And this is from a guy who shows himself in nature quite often.  I have no idea as to why he would say such a preposterous thing. I could show him videos all day long where animals in the wild are drinking from water holes, streams, lakes etc.. 
    My guess is that he took that belief from AV.  And so the story continues...   My guess is those deriving hydration ( and I point this out to suggest more introspection ) or suspected hydration from egg yolks and honey are mainly getting a little instant energy from the honey and feelin alright again, as Henricks would say.  Not that juices don't hydrate, I have lived off of them during 30 plus days fasts, but again, as Tyler mentions, you're getting a sugar rush.  And sugar rushes just like taking an Advil can make you feel really good.
    When you juice you have No way of knowing how much of that particular veg or fruit you're body really needs, as there is No time for a stop to occur and signal you that you've had enough.  Thus, you are constantly trying to mentally figure it out,, 'is it one carrot and one zucchini and three pieces of apple,, or is two carrots and one apple.....
    The idea of getting someone to think that water doesn't hydrate, and then to follow some recipe, in my opinion, is another way of getting someone to jump on your hype train.

Do the animals drink the water for hydration or bacteria ? We in theory should be drinking water like dogs as well full of soil and bacteria

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:40:33 am »
Never understood the dairy problem people have because I've never had any reactions. I heard Aajonus say a ratio of 2/100 cannot tolerate dairy

Primal Diet / Re: Cheese cube train
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:33:20 am »
Seems to be a lot off have for Aajonus. I have only been reading his stuff since may. I have the whole collection, all audios , all videos books etc.. there is also his 10 year camera man Ibrahim who is on YouTube at the minute doing short videos talking about he has been on the diet 60% of the time (more realistic) as he eats cooked food with his family, he doesn't say a bad word against him. What's the deal?

Primal Diet / Re: what did aajonus think about raw fat?
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:25:01 am »
He said it was the best .

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