Was meant for a PM to jfgrout3 although his inbox is not set up due to his lack of reaching the required posts.
Hows it going jfgrout3?! I was so happy to read your experience with raw kefir and curing your diverticulitis! I have it as well and noticed that too much raw meat aggravated my symptoms. I have since learned it is because of the excess tryptophan. Anyway I currently live in Sedona Arizona and am traveling to Maui sometime early next year. Were you successful in starting a raw dairy co op in Hawaii? I am very interested in helping and lending any support I can as well as reaping the benefits

so email me back if this is still something you are interested in.
And by the way, thank you so much again for sharing your experience. I have access to raw grass fed dairy here and am going to be experimenting with it to see if I can benefit. from the kefir. I have already noticed a significant improvement by not eating raw meat every day and consuming large amounts of raw grass fed butter.
Looking forward to sharing notes and experience with you.