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Messages - raw

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Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 24, 2009, 12:13:41 am »
hi lex, my toddler is on paleolithic diet for couple of months now. he doesn't consume any kind of grains, legumes. but he does consume little fruits ( once a week), and only some green juice in the morning. he does not want to drink enough water . so, i get fear of developing kidney stones which is related of high fat and protein diet. i need  opinion. thanks.  -[

Primal Diet / Re: Need some opinions on something not totally paleo
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:26:49 am »
dear rawzi/ i know the point when my body wants to cheat. that gives me signals that my body doesn't get enough nutrients. i just wonder that why he doesn't eat any raw animal proteins? i hope, he's feeling all right now.

« on: December 20, 2009, 09:55:28 pm »
My hunter lives in woody land where he hunts the deer all year round from his house (if you hunt from your home it's fine ---the NJ law). i hear about lyme disease too. is there any pesific season out there for this disease? the hunter i know, he doesn't even use the gun to hunt. he uses special technique (arrows) to hunt. he also tergets the good one (healthy deer) (at least that what he says).  ???

« on: December 20, 2009, 01:35:21 pm »
i know someone (hunter) who can provide me wild vension all year round. what do you think to feed wild meat to my son who's 2 and half yrs old? is it safe for him? can he eat the organs too? this is the first time i'll get a wild deer. i need your opinion. thanks. -\

Hot Topics / Re: Plastics component affects intestine
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:52:21 pm »
nicola, thanks to your brilliant post. i just wonder, when i feed my toddler the fermented milk with the plastic spoon, i just don't feel right using plastic.  where can i find nice shape of wooden or glass spoons instead of plastics?

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:19:57 pm »
dearest rawzi/ you're just awesome!!  :-*

thank you for your GREAT answers. i really want to give high meat to my little one. thanks again.

thanks rawzi. she's taking syn thyroid for 8 yrs now. after consuming this syn thyroid, she has severe gum disease, sinus, rheumatism arthritis, recently osteoporosis, lower back pain...etc all she gets.

 l)I'm getting some fresh thyroid glands tomorrow. i don't know that i should freeze them or not. i need your advice!!
PLEASE, let me know how much i can eat! is it safe to eat a thyroid gland a day? earlier, one of our friends draws my attention by warning me that could be dangerous. please, i need your advice!! my mom has hypothyroidism, can i give that to her?  -\

« on: December 17, 2009, 04:23:48 am »
THANK YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS for sharing some very important info. i'll keep in my mind about sodium bicarbonate.

to wodgina6722, he just itches here and there, but nothing is visible (he just looks like perfectly healthy with a glorious healthy looking skin). i see you make a very good point here "you've cut out the fruit in your son's diet the fungus is being starved and has moved to the skin looking for food."

to Hannibal, that makes so much and my husband do think to give him raw meat which Raw Forever also mentions  and "reasonable fasting"...what a great idea!! that's what I'm doing today. he eats very tiny meal.

please, keep sending me more info about this. Dr. jack did mention that it is like fungus and within a month that 'll go away. i get two successful treatments from this doc---1)pin worms, 2) the mysterious knee pain. I do know that he's  a good doctor, but he's not a great one!! one thing is remarkable about his treatment which is chi infusion. if you want to know about him, you can go to his web :

I want to tell my all friends that, still i'm feeding him the raw meat. but only today i'm giving him some different light  food. by tomorrow I'll get some fresh lamb for him. he loves to eat raw animal food.  I'll be keep posting his progress until. :)

Hot Topics / Re: hand washing?
« on: December 16, 2009, 12:49:45 pm »
i only wash my hand using soap after i use the bathroom. in general, i don't use the soap but just use osmosis water.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 16, 2009, 12:46:49 pm »
    Do thyroids have much C?  Did you need a prescription?  I heard they're pretty powerful.  Enjoy them.  Will you freeze them?  I want to hear more.
dear rawzi, this is the 1st time i'm getting them. my mom is coming this Friday, so, i can feed her that. i really don't know about vit C in thyroid glands, but i'm not into strict ZC diet, so i can get my vit C plenty in other ways.  past experience taught me that extreme of anything is bad. i'm looking forward to meet you in this Saturday. thanks.

« on: December 16, 2009, 07:55:51 am »
I don't see why he cannot eat raw meat. Ringworm isn't caused by eating meat.
according to chinese doc, older raw meat contain ringworms. so he suggests to avoid this for a month to see the improvements.  -\

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:46:11 am »
why we can't choose to eat dried rose hips, which are loaded on vit C. well, i order some fresh thyroid glands and i'm getting them on Thursday.

General Discussion / Re: vitamin C in dried meat
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:45:37 am »
why we can't choose to eat dried rose hips, which are loaded on vit C. well, i order some fresh thyroid glands and i'm getting them on Thursday.

« on: December 16, 2009, 03:20:37 am »
now he's eating almost .3 lb of beef/lamb muscle meat/organs/fat for diner and lunch. he drinks fermented goat milk and fresh celery juice as snack, couple of oz fresh leafy green juice and 5/6 raw egg yolks for breakfast. almost 0 fruit he eats. if i cut down raw meat from his diet, than what i'll give him? -[

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: December 16, 2009, 12:31:09 am »
always enjoy great pictures. thanks to GS.

question to GS,  these fish are river fish or deep water fish?

do you believe that ancient tribes cook their fish if they catch from near the shore!! they only used to eat raw fish, if they're from deep water. the reason i'm asking this because, i'm tired of dealing with bad parasites. i know that small fish are the best. do you also clean the intestines of the fish when you eat them raw? thanks.

« on: December 16, 2009, 12:22:25 am »
my little toddler has ringworm, his Chinese doc confirms that and he's under the treatment now. he can't eat raw meat (unless it is very fresh which is very hard to get) for a month.  what to do? i need your suggestions. thanks. -\

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: December 16, 2009, 12:12:07 am »
WOW! great info about vit D3. i'm still wondering a little bit of question of skin color, different races might be a factor. people who have darker skin, they do very well living in tropical country, because of lots of sun. darker skin needs more sun to get enough amount of Vit D than lighter skin. if we want to get that from eating raw meat, than darker colored people need to eat more raw animal food to get the enough amount of vit D3? ??? 

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Lex's Jerky Maker Specimans
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:10:40 pm »
liking those pics. please, more pics please...

Health / Re: RAF and pH levels
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:11:38 am »
Lex Rooker has expounded on it extensively. There's one here and many after it in his journal, and probably some before this:

AFAIK, the only concern with acidic urine pH is uric acid stones. I try to drink lots of fluids.

A RAF diet actually INCREASES bone density, in our experience, rather than decreases it. I recommend reading all of Lex's journal.
to paleophil, like me being busy mom, i really don't have a chance to read lex's journal . it's really helpful that you specified this subject to where to look. thanks paleophil to take your important time to reply this. we all thanks full to you. :D

Teeth= I use only water and scrub, and soak my tooth brush once a week in sea salt water to clean it.

Laundry= Some eco friendly brand...

Bath & Shower= Just water and scrub with my hands. No rags involved.

I'm eating 80% to 90% meats and organs now. No need for special dental care tooth paste.

People have been brainwashed into thinking they need these products. If your eating strict raw paleo, you don't need any of those products. They are a waste of resources and energy to produce anyway.
:-*to sully, excellent choice!!! remember, i'm a tropical woman and i'm from exotic country, where the soaps consider as  luxury item, tooth brush needed and pastes don't exist, but there's enough supply of organic clay and real neem trees and all those unknown exotic materials. no yellow teeth exist (eventhough they don't eat uncooked food). most of the girls have beautiful long hair where they only use henna from trees, RITHA(natural shampoo seeds grows in the trees ), coconut oil to conditioning hair and fresh handpicked jasmine, tuberose or antique roses to decorate those gorgeous hair. hair salons don't exist. i see the young boys (around 15/16 yrs old) get naked and puts the clay around their bodies and swim in the river naked. (only when i come US, i find that adults stay  naked, and kids wear clothes). also women don't look old even their 50s, i mean wrinkle less skin. no washing machine exist. people wash their clothes manually using river water and dry them under the hot tropical sun.

i avoid taking shower as much as i can (city water is extremely poor quality ), almost never use soap, except putting fresh wheatgrass entire body. i give bath my little boy with wheatgrass water. i make his toothpaste out of wheatgrass juice and raw organic butter. he brushes his teeth once in two months. i also put wheatgrass juice, raw egg yolks (curly hair), coconut oil to clean my hair. i've lost big chunk of hair while practicing being raw vegan. 

also, Guittarman03, has the nice answers. i enjoy to read your topics very much.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:47:42 pm »
to cherimoya-kid,  raw non-treated scallops are available in whole food or where you get them from? thanks :)

Health / Re: advice for taking it easy on the liver
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:40:24 pm »
Craig Magnon, i'm also new in this diet. i continue the raw butter as a source of raw fat last couple of months . it is just cool, until now i'm getting the fresh lamb suet, and i'm loving this. i never like to eat coconut oil, but i use this as sun screen on my body. my toddler gets his message every day with raw coconut oil. i also find that, if you're out of raw fat temporarily, cod liver oil works (even taking 1tsp). you can eat also lots of wild caught salmon's skins as raw fat. in whole food market, they often sell grass fed bone marrows and they're also good fats. i like to eat my fats completely raw. i just don't believe in tallow or do some processing which is wasting of times to me. i'm sure that soon you'll be fine. ;D

Health / Re: Foot Fungus
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:26:31 pm »
i get my pretty feet back from those ugly fungus. after living USA for 15 yrs, the poisonous food makes my feet extremely ugly. now strictly following 100% raw animal diet for last one month or so, the beauty of my feet comes  back. now my feet are the most gorgeous part of my body.   ;D

Health / Re: RAF and pH levels
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:17:21 pm »
i'm also having the same experience with yellow pees. is this yellow color normal for raw paleo woman? i just drink osmosis water. -[

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