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Messages - Projectile Vomit

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General Discussion / Re: Foods that make you FEEL best?
« on: August 06, 2015, 08:24:53 pm »
Bone marrow.


Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 27, 2015, 09:54:06 pm »
In pretty much all of the other forums I participate in, political and religious discussions are prohibited. The reason is that they're always divisive, lead to bitter discussions and distract people from the real focus of the forums. It seems to me that politics has done that here too. The vast majority of posts on this forum these days are political in nature, or religious, or homophobic, or racist, etc. Folks hardly even talk about raw paleo nutrition anymore...

General Discussion / Re: Jeff Leach on the Hadza diet and microbiome
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:26:15 am »
I think it might be useful to do that occasionally, but another point Jeff made was that Hadza fiber intake was highly seasonal. In some seasons they relied heavily on plant foods, so their fiber intake increased. In other seasons they relied more heavily on animal foods and honey, so their fiber intake plummeted. I don't think anyone should attempt to eat 400-500g of fiber every day for any length of time. I can't even imagine how that could happen. I don't think I could do it even if I tried.

General Discussion / Re: Jeff Leach on the Hadza diet and microbiome
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:15:12 pm »
Yea, he believes an all meat diet destroys diversity. But admits that saying if its good or bad is just speculation at this point.
 "Sorry low carbers, your microbiome is just not that into you"

Must have been a cool dinner

Was definitely a cool dinner. The chef at Shelburne Farms' Inn, who designed the menu, made it very raw food heavy. It was a delightful 7 course gourmet meal that featured raw oysters, raw salmon, raw mackeral prepared as ceviche, lamb heart tartare, and venison cooked black-and-blue, which was raw on the inside by lightly brown on the outside. There was also a really nice salad course, another raw veg course and a desert with lots of strawberries and blueberries.

Nothing wrong with eating lots of tubers, in my opinion. They feed the gut microbiome, especially when eaten raw.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:10:18 am »
...And here we go with the "racism" nonsense...

Your post actup90 reminds me of how discussions about politics invariably bring out the best and worst of people. In your case any amount of respect I had for you has been flushed down the toilet and is now festering in the sewers. Your racist antics played a big part in that.

Off Topic / Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:09:15 pm »
I'm for Sanders too. I attended his kick-off party here in Burlington, lots of good energy. I have to admit I'm biased though. I've lived in Vermont for the last 8 years, and in fact used to live right down the street from Bernie. It was common for us to cross paths while he was in Vermont (like all US Senators, he lives part-time in Washington DC).

All other candidates I've seen strike me as opportunists. They'll say whatever polls suggest they should say, and what they actually do will benefit them and the people who pay for their campaigns. Bernie Sanders says what he believes, he'll do what he says, and he doesn't accept donations from the corporate interests that buy the other candidates. I have several friends who work on his campaign, and one told me the average campaign contribution he gets is $33. He won't outspend Hillary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates, but he can certainly outclass them. While I don't agree with him on everything, he's a known commodity and isn't going to mislead people. And, like I said above, he used to be my neighbor. How can I not support my old neighbor when he runs for president of the United States?

General Discussion / Re: Jeff Leach on the Hadza diet and microbiome
« on: July 13, 2015, 06:58:31 pm »
I haven't yet, although I will. My thought is that I'll eat a very specific diet for a week and then send in a sample to see what sort of a gut micribiome that eating pattern creates. Then change things up and send in another sample, then change things again and send in a third... I'd like to see what eating most raw food does to the gut, and also what eating mostly raw animal foods does. Jeff thinks a largely meat diet will destroy diversity (I had dinner with him after his talk, I don't think he said that in the recording). I'm not so sure.

General Discussion / Re: Jeff Leach on the Hadza diet and microbiome
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:52:06 am »
I doubt it. The video's long, and a transcript wouldn't be all that meaningful without the ppt slides that go along with his talk.

General Discussion / Jeff Leach on the Hadza diet and microbiome
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:45:02 am »
Earlier this summer we hosted Jeff Leach at the Nourish Vermont Traditional Foods and Health Gathering. Jeff studies the human microbiome (gut microbes), particularly in isolated peoples. His talked focused on the Hadza, and he mentions watching them eat meat and organs raw. It's a great talk, you can watch it now on YouTube. Other talks from the gathering can be watched on YouTube also, same channel. Enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: Bone broths best prepared raw, not cooked
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:01:03 am »
I've been trying to consume bone broth for a while now. All the literature and websites recommend it as the holy grail to fixing the gut....

Sort of. There is a pervasive misunderstanding among some bone brothers regarding the effects of this food on the gut. In the GAPS book and other literature Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride tries to be clear that meat stock is what heals the gut. Meat stock is made with bones and meat simmered at low temperatures for 1-2 hours. This is a very different concoction than bone broth, which is generally made of bones only and is cooked for much longer periods, often over 24 hours. If your goal is to heal your gut, you should be making meat stock, which dissolves the collagen from the meat, fascia within the meat and any cartilage and tendon that might be present on the bones. Bone broth dissolves the collagen too, but it damages it more because of the longer cooking time and also produces other cooking-derived toxins that can undermine the benefits of the broth.

You can also slice raw tendon and cartilage into bite-sized pieces and chew it up enough so you can swallow it. I make meat stock occasionally, but mostly do the latter. Not sure how good of an idea it would be to try to put raw tendons in a blender. Seems to me that might damage the blender. Tendons are very strong tissues!

Off Topic / Re: New rawpalaeo blog/shop etc. found while googling
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:07:10 am »
I've had some email correspondence with Melissa. She seems nice.

General Discussion / Re: black solider fly larva farm
« on: May 18, 2015, 07:07:34 pm »
Very interesting. I'd totally buy this, if the price was reasonable. I wonder if it would be possible to up the production? Two meals per week doesn't seem like very much.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Calculations
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:56:10 pm »
Derek, what are some of the things you look for to make sure you get a healthy sheep? I have a friend who runs a lamb farm and she's offered to sell me one or a few culls. The idea is intriguing as I can get all the organs and bones, but I don't want to waste my time if the animals aren't healthy.

I definitely concur regarding animals' ages and body fat percentage. I enjoy lamb organs, but wouldn't waste my money on their meat. I've had it, and it's way to lean and too bland tasting. If I were to buy meat or fat, I'd want it to be from an adult animal.

Many indigenous peoples preferred older, mature animals too, that's why hunting traditions emerged that glorify taking large animals, particularly big bucks. The meat is very rich from a lifetime of accumulating minerals and phytochemicals, and older animals typically have higher body fat percentages, just like people.

General Discussion / Re: food monster
« on: May 08, 2015, 05:31:41 am »
One thing you should be mindful of is that the water content of raw foods is often much higher than the water content of cooked or otherwise processed foods. If you eat (for instance) one pound of cooked food, you're actually eating more calories than if you were to eat one pound of that same food uncooked because cooking evaporates away some of the water. Given this, it is quite natural for those who eat raw foods to eat more pounds of food to maintain their weight than those who eat cooked/processed foods, because more of what the raw foodists eat is water. This is also why many of us don't need to drink water, because we get more of it in our food and thus don't need to drink it separately to replace what was evaporated off during cooking/processing of food.

I would invite you not to worry so much about how much you eat. Over the years I've trained myself to eat when hungry, and only when hungry. This seems to help me maintain a solid yet lithe physique, without excess weight or body fat but also without becoming too thin.

Personals / Re: Project Raw Paleo Footage
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:50:28 pm »
A bone saw is nice, but not necessary. For smaller animals like goats and sheep you can probably get away with a very sharp filet-type knife for precision cuts and a heavy duty cleaver that is stout enough to play double duty as a light hatchet. You can get a wooden mallet to pound the cleaver through the breast bone and the front of the pelvis.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Liver Poll
« on: April 29, 2015, 09:36:55 pm »
I eat raw liver at least once each week, on average. It's easy for me to get, and cheap. There are several farmers that raise 100% grass fed cattle, goats and sheep in my area, I buy it directly from them usually for about $5 per pound. I buy in quantity when they bring it to farmers' markets and store it in my chest freezer for when I'm ready to eat it. I also hunt, so when I kill something I eat all of the organs.

I think it's important not to become too fixated on a single organ, even liver. Diversity is important. I make sure I eat a diverse array of organs each week, and in fact rarely even eat muscle meat anymore. I eat liver, heart, kidneys, pancreas, tongue, testicles, and other things when I can get them.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Why are vegetables bad?
« on: April 29, 2015, 09:32:51 pm »
I eat lots of raw vegetables when they're in season and I can get them fresh. Kale, chard, spinach, other salad greens, celery, garlic, onion, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes (in small quantities), and other tubers and roots, to name just a few. I also gather a lot of wild vegetables and even mushrooms. Just harvested some wild leeks the other day, and hope to get out later this week to harvest some wild burdock root.

I can't imagine raw paleo without vegetables. It seems like it would be (a) too deficient in phytochemicals, and (b) far too expensive.

Off Topic / Re: The need for variety
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:06:15 am »
Except we need to be careful which varieties of domestic fruits and vegetables we eat. As Jo Robinson notes in her book Eating on the Wild Side, some varieties of domestic fruits and vegetables are more nutrient dense than others, and most are far less nutrient dense than wild varieties. In the photograph of carrots you show, for instance, the only variety there worth eating is the dark purple one, and even that variety pales in comparison to wild carrots. The others varieties, including the orange versions people are so accustomed to, are pretty much junk food.

Off Topic / Re: Amazing ability to communicate with animals
« on: April 11, 2015, 02:08:50 am »
You may have mentioned this in the past, but are you familiar with Tom Brown and his tracker school?

I am, although I've never met Tom personally and have never taken classes at his Tracker School. I have worked closely with Jon Young though, the first student Tom took on back in the 1970s and his first employee at the Tracker School. Most of my survival classes have been taken at the ROOTS School here in Vermont.

Off Topic / Re: Amazing ability to communicate with animals
« on: April 10, 2015, 08:58:57 pm »
For those who are interested in this area, this documentary on Anna Breytenbach is one of the better ones I've found:

You concluded that we're running a scam based on a few pictures of the snacks we sent out last month? Now that's a little unfair, isn't it Eric?

I don't think it's unfair at all. I made a judgment based on the information I had available, and I have every right to do that. I also have the right to share my opinion in public forums like this, and the forum has every right to keep your SPAM here along with my and other's reactions to it for the world to see in perpetuity.

I visited the website and this looks like an advertising scam. The gist of the business model is that the company gathers "paleo" snacks from other companies and provides 8-10 per month in their box. You don't get to choose what you get. I put the term "paleo" in quotation marks because, from what I can tell, all of the snacks are heavily processed and come packaged. There's nothing paleo about this product really; people in the paleolithic era would not have eaten anything like this. The $25-30 you pay each month doesn't even look like it buys you a substantial amount of food. The packages they show look like sample-sized snacks, like what you'd get for free from a vendor at a grocery store.

Paleo Life Box looks like a rip off to me. I hope potential customers find this thread when they do internet searches for the company's name and avoid buying the company's products.

Personals / Re: Project Raw Paleo Footage
« on: February 22, 2015, 04:12:44 am »
I notice you list your name as Derek Hunter. Did you change your name? I thought your last name was Nance?

Off Topic / Re: Global freezing
« on: February 20, 2015, 07:06:16 am »
Geoff, you're such a dunce. This has huge consequences. It's so much bigger than your petty recreational activities.

Great video, thanks for posting it!

Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:25:40 am »
I empathize with you Inger. My partner and I struggle with our lifestyle differences too. She loves my quirky dietary preferences and other associated health choices, but I've yet to convince her to even try most raw foods, aside from certain commonly available sweet fruits and the occasional raw veggie. We've ended up settling into a polyamorous relationship so we can enjoy our attraction to each other while looking for other people who might be better matches.

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